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Thread started 09/30/04 5:12pm



is pathetic. they are on the jane pauley show talking about their group therapy. the jane pauley show, fer fucks sake! yeah, some kind of metal those guys really turned into a bunch of whiney bitches.
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Reply #1 posted 09/30/04 5:26pm


Let's see you rock as hard! mad
Does a heavy metal band have to get drunk, do drugs, trash hotel rooms, screw hundreds of chicks, blah-blah-blah to earn respect?
They had me at "No Leaf Clover".
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Reply #2 posted 09/30/04 5:29pm



OdysseyMiles said:

Let's see you rock as hard! mad
Does a heavy metal band have to get drunk, do drugs, trash hotel rooms, screw hundreds of chicks, blah-blah-blah to earn respect?
They had me at "No Leaf Clover".

I thought they'd already done that? smile
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Reply #3 posted 09/30/04 5:30pm


OdysseyMiles said:

Let's see you rock as hard! mad
Does a heavy metal band have to get drunk, do drugs, trash hotel rooms, screw hundreds of chicks, blah-blah-blah to earn respect?
They had me at "No Leaf Clover".

metallica hasn't rocked hard since ...and justice for all. ride the lightning, master of puppets, crashcousre in brain surgery....that was metallica. i don't who who these old goofs are on the jane pauley show, lol.
[Edited 9/30/04 10:31am]
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Reply #4 posted 09/30/04 5:41pm


SassyBritches said:

OdysseyMiles said:

Let's see you rock as hard! mad
Does a heavy metal band have to get drunk, do drugs, trash hotel rooms, screw hundreds of chicks, blah-blah-blah to earn respect?
They had me at "No Leaf Clover".

metallica hasn't rocked hard since ...and justice for all. ride the lightning, master of puppets, crashcousre in brain surgery....that was metallica. i don't who who these old goofs are on the jane pauley show, lol.
[Edited 9/30/04 10:31am]

I know, I know, nobody's allowed to change. Old goofs, lol.
Actually, I didn't care for St. Anger all that much. I need some melodies with my rock. That's why I loved Songs for The Deaf by Queens of The Stone Age. That's some good metal.
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Reply #5 posted 09/30/04 5:54pm


OdysseyMiles said:

SassyBritches said:

metallica hasn't rocked hard since ...and justice for all. ride the lightning, master of puppets, crashcousre in brain surgery....that was metallica. i don't who who these old goofs are on the jane pauley show, lol.
[Edited 9/30/04 10:31am]

I know, I know, nobody's allowed to change. Old goofs, lol.
Actually, I didn't care for St. Anger all that much. I need some melodies with my rock. That's why I loved Songs for The Deaf by Queens of The Stone Age. That's some good metal.


yes. i'm way against change. that explains why i'm a fan of prince. lol

nah, i am glad they changed...nothing's worse than a mid life alcoholic. but the jane pauley show...good grief. how desperate are they to sell records and movie tickets.
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Reply #6 posted 09/30/04 5:55pm


SassyBritches said:

OdysseyMiles said:

Let's see you rock as hard! mad
Does a heavy metal band have to get drunk, do drugs, trash hotel rooms, screw hundreds of chicks, blah-blah-blah to earn respect?
They had me at "No Leaf Clover".

metallica hasn't rocked hard since ...and justice for all. ride the lightning, master of puppets, crashcousre in brain surgery....that was metallica. i don't who who these old goofs are on the jane pauley show, lol.
[Edited 9/30/04 10:31am]


You're damn right what's the world coming to? disbelief
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Reply #7 posted 09/30/04 5:56pm



OdysseyMiles said:

Let's see you rock as hard! mad
Does a heavy metal band have to get drunk, do drugs, trash hotel rooms, screw hundreds of chicks, blah-blah-blah to earn respect?
They had me at "No Leaf Clover".




(granted, I haven't listened to them since 1990, but I still love Metallica)
"I saw a woman with major Hammer pants on the subway a few weeks ago and totally thought of you." - sextonseven
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Reply #8 posted 09/30/04 7:13pm


minneapolisgenius said:

OdysseyMiles said:

Let's see you rock as hard! mad
Does a heavy metal band have to get drunk, do drugs, trash hotel rooms, screw hundreds of chicks, blah-blah-blah to earn respect?
They had me at "No Leaf Clover".




(granted, I haven't listened to them since 1990, but I still love Metallica)

thumbs up! Some of those songs on 'S&M' were awesome.
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Reply #9 posted 09/30/04 11:27pm


Wow, seems like it's popular to bash Metallica lately. How original.

I watched the Jane Pauley show today, and I wouldn't call it pathetic-surreal? Absolutely.

They have an investment in Some Kind Of Monster and really seem to care about the film, so it makes sense. Whether you think it's all about the money or not-they've stood behind something that doesn't show them in a completely flattering light. I've seen it twice, and loved it. If they care enough about it to want to go on daytime TV, however much even I'm not used to seeing them in that atmosphere (I could understand Headbanger's Ball a little more), then go for it.

Not sure how the typical Jane Pauley audience will react or even go, but it's worth seeing.

If you think it's all about the money, have hated them for years, or just are pissed they aren't making *insert album here*-wonderful. Go listen to whichever album you love the most and try to leave it at that.

Wasting your breath complaining that a band has lost its past glory really does nothing. St. Anger isn't their best album, but after seeing Some Kind Of Monster there's at least an appreciation gained at the point they were at. I like to think of it as them having to do that to get to the next point-they had to do that to simply survive.

It's not like they flashed a nipple to keep their careers alive or something.


(I miss your old avatar.)
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Reply #10 posted 10/01/04 12:05am


guys I gotta add my twocents worth to disrespect to ANYONE here and I mean that honestly

I'm a big Metallica fan straight off the bat - have loved them for years and grew up listening to them...I'm going to stand behind them anytime anyhow nod

besides that, tho, we're all entitled to our opinion and that includes everyone who's bagged them as well as praised them here...BUT it goes back to the old addage

If you don't have anything nice to say PLEASE don't say anything at all sad ...after all what's the use in it? wasted energy

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Reply #11 posted 10/01/04 2:45am



These guys should have called it quits after the Black Album. The quality of their music turned to shit when thay tried to compete with 90's alternative.
"You need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers and say, "That's the bad guy." "

Al Pacino- Scarface
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Reply #12 posted 10/01/04 2:51am



I'm not a huge fan of theirs, but as with a lot of music, there are songs from them I like. Just taking an outsider's look for a second, I've always viewed them as a snobbish bunch, the type who thought they were so much better than everyone else cause " we have integrity, we don't make videoes ." Of course, most of that attitude was proir to
And Justice for All, and the video for " ONE ". Once they were popular all over MTV, they really got big heads. I can't comment too much on the Jane Pauley show or their recent documentary cause I have'nt seen either. I just hope they got their money's worth out of the therapy, cause they could have easily self destructed long ago.
This post has been modified from its original thought. It has been formatted to fit into the space and run in the time allotted.
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Reply #13 posted 10/01/04 3:59am



EvilWhiteMale said:

These guys should have called it quits after the Black Album. The quality of their music turned to shit when thay tried to compete with 90's alternative.

Amen to that brotha!
Peace and Love!
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Reply #14 posted 10/01/04 4:06am


hey, i just called them out on being whiney bitches. am i wrong? has lars ulrich not turned into the most annoying, whiney, corporate ass? i lost a lot of respect for him with the whole napster that i see the entire band on a housewives talk show i've lost even more respect. what's next...a stint on passions or days of our lives? lol
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Reply #15 posted 10/01/04 4:17am


SassyBritches said:

hey, i just called them out on being whiney bitches. am i wrong? has lars ulrich not turned into the most annoying, whiney, corporate ass? i lost a lot of respect for him with the whole napster that i see the entire band on a housewives talk show i've lost even more respect. what's next...a stint on passions or days of our lives? lol

subby says:

Lars has always been that way. When he did he turn into it?


He's been the business side for years, and when he had the chance, he ate up high society. There's scene in the movie where he's selling his art, sipping champagne.

The Napster thing was about him wanting to control the option if Metallica's music was shared, which I respect but it seems a lot of people started whining when they weren't being able to download for free. Pretty childish.

If you've lost respect then what's the point of starting a thread about it? Seems like a waste of time to me-they say they feed off the good and bad vibes, so I'm not sure how you're hurting anything if you're wasting your own time talking about something you hate.

Just a thought. I don't agree with everything they've done and the decisions they've made but the whole point is that it's their career, so it's not like we're changing anything-they do things for themselves, always have, love it or hate it.

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Reply #16 posted 10/01/04 4:37am


asylum said:

SassyBritches said:

hey, i just called them out on being whiney bitches. am i wrong? has lars ulrich not turned into the most annoying, whiney, corporate ass? i lost a lot of respect for him with the whole napster that i see the entire band on a housewives talk show i've lost even more respect. what's next...a stint on passions or days of our lives? lol

subby says:

Lars has always been that way. When he did he turn into it?


He's been the business side for years, and when he had the chance, he ate up high society. There's scene in the movie where he's selling his art, sipping champagne.

The Napster thing was about him wanting to control the option if Metallica's music was shared, which I respect but it seems a lot of people started whining when they weren't being able to download for free. Pretty childish.

If you've lost respect then what's the point of starting a thread about it? Seems like a waste of time to me-they say they feed off the good and bad vibes, so I'm not sure how you're hurting anything if you're wasting your own time talking about something you hate.

Just a thought. I don't agree with everything they've done and the decisions they've made but the whole point is that it's their career, so it's not like we're changing anything-they do things for themselves, always have, love it or hate it.


one could argue that posting anything at all on a message board is a waste of time. smile in fact, i was wasting time by watching tv earlier (whilst orging about) and that led to the post. i've though this way about metallica since the black album (the last record of theirs i purchased) yet this is the only time i've ever spoken about them on the org (or pretty much anywhere for that matter).
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Reply #17 posted 10/01/04 4:49am


SassyBritches said:

one could argue that posting anything at all on a message board is a waste of time. smile in fact, i was wasting time by watching tv earlier (whilst orging about) and that led to the post. i've though this way about metallica since the black album (the last record of theirs i purchased) yet this is the only time i've ever spoken about them on the org (or pretty much anywhere for that matter).

subby says:

I get what you're saying. I've noticed there's a lot of people that weren't exactly thrilled when the Black album or Load and Reload came out.

For me at least I always liked the fact that were willing to try something new-I'd get bored if they just tried to rehash the same formula. There are people (probably used to be big fans) that view it as the death of Metallica as they knew them and loved them, and I guess for me I always somehow enjoyed that.

Do I wish they'd make another album that's as brilliant as the older material? It'd be great, but I guess I enjoy the fact more that they fuck with expectations.

Love it or hate it, they do what they want, and even when I'm not thrilled with the outcome (St. Anger is pretty cool, but not a favorite of mine), I respect the fact they do what they want without worrying about it without question.

Of course, the fans that bought the earlier albums got them to this point (myself included) but I kind of really enjoy watching the angry crowd's reaction or seeing people hate them either because they're not into them anymore or just want to join in on the bashing.

My real hope is that with the therapy and dealing with the crap they should have for years but never did maybe the next album will be much better. James in interviews has said the songs were a little too long so maybe they realize they need to tighten things up a bit and hopefully it means they can go up from there.

Personally I've been surprised they've lasted as long as they have-with all the stuff they've gone through, and expected it to end earlier, whether you think it should have or not.

I guess I'm just curious as to what will happen next.

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Reply #18 posted 10/01/04 4:53am


kind of like (most of) us and prince. i gotcha. thumbs up!
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Reply #19 posted 10/01/04 4:58am


SassyBritches said:

kind of like (most of) us and prince. i gotcha. thumbs up!

subby says:



(Now the Swizz Beatz thing is just unforgivable...)
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Reply #20 posted 10/01/04 2:18pm


It's all a matter of opinion, U either 'love them or hate them'. Hating on them is a waste of everybodys time. It benefits to think outside of the square...nod

I have been a devoted fan of Metallica since the 80's and respect them in regards to their passion, which is their music. Writing, composing and producing is their life so with the entire Napster issue it all came down to protecting their passion and rights. Coming from their point of view I could understand because they were getting ripped off.

Unlike many 'so called' stars that sell their Souls to make a name for themselves, Metallica have bared their Souls and don't care what the World thinks about it. 'Love it or hate it' they are who they are. My favorite albums are basically most of them and IMO St Anger was a great album, I don't mind the direction they're heading to but their past material rocked the hardest...

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Reply #21 posted 10/01/04 3:16pm


PanthaGirl said:

It's all a matter of opinion, U either 'love them or hate them'. Hating on them is a waste of everybodys time. It benefits to think outside of the square...nod

I have been a devoted fan of Metallica since the 80's and respect them in regards to their passion, which is their music. Writing, composing and producing is their life so with the entire Napster issue it all came down to protecting their passion and rights. Coming from their point of view I could understand because they were getting ripped off.

Unlike many 'so called' stars that sell their Souls to make a name for themselves, Metallica have bared their Souls and don't care what the World thinks about it. 'Love it or hate it' they are who they are. My favorite albums are basically most of them and IMO St Anger was a great album, I don't mind the direction they're heading to but their past material rocked the hardest...


so you can either love them or hate them but just don't say you hate them. do i have that right? lol

clarity edit.
[Edited 10/1/04 8:16am]
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Reply #22 posted 10/01/04 3:29pm


SassyBritches said:

PanthaGirl said:

It's all a matter of opinion, U either 'love them or hate them'. Hating on them is a waste of everybodys time. It benefits to think outside of the square...nod

I have been a devoted fan of Metallica since the 80's and respect them in regards to their passion, which is their music. Writing, composing and producing is their life so with the entire Napster issue it all came down to protecting their passion and rights. Coming from their point of view I could understand because they were getting ripped off.

Unlike many 'so called' stars that sell their Souls to make a name for themselves, Metallica have bared their Souls and don't care what the World thinks about it. 'Love it or hate it' they are who they are. My favorite albums are basically most of them and IMO St Anger was a great album, I don't mind the direction they're heading to but their past material rocked the hardest...


so you can either love them or hate them but just don't say you hate them. do i have that right? lol

clarity edit.
[Edited 10/1/04 8:16am]

I think the point being made is, "if you love them, great!"; but if you hate them, Sassybritches, don't you have better things to do than waste YOUR breath and energy joining the group of, in your words, ["whiney bitches"]!

I think this was a waste of a perfectly good thread. If you don't like it, change the bleeding channel, pal!!!!
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Reply #23 posted 10/01/04 3:29pm


TheJoker said:

SassyBritches said:

so you can either love them or hate them but just don't say you hate them. do i have that right? lol

clarity edit.
[Edited 10/1/04 8:16am]

I think the point being made is, "if you love them, great!"; but if you hate them, Sassybritches, don't you have better things to do than waste YOUR breath and energy joining the group of, in your words, ["whiney bitches"]!

I think this was a waste of a perfectly good thread. If you don't like it, change the bleeding channel, pal!!!!

or skip the bleeding thread, pal.
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Reply #24 posted 10/01/04 3:33pm


SassyBritches said:

TheJoker said:

I think the point being made is, "if you love them, great!"; but if you hate them, Sassybritches, don't you have better things to do than waste YOUR breath and energy joining the group of, in your words, ["whiney bitches"]!

I think this was a waste of a perfectly good thread. If you don't like it, change the bleeding channel, pal!!!!

or skip the bleeding thread, pal.

Nice one. You got me there.
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Reply #25 posted 10/01/04 3:35pm



Back when I was in High School I used to roadie for my friends who were in a Metallica cover band. It wasn't really my kind of music, but they did encourage me to be a musician myself.
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Reply #26 posted 10/01/04 3:46pm


SassyBritches said:

PanthaGirl said:

It's all a matter of opinion, U either 'love them or hate them'. Hating on them is a waste of everybodys time. It benefits to think outside of the square...nod

I have been a devoted fan of Metallica since the 80's and respect them in regards to their passion, which is their music. Writing, composing and producing is their life so with the entire Napster issue it all came down to protecting their passion and rights. Coming from their point of view I could understand because they were getting ripped off.

Unlike many 'so called' stars that sell their Souls to make a name for themselves, Metallica have bared their Souls and don't care what the World thinks about it. 'Love it or hate it' they are who they are. My favorite albums are basically most of them and IMO St Anger was a great album, I don't mind the direction they're heading to but their past material rocked the hardest...


so you can either love them or hate them but just don't say you hate them. do i have that right? lol

clarity edit.
[Edited 10/1/04 8:16am]

Ur such a waste of oxygen so I'm not even gonna bother!
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Reply #27 posted 10/01/04 3:48pm


TheJoker said:

SassyBritches said:

so you can either love them or hate them but just don't say you hate them. do i have that right? lol

clarity edit.
[Edited 10/1/04 8:16am]

I think the point being made is, "if you love them, great!"; but if you hate them, Sassybritches, don't you have better things to do than waste YOUR breath and energy joining the group of, in your words, ["whiney bitches"]!

I think this was a waste of a perfectly good thread. If you don't like it, change the bleeding channel, pal!!!!

giggle worship

U rock baby bro!
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Reply #28 posted 10/01/04 3:54pm


PanthaGirl said:

TheJoker said:

I think the point being made is, "if you love them, great!"; but if you hate them, Sassybritches, don't you have better things to do than waste YOUR breath and energy joining the group of, in your words, ["whiney bitches"]!

I think this was a waste of a perfectly good thread. If you don't like it, change the bleeding channel, pal!!!!

giggle worship

U rock baby bro!

Hey sis!!! biggrin touched hug kiss2 dove
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Reply #29 posted 10/01/04 4:10pm



OdysseyMiles said:

I know, I know, nobody's allowed to change. Old goofs, lol. Actually, I didn't care for St. Anger all that much. I need some melodies with my rock. That's why I loved Songs for The Deaf by Queens of The Stone Age. That's some good metal.

Last month I saw Van Halen and it was the exact same show as the 1984 and 1986 shows.

I also saw Prince last month (3 times) and they were some of the best shows I have ever seen! I was kind of glad I didn't see the Pruple Rain tour 20 years later. And the Time opened up one of those shows and while it was nice to see them again after 21 years, it was the exact same show as 21 years earlier.

So I don't have any problem with groups "changing" and "evolving" (in most cases). Some times it is just necessary to move on. METALLICA STILL ROCKS!
"Always blessings, never losses......"

Ya te manches guey!!!!!

mad I'm a guy!!!!

"....i can open my-eyes "underwater"..there4 i will NOT drown...." - mzkqueen03 eek lol
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