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Vannormal said:
Yeah, right. But she made that song to what it is and from what it is know for, up to this day. Without her version, it would probably have vanished in time, just like The Family album. Without her version, Prince propably would not have picked it up and played it live. Think about it. It's not science, but an intersting debate if you like. Prince had many many good songs in his own catalogue, written for others, with which could've happened exactly the same. Also, think about "I Feel For U"...
I guess the estate will just have to take the devastating loss of the superiority of this one song in its entire portfolio. Time keeps on slipping into the future...
This moment is all there is... | |
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Agreed, their relationship was already troublesome enough when we all thought she was born in 1970. RIP Prince: thank U 4 a funky Time... | |
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That's a petty move. Sinead O'Connor has issues and have done a lot of weird stuff, but she is (or was?) a talented and original artist and as such her version of the song belongs in the story about her.
Btw, while NC2U was obviously a major breakthrough for her, it's not like she was a total unknown who owes her career to Prince. I recommend checking out her debut album. | |
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It's not a petty move, I don't think she's said 1 thing good about Prince. I agree with the Estate, I'm glad they did this. Prince nor the Estate owes her anything. | |
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![]() Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture! REAL MUSIC by REAL MUSICIANS - Prince "I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben |
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Vannormal said:
- The poor woman very recently lost her son... - I don't care that much for her music, or her person, but how on earth can you all be so openly rude about her ? Because she dissed Prince ? Is that it ? Is that what has become ? How disparaging and banal. - [Edited 1/26/22 2:08am] What's disparaging and banal is the garbage that comes out of that person's mouth about the man who made it so she could eat. It has nothing to do with her son and it is weird you even brought that up. | |
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It is not about that at all. You can dislike what she does or says... but just, why bluntly insult people over a forum tha doesn't have anything tod do with her ? Why spitting hate and for which reason ? SHE picked up the not-so-know-Prince-song at the time. SHE made it to what it is today. The money went straight to Prince if you like to know. I don't care for her or her music all that much, but I dare to recognize talent, and she has it! - A well meant peace to all of us. It is more necessary than ever, given the desperate times of divisive polarization in which we live right now. I have nothing personal against you. Why should I?
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts." (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972) | |
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The world's problems like climate change can only be solved through strategic long-term thinking, not expediency. In other words all the govts. need sacking!
If you can add value to someone's life then why not. Especially if it colors their days... | |
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Vannormal said:
It is not about that at all. You can dislike what she does or says... but just, why bluntly insult people over a forum tha doesn't have anything tod do with her ? Why spitting hate and for which reason ? SHE picked up the not-so-know-Prince-song at the time. SHE made it to what it is today. The money went straight to Prince if you like to know. I don't care for her or her music all that much, but I dare to recognize talent, and she has it! - A well meant peace to all of us. It is more necessary than ever, given the desperate times of divisive polarization in which we live right now. I have nothing personal against you. Why should I?
You're injecting a lot of stuff that isn't present in my message. That's your deal. Not mine. | |
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I'm torn on this. The Prince fan side of me thinks "GOOD" and the other side of me thinks it's a bit petty on the part of the Estate. | |
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Vannormal said:
Yeah, right. But she made that song to what it is and from what it is know for, up to this day. Without her version, it would probably have vanished in time, just like The Family album. Without her version, Prince propably would not have picked it up and played it live. Think about it. It's not science, but an intersting debate if you like. Prince had many many good songs in his own catalogue, written for others, with which could've happened exactly the same. Also, think about "I Feel For U"...
How are you going to discount every Prince and let's get real Family fan who defended the song neverendingl I Welcome to "the org", heartpeacesheart…
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Seriously, the general public never knew or gave a shit about that song until Sinead did her amazing cover. Say what you want about her as a person, but pretending that Prince is responsible for her success is just straight up reductive and delusional (and sexist, if we wanna go there) | |
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The estate did the right thing.Sinead has spent many years spreading lies and talking trash about Prince,even after his death.So,let her make a documentary without the one song in her catalog that the masses care about. | |
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You can't diss Prince fans on a Prince fan site. It's an abomination. I doubt the estate denied the song for anything to do with Sinead. But honest to God what is with female singers from the 80's and that Sade slash Sinead SHhhhhh thing. We've got to break it on down. You can ask my friend Tammy how obsessed I was about the live version of NCTY or is it NC2U or NC2Y or whatever. I love it when Prince sang it with Rosie Gaines. Best version ever. Plus how much role playing is there in the music and entertainment industry. Welcome to "the org", heartpeacesheart…
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Welcome to "the org", Mumio…they can have you, but I'll have your love in the end ![]() | |
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How and why did Prince and his relationships get dropped into this conversation? | |
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muleFunk said: How and why did Prince and his relationships get dropped into this conversation? Because we're strange and he likes it. Welcome to "the org", heartpeacesheart…
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I sure that's why someone said F her too. | |
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There we go again. Another one. Sigh. "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts." (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972) | |
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So in other words, here on a public forum about an artist (we all like) we all just have to accept insults and overt reproach and bigotry of other artists... Publicaly insulting is an abomination, by no matter who, that's what I was learned when responding on the internet in general. Wouldn't that make the .Org a better place to begin with..
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts." (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972) | |
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Another what? Another FACT! ?? | |
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Vannormal said:
So in other words, here on a public forum about an artist (we all like) we all just have to accept insults and overt reproach and bigotry of other artists... Publicaly insulting is an abomination, by no matter who, that's what I was learned when responding on the internet in general. Wouldn't that make the .Org a better place to begin with..
I'm saying we shouldn't diss the artist or the fans. I I guess I just dissed the dissers now huh If you could see the code mashup on my screen right now it's so funny Welcome to "the org", heartpeacesheart…
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and that would be the correct move......
"You always get the dream that you deserve, from what you value the most" -Prince 2013 | |
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If you think someone is telling lies, ignore them. No attention is the best solution for that. Unless you're some sort of media, wanting to make money out of it, opinionate it (in public), explaining it, using it, giving it all the attention it wants. I focus on the talent of those I like. If lies are told or whatever, I avoid it. It does not affect my point of view on the good positive issues. "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts." (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972) | |
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The Estate DID ignore her. | |
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Vannormal said:
If you think someone is telling lies, ignore them. No attention is the best solution for that. Unless you're some sort of media, wanting to make money out of it, opinionate it (in public), explaining it, using it, giving it all the attention it wants. I focus on the talent of those I like. If lies are told or whatever, I avoid it. It does not affect my point of view on the good positive issues. So, you just like to manipulate the narrative to suit your preferences and come down on people who deviate from it. How wonderfully egotistical. | |
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No I'm not like that, that's total Donald Trump-ish. No, just stay in context here. Sinead O'Connor is for what she did in her career a fine artist to me. Actualy i coulnd't care less about her, cause I don't know her personally. And the media is the media. Both are using each other. I like her music very much, still. If media are stating that she tells lies, than that does not affect my opinion about her artistry. Yes I will have on opinion about her telling lies, or anyone else. But I don't see or feel the need to publicly share my personal dislike for her, if so. Why would I do that? What's the relevant point of that? To prove what i've heard or read something I can't substantiate a 100%? I don't judge people for what is being rolled out in the media. I still listen to Michael Jackson music because it's damn good music. Worse, I still enjoy looking at paintings of Caravagio, and I don't care for him being a brutal murderer. His paintings are absolutely beautiful and off this earth. Peace to us all though. "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts." (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972) | |
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