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Thread started 05/09/12 6:04am



Are there any recent Susan Moonsie photos???

just wondering why there are no late photos of her???

"who need the exercise"

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Reply #1 posted 05/09/12 11:21am


there's a Susan Moonsie on Facebook and she's pictured with her husband and three sons.I don't know if it's the same Susan Moonsie,though lol

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Reply #2 posted 05/09/12 5:24pm



Susan Moonsie...

Painting of her by David Bourgeosis

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #3 posted 05/10/12 2:10pm


flyorra said:

just wondering why there are no late photos of her???

edit your post, it's leading

It should read "Are There Any Recent Susan Moonsie Photos?"

Your title leads people to believe that you've posted one

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Reply #4 posted 05/10/12 7:59pm


OldFriends4Sale said:

flyorra said:

just wondering why there are no late photos of her???

edit your post, it's leading

It should read "Are There Any Recent Susan Moonsie Photos?"

Your title leads people to believe that you've posted one

slightly we get our grammar checked now?

and it doesnt"lead people to believe you've posted one"

mods.......chill out.

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Reply #5 posted 05/10/12 10:19pm


So this woman just dropped off the earth? Strange that out of all these years no one has one pic of her post Vanity 6 eek Something is definitely wrong there-even Brenda has current pics. Any other Prince proteges missing in action besides her?

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Reply #6 posted 05/10/12 11:50pm



she probably just didnt want to be found all these years

Bogey and Bacall, peanut butter and jelly, Wall being on fucking point, is "classic" dipshit. An iphone is top shelf technology. Get it straight. This thing is 4g. -Wall the great
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Reply #7 posted 05/11/12 4:17am



SoulAlive said:

there's a Susan Moonsie on Facebook and she's pictured with her husband and three sons.I don't know if it's the same Susan Moonsie,though lol

I've seen several pics with the woman and the 3 kids but I'm not sure it is THE Susan Moonsie we all know from V6/A6 .

The only reason I say that is because their was a picture of the FB Susan Moonsie with two other women who said they were her sisters and the pic was taken in the 80's . The girl that was supposily Susan in that pic had long legs , was tall , and was really skinny and did'nt have the long cold dark curly hair we all knew she had in the 80's . Susan is short , was'nt skinny but had a coke bottle shape . Not to mention in the face , she did'nt look anything like Susan of V6 .

Maybe I can find that pic and post it :

" He's All Black, He's All White, Everybody's Gotta Jam 2Nite, Limouzine ".
{ Brenda Bennett }
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Reply #8 posted 05/11/12 4:26am



Ok this is the picture taken in the late 80's and the woman with the hair pinned up or short cut standing next to the older woman is said to be Susan Moonsie :

Sorry this does not look like the Susan we knew from Vanity 6. The woman in this pic is taller and her legs is longer :

This cannot be her : None of those women look even close to the Susan we know : No disrespect :

[Edited 5/10/12 21:28pm]

" He's All Black, He's All White, Everybody's Gotta Jam 2Nite, Limouzine ".
{ Brenda Bennett }
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Reply #9 posted 05/11/12 9:46am


Susan Sookdeo Moonsie

Susan Sookdeo Moonsie


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Reply #10 posted 05/11/12 12:36pm



SoulAlive said:

Susan Sookdeo Moonsie

Susan Sookdeo Moonsie


The pic above with the 3 other women comes from the same FB page as this pic with the 3 kids and husband . Different pics but same FB page : Because of the pic above with the 3 other women , I don't think it is her but I can where people might think it looks like her in the pic with the 3 kids :

" He's All Black, He's All White, Everybody's Gotta Jam 2Nite, Limouzine ".
{ Brenda Bennett }
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Reply #11 posted 05/11/12 12:44pm



MusicLover6 said:

SoulAlive said:

Susan Sookdeo Moonsie

Susan Sookdeo Moonsie


The pic above with the 3 other women comes from the same FB page as this pic with the 3 kids and husband . Different pics but same FB page : Because of the pic above with the 3 other women , I don't think it is her but I can where people might think it looks like her in the pic with the 3 kids :

Not to mention in the pics that was taken in the 80's on that FB page she was known as Susan Sookdeo . It was later when she married that man in the pic with the kids , her name changed to Moonsie : There's pics of those other women above and they're using the last name Sookdeo : We have always known the Susan of Vanity 6 to use the name Moonsie . Not to mention Susan had married the late actor David Garfield . I just don't think it is her :

" He's All Black, He's All White, Everybody's Gotta Jam 2Nite, Limouzine ".
{ Brenda Bennett }
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Reply #12 posted 05/11/12 1:15pm


yeah,I don't think that's her lol

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Reply #13 posted 05/11/12 2:01pm


jonylawson said:

OldFriends4Sale said:

edit your post, it's leading

It should read "Are There Any Recent Susan Moonsie Photos?"

Your title leads people to believe that you've posted one

slightly we get our grammar checked now?

and it doesnt"lead people to believe you've posted one"

mods.......chill out.

You leave my comment to me, others have made similar kinds of comments when a person creates a topic title that leads you to think it's something else

Has nothing to do with being a Mod, U go chill

The thread originator had no problem in changing it, so you just mind you business

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Reply #14 posted 05/11/12 5:04pm


I think the lady with the three kids is her-it looks like her facial features, but of course she is older.

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Reply #15 posted 05/11/12 7:07pm


nursev said:

I think the lady with the three kids is her-it looks like her facial features, but of course she is older.

If she has those cluster of curls and those kids do too, it could be her

This is the guy she was married to who died?

David Garfield

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Reply #16 posted 05/11/12 7:28pm



Y''s more than likely that if she's married with kids, she doesn't go by "Moonsie," anymore.

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #17 posted 05/11/12 8:38pm


OldFriends4Sale said:

nursev said:

I think the lady with the three kids is her-it looks like her facial features, but of course she is older.

If she has those cluster of curls and those kids do too, it could be her

This is the guy she was married to who died?

David Garfield

Sure looks like her husband looked like Steven Segal

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Reply #18 posted 05/12/12 12:21am



MusicLover6 said:

MusicLover6 said:

The pic above with the 3 other women comes from the same FB page as this pic with the 3 kids and husband . Different pics but same FB page : Because of the pic above with the 3 other women , I don't think it is her but I can where people might think it looks like her in the pic with the 3 kids :

Not to mention in the pics that was taken in the 80's on that FB page she was known as Susan Sookdeo . It was later when she married that man in the pic with the kids , her name changed to Moonsie : There's pics of those other women above and they're using the last name Sookdeo : We have always known the Susan of Vanity 6 to use the name Moonsie . Not to mention Susan had married the late actor David Garfield . I just don't think it is her :

Maybe Susan Moonsie lives another last name...and doesn't want nosey-ass Prince fans trying to look up her facebook profile. lol razz lol razz

[Edited 5/11/12 17:21pm]

~Using the Fat Albert emoticon 'cause no one else is... fatalbert ~
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Reply #19 posted 05/12/12 1:12am


afro75 said:

MusicLover6 said:

Not to mention in the pics that was taken in the 80's on that FB page she was known as Susan Sookdeo . It was later when she married that man in the pic with the kids , her name changed to Moonsie : There's pics of those other women above and they're using the last name Sookdeo : We have always known the Susan of Vanity 6 to use the name Moonsie . Not to mention Susan had married the late actor David Garfield . I just don't think it is her :

Maybe Susan Moonsie lives another last name...and doesn't want nosey-ass Prince fans trying to look up her facebook profile. lol razz lol razz

[Edited 5/11/12 17:21pm]

Hey Susan lol

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Reply #20 posted 05/12/12 2:56am



afro75 said:

MusicLover6 said:

Not to mention in the pics that was taken in the 80's on that FB page she was known as Susan Sookdeo . It was later when she married that man in the pic with the kids , her name changed to Moonsie : There's pics of those other women above and they're using the last name Sookdeo : We have always known the Susan of Vanity 6 to use the name Moonsie . Not to mention Susan had married the late actor David Garfield . I just don't think it is her :

Maybe Susan Moonsie lives another last name...and doesn't want nosey-ass Prince fans trying to look up her facebook profile. lol razz lol razz

[Edited 5/11/12 17:21pm]

Maybe so :::

" He's All Black, He's All White, Everybody's Gotta Jam 2Nite, Limouzine ".
{ Brenda Bennett }
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Reply #21 posted 05/12/12 9:55am



OldFriends4Sale said:

nursev said:

I think the lady with the three kids is her-it looks like her facial features, but of course she is older.

If she has those cluster of curls and those kids do too, it could be her

This is the guy she was married to who died?

David Garfield

^ That's the keyboard player who has been musical director for George Benson in recent years. ^

This is the actor: Dave Julian Garfield

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Reply #22 posted 05/12/12 11:58pm


MusicLover6 said:

SoulAlive said:

Susan Sookdeo Moonsie

Susan Sookdeo Moonsie


The pic above with the 3 other women comes from the same FB page as this pic with the 3 kids and husband . Different pics but same FB page : Because of the pic above with the 3 other women , I don't think it is her but I can where people might think it looks like her in the pic with the 3 kids :

Out of all the Prince proteges,Susan is the most mysterious.She just totally vanished after 1985 and we never saw her again.Most of the others continued making music,but Susan probably chose another path?

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Reply #23 posted 05/13/12 10:06am




jonylawson said:

OldFriends4Sale said:

edit your post, it's leading

It should read "Are There Any Recent Susan Moonsie Photos?"

Your title leads people to believe that you've posted one

slightly we get our grammar checked now?

and it doesnt"lead people to believe you've posted one"

mods.......chill out.

I have amended the original thread title to clarify the purpose of the thread and informed the OP.

ALT+PLS+RTN: Pure as a pane of ice. It's a gift.
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Reply #24 posted 05/15/12 1:10am



She probably doesn't want to be found and goes out of her way to prevent that from happening.

People should kind of just step back and respect that.

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Reply #25 posted 05/15/12 1:56am


Dren5 said:

She probably doesn't want to be found and goes out of her way to prevent that from happening.

People should kind of just step back and respect that.

I think most have, she just can't be found. I think there will always be a slight curiosity, I always loved watching her.

She was spotted at a few 3121 shows though

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Reply #26 posted 05/15/12 2:43am



Yeah, I won't say I'm not curious about her either, but I think that after this long if she hasn't really come forward or made herself public in any way since then, it's because she chose not to and probably goes out of her way to avoid all that.

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Reply #27 posted 05/16/12 1:18pm


nursev said:

So this woman just dropped off the earth? Strange that out of all these years no one has one pic of her post Vanity 6 eek Something is definitely wrong there-even Brenda has current pics. Any other Prince proteges missing in action besides her?

Gayle Chapman is another one that we haven't seen or heard from.She left Prince's band in 1980,if I'm not mistaken.

As for Susan....a few years ago,this picture surfaced but I don't know if it's really her.

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Reply #28 posted 05/16/12 6:19pm



nursev said:

afro75 said:

Maybe Susan Moonsie lives another last name...and doesn't want nosey-ass Prince fans trying to look up her facebook profile. lol razz lol razz

[Edited 5/11/12 17:21pm]

Hey Susan lol

lol lol lol

~Using the Fat Albert emoticon 'cause no one else is... fatalbert ~
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Reply #29 posted 05/20/12 2:52am



SoulAlive said:

nursev said:

So this woman just dropped off the earth? Strange that out of all these years no one has one pic of her post Vanity 6 eek Something is definitely wrong there-even Brenda has current pics. Any other Prince proteges missing in action besides her?

Gayle Chapman is another one that we haven't seen or heard from.She left Prince's band in 1980,if I'm not mistaken.

As for Susan....a few years ago,this picture surfaced but I don't know if it's really her.

That picture is the actress,Meagan Good!

Never trust anything spoken in the presence of an erection.
H Michael Frase
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