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Thread started 07/30/07 10:19pm


Tony Lemans and Taja Sevelle

Hey guys I'm just now discovering these 2 albums and I'm wondering if any of you know which songs Prince actually wrote on either project aside from the ones where he was credited. I know "Wouldn't You Love To Love Me" is his, and he is credited. But I remember a bootleg of "If I Could Get Your Attention" floating around with Mayte on vocals. So I'm assuming this is a Prince song too?

And on Tony Lemans, I feel like there's a Prince vibe throughout the whole thing and "Higher Than High" almost straight GANGKS the keyboard line from "Lovesexy."

So does anyone know or can you point me in the right direction? Thanks.
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Reply #1 posted 07/31/07 11:46am


Prince wrote and produced "Wouldn't You Love To Love Me" and "If I Could Get Your Attention" for Taja's album.

As far as I know,Prince had nothing to do with Tony's album.He didn't write any of those songs."Higher Than High" is actually a remake of an old Sly Stone tune called "The Same Thing That Makes You Laugh".Boni Boyer sings backup vocals on a few tracks but there is no Prince involvement.
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Reply #2 posted 07/31/07 3:08pm


The Prince songs didn't make the album but they are great songs.
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Reply #3 posted 07/31/07 9:27pm


thanks a lot for the info u guys! biggrin
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Reply #4 posted 08/07/07 8:29pm


The song I'm aware that princewrote for Tony Lemans is Fuschia Light.

The circulating outtake version has a dreadful sound quality, It's not the best of his outtakes.

What other songs did he pen for Tony?
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Forums > Associated artists & people > Tony Lemans and Taja Sevelle