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Thread started 06/19/07 6:48pm



Sheila E.'s Zildjian Chat

Here is the transcript from Sheila’s interview. I love how she gave a plug to Heroes. That was nice.
I wonder if she was actually typing or if someone was doing it for her. It seems odd that she would misspell her own last name! (See the second question.) Anyway, it’s a great interview. Enjoy.

SHEILA E is without question, one of the most influential female percussionist in the world today. Her work with Prince, Natalie Cole, George Duke, Pete Escovedo, Gloria Estefan, Marvin Gaye, Herbie Hancock, Stevie Nicks, Patti LaBelle, Cyndi Lauper, Lionel Richie, Diana Ross, Ringo Starr, Tito Puente, Stevie Wonder and countless others, has established her as a percussive force to be reckoned with. Zildjian is pleased to have her within its Family of World Class Percussion Artists.


Sheila, thank you so much for joining us tonight !
I'm so happy to be here.

Since you are a woman of many, many talents, can you tell us what is keeping you busy recently?
I'm in the studio right now recording new songs for the all girls group "COED" (Chronicles of Every Diva). Also, the Escovido Family just signed a record deal and we will be recording together for the first time as a family in about a month.

perc529 from MP
Hi Sheila, you have been an inspiration to other female drummers. What women have inspired you?? (Drummers AND non-drummers
the first woman to inspire me as a drummer was Karen Carpenter... I was nine and she had a show with her brother. Also Bobby Hall... and of course my dad!

614 from
Of all of the percussion instruments you play, which ones give you the most pleasure?
all of them! they all make me happy!

Girl drummers rock! Do you see yourself as an inspiration to many female drummers? (You are mine - thanks!!!)
yes, I do and thank you very much for that. It is a huge responsibilty because I am not perfect.. I am human and I have made some mistakes along the way.. I'm having a good time!

MsTris Beats
Hello Sheila!This is S.Polk from Md remember me:-) I was wondering If you ever thought of writing a blog with tips and tricks
Great to hear from you! As much as I would love to have a blog I just don't have time!

Who have been your favorite artists to work with??
wow, there are so many! I would say my Dad, George Duke, Herbie Hancock, Lionel Richie Marvin Gay, Prince, Beyonce, Ringo... there are so many and for so many different reasons!

I love your Dad's drumming too. When you both play together, how much is improvisation and how much is planned?
98improvisation and 2planned!

What advice would you give a female trying to break into the music business?
run for your life! lol!

Are you performing with Prince in Hollywood?
maybe.. not sure at this point.

My sista. Thanks 2 u & u're testamonies, u've inspired me to start bldg. a REAL drum set. What cymbols do u suggest.
well, Zildjian of course... it really depends on what sound you are looking for. Zildjian offers a vast array of sounds and you just need to pick what sounds right for you.

614 from
Do you use a click track while recording or performances?
it depends on the project and the music.

Besides percussion, what other instruments do you play?
just a little piano.. I used to play violin.. .and I can play James Brown chords on the guitar!

Hi Sheila... The VHS edition of Romance 1600 was a favorite back in the day... Any plans for a COED DVD release?... thanks, J
yes! check for further details.

What are the chances of an all Sheila E. project hitting the shelves (Latin or r&b)?
there is a good chance.. as soon as I get the time!

U r more of an inspiration to me know that I understand Tracks; 6,8,9 & 11 of "Heavan" what insprired u to write those songs
Life is a constant inspiration!

Hi Sheila! Being a dummer takes alot of energy. How do you keep up?
by the grace of God and really loving what I do!

Will u be releasing another inpowering CD soon? U're last CD is very spiritual. Thanks for sharing u're testamonies!
my newest project will be "COED" and we'll be releasing something soon.

Which cymbal do you use with your timbale setup?

16" Thin Crash w/ platinum finish

Since my mentor died, It's different playing exactly what’s written, and not from my heart? I'm on teacher #3. Any advice?
I'm sorry for your loss.. obviously a mentor is going to be hard to replace... just lilke you feel in your heart how you want to play, you will know in your heart when you find the right teacher. Keep looking for the teacher that you feel comfortable with.

Sheila, can you update us on any future happenings to support Elevate Hope?... thanks, Jude
on July 7th Pince will launch a new perfume "3121" and a percentage of the proceeds will go to Elevate Hope for all sales on that day. For more information go to thanks!

I was there 2004, are you planning a big party for your birthday this year?
we're in the planning phases, thanks for asking! check for updates.

Hello Sheila? What do u think of being called, "The Human Cyclone of a Drummer"?
hhmm, I didn't know I was called "the Human Cyclone of a Drummer".. thanks?

Drum34 from PA
My whole family appreciates your music. Where can we find tour information for you? has the most complete and udated listings for news and touring.

MsTris Beats
will you and the ladies of COED be doing eastcoast tours?.

right everything is in the planning stages... we're heading back to Europe first and then when the album is released in the US hopefully we will head out on a US tour.

Hi, Sheila. You are so beautiful and talented. What have you notice about Zildjian cymbals since you started playing them?
they have made me more beautiful and talented! smile

614 from
How important is it to know how to read music?
just as it is important to know how to improvise, it is very important to know how to read music! Communication is knowledge and knowledge is power and being able to sight read music will open up many doors and opportunities.

What do you look for when you'r epurchasing drums?
I look for sound and tone first and foremost... then I make sure that it matches the color of my hair! smile

Have you considered making a DVD?
I've thought about it for a long time. It is something that I've always wanted to do but I want to take the time to do it right! Hopefully in the future I'll have time to work on a project of this magnituted.

How often do you practice and what routine do you use??
I don't have a set practice schedule but I am constantly performing so I guess that you could say performing is my practice!

Hi, Sheila. I love you. How many sets of timbales do you have?
I have two sets that I use most often.. they are my staples..

fnatural from
Please tell us your current Zildjian cymbals setup. Do you change them often?
current set up is:

Comment from Sheila E.
14" A New Beat hi hats, 17 & 18 A Medium Thin crash, 20" A Medium Ride ride 14" Oriental china, 8" A splash.. I do change things up a little if the music requires something different, but this is what I use most often

Since it's been a while since I've played drums, should I start with timbales 1st? Teia (Mpls.)
not necessisarliy.. if you've already had experience playing drums you should play some piano as well.. I think drums and piano go really well together and it will make you a well rounded musician.

Hi Sheila. What would be the most meaningful tribute one could do in honor of all you have done? Love, Santo.
one of the most amazing things would be is if someone donated a building for the kids thrugh Elevate Hope! Thanks for asking!

Will you and C.O.E.D. tour in the USA anywhere?
we are in the planning stages and are looking forward to touring in the US. Please support the album and come out and say hi!

I have serious plans to go pro with my band. do you have any tips?
you have to be dedicated and love what you do. Be on time, treat others the way you want to be treated and keep your day gig, just in case!

When unfamiliar with a song, how long does it take for u to learn?
it depends on the song and what it entaiils lyrically, musically and in accordance with the drums.. I am often the music director on projects and have to learn more than just drum parts..

MsTris Beats
Your foot speed is phenomenal; I just started playing; any tips?
thanks! my advice would be to practice! I think the reason my foot speed is so good is that I was a runner. That really helped.

I made your "Make Ya wanna Holla Cake" for my grandma's birthday! She loved it. Any cook book in the furture?
yes, because I love to eat! I have many more recipes to share with everyone!

When you recorded "Holly Rock", did you overdub the timbale cymbal?
no I didn't.. it was all live!

Will you be selling other items (DVDs, CDs, ect.) on your website;
yes, we are in the process of adding more merch to the store for everyone to enjoy!

Hi, Sheila. Thank you for blessing us all with your work. Which instrument was the hardest for you to learn?
thank you! Tabla was difficult for me to learn.. I use the Roland Hand Sonic 15 for tabla!

perc529 from MP
How much touring are you willing to do each year?
I love touring, but I also love being able to be in the studio and be creative. I've been truly blessed to be abe to do both..

You looked and sounded amazing at the 2007 Alma awards. How did you make the glitter spray off your timbale heads?
that's a trade secret! lol!

614 from
Do you write all of your drum parts first or do you just "go with the flow" of the tune?
I wuld say I go with the flow of the song more than anything.. God is a great co-pilot!

What music is currently being played in your Ipod??
CSI Miami, Heroes & Grey's Anatomy... lol!

perc529 from MP
What is the best gig you ever played?
I can't single out any one in particular! Each time I play it is an experince! I love what I do!

Sheila, as we expected, there are far too many question still pending but our allotted time is at an end. Thank you again for taking the time to join us this evening, Goo luck to you towards everything you do in the future.
I just want to personally thank my fans for continuning to support my career and regardless of what tyoe of music I bring to them -R&B Jazz, Latin, Gospel.. they continue to grow muically as I have and I am truly bessed to have such amazing fans who I really consider family. Please continue to log onto and! And anyone who truly oves art please check out my Dad's site at Thank you again and God Bless!
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Reply #1 posted 06/19/07 8:34pm


Sheila is such a nice and funny lady. She answered three of my questions! My screen name is Rainbowchild. Sheila was probably rushing that's why she missepell her last name. The chat was only an hour. I had typeos too!lol biggrin
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Reply #2 posted 06/20/07 12:57am


I love Sheila, she is so "bubbly". just a great person, a real gem talent wise too.
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Reply #3 posted 06/20/07 6:33pm


I sat here and read that whole transcript. I REALLY like Sheila E. I admire her so much. She's also an inspiration. She's just one hell of a woman! Go 'head girl!
perfection is a fallacy of the imagination...
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Reply #4 posted 06/20/07 9:29pm



bellanoche said:

I sat here and read that whole transcript. I REALLY like Sheila E. I admire her so much. She's also an inspiration. She's just one hell of a woman! Go 'head girl!

I agree...Sheila is by far the most talented of all the chicks Prince has ever worked with. Back in the day, the only qualifications a girl had to have was to LOOK good. I could never understand why Prince (a musical genius) wasted his time producing "crap" for other female artists and had the nerve to package and promote it as "music". Sheila E. was and still is the real deal!! nod
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Reply #5 posted 06/21/07 6:42am


Sheila E is a rare gem, beautiful, priceless and a musical genius . God bless her !! You go my child!!!
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Reply #6 posted 06/21/07 2:18pm


VonMarie said:

bellanoche said:

I sat here and read that whole transcript. I REALLY like Sheila E. I admire her so much. She's also an inspiration. She's just one hell of a woman! Go 'head girl!

I agree...Sheila is by far the most talented of all the chicks Prince has ever worked with. Back in the day, the only qualifications a girl had to have was to LOOK good. I could never understand why Prince (a musical genius) wasted his time producing "crap" for other female artists and had the nerve to package and promote it as "music". Sheila E. was and still is the real deal!! nod

You are right. That's why I laughed whenever people said Prince was gay. I would always use the female acts that he worked with as exhibits A through Z to refute that assertion. Why else would he promote a slew of talent-challenged beauties other than some type of involvement.

Sheila was always the real deal. The difference was that she didn't need Prince to be successful. Being with him elevated her level of success and made her a household name, but she was already a successful musician before Prince. I think he always respected her because of her talent, because even he knew she didn't need him. The fact that she's a knockout and a beautiful spirit to boot just makes her all the!

That's just my girl!
perfection is a fallacy of the imagination...
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Reply #7 posted 06/21/07 11:18pm



let me come over it's a beautiful day to play with you in the dark
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Reply #8 posted 06/22/07 10:59am


bellanoche: I'm deeply touched by your comments about Sheila . She was a star long before she met Prince. She was born a musical genius.. I love her dearly!! Esa mujer es sensacional!!!!!
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Reply #9 posted 06/23/07 12:39am


reina30 said:

bellanoche: I'm deeply touched by your comments about Sheila . She was a star long before she met Prince. She was born a musical genius.. I love her dearly!! Esa mujer es sensacional!!!!!

De acuerdo. Ella es una reina. wink
perfection is a fallacy of the imagination...
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Forums > Associated artists & people > Sheila E.'s Zildjian Chat