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Thread started 08/10/05 6:51am



Who Apolloina looks like?

Does anyone eles think that Apollonia in some of her eighties pics kinda remindes you lf LaToya Jackson? LaToya actually was pretty before all her plastic surgery? Remember Prince's "crush" on her? love2
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Reply #1 posted 08/10/05 8:26pm



Krystal666 said:

Does anyone eles think that Apollonia in some of her eighties pics kinda remindes you lf LaToya Jackson? LaToya actually was pretty before all her plastic surgery? Remember Prince's "crush" on her? love2

Uh, I never thought LaToya resembled Patty, but yeah, I do remember P going over to Michael's crib before Purple Rain came out and that LaToya was there. P was coming on to her in front of Mike. This is when P gave Mike a "present". It was a box that had a bunch of leaves and dirt and twigs and shit. It also contained a tape with a bunch of backwards shit on there that P had recorded. MJ's people were telling him to throw that shit away cuz they felt P was trying to put a hex on Mike. Mike told them "Oh, he can't hurt me. I'm not afraid." or some shit like that. This has been reported in books on Mike. I remember when this story first broke in 84.
SynthiaRose said "I'm in love with blackguitaristz. Especially when he talks about Hendrix."
nammie "What BGZ says I believe. I have the biggest crush on him."
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Forums > Associated artists & people > Who Apolloina looks like?