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Thread started 01/09/11 9:48am


I dont wnat 2 sound thick but how do i get a photo on my profile

whats a url? do i get my photos from my comp on my profile on the org...plz help pray

  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #1 posted 01/09/11 3:08pm



I copied this from Luv4u"s disscussion over in site disscussion

Profile pic 101

You can use

1. Click on your “my org” link

2. See Account Settings on the left. Click on “Public Profile” link.

You will see at the top of your page “Change your Public Profile”

3. Go to the box that says: “URL to your picture:

Note that the URL must begin with http://… to work.

4. Copy and paste your photobucket url link into the box.

5. Click on: “Save public profile” when done.

Please check to make sure your profile pic is not giganticly big.

6. Go back into your “my org” link and check your profile to see how it turned out.

Here’s another link to check out -


Uploading avatar images

What you need:

A GIF or JPG image you'd like to use for your avatar, less than 15K in size on your disk

What to do once you've got that:
On the 'Change Forum Preferences' screen, simply click 'Browse...' and find the image on your system. Select it. Then click 'save forum preferences'. Your image will be uploaded and processed. Note that your avatar will not be immediately visible on the site! It must be "approved" by one of the moderators first. This usually takes less than 24 hours.

Can I use animated GIFs as my avatar?
No, they don't work. Only the first 'frame' of the animation will be saved as your avatar. It's best to stick to static images.

What if my image is bigger than 15K? How to I make it smaller?
You'll need to use an image editing tool such as Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. First, resize the image down to around 64 x 64 pixels. Any text will be totally unreadable in that size, so keep that in mind. If possible, reduce the number of colours as much as you can, and if your software has a web compression wizard (for example, Paint Shop Pro has an Optimizer wizard that helps you save out files really small), use it. You should then have a nice small avatar image ready to upload

~~~~~ Oh that voice...incredible....there should be a musical instrument called George Michael... ~~~~~
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Reply #2 posted 01/09/11 3:10pm



Optimus2 said:

whats a url? do i get my photos from my comp on my profile on the org...plz help pray

WWW FAQs: What is a URL?

2003-09-04: look up at the top of this web page. Above the page you will see the "location bar" of your web browser, which should contain something very like this:

This is the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the web page you are looking at right now. A URL can be thought of as the "address" of a web page and is sometimes referred to informally as a "web address."

URLs are used to write links linking one page to another; for an example, see the HTML entry.

A URL is made up of several parts. The first part is the protocol, which tells the web browser what sort of server it will be talking to in order to fetch the URL. In this example, the protocol is http.

The remaining parts vary depending on the protocol, but the vast majority of URLs you will encounter use the http protocol; exceptions include file URLs, which link to local files on your own hard drive, ftp URLs, which work just like http URLs but link to things on FTP servers rather than web servers, and mailto URLs, which can be used to invite a user to write an email message to a particular email address.

The second part of the example URL above is the fully qualified domain name of the website to connect to. In this case, the fully qualified domain name is This name identifies the web site containing the page. The term "fully qualified domain name" refers to a complete website or other computer's name on the Internet. The term "domain name" usually refers only to the last part of the name, in this case, which has been registered for that particular company's exclusive use. For more information about registering domain names, see the setting up websites entry.

The third part of the example URL is the path at which this particular web page is located on the web server. In this case, the path is /newfaq/basic/url.html. Similar to a filename, a path usually indicates where the web page is located within the web space of the website; in this case it is located in the basic sub-folder of the newfaq folder, which is located in the top-level web page directory of our website.

~~~~~ Oh that voice...incredible....there should be a musical instrument called George Michael... ~~~~~
  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #3 posted 01/09/11 11:29pm



You get a flower for being helpful and nice Tinaz. rose smile

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Forums > site discussion > I dont wnat 2 sound thick but how do i get a photo on my profile