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Thread started 12/06/09 5:53pm


enough of the survivor threads already!

they're pointless imho. just saying.
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Reply #1 posted 12/07/09 6:52am





You can just ignore them and not click or post on them smile

Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #2 posted 12/07/09 10:05am


BlackAdder7 said:

they're pointless imho. just saying.

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Reply #3 posted 12/07/09 10:06am


luv4u said:

You can just ignore them and not click or post on them smile

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Reply #4 posted 12/07/09 4:58pm


I have been enjoying them. Wondering which songs will survive the day adds a little suspense to my life.
I abdicated the throne in Ithaca, but now I am...
Albany's Number 1 Prince Fan
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Reply #5 posted 12/07/09 7:25pm



Darwintheorgangrinder said:

I have been enjoying them. Wondering which songs will survive the day adds a little suspense to my life.


Everyday a cliffhanger eh?
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Reply #6 posted 12/09/09 3:40am


luv4u said:

You can just ignore them and not click or post on them smile

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Reply #7 posted 12/10/09 7:40pm


Marrk said:

Darwintheorgangrinder said:

I have been enjoying them. Wondering which songs will survive the day adds a little suspense to my life.


Everyday a cliffhanger eh?

I admit that I do not live a very thrilling life. I must find excitement from any possible source.

I actually have a problem with this. On the most recent Survivor thread, BlackAdder7 decided to put in his two cents. Essentially, he asked us why we were bothering. BlackAdder7, I think you are fine. Recently, we connected on a particular issue. However, I must call you to task on this one. It is obvious that people are enjoying the Survivor threads. I am interested in what your frame of mind is that you would go onto a topic where people are enjoying themselves and pooh-pooh it for no good reason. It really seemed like you were just trying to be a kill-joy.

I will try to impart some advice. It is great advice, and it comes from the man who is the raison d'etre for this entire site. In the song Push, Prince wrote that "no man should asunder/the joy that another man found."

I am not trying to knock you BlackAdder7, I just thought that your comment was out of place, especially since you created an entire thread criticizing the Survivor threads.
I abdicated the throne in Ithaca, but now I am...
Albany's Number 1 Prince Fan
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Reply #8 posted 12/10/09 9:58pm


luv4u said:

You can just ignore them and not click or post on them smile

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Reply #9 posted 12/11/09 3:53am


Darwintheorgangrinder said:

Marrk said:


Everyday a cliffhanger eh?

I admit that I do not live a very thrilling life. I must find excitement from any possible source.

I actually have a problem with this. On the most recent Survivor thread, BlackAdder7 decided to put in his two cents. Essentially, he asked us why we were bothering. BlackAdder7, I think you are fine. Recently, we connected on a particular issue. However, I must call you to task on this one. It is obvious that people are enjoying the Survivor threads. I am interested in what your frame of mind is that you would go onto a topic where people are enjoying themselves and pooh-pooh it for no good reason. It really seemed like you were just trying to be a kill-joy.

I will try to impart some advice. It is great advice, and it comes from the man who is the raison d'etre for this entire site. In the song Push, Prince wrote that "no man should asunder/the joy that another man found."

I am not trying to knock you BlackAdder7, I just thought that your comment was out of place, especially since you created an entire thread criticizing the Survivor threads.

extremely well articulated and clearly explained. you're right, Darwin I shall work harder to ignore them. thanks
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Reply #10 posted 12/14/09 4:30pm


Let's just hope no one starts an Org Survivor thread, because I don't want to see myself get voted off the Org in the very first round.
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Forums > site discussion > enough of the survivor threads already!