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Thread started 03/19/05 12:51am



Mods. Please help us understand

I've been here since year dot, I've never been controversial, and I've always encouraged the following of the rules.

So imagine my surprise when I find myself banned the other day.

Mods, please explain. I have asked in the relevent threads, but all I get is a strange silence.

Two weeks ago, I posted on three MJ threads, stating that the MJ topics were now getting out of hand. These threads concerned MJ looks, his shorts, and his swimming trucks.

They were totally ignored.

It seems that MJ stupid threads are allowed. So I start a few of my own, following the themes already accepted.

I start a thread about MJ on a bike, and before I knew it, Handclaps has closed it down. I send an org not to apologise, but before I knew it, and with no explination, I found myself banned.

I enter the org as a general viewer, to find that other stupid MJ threads are still allowed, and although Handclap seems to be quickly trying to shut a few down, Daq, the author of most of them, is not banned, despite starting over 10 "useless" threads.

As Handclapz has ignored all of my requests of an explination over the last couple of weeks, I ask the other mods to please explain what I did wrong (against the org rules) to get banned, that the likes of Daq didn't?

Its not a hard question. Could someone answer?

I'm not trying to catch anyone out, I simply want to know,

1. What did I do wrong?

2. What I did different from people starting daily stupid MJ threads?

3. Why it is acceptable for a mod to ignore questions concerning their actions?

[Edited 3/18/05 16:53pm]
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Reply #1 posted 03/19/05 1:00am


SquirrelMeat said:

As Handclapz has ignored all of my requests of an explination over the last couple of weeks[...]

wrong-o, man. you haven't asked me or said anything to me ever since your account was reactivated. as for your 3 questions:

I'm not trying to catch anyone out, I simply want to know,

1. What did I do wrong?
you kept bumping up said threads when you had absolutely no reason to. if you are so annoyed by said threads, you should've let them stay at the bottom of the forum. bumping threads is a site offense.

2. What I did different from people starting daily stupid MJ threads?
firstly, you made an ass of yourself. secondly, you deliberately bumped up all that stuff, as well as start a deluge of silly mj threads in order to mock the ones that existed and i had to go behind your ass and clean up after you. not cool.

3. Why it is acceptable for a mod to ignore questions concerning their actions?
if you're grown up enough, you shouldn't need to have anything explained to you if you're acting up. you should know straightaway that your behavior isn't up to par.
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Reply #2 posted 03/19/05 1:13am



Handclapsfingasnapz said:

SquirrelMeat said:

As Handclapz has ignored all of my requests of an explination over the last couple of weeks[...]

wrong-o, man. you haven't asked me or said anything to me ever since your account was reactivated.

I've asked several times, in the relevenat threads, but strangely they were ignored.

Are you saying I had the unfortunate luck to raise questions in ALL the topics that lead to "offences" but once I raised them, no mod happened to check anymore!?!?! (even though they made other comments in them!?!?!)

Hmmm. Ok.

Back to whats important. What did I do that was different and/or worse than the Orgers starting 11 (yes 11) stupid threads?

I assume it needs to be something major. I mean, starting them is one thing, but banning someone for starting a fraction of the volume must have be significant.

What did I do that was so much worse than some orgers starting 4 times as many thread but not getting banned?
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Reply #3 posted 03/19/05 1:20am


SquirrelMeat said:

Handclapsfingasnapz said:

wrong-o, man. you haven't asked me or said anything to me ever since your account was reactivated.

I've asked several times, in the relevenat threads, but strangely they were ignored.

no, you didn't. all you did was post stupid stuff merely in order to bump up the stuff as a way to say "omg look, all this stuff!" that is by no means an acceptable way to get a question answered. if you wanted to ask a question you shoulda just orgnoted one of us mods instead of bumping up a shitload of threads and messing up the forum.

Are you saying I had the unfortunate luck to raise questions in ALL the topics that lead to "offences" but once I raised them, no mod happened to check anymore!?!?! (even though they made other comments in them!?!?!)


Back to whats important. What did I do that was different and/or worse than the Orgers starting 11 (yes 11) stupid threads?

go back and read what i put in boldface.

I assume it needs to be something major. I mean, starting them is one thing, but banning someone for starting a fraction of the volume must have be significant.

i only banned you for one measly day. not bad, really.

What did I do that was so much worse than some orgers starting 4 times as many thread but not getting banned?

like i said, go back and read what i posted. there's a difference between merely posting a stupid thread and bumping up said threads to attempt to make a point and make things difficult for mods and the forum in general.
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Reply #4 posted 03/19/05 1:38am



I don't know where to start, so I may as well. You said....

"like i said, go back and read what i posted. there's a difference between merely posting a stupid thread and bumping up said threads to attempt to make a point and make things difficult for mods and the forum in general."

So you are saying its a lesser offence just to be stupid rather than calcuated?

If thats the case, and you don't think I'm "grown up" enough to understand (your words), then how can I be calculated rather than stupid?

And for the record, long before the day you banned me, I raised the volume of stupid MJ threads. Don't make out I dragged them up on one day.
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Reply #5 posted 03/19/05 1:48am


SquirrelMeat said:

I don't know where to start, so I may as well. You said....

"like i said, go back and read what i posted. there's a difference between merely posting a stupid thread and bumping up said threads to attempt to make a point and make things difficult for mods and the forum in general."

So you are saying its a lesser offence just to be stupid rather than calcuated?

you may think of those who start up crap such as mj threads as stupid, but it's a mere by-product of any forum: unsavory topics. no matter how much you wanna wish the shit away, people will post stupid shit. it doesn't make them stupid by any means. and what you did was by no means calculated nor did it mark you as "stupid" (which you totally are not, sm)--that was just totally bad judgement on your part.

And for the record, long before the day you banned me, I raised the volume of stupid MJ threads. Don't make out I dragged them up on one day.

so do a whole lotta other people besides you. i'm not keeping tabs on whoever's the most vocal about it--there's simply too many muthafuckas on this site to do so and none of us mods have the time to sit and keep score. and you did indeed drag up a bunch that night. wanna help rid the forum of the shit? simple: ignore the shit and it will sink or be deleted eventually.
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Reply #6 posted 03/19/05 2:01am



Handclapsfingasnapz said:

SquirrelMeat said:

I don't know where to start, so I may as well. You said....

"like i said, go back and read what i posted. there's a difference between merely posting a stupid thread and bumping up said threads to attempt to make a point and make things difficult for mods and the forum in general."

So you are saying its a lesser offence just to be stupid rather than calcuated?

you may think of those who start up crap such as mj threads as stupid, but it's a mere by-product of any forum: unsavory topics. no matter how much you wanna wish the shit away, people will post stupid shit. it doesn't make them stupid by any means. and what you did was by no means calculated nor did it mark you as "stupid" (which you totally are not, sm)--that was just totally bad judgement on your part.

And for the record, long before the day you banned me, I raised the volume of stupid MJ threads. Don't make out I dragged them up on one day.

so do a whole lotta other people besides you. i'm not keeping tabs on whoever's the most vocal about it--there's simply too many muthafuckas on this site to do so and none of us mods have the time to sit and keep score. and you did indeed drag up a bunch that night. wanna help rid the forum of the shit? simple: ignore the shit and it will sink or be deleted eventually.

Hands, thats a really good point, and I apprieciate the fact that we can talk about it.

Don't get me wrong, you mods do a great job, but when an unoffensive orger (me) gets banned for doing a lesser version of someone else who doesn't get banned, can you understand the frustration!?!?

I look at it from this point of view. How can I pump "crap" threads up, if you shouldn't let the "crap" threads survive in the first place?

Hands, keep up the good work (even though we've wound each other up this time).

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Reply #7 posted 03/19/05 2:14am


SquirrelMeat said:

Hands, thats a really good point, and I apprieciate the fact that we can talk about it.

Don't get me wrong, you mods do a great job, but when an unoffensive orger (me) gets banned for doing a lesser version of someone else who doesn't get banned, can you understand the frustration!?!?


I look at it from this point of view. How can I pump "crap" threads up, if you shouldn't let the "crap" threads survive in the first place?

true, but what can ya do? TOOOOONS of poopsy threads are started up here on a daily basis and we all gotta deal with it...folks steadily keep the stuff goin either by participating in it or bitchin at the participants on the thread, as opposed to thinkin "hey, this is shit! screw this, lemme go find a more decent thread and leave this alone..." lol

Hands, keep up the good work (even though we've wound each other up this time).


cool. and thank you. hug
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Reply #8 posted 03/19/05 2:20am



Handclapsfingasnapz said:

SquirrelMeat said:

Hands, thats a really good point, and I apprieciate the fact that we can talk about it.

Don't get me wrong, you mods do a great job, but when an unoffensive orger (me) gets banned for doing a lesser version of someone else who doesn't get banned, can you understand the frustration!?!?


true, but what can ya do? TOOOOONS of poopsy threads are started up here on a daily basis and we all gotta deal with it...folks steadily keep the stuff goin either by participating in it or bitchin at the participants on the thread, as opposed to thinkin "hey, this is shit! screw this, lemme go find a more decent thread and leave this alone..." lol

Hands, keep up the good work (even though we've wound each other up this time).


cool. and thank you. hug

I came to the org tonight (2am in the UK) a bit fed up tonight. I've left realising how great it is. Thats the effect we can all have on each other, even on the other side of the world.

No why can't my other half be this understanding!?!?!?!?! wink

[Edited 3/18/05 18:23pm]
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Reply #9 posted 03/19/05 2:33am


SquirrelMeat said:

Handclapsfingasnapz said:

cool. and thank you. hug

I came to the org tonight (2am in the UK) a bit fed up tonight. I've left realising how great it is. Thats the effect we can all have on each other, even on the other side of the world.

No why can't my other half be this understanding!?!?!?!?! wink

[Edited 3/18/05 18:23pm]

highfive w00t!!! biggrin
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