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Thread started 06/18/03 8:43pm



Sorry, I had to come in here for a few minutes because I was seeing how the morale of some NFO people was getting low abour the progression of the project. I just want to say that everything is way better than even I imagined, and our message is getting heard to many people. But, the advancement of the order is up to us.

1. Promotion! I suggest that everyone take the press release below, take my info out and add your own personal artist resumes to it, and then send it via e-mail to your local publications. Me, Cloud9, 7Salles (I think), and Purple Unknown have all been promoting this project to several newspapers and magazines. You will find the e-mail addresses to arts and entertainment editors online at any of your local or regional publications.

2. Word of mouth! Tell everyone you know about it, have them tell their friends, etc. I don't care what type of music they play, as long as they are wanting to keep online music free, they are welcome with us! I bet there are many other artists, yes, even country artists, who may even want to participate. So, come one, come all! To me, people have been listening very closely to the word of the NFO members, so we do have some pull right now.

Here was the press release.

'The New Funk Order' is music brainchild of local

Check out Jason Dodson's Web site at
SOUTHERN ILLINOIS -- Jason Dodson is a Southern
Illinois musician who has "The New Funk Order," a Web
site featuring artists from more than 15 different
countries. All music and art on the site can be
downloaded for free.

"We keep it basic so that everyone can enjoy the
project," Dodson, of Marion, said via e-mail. "The
more people we can get to contribute music and artwork
to the site, the better the chances are that we can
successfully press on in the mission to make music
free from company control."

Initially, the site was devoted to funk but has spread
into rock, dance, techno, hip-hop, R&B and music by

Since the late '90s, Dodson has been focusing on funk
and dance music with a spiritual and social twist.
Dodson cites his musical influences as George Clinton,
Bootsy Collins, Prince, James Brown, and others. He's
made six full-length CDs since early 2001. A
jazz-fusion number called "Hot Gravy" cracked the top
50 nationally in it's genre on

Article by Jerry Bradley, Senior Editor, Flipside.

Ideas? Bring em' on!

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Reply #1 posted 06/18/03 8:45pm


Also, I forgot that DreamFirstBorn also has done an enormous amount of promo in New York, with street signs and with the NFO sign on Good Morning America.

I think YaMomma has done some work in FL, right?
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Reply #2 posted 06/18/03 9:08pm




Also, I forgot that DreamFirstBorn also has done an enormous amount of promo in New York, with street signs and with the NFO sign on Good Morning America.

I think YaMomma has done some work in FL, right?

& cloud9 is handeling internet promotions wink I have us linked on almost every Prince site & have used my own cloud9mission promotional tools such as my newsletter to publicise to all my funkateers smile

Will also submit your press release to which is the leading site for music related press releases. Ive submitted articles to them on 2 occasions (when my album was released & when I put the site up for the first time) & was impressed to see the article on google the next day!!!

God bless as always

[This message was edited Wed Jun 18 14:08:28 PDT 2003 by cloud9mission]
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Reply #3 posted 06/18/03 9:26pm



Great job Lewis and JD and Yamomma.

And of course, I've been putting the word out all over the org with my signature.

Okay. I spose I could do MORE...
The Last Otan Track:
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Reply #4 posted 06/18/03 9:36pm


I love your signature, Beau!
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Reply #5 posted 06/18/03 10:31pm


while the children where sleep all through the house. seeds were planted by word of mouth. in the darkness of the night a dream was given birth and the new funk order was spread around the EARTH. from the north, the east, the west, and the south.

and when they awoken... they had a nice surprise.

hmmm until then dreamfirstborn.
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Reply #6 posted 06/19/03 1:03am



Another promotional effort. Hopefully we can get some discussions going on here & attract some attention http://www.cloud9mission....;start=0#0
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Reply #7 posted 06/19/03 1:36am



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Reply #8 posted 06/19/03 2:51am



daymn. I feel overwhelmed by NFO!
Straight Jacket Funk Affair
Album plays and love for vinyl records.
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Reply #9 posted 06/19/03 2:53am



Too bad the site is down right now. sad
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Reply #10 posted 06/19/03 4:08am



VinaBlue said:

Too bad the site is down right now. sad

not anymore...
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Reply #11 posted 06/19/03 1:14pm



NFO said:

VinaBlue said:

Too bad the site is down right now. sad

not anymore...

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Reply #12 posted 06/20/03 2:08pm



big up NFO here

& here http://www.cloud9mission....;start=0#0
[This message was edited Fri Jun 20 7:08:53 PDT 2003 by cloud9mission]
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