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Thread started 06/06/03 1:00pm


mp3 question

I'm really clueless about how mp3's work, so appreciate direction on this question.

I've noticed that some of the record companies and management companies are requesting an mp3 prior to forwarding the artist's full press kit. Is there a way of forwarding an mp3 to select people without the mp3 being on a site (like where the world can access?
  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #1 posted 06/06/03 1:28pm



You can email them, or send them on a disc.
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Reply #2 posted 06/06/03 4:33pm


Vina, is it as easy as simply storing on your computer and sending as an attachment?

Then why when most ask for reviews on their new song, does it usually lead to which allows it to be ripped (unless of course they're giving it away)?

Thanks for your response Vina
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Reply #3 posted 06/06/03 4:43pm



Emailing an mp3 takes a long-ass time, because the file is so big. It's easier to stream it. You know how long it takes to download a track? It takes the same amount of time to get it out of your email box, because you're basically doing the same thing, downloading it.

Yes, you just attach it.

Your welcome! smile
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Reply #4 posted 06/06/03 4:52pm


Argh...sounds like watching paint dry. Who wants to be spending time reviewing Mp3's this way. Which I guess is why they get thrown up on

I'm gonna take a chance and just send them a kit.

You've answered my question. Thanks
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Reply #5 posted 06/06/03 5:10pm



Well, if you have high speed internet, it wont take too long.
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Reply #6 posted 06/06/03 5:36pm



Also - mp3s are essentially the de facto internet music format right now - they're portable, they're small yet retain most of the characteristics of the original music (not a whole lot of loss of sound quality).

If you have webspace, like the yahoo account, you can put the mp3 up there, and send the link to someone. Without the song being linked on a web page anywhere, it wont be publicly available unless someone goes to your site and just tries to FIND the song - which rarely happens.

I mean, lord, I've been putting songs up on my site BEGGING people to go get them... if I just put them up there, I promise you, they would NEVER be found.

edit: is a great place to PUT your music if you do not have the resources/web space to put your material. You DO have the ability to set the level of availability - stream only, lo-fi only, or download and hi-fi, whatever.
[This message was edited Fri Jun 6 10:37:17 PDT 2003 by otan]
The Last Otan Track:
  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #7 posted 06/06/03 6:15pm


Aha! Thanks for the breakdown Otan...Understand a little mo betta now.

Everything's going swell with reviews on Bronze One (comin' out the wah wah) and we have distribution at and a few other sites, as well as various independent stores in the UK, US and Canada...but hell - it just ain't the same as a hard core distributor rackin' it on the shelves. Sure ain't like the good ol days.
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Forums > Art, Podcasts, & Fan Content > mp3 question