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Thread started 07/31/22 3:59am


The Gold Experience

Prepare 4 This Experience to begin.

[Edited 8/2/22 17:55pm]

prince is here
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Reply #1 posted 08/01/22 10:59pm




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Reply #2 posted 08/03/22 1:24am


Ladies and Gentlement please take your seats.

So since the last Thread "The Adventures of Blue FontaNINE" I have

gotten a little bit more stable here in New Orleans.

I found a place where I fit in and it's AWESOME. I found a job because I just wanted to have a normal thing like everyone else

and i needed to make some money.

So I was doing some quite stage hand gigs and bartending. It was great it reminded me of my life in New York City, you gotta hustle.

So I get this job serving tables at a cool restaraunt in the French Quarter. I love it there. The people are really cool and I can be at something.

I have great costomer service. I smile alot.

We had a really great party the other night, Big party. Some company bought out the restartaunt threw this big event. I was asked to work the party.

It was crazy packed and everyone was real drunk. I wasn 't smile i didn't have a drink all night. They destroyed the place.

I am sitting out back smoking a cigarette, being coolz but kind of pissed. It's 3:30 in the morning, a storm is brewing, and me and 3 others were tasked

to clean this sit up. LOL I wasn't happy but I made some good money. Anyway the guy who threw the party came stubmling by, intoxicated. There were models

there at the party and they were taking polaroid pictures of the party goers. So this dude is holding one of the cameras, and he says to u.s.... Thank you so much

you guys were amazing, ya da ya da and oh by way we left a bunch of booze in the back and what you want you can have it.

I take a drag off my cigarette and say to him.... I want that camera. He says to me, I have been watching you alnight. You are a bad ass and he handed me the camera.

He said, Thank you.

I said thanks and took the camera.

My cowoker looked over at me and said I can't believe you just did that?

I said to him what do you mean?

and he said, I wanted that camera. LOL

it was that moment I saw in his eyes, my cowoker, that he liked me.

He said, that was pretty awesome.. Your ok, in my book.

I smiled. It felt nice to have someone say to me, in this new world.

He went inside to check out the loot. We scored!

any the camera is a Gold polariod camera and the pictures that come out have gold trim.

I finished my cigarette and I went inside to see what was left of the booze loot to my surprise

I found 15 boxes of instant film for the camera. I am a very happy person and thus this

thread The Gold Experience is based on the images that I capture with my new friend, the gold polariod camera.

p.s. I am in the production period of the next album "Blue FontaNINE"

stay tuned.

prince is here
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Reply #3 posted 08/03/22 7:42pm


Here are some of the first images taken with The Gold Experience...

to be continued...

until then,

prepare 4 the download

prince is here
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Reply #4 posted 08/05/22 7:28pm


meanwhile in the 7th Ward

Paper Crayons

NOLA 2022

4 of 6 thus far...

prince is here
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Reply #5 posted 08/08/22 6:09pm


My name is Prince

Prepare 4 the download

The Gold Experience

prince is here
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Reply #6 posted 08/08/22 10:36pm


U Should Know

Featuring Ma-Vee

Recorded Live in The House Of Big Dreams

New Orleans

download while you are still free

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Reply #7 posted 08/09/22 6:36am



I love U Olivia.

Taken at The Guthrie

Minneapolis, MN

with Leopode

by Jew DreamFirstBorn

[Edited 8/22/22 9:59am]

prince is here
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Reply #8 posted 08/10/22 10:40pm


Conflict. How does one defuse conflict?

prince is here
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Reply #9 posted 08/13/22 5:10am


man it's been one of those days.

I am usually great at what I do,

but today was confusion.

The chef, he yelled at me. I deserved it, i had no idea what was going on.

the orders werent ringing in right. we have this new thing on the menu

and there is a certain way you have to enter it in.

it wasn't working, so i had to go to the kitchen with every order and explain

this needed this and that neeeds this.

during the process of telling him what the order actually was,

he yelled, You need to speak clearer to me and walked away.

That hurt my pride. I wasn't at my best, I didn't have an answer

to the conflict. I just knew that there was a conflict and it was happening

but I didn't know why.

they say I speak softly....

I imagine to my self,

can u amagined if I spoke

with command.

"Move mountain, from before me!"

how's that...?

I thought about Minneapolis,

Boom Boom Boom

i reached out to my best friend in college

he got back to me and it was great.

little notes here and there

mean everything.

-HRH Gregory Alive

prince is here
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Reply #10 posted 08/14/22 2:22am



dreamfirstborn said:

man it's been one of those days.

I am usually great at what I do,

but today was confusion.

The chef, he yelled at me. I deserved it, i had no idea what was going on.

the orders werent ringing in right. we have this new thing on the menu

and there is a certain way you have to enter it in.

it wasn't working, so i had to go to the kitchen with every order and explain

this needed this and that neeeds this.

during the process of telling him what the order actually was,

he yelled, You need to speak clearer to me and walked away.

That hurt my pride. I wasn't at my best, I didn't have an answer

to the conflict. I just knew that there was a conflict and it was happening

but I didn't know why.

they say I speak softly....

I imagine to my self,

can u amagined if I spoke

with command.

"Move mountain, from before me!"

how's that...?

I thought about Minneapolis,

Boom Boom Boom

i reached out to my best friend in college

he got back to me and it was great.

little notes here and there

mean everything.

-HRH Gregory Alive

Been there and done it in the restaurant business. Many times--back when sexual harrasment of a female (and sometimes male) was the norm. Look for a better gig that fits you. Best wishes on your life-changing move to New Orleans. Great city. Haven't been there since before Hurricand Katrina but N'Oleans always rebounds. Find the job that fits you, like the place and the people do! Best wishes on your new life's journey! wink cool

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #11 posted 08/15/22 6:10pm


purplethunder3121 said:

dreamfirstborn said:

man it's been one of those days.

I am usually great at what I do,

but today was confusion.

The chef, he yelled at me. I deserved it, i had no idea what was going on.

the orders werent ringing in right. we have this new thing on the menu

and there is a certain way you have to enter it in.

it wasn't working, so i had to go to the kitchen with every order and explain

this needed this and that neeeds this.

during the process of telling him what the order actually was,

he yelled, You need to speak clearer to me and walked away.

That hurt my pride. I wasn't at my best, I didn't have an answer

to the conflict. I just knew that there was a conflict and it was happening

but I didn't know why.

they say I speak softly....

I imagine to my self,

can u amagined if I spoke

with command.

"Move mountain, from before me!"

how's that...?

I thought about Minneapolis,

Boom Boom Boom

i reached out to my best friend in college

he got back to me and it was great.

little notes here and there

mean everything.

-HRH Gregory Alive

Been there and done it in the restaurant business. Many times--back when sexual harrasment of a female (and sometimes male) was the norm. Look for a better gig that fits you. Best wishes on your life-changing move to New Orleans. Great city. Haven't been there since before Hurricand Katrina but N'Oleans always rebounds. Find the job that fits you, like the place and the people do! Best wishes on your new life's journey! wink cool

Thank you purplethunder3121 smile

The greatest thing about working in this establishment is that, up until know I have always had this history to me, and working there no one has any idea who I am and it's great. I get to be at my best serving people in a different kind of way. I see it as a stage production. Theater if you will and I don't mind that at all. It's refreshing, I am playing a part, and people's perception of me is decided upon by my performance.

Everyone at the restaraunt is genuinely very nice. I have absolutely no judgement of them, and they are completely "performance wise" free and in the process we are able to truely see each other.

They are a band of misfits, funny, talented, smart, and full of life. Some more than others are a bit excessive but it's interesting to say the least. I do love working there. I don't live there but I do show from time to time on schedule.

New Orleans is a good city for me to be in right now. I am working here but I am a resident of MPLS and just like when I moved to MPLS from NYC, I am like an alien here and learning how the inhabitants of this world co-exist. I am learning how to co-exist again.

During the pandimic (spelling razz) years, in isolation was the enviorment, duriing that learning processs. It was by design a prerequisite for the next learning experience.

I went to a "Heathers" theme Birthday Party yesterday, I went as Mineral Water. I took some photos and got another tattoo, something that respresents something very important to me. Without it I would not be here, in THIS present moment, co-existing.

i'm rambling... So I am going to edit the images i captured last night...

I'll be back, until then

Forever LOVE

prince is here
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Reply #12 posted 08/18/22 6:36pm


Here are some images of the people I am working with...

I was invited to a birthday pool party and it was pretty fun. Everyone got pretty drunk. I didn't thought because I had King James with me and I didn't want to loose my camera.

It's interesting being included in outside function with this group of people. I try to keep my personal life seperate from my "work" life. No one at work knows who I am and I feels kinda of nice having that atonomy. I can just show up for work and do my best. I am actually pretty good at being a server. Will i live in this "experience" forever? NO. But in the time being it's a good spot to be in.

I was thinking this morning about when I was in MPLS and trying to figure out what I wanted going forward into the future. I wanted to live in a house instead of an apartment, I wanted to live with other people, the covid years in MPLS was quite lonely and I wanted a place where Bear could be free to go outside when ever he wanted. I wanted to work more than anything. Minneasota and New Orleans are very different in regards to working during the final stages of the pandemic. Are we in the final stages?

One thing for sure is that I wanted to see what it was like to live in another city. My life consist of living in New York City and Minneapolis. I wanted to experience something new and New Orleans brings me something new while using the skills i learned in both MPLS and NYC. Have I started over or have I just changed directions? hmmmm.

I have been looking into getting on a film since I have been here in NOLA. There are tons of projects shooting down here. But to be honest working at the restaraunt I make just as much money in 6 hours as I would make in an 18 hour day on set. For the time being, no brainer. The extra amount of time allows me to continue working on the "Blue FontaNINE" album.

Speaking of which I have some new collaborators on the project, as well as, Noah who I worked with on For You and Love Letter. This project will be different from the others. I hope. smile

Back to the images....

to be continued....

prince is here
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Reply #13 posted 08/18/22 6:47pm


oh yeah also.....

The passing of Olivia Newton-John was heart breaking for me. Before Prince, there was Olivia. I just loved her so much.

Her music always got me through broken hearts, lonely nights, and boogies on the dance floor.

Everything about her was Magic to me. She had such a strong spirit and always represented something innocent and positive to me.

I love Olivia Newton-John and I am thankful that the universe allowed her to be in this world, sharing her gift of light.

Here is one of the images I captured of her when she did a show at the Guthrie in Minneapolis, MN.

I was over the moon during that show.

Olivia Newton-John

Taken with Leopode

by Jew DreamFirstBorn

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Reply #14 posted 08/20/22 10:02am


so i am working this party at the place and i am bussing tables.

it was sponsored by a liqure company so all booze and a bunch of drunk people.

so annoying, but i got to do my job.

I am holding a tray of about 10 glasses filled

at different levels and I am working my way through the crowd

almost reaching my destination. But this dude decided he was

more important than I, and stkood there in my way, with purpose.

and I said to him, "Move."

He said back to me ..... "and who are you with such athourity?"

I stood there looking at him, thinking... I have been waitin for you, dick.

and I said to hiim... "well if you really want to know, My name is Jew DreamFirstborn

and I work here. You are in my way... You can continue to stand there and I can pour

this tray of covid infested drinks all over you." I said that with a smile, "or you can

MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY so i can dispose of them properly."

He stood there shoock.

I said to him, "you have until 1.... 3, 2.... " and he moved aside.

"thank you" i said to him.

Everytime I came back around with another load, after that, He shouted "MOVE" to everyone

as I passed by.

at the end of the night we had a toast, to a pretty good party.

prepare 4 the download...

prince is here
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Reply #15 posted 08/22/22 4:57pm


I finally had a day off yesterday. The night before was great after work.

Those of us working sat around out on the patio, drinking and smoking cigarettes.

We have a new guy at work and we all gave him shit, for being the new guy.

It was all good fun and he got it. We were just seeing how tuff he was. He

can handle it.

I asked him a lot of questions. Where are you from? California. Why did you move to NOLA? Followed

a girl here, who dumped him soon after. Do you play and insturment? paino, guitar, and violin. Yeah i can

tell by your fingers. I found out that he is lookuing for a photographer so he can get some new head shots.

Ding ding ding. That's my que. We are going to have a shoot this week. I'll share once we do it.

Back to yesterday, I pretty much stayed in my room, I watched a few movies and worked on some art.

I finished a new sketch for the Blue FontaNINE album, did a painting and designed a possible album cover..

I try to keep busy when I am not busy. ART saves lives. smile

here is that possible album cover...

what do you think?

One of my favorite things to do here is watching the passing storms that

barrel through at some part of the day.

Until i return..

Here is the musical sketch i worked on yesterday..

bye 4 now

prince is here
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Reply #16 posted 08/23/22 7:46pm


On wednesday night over at cafe instanbul it's poerty night

I have gone a couple of times

and listened to some of the poets

There are some really interesting voices out there

internal dialogue shared...

Their influence is taking root.

Like God

I'm still the same...

there are gjolden flowers

on the sea shores

where voices of certain

speak no more

we see ourselves as

this, that, and maybe their

but who cares

when you are aware

it all makes no sense

we wake up everyday

as if it were the same

I'm perplexed

and so we pretend

like we haven't done this before

It wears away

at your identity

who am I now?

New face

New Place

New Game

New Race

still I'm a dreamfirstborn

yeah i like that

i like that alot

I'm still the same

prince is here
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Reply #17 posted 08/25/22 3:50am


i'm suppose to write something but I'm not.

I'm gonna go watch my housemate learn

how to work a pole. It's the funniest thing

i have ever seen.

p.s. prepare 4 the download Blue FontaNINE

-HRH Gregory Alive

prince is here
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Reply #18 posted 08/25/22 5:16am





There was a TIME...

When life blew through

Like a hurricane

There was a time

When my father died

And I tried to learn

Patience over things

I can never control

The real learning came

One day at a time during

Disease lock-down

Avoiding even family...

That faded with the sun

Now, the new lock-down

The sun is no longer my friend

But I greet it every day

The minute I walk out the door

New bucket hat on my head

Face slathered in sunscreen

And I think even in this moment

This singular moment in time

When I have to live

Necessarily one day at a time

Life comes roaring back

Like a hurricane

And I have to get out there

At least one more time

To experience the STORM...


Enjoy your new life in New Orleans! cool

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #19 posted 08/30/22 3:54am


hey purplethunder3121,

so far no pun intended smile

thank you.

in the mean time, I have been working my ass off and

it has been great. I love to work. It allows me to be good

at something. I am good at working, when I want to be. smile

yesterday I went to a garden party. The local neighborhood

has a garden in it and there was a community gathering there.

They haverested, played music and it was fun. Very much


i captured some images for them

here are some of them...







it was a really beautiful afternoon and made me think of Paisley Park.

-HRH Gregory Alive

[Edited 8/29/22 20:54pm]

prince is here
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Reply #20 posted 08/31/22 6:31pm


Yesterday I spent the day with this dude who I work with.

He is the new guy and we were hanging out after work the first night

he was there. We were talking about this and that. I like talking to new

people i find interesting. I ask lots of questions. Where are you from?

do you have brothers and sisters, what's your favorite color, do you

play an intrusment, what is your dream? Who do you want to be?

ect. ect. anything to keep the conversation going.

This guy and I were talking and in our conversation he said that he needed

to get some head shots done because he wants to explore modeling...

That was my que. I said to him let me take your images. He said, sure

but was looking at me like he taught that i was just messing around and didn't take me

serious. I was like dude you don't understand what I can do with a camera.

So we set up to meet yesterday. It was pretty cool, we just hung out all day and went to

several different places and I just took photographs of him. We decided that I would be

the one to build his portfolio. I like him a lot. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders

and isn't really interested in the rat race, for now. He is young, 22, but very mature for his years.

Here are some of the images I captured of him.

He is very handsome and reminds me of River Phoniex.

Tonight I go back to work. Oh yeah on Saturday at work,

I am doing my thing and I see this woman sit down with her family

it was a birthday gathering. We make Eye contact and I smile at her

and she smiles back. I continue doing my thing but I thought to myself

why is she looking at me like that. She had a sparkle in her eyes that

said, I know U. Then as I strut past her table she yells out, "He is your name Jew?"

and litterly the place when silent and everyone looked up. Me not missing a beat

says "as in Jew DreamFirstBorn, Yes it is. How do I know you?" she says with a big smile

on her face "we went to The Art Institute together? I was a photography major." and just like that

I remember her. It was awesome as we reconnected. She used to live with a friend of mines

who lives down here (He is the one who convinced me to come down here and I stayed with him

when I first got here.) They used to live together in college and she saw how he tagged me in a post of FB

when he posted an image I captured of him. She told me that she knew i was down here and that she

wanted to reach out but didn't know how. Funny without trying our paths crossed.

speaking of work, I am running late and have to get ready.

until next time,

prepare 4 the download.

prince is here
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Reply #21 posted 09/01/22 8:32pm



Thank you for this experience, the visuals add a nice touch and are beutifully shot

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Reply #22 posted 09/03/22 8:22pm


Thanks S2DG.

There are so many celebrations here in New Orleans. This weekend is Decadance.

Everything is such a scandal. I am working today but tomorrow I will be able to go out

and get some images of the scene in The French Quarters.

in the meantime I have been working on new sketches for the album....

I'll share some tonight when I get home.

Until then,

Prepare 4 the download.

prince is here
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Reply #23 posted 09/04/22 3:32pm


Last night at work was a rough one. Shortly after we had are family meal, pizza and just after everything was all set up for the night our manager gathered us all in the dining room. There was a tense feeling in the air and i could feel in my stomach there was something wrong. Holding back tears in her eyes she said to us that there was no other way to say it but to just say it.

She said that Jordan, one of the guys in the crew was found dead in his apartment. He died of a drug overdose and everyone was just devastated. They all started crying and a couple of them had to be taken off the floor because they were so distraught. I had only met Jordan a couple of times. He had been fired just before I started working there and I was the person who replaced him. So it didn't effect me as much as it effected everyone else.

That voice inside of me said, don't say anything... Let them morn and do what you can to help out. So I didn't. I just did what I had to do. I covered for the two people who couldn't work. It was such a busy night and with that on top of it it just made it more intense.

It was actually quite incredible because I view working there as being apart of a stage production and though everyone was distraught with the execption of the two who had to go home to deal with their grief, everyone else was like the show much go on. It was pretty sad because I could see the grief in everyone's eyes and I could feel their pain. I could feel it in my heart. It made me very sad for them all. Tears weld up in my eyes not because of my connection to Jordan, I didn't know him that well and what I did know of him didn't really make me a fan of his. The tears came from seeing the others who were fighting hard not to loose it while being one of the busiest nights of the week. It's Decadent weekend here in New Orleans and it's all out decadence here, a free for all if you will. It is a gay thing here and Jordan being gay made his death being all the more decadent.

I remember the last words I said to him, which was at the birthday pool party I went to a couple of weeks ago. He was really photogenic and I was photographing him in all his drunkeness. He was trying to give me all these directions, shoot me like this now take another and I told him.... Sorry dude I don't work like that. I capture the images. Dont worry trust me I'll shoot you in the best possible way. He didn't know what to think because noone ever said no to him. After looking at the images I got of him I told him that he photographed really well and he could be a model, He loved thatl.. but He was a mess. Over execess in drinking and drugs and just playing this character that he thought everyone wanted him to be like. I personally was not turned on by his antics, and I thought he was just annoing. I don't feel bad about my thoughts of him, because they were my honest thoughts. I thought he had so much potential but was just wasting it away. The very last thing I said to him was get your shit together, get it together you are a mess and you are playing into everyones comedic view of you. You are so much more than this.

He looked me with such bewilderment in his face and said what do you meaaaannnn, why are you saying these things. He was totally intoxicated and I just said never mind. It's what a manager would say to you if you were a model.

I saw him one time after that but didn't say anything to him because he was drunk. I found out yesterday that he was only 22.

RIP Jordan

prince is here
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Reply #24 posted 09/06/22 5:22am


I just had an interesting thought.


mother vs child

"I don't believe in God, Ii'm an athiest"

when they believe what you believe

then you are taken away


then comes of it...

Lack of God.

I see the agenda

in a dream Prince told me.... Don't pray for her, pray for you

2 see and hear

the words of the prophecy

for the time is near?

brace yourself for the heart ache.

prince is here
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Reply #25 posted 09/06/22 5:24am


Love God

meanwhile back in New Orleans

Saterday Night Live

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Reply #26 posted 09/08/22 5:46am


So when I say SAterday Night Live

what I mean by that is this...

The other day a friend from work had a birthday party

and she invited all of us at the restaurant

to come to her house and just let loose.

She cooked everything

and it was amazing what I ate..... Chicken wings.

I love chicken wings.

We, for the most part all showed up

we had drinks and what not

I was on chill mode.

Jazmin is only on the clock.

Off the clock

Jew DreamFirstBorn

so I was kinda just hanging off to myself

with my house mate and her love interest

I watched everyone and how they

reacted with one another

pretty much the same

as when we get off work and are chilling

on the patio shooting the shit.

pause..... MauVee just came in to say goodnight.

I love it when she says good night to me.

Back to the party...

so we are all just chilling out

talking and then all of a sudden

a WOW kind of engery

came across everyone....

My friends best friend had showed up

and everyone one was excited.

Her friend is on Saturday Night Live...

My friend brought this person over to me

and introduced us. That person was really

nice and generous. She thanked me for taking

care of her best friend. Which I thought was

a little strange, what did she (shoot you have a clue as to who

this perosn is) mean by that.

The night went on and everyone dance and partied and had a good time

I brought my friend some red roses and I made a sketch

of a song for her. I wont share the song now, it's not finished but

here is an portrait of my friend.

She basically controls the restaurant. I really love her. She is funny, honest, nice yet doesn't take any shit. She works hard and when she can celebrates just as hard. She is delicate and wild all at the same time. She is thoughtful with her

art. Her art is cooking. I sometimes watch her while she is preparing a dish and I am just so memorized by the details and the concern she puts into everyone single dish. When I watch her I witness an artist at work. smile

She is an amazing Cook, you can taste the love she puts into it when you eat her food.

One day I asked her, what is your dream? What do you want to achieve?

She told me she wants to travel all around the world as a personal chef.

She wants to be the person in charge of their dietary needs.

anyway.... I am just saying Gabbie is ....

Saturday Night Live

prince is here
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Reply #27 posted 09/08/22 5:54pm


On of the greatest things about being a photographer

is that I get to capture images of some really beautiful

and interesting people. The fact that they let me photograph

them to me means that there is a level of trust

that only a photographer and it's subject share.

As a photographer it is my job to capture the best side of you.

Here are some friends I captured last week.

I first me him at a place called Poor Boys. I seen him walk out of the door to the back patio, in the corner of my eyes and all I thought was who is that? I want to photograph him. In that moment

he looked over at me and made a bee line straight over to me. He asked me a question, that i honestly don't remember, but it was followed by a 15 minute conversation. I had said to him that I thought

he was beautiful and asked If we could do a photoshoot at some point. He said sure. We gave each other a hug and went about our seperate ways. Our schedules have not lined up as of yet but I was at R Bar on Saturday, with some friends and He taps me on the shoulder

and said Hey. I turned to see who it was and it was him. He litterly took my breath away. I said to him... it's you. It was the first time I saw him since our first encounter. He said he Jew how's it going. Me having had a few drinks,

it was Decadence, said back to him... Goooooood. LOL We talked for a bit and I asked him, let me photograph you right now. I had King James with me and he abliged. That's the shot i got. It was dark and the lighting was horrible but I think i captured a good image of him under the circumstances.

This is my work bestie. She and I have a great time. We joke one each other and make the shift just fun to be there. She is from Martha's Vinyard and her and her husband moved here just around the same time

I did. She always comes to work dressed is nothing sophicated and cute. She forces me to up my wardrobe game at work. Her and I talk alot with each others about our lives. When ever a cute guy comes in I ask her

what do you think cute or not. We have different taste. LOL She is sweet and honest. I am happy when she comes to work because I know my work bestie and I are gonna have fun and together we bring in the money.

I took this image when we were assigned to clean up the office upstairs together. We were done and killing time out on the balcony. I grabbed my camera and said, Look at me woman. LOL she said no! but turned

for a split second and this is what I captured.

I call her #5 because her name is the name of a classic perfume. She makes me lauph all the time and she gets my humor. We are always cracking each other up. She is so wise, but like me remain young at heart.

We both got our latest tattoos together. She went before me. She loves to dance and to be honest i have never come up against someone who likes to dance as much as i do. She always got the boogie in her.

We hangout a lot and the other day we did our first photoshoot together. They came out AMAZING. I didn't charge her for the sessions (Friends and Family deal) so afterwards we went to Anna's and had a drink.

That when I captured this on.

He is the host with the most at work. He greets em and brings them to me, where I give excellent service. We hang out and talk. He is so handsome and i tell him all the time. He is one of the cool ones at work

and we don't hang out much outside of work but we do get along really well. He is a hair stylist and says he can't wait to get his hands in my hair. He wants to give me braids. He is always so flawless.

He makes me laugh alot as well. I think he is too cooper. (a saying an old friend and i came up with that means super cool)

that's it for now. Gonna start a new painting

until the next time.

-HRH Gregory Alive

prince is here
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Reply #28 posted 09/08/22 6:52pm


"don't be distracted. when it goes dark. let your eyes adjust and focus on what little bit of the light there is...."

10 Days of Darkness is upon us.

prince is here
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Reply #29 posted 09/11/22 6:19am


day 1

focus on time and duty

focus on love and the scucess of it

foucus on laupher and smiles

Remember them

the remember u

until then see u on day 2

prince is here
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