Purple People, we're back with PART TWO of our exclusive interview with Morris Hayes - the legendary keyboard player from The New Power Generation, one of the LONGEST SERVING members of Prince's band, working with Prince from 1993-2012 and now continuing to celebrate Prince by touring worldwide with The NPG.
Hope you already caught Part 1, if not, go back and watch it on our channel!
In Part 2, we cover :
- working with Prince and Margie Cox on "Standing At The Altar" - the Martika song Morris didn't get credited for - how he and Greg Sain turned DOWN a deal with Motown - working on a remix of SHAKE by The Time and how that led to Prince talking to him - how Prince SHAVED HIS HEAD onstage during DAYS OF WILD and why BROWN MARK told Morris not to let Prince cut his hair - why Prince asked Morris to edit swear words out of old songs and how Morris said no. - how Prince would micromanage audio engineers
We managed to catch up with Morris in the hotel bar during The NPG's recent show in London, so apologies for a bit of background noise (turn the subtitles on!), but we hope you enjoy Part 2 of this DEEP FUNK DIVE into the Purple World!
Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss the next part of the interview, COMING SOON (as well as all of our other awesome videos!)