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Reply #30 posted 09/16/04 3:20pm




Great work guys!
You are not my "friend" because you threaten my security.
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Reply #31 posted 09/16/04 4:22pm


So... erm...

Why does the headline say "New Prince Album" when this has nothing to do with Prince ????

Kinda false advertising methinks...
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Reply #32 posted 09/16/04 4:54pm



They just missed out 'inspired', only a small error.
If god one day struck me blind,
Your beauty i'd still see.
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Reply #33 posted 09/16/04 4:58pm



There's some good material on here and some very talented players. I wouldn't be surprised if some of your melodies, etc. turn up on Prince's next CD! evillol
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Reply #34 posted 09/16/04 5:24pm


Insanecabbage said:

They just missed out 'inspired', only a small error.

I doubt it was error at all...

It was there to get attention...

ie False advertising...
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Reply #35 posted 09/17/04 2:31am


petski said:

Insanecabbage said:

They just missed out 'inspired', only a small error.

I doubt it was error at all...

It was there to get attention...

ie False advertising...

So what ? It's not as if they're attempting to rob you by insisting on a $25 donation or anything.
A large number of people have invested their time and talent in creating this music, they're making it available for you to listen to free of charge, and you moan about false advertising? Just shut up and download it - you won't regret it. lol In any case, the offending 'error' is now gone.

And to everyone involved in NFO2 - thank you all for providing us with more incredible music. I've only had the opportunity to listen to each song once since downloading them, so no proper opinions yet other than to say that the standard is once again amazing and I look forward to listening to them all over and over and over....
Lemmy, Bowie, Prince, Leonard. RIP.
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Reply #36 posted 09/17/04 5:09am



AsylumUtopia said:

petski said:

I doubt it was error at all...

It was there to get attention...

ie False advertising...

So what ? It's not as if they're attempting to rob you by insisting on a $25 donation or anything.
A large number of people have invested their time and talent in creating this music, they're making it available for you to listen to free of charge, and you moan about false advertising? Just shut up and download it - you won't regret it. lol In any case, the offending 'error' is now gone.

Actually it's still there, on the home page: "The New Prince album produced, arranged, composed and performed by his FANS!!!" If you read the entrie sentence, you know it's not really a Prince album. If you read the whole story, you'll see that (#1) We are basically following in his footsteps, by "producing, arranging, composing and performing" every thing ourselves. Check out the credits for Project 1 (The back cover art for project 2 is still being finalized.)

Also, (#2) This is a "free the funk" type of project. An independent internet project that shuns the music industry. Sounds like someone we know?

#3, we are obviously all inspired by Prince, since this project started here:

And finally, #4. I heard that AsIAm was asking about creating a musician's community over at npgmc and one of the mods directed him to So they know about us, and are cool with us.

NFO Historian
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Reply #37 posted 09/17/04 6:28am


Jshua is someone you should keep your eyes on.

Great licks. Nice voice. A really, really talented guy who just entered my Life about 5 minutes ago... smile

Check out his site:
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Reply #38 posted 09/17/04 12:26pm



Current stats: Here are the current number of downloads for September, now that this ad has gone up on The webstats only show a certain number of information, rest assured that all songs are getting attention. This just gives you a general idea of how much downloading is going on. Track 1, New Dimension has 423 downloads!!! Dasilva's killer closing track has 228. Not bad for 2 days, huh?

423 NewDimension.mp3
287 ThickerThanBlood.mp3
239 BluesForThrese.mp3
222 FlightOfPassage.mp3
215 The4thDimension.mp3
191 HighSteppinLady.mp3
214 GaGa.mp3
223 BaconTastesGood.mp3
228 Kingdom.mp3
194 CandyStore.mp3
193 NightOfTheClub.mp3

[Edited 9/17/04 12:29pm]
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Reply #39 posted 09/17/04 3:34pm



The org ad is #1 on google when you put in New Funk Order!

Thanks to Ben & Co. for supporting our project and featuring our ad on the front page! hug

And when you put in "New Funk Order" you get this:

[Edited 9/17/04 15:36pm]
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Reply #40 posted 09/17/04 5:30pm


but I wasnt inspired by prince !! LOL !!

When music is good it don't need his name to promote it..

HOWEVER - this is great to see !!

Congrats NFO !!

Glad y'all are enjoying the new dimension.

" the embassy shut to keep the fools out " - as above, so below.
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Reply #41 posted 09/18/04 1:50am


Bacon Tastes Good

Fall of Jack Lazar


Very nice. Grats to all.., but i liked those specially.
[Edited 9/18/04 1:52am]
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Reply #42 posted 09/18/04 1:08pm



Thanks NFO!!! Excellent job on everything!!

all my love,
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Reply #43 posted 09/18/04 6:50pm


Of course everyone on this thing is the bomb-diggety
My favorites on this project are:

High Steppin Lady
Night of the Club
The 4th Dimension
747 Flight of Passage

worship NFO worship
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Reply #44 posted 09/19/04 6:47am



i like Kingdom the best so far
Check it out ...Shiny Toy Guns R gonna blowup VERY soon and bring melody back to heard it here 1st! http://www.myspacecomment...theone.mp3
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Reply #45 posted 09/19/04 4:08pm



so whens disc 3 arranged for release????
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Reply #46 posted 09/20/04 6:04am



cloud9mission said:

so whens disc 3 arranged for release????

Was wondering the same thing

Tried many flavours - but sooner or later, always go back to the Purple Kool-aid!
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Reply #47 posted 09/20/04 6:44am



Great work all.Personally i feel 'tiz a great cross section of styles, with a anti-establishment politik...Music means freedom. peace
~PClinuxOS~ yes I've been here longer than I care to remember, ... I drop in from time to time, ... thumbs up!
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Reply #48 posted 09/20/04 6:45am



DreZone said:

cloud9mission said:

so whens disc 3 arranged for release????

Was wondering the same thing


I think we should let the excitement of project 2 die down first... We don't want to crash the server again...

Downloads so far:

684 NewDimension.mp3

476 ThickerThanBlood.mp3

387 BluesForThrese.mp3

373 HeyChamp.mp3

365 Kingdom.mp3

357 GaGa.mp3

353 747:FlightOfPassage.mp3

351 BaconTastesGood.mp3

343 The4thDimension.mp3

319 CandyStore.mp3

312 NightOfTheClub.mp3

309 FallOfJackLazer.mp3

307 HighSteppinLady.mp3
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Reply #49 posted 09/20/04 7:05am




DreZone said:

cloud9mission said:

so whens disc 3 arranged for release????

Was wondering the same thing


We've been thinking of mid to late October. JD has a good song on there that would be nice to introduce before the election.

The main reason is that it was decided to have AT LEAST a month of breathing room between the two.
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Reply #50 posted 09/20/04 4:25pm



I'm actually a bit surprised that "High Steppin' Lady" appeared on NFO II. I was under the impression that "What a lady should be" would be on it (my collaboration with Julian Christian based on High Steppin' Lady)... neutral
"Give a monkey a brain and he'll swear he's the center of the universe" (Fishbone)
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Reply #51 posted 09/21/04 5:52am



Listened to it fully the other day. Great stuff you guys keep up the good work! I'm looking foward to Project 3 biggrin
If god one day struck me blind,
Your beauty i'd still see.
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Reply #52 posted 09/21/04 5:54am



erikd said:

I'm actually a bit surprised that "High Steppin' Lady" appeared on NFO II. I was under the impression that "What a lady should be" would be on it (my collaboration with Julian Christian based on High Steppin' Lady)... neutral

There will be something special with that song next week.
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Reply #53 posted 09/21/04 6:16am



NFO said:

erikd said:

I'm actually a bit surprised that "High Steppin' Lady" appeared on NFO II. I was under the impression that "What a lady should be" would be on it (my collaboration with Julian Christian based on High Steppin' Lady)... neutral

There will be something special with that song next week.

Ah, I see smile

Great stuff, the CD btw. And the artwork is fantastic! thumbs up!
Makes me proud to be a part of.
"Give a monkey a brain and he'll swear he's the center of the universe" (Fishbone)
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Reply #54 posted 09/21/04 6:47am


Just my opinion...but perhaps U should slow down on the releases; work/promote I and II before thinking about III.
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Reply #55 posted 09/22/04 5:55am





They like it!

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All Rights Reserved.
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Reply #56 posted 09/22/04 6:08am




Big congrats NFO!!!!!

I'm xtremely proud to be a member!!!!! biggrin


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Reply #57 posted 09/22/04 8:42am



Just for fun, here are the running totals as of today. By the end of the month, everyone's song should show up. What happens is, we get the stats for top 30 urls, and things like have over 4500 hits. Here are the hits (downloads) that show up for the mp3s.

770 NewDimension.mp3
544 ThickerThanBlood.mp3
428 BluesForThrese.mp3
417 HeyChamp.mp3
406 747FlightOfPassage.mp3
403 Kingdom.mp3
387 GaGa.mp3
387 BaconTastesGood.mp3
376 The4thDimension.mp3
357 CandyStore.mp3
356 FallOfJackLazer.mp3
343 YouWillNeverWalkAlone.mp3
338 HighSteppinLady.mp3
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Reply #58 posted 09/22/04 9:41am



New Stuff at the Sto'

Shirts and more

Project II and the Project II LP featuring Julian Christian and Javier Alcalde
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Reply #59 posted 09/22/04 4:58pm




I wonder why the view counter is stuck at 5,798?

Surely we've gotten more than that in the last 24 hours.
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Forums > Art, Podcasts, & Fan Content > New Funk Order: Project II