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Thread started 10/04/04 6:19pm




This is a response posted to another thread about what Prince said about the music industry..

Thought it appropriate to highlight it here - and to also place focus on the Spiritual Fact that MUSIC is OUR TOOL for GIVING IN SERVICE - to those who can BENEFIT from our LIBERATION..

" stay out of the old world music industry where the pointless desire for fame and lots of money eventually bites you on the butt.

be your own revolutionist - let your business decisions be guided by integrity and high spiritual principles.

prince said to make sure your spiritual house is on order FIRST.

if it truly is - you wont desire fame - or lots of money - for the true adept is happy just to be alive - the simple joy of BREATHING enough to excite his/her every second of creative expression.

are you in it for what you can get out of it or what you can GIVE to the world - and what is it exactly you want to GIVE and WHY and who has already done it before ??

it is understandable that " being on MTV " is a 'dream come true' for young people who have been raised in a society to believe that MTV actually means something.

my dream come true is living in heaven on earth.

being on MTV pales tragically in comparison.

the land of milk and honey - the musicians playground where Love Leads the Way - where HUMILITY is the foundation of ALL 'business transactions' - where LAWSUITS ARE PASSE - where the Gift of Song is ALWAYS A GIFT - not a taking or an ego boost or any of those other ILLUSIONS the MEDIA have taught you to believe count for anything.

getting caught up in the illusions of money and material possessions is the risk you take if you want to go down the path of FAME.

Life is much Sweeter on the ' Other-Side '.


Sorry if it's rubbed people the wrong way - but it's better you find out now that a Spiritual Life must PRECEDE your work - if indeed your work will be a GIVING THING - and your business partnerships successful.

Deep in the Centre of IT ALL - are quiet humble souls - who revere and love and give and share - with deep respect for Life and Creator/God .. with no need to broadcast anything - just to give .. with no need for praise or recognition .. they would prefer you to recognise the beauty of simplicity and humility - and charity and mercy - before they would ever hope for you to recognise THEM.

A corrupt industry is born from spiritually corrupt participants.

Break the chain..

PB "

New Song - M E R C Y

I come here - always have done - TO GIVE - no responses required unless you simply can't help it !!

Not here for praise or spotlight - if those things are the RESULT of my own EFFORTS TO SERVE then so be it !! - received with humble gratitude !!

lyrics :

listen dial-up :

listen broadband :

download free :

license :


" the embassy shut to keep the fools out " - as above, so below.
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Reply #1 posted 10/04/04 7:16pm




mercy, mercy!

Ok, come back when you have a COMPLETE, TOTAL CRAP SONG for us to scrutinize!
© 2015 Yamomma®
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Reply #2 posted 10/04/04 7:35pm


lol okay.. lolol ..


Do not say yes to this idea! LOL.

" the embassy shut to keep the fools out " - as above, so below.
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Reply #3 posted 10/04/04 7:40pm




I keep tellin ya that we need more photos of yaself.

Now if you got one of those pimple butts...
Well fahgetit. We'll stick with the cute head shot.
© 2015 Yamomma®
All Rights Reserved.
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Reply #4 posted 10/04/04 8:17pm


lol when I opened the reply screen the quote at the top of the page was " move yo big azz round this way so I can work on that zipper baby "


this is me .. make it rainbow colours and u got your photo ! ( wink )
" the embassy shut to keep the fools out " - as above, so below.
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Reply #5 posted 10/05/04 12:35am



now you're talkin'

Man I'd love to hang out with you... One thing.. The good the bad, the ugly -- it's all perfection. There are no weak links. Life is a perfect balance, sometimes that balance isnt perfect and as a result there are repercussions to return that balance. I wouldn't consider anything or anyone wrong or spiritually lacking... I don't want to start a huge convo, just something to think about.

Excellent post!!!
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Reply #6 posted 10/05/04 12:27pm


I mean no disrespect and I've always been a big fan of you but I'm a logical, common-sense, meat and potatoes person.

Incomplete thoughts and jumping from one statement to another is confusing me as to what point it is that you are actually trying to make. I haven't mentioned it in some of your previous posts because I didn't want to offend.

Let's define spiritual for example. Is this someone who mediates and has a buddist type of, karma, mentality or someone who attends church on a regular basis? By being spiritual and a musician, I'm just trying to understand where you are coming from.

Then by being this spiritual musician one should break from the system of how the music business operates? So promoting yourself, setting up live gigs to entertain people and get your spiritual musical expression out there and manufacturing cds and EVERTHING that goes along with the business should be done differently?

Well specifically how? What is your suggestion? Not being famous, not being on MTV? If that's it I think all of us here are on the right track. How do people pay the taxes that the system works on? How about feeding your kids, it does take money right? A roof over your head isn't free either, so while the corruption is in all businesses (not just the music biz) what are we talking about here?

Again, I'm just trying to understand where your coming from because you are obviously in balance with your music and spirituality and I'm trying to understand in basic terms that make sense to me.


spelling err
[Edited 10/5/04 12:30pm]
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Reply #7 posted 10/05/04 6:00pm


Slave .. Hey ..

" Think Globally - Act Locally "

Let's run with this concept :

Everything you want to do - and everything you need - can be done and attained through LOCAL distribution of your music ..

We are talking here about the difference between the GLOBAL DOMINATION via the MEDIA MACHINE of the " Old World " ..

and LOCAL SERVICE via internet and your own community ( suburbs and surrounding areas ).

GLOBAL DOMINATION : MTV - TV - The PRESS .. all these instruments of promotion are held within the grip of currupt elite forces whose AIM is to keep humanity locked in an illusion.

This illusion consists of the 'notion' that money and fame and material wealth indicate SUCCESS .. which is of course baloney.

The Only True Success each of us ever becomes is HUMANE BEINGS - gentle people - humble people - communal people - who respect, respond, love, cherish, give, serve each other in a brotherly/sisterly way .. to wake up each morning and TRULY FEEL the JOY of Being Alive - for it is indeed a GIFT!

As Musicians walking that path - we can GIVE to each other and our communities - what we feel is Natural and True - through our music ..

We have ALL the tools necessary to produce music - distribute music - and Liberate others through music ..

The MASS MEDIA MAJOR RECORD COMPANIES are simply no longer needed to DO TRULY what we have always been FREELY ALLOWED TO to BENEFIT others! CREATE - GIVE - SHARE - OUR MUSIC!

We have been taught from birth that what we see on TV - is COOL - and SUCCESSFUL.

It's not! It is an I l l u s i o n.

REAL LIFE - is here right now - intimate communications - about REAL things - Life - Love - Hope - Working to Make a Better World - and HOW WE CAN BEST ACHIEVE THAT whilst still receiving what we need to survive!

When you wake up in the morning there is only YOU - in your own head - living your own reality - however you choose to perceive and live it.. THE MEDIA/TV/PRESS - BREAK into that bubble and tell you ' hey - please be distracted by all our crap cuz u know u aint worth shit unless you join us. '

The Money you need to survive does not necessarily equate with HAVING TO BE PART OF THE OLD MUSIC INDUSTRY - its dying anyway!

You get a simple job that you enjoy to pay your bills - dont have to be no high-flying executive to make a livin!!

If you structure your time well - there will be plenty of remaining hours in a week for you to CREATE what you want to - then record it and put it on the net! Make a CD Available! Or do LOCAL GIGS..

Man I record on 8 tracks! My home studio takes up 3 square feet! That's all!
We scale down and become SIMPLE - you dont need big studios and lots of gear to be GOOD.

EGO is a deceptive thing - it tells you ' hey you know u gotta be famous if u want your music heard by as many people as possible '..

well listen to this : why does it have to be heard by millions of people??

how can you guarantee any of those people really KNOW what the fuck you're on about??

how will you know if they bought your music cuz they really really wanted to with all their heart or cuz the TV TOLD THEM TO??

what kind of audience would you prefer??

if you have a MESSAGE - those intended to hear it - or be liberated WILL FIND YOU.. their own inner stirings and intuition will LEAD them TO YOU - via the Net! - just as we have all come across great music that touched us in some special way! I have been more moved by music I have found on the Net than by anything on MTV!!


Doesnt matter what your personal 'religious or spiritual beliefs are' and no you dont have to be siting there praying and meditating with your eyes shut like the latest guru who's really swept up in just another fad..

Spirituality is a LIFESTYLE - of Truth Lived!!

To invest in your Spiritual Life BEFORE stepping out there wanting to GIVE YOUR MUSIC to others means to simply KNOW THYSELF - and KEEP SEEKING - for like layers of an onion that peel off - so does your mind and soul shed more layers until the TRUE and ULTIMATE YOU is revealed!!

It Is this TRUE and ULTIMATE YOU that you want to be EXPRESSED in your MUSIC - becuz that is the ONLY YOU that will have the EFFECT you are after!!

We are LIGHT!! - a wonderful collection and tapestry of so many different realites all here sharing and learning and growing however we can to ACHIEVE THE ULTIMATE SUCCESS..


MTV IS A VEIL - A SHIELD - that promotes FALSE IMAGES everyday!! We see those images and icons and in that instant we believe in an ILLUSION - for NONE of those "ARTISTS" are presenting us with the REAL THEM..

.. for the REAL THEM is buried deep beneath layers of marketing, clothing, make-up, false ideas about WHAT IS TRULY COOL.

Does a flower need to make millions of dollars? Does it present itself to the world as anything different from what it TRULY IS?? No.. but it is fed and lives and survives just the same until its time is over and it returns back to where it came from.

So it is with us!

It is All we are asked to do - to just BE naturally who we are - to DROP the Mask - and the Belief in ILLUSIONS - just to CREATE HONESTLY from a place of True Surrender and OPeness and Respect for the Gift we have been GIVEN as Musicians.

" Think Globally - ACT LOCALLY " - is the key to success in the New World!!

You will like it! It's fun !!

" the embassy shut to keep the fools out " - as above, so below.
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Reply #8 posted 10/05/04 6:12pm


ToyStein said:

now you're talkin'

Man I'd love to hang out with you... One thing.. The good the bad, the ugly -- it's all perfection. There are no weak links. Life is a perfect balance, sometimes that balance isnt perfect and as a result there are repercussions to return that balance. I wouldn't consider anything or anyone wrong or spiritually lacking... I don't want to start a huge convo, just something to think about.

Excellent post!!!

HI Toy - by " corrupt " I mean ' spiritually misguided '.

There is a Centre Point of Purity of Intent - that people either choose to move closer to - or further away from ..

Indeed no judgement - either way the balance is eventually restored .. - but if the imbalance becomes too great - the restoration process is more necessarily violent.

Thanks for your response!

" the embassy shut to keep the fools out " - as above, so below.
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Reply #9 posted 10/05/04 6:55pm


With breath of fresh air, the warrior speaks the truth.
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Reply #10 posted 10/06/04 8:24am


Thank You SW, I understand where you are coming from and I agree 100%.
Thanks for taking the time to explain.

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Reply #11 posted 10/06/04 2:05pm



Slave2daGroove said:

Thank You SW, I understand where you are coming from and I agree 100%.
Thanks for taking the time to explain.


i, instead, am afraid of all these theories.. these continuous references to the fact that we are part of something greater, a greater mind from which we take inspiration, etc etc..

i am an atheist.

ALL THESE kind of things you always say with a lot of "spectacularity" are not demonstrable.


these things are only beliefs, or FAITH (as you religious people call it).

Beliefs is something totally subjective.


I could believe in PINOCCHIO.


freedom of speech exists..


you all religious people seem to have the convintion, to have a DIVINE RIGHT to necessarily convince everyone of YOUR OWN PERSONAL BELIEFS.

well, u DON'T. it's not dimonstrable u have it or the creator (if there is one) gave it to you.

I will never come to you trying to convince you PINOCCHIO gave us all the power of immagination. EVEN if i believed it.

SO why do u?

we're talking about freedom?
ok! fantastic!

if i say a blasphemy i think you all will be very disappointed.. or better, i think i go to jail. saying blasphemy in public is illegal (at least in italy)

and all this because you'll be offended by my lack of respect for your religious beliefs.

SO WHY NOONE think about the fact that I, an atheist could be offended by your continuous naming of creators, gods, lights, angels, truths, etc, etc because i believe in pinocchio??

i respect your beliefs, but if only you could (for a moment, just for a while, not always) stop to pepper everything (every topic!) with these science-fictionist tales.. well there would be respect for me ALSO.

Thank you.

(i hope i won't be banished for my ideas from this forum, i know you're all believers. just like prince, obvious!) wink
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Reply #12 posted 10/06/04 2:20pm


DrStone said:

Slave2daGroove said:

Thank You SW, I understand where you are coming from and I agree 100%.
Thanks for taking the time to explain.


i, instead, am afraid of all these theories.. these continuous references to the fact that we are part of something greater, a greater mind from which we take inspiration, etc etc..

i am an atheist.

ALL THESE kind of things you always say with a lot of "spectacularity" are not demonstrable.


these things are only beliefs, or FAITH (as you religious people call it).

Beliefs is something totally subjective.


I could believe in PINOCCHIO.


freedom of speech exists..


you all religious people seem to have the convintion, to have a DIVINE RIGHT to necessarily convince everyone of YOUR OWN PERSONAL BELIEFS.

well, u DON'T. it's not dimonstrable u have it or the creator (if there is one) gave it to you.

I will never come to you trying to convince you PINOCCHIO gave us all the power of immagination. EVEN if i believed it.

SO why do u?

we're talking about freedom?
ok! fantastic!

if i say a blasphemy i think you all will be very disappointed.. or better, i think i go to jail. saying blasphemy in public is illegal (at least in italy)

and all this because you'll be offended by my lack of respect for your religious beliefs.

SO WHY NOONE think about the fact that I, an atheist could be offended by your continuous naming of creators, gods, lights, angels, truths, etc, etc because i believe in pinocchio??

i respect your beliefs, but if only you could (for a moment, just for a while, not always) stop to pepper everything (every topic!) with these science-fictionist tales.. well there would be respect for me ALSO.

Thank you.

(i hope i won't be banished for my ideas from this forum, i know you're all believers. just like prince, obvious!) wink

Whoah, hold on there my Italian, atheist friend.

While I do believe in the Universe and the possibility that there's something else operating here whether that's the the great cabbage in space or pinocchio, I'm about as far from organized religion as it gets. "Science-fictionist tales" are not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the things you can't touch, in which music and inspiration are just a couple.

Now then the peppering of "every topic", you must be referring to our SacredWarrior on that because pinococchio knows, I'm best with smart ass-riddled, dick and fart jokes.

Her response was to my please clarify spirituality post (read above) and her moral was more in line with "Think Globally - Act Locally to which I totally agree.

So before you generalize or even think we would ban your funky self, understand what you quoted and what I was saying.

Much respect Dr., I just had to clarify.
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Reply #13 posted 10/06/04 2:25pm



Slave2daGroove said:

DrStone said:

i, instead, am afraid of all these theories.. these continuous references to the fact that we are part of something greater, a greater mind from which we take inspiration, etc etc..

i am an atheist.

ALL THESE kind of things you always say with a lot of "spectacularity" are not demonstrable.


these things are only beliefs, or FAITH (as you religious people call it).

Beliefs is something totally subjective.


I could believe in PINOCCHIO.


freedom of speech exists..


you all religious people seem to have the convintion, to have a DIVINE RIGHT to necessarily convince everyone of YOUR OWN PERSONAL BELIEFS.

well, u DON'T. it's not dimonstrable u have it or the creator (if there is one) gave it to you.

I will never come to you trying to convince you PINOCCHIO gave us all the power of immagination. EVEN if i believed it.

SO why do u?

we're talking about freedom?
ok! fantastic!

if i say a blasphemy i think you all will be very disappointed.. or better, i think i go to jail. saying blasphemy in public is illegal (at least in italy)

and all this because you'll be offended by my lack of respect for your religious beliefs.

SO WHY NOONE think about the fact that I, an atheist could be offended by your continuous naming of creators, gods, lights, angels, truths, etc, etc because i believe in pinocchio??

i respect your beliefs, but if only you could (for a moment, just for a while, not always) stop to pepper everything (every topic!) with these science-fictionist tales.. well there would be respect for me ALSO.

Thank you.

(i hope i won't be banished for my ideas from this forum, i know you're all believers. just like prince, obvious!) wink

Whoah, hold on there my Italian, atheist friend.

While I do believe in the Universe and the possibility that there's something else operating here whether that's the the great cabbage in space or pinocchio, I'm about as far from organized religion as it gets. "Science-fictionist tales" are not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the things you can't touch, in which music and inspiration are just a couple.

Now then the peppering of "every topic", you must be referring to our SacredWarrior on that because pinococchio knows, I'm best with smart ass-riddled, dick and fart jokes.

Her response was to my please clarify spirituality post (read above) and her moral was more in line with "Think Globally - Act Locally to which I totally agree.

So before you generalize or even think we would ban your funky self, understand what you quoted and what I was saying.

Much respect Dr., I just had to clarify.

i was talking to sacred warrior, not you! excuse me!
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Reply #14 posted 10/07/04 1:22am



Thank you for providing the BALANCING FACTOR.

Everything in the universe has an OPPOSITE - for purposes of Balance..

You showed up right on TIME !

Much Love,

" the embassy shut to keep the fools out " - as above, so below.
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Reply #15 posted 10/07/04 1:34am



sacredwarrior said:


Thank you for providing the BALANCING FACTOR.

Everything in the universe has an OPPOSITE - for purposes of Balance..

You showed up right on TIME !

Much Love,


ehehe this is one thing i can agree with!
I'm your OPPOSITE! but i really like your music work.. err

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Reply #16 posted 10/07/04 1:43am



DrStone said:

sacredwarrior said:


Thank you for providing the BALANCING FACTOR.

Everything in the universe has an OPPOSITE - for purposes of Balance..

You showed up right on TIME !

Much Love,


ehehe this is one thing i can agree with!
I'm your OPPOSITE! but i really like your music work.. err


i'm only wondering if you agree with the fact that your theories are all subjective..
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Reply #17 posted 10/07/04 3:43am


Dr.Stone ..

METAPHYSICS is the study of religion - philosophy - physics and psychology..

Steven Hawkings agrees that TRUTH is contained therein - by combining these fields of Knowledge.

You have a very grounded view - however we must also keep our eyes on the stars at the same time as keeping our feet on the ground.


Pilot Beacon 5755
Australian Ambassador GFLF
New Earth Embassy
" the embassy shut to keep the fools out " - as above, so below.
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Reply #18 posted 10/07/04 4:17am



sacredwarrior said:

Dr.Stone ..

METAPHYSICS is the study of religion - philosophy - physics and psychology..

Steven Hawkings agrees that TRUTH is contained therein - by combining these fields of Knowledge.

You have a very grounded view - however we must also keep our eyes on the stars at the same time as keeping our feet on the ground.


Pilot Beacon 5755
Australian Ambassador GFLF
New Earth Embassy

ok i'll take it as a yes to my question.. it's all subjective. smile

and if the truth (truth about what anyway? truth is only a word anyone giving the meaning he wants to it) is coming from within, i'm truly starting to believe one day every one of us will reunite with the great pinocchio.

joking aside, i was talking about religions, not about the inner need of human beings to believe in something. The point was not metaphysics, but grounded organised religions. Me too, i believe in something like (let's call it) FATE. i don't give it a name, i don't pray it, let alone i want to convince people to come praying with me this "thing" all together in a building, decorated with strange objects, or try to trace every topic i talk about, back to this "something".
and all this, because as i said, everything is subjective. EXPECIALLY this topics. expecially metaphysics that is the study of some of the most subjective "sciences" of all: religion, philosophy and psycology!
said that, everyone is free to believe in everything he wants, keeping in mind that one's freedom ends where another one's freedom starts.

"new earth embassy"... sounds too conceited, doesn't it? wink
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Reply #19 posted 10/07/04 4:44pm



Do you have anything to contribute to the thread Dr.Stone?
Or is your specialty ' sabotage '..

I'll be back when RESPECT is high on your list of " to do's ".



" the embassy shut to keep the fools out " - as above, so below.
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Reply #20 posted 10/07/04 6:17pm



sacredwarrior said:


This is a response posted to another thread about what Prince said about the music industry..

Thought it appropriate to highlight it here - and to also place focus on the Spiritual Fact that MUSIC is OUR TOOL for GIVING IN SERVICE - to those who can BENEFIT from our LIBERATION..

" stay out of the old world music industry where the pointless desire for fame and lots of money eventually bites you on the butt.

be your own revolutionist - let your business decisions be guided by integrity and high spiritual principles.

prince said to make sure your spiritual house is on order FIRST.

if it truly is - you wont desire fame - or lots of money - for the true adept is happy just to be alive - the simple joy of BREATHING enough to excite his/her every second of creative expression.

are you in it for what you can get out of it or what you can GIVE to the world - and what is it exactly you want to GIVE and WHY and who has already done it before ??

it is understandable that " being on MTV " is a 'dream come true' for young people who have been raised in a society to believe that MTV actually means something.

my dream come true is living in heaven on earth.

being on MTV pales tragically in comparison.

the land of milk and honey - the musicians playground where Love Leads the Way - where HUMILITY is the foundation of ALL 'business transactions' - where LAWSUITS ARE PASSE - where the Gift of Song is ALWAYS A GIFT - not a taking or an ego boost or any of those other ILLUSIONS the MEDIA have taught you to believe count for anything.

getting caught up in the illusions of money and material possessions is the risk you take if you want to go down the path of FAME.

Life is much Sweeter on the ' Other-Side '.


Sorry if it's rubbed people the wrong way - but it's better you find out now that a Spiritual Life must PRECEDE your work - if indeed your work will be a GIVING THING - and your business partnerships successful.

Deep in the Centre of IT ALL - are quiet humble souls - who revere and love and give and share - with deep respect for Life and Creator/God .. with no need to broadcast anything - just to give .. with no need for praise or recognition .. they would prefer you to recognise the beauty of simplicity and humility - and charity and mercy - before they would ever hope for you to recognise THEM.

A corrupt industry is born from spiritually corrupt participants.

Break the chain..

PB "

New Song - M E R C Y

I come here - always have done - TO GIVE - no responses required unless you simply can't help it !!

Not here for praise or spotlight - if those things are the RESULT of my own EFFORTS TO SERVE then so be it !! - received with humble gratitude !!

lyrics :

listen dial-up :

listen broadband :

download free :

license :


I hope everyone this isn't construed as "off Topic", i don't feel so, and would like to enter a random excerpt from The "I Ching" an ancient Chinese text.I am using the Richard Wilhelm translation, with a forward by Carl Jung.'The book of changes', suposedly written to a large extent by Confucious, 5,000 years ago.I do this as it seems to echo, or align with sacredwarrior's Philosophy.Hope you don't mind the analogy wink Again, this is a random excerpt, i just opened the book at this page.This is the way of things with this oracle, chance falling of events.Just as the cards fall.(or as the yarrow stalks fall) I am taking a liberty here, but it does feel appropriate.
The Hexagram:
Tui / the joyous, Lake.
The joyous mood is infectious and therefore brings success.
But joy must be based on steadfastness if it is to not degenerate into uncontrolled mirth.
Truth and strength must dwell in the heart, while gentleness reveals itself in social intercourse.In this way one assumes the right attitude toward god and man and achieves something.Under certain conditions, intimidation without gentleness may achieve something momentarily, but not for all time.When, on the other hand, the hearts of men are won by friendliness, they are led to take all hardships upon themselves willingly, and if need be will not shun death itself, so great is the power of joy over men.


Lakes resting one on another:
The image of THE JOYOUS.
Thus the superior man joins with his friends
For discussion and practice.

Thankyou as i know this isn't too clear, but at first reading, and now, i felt a need to post this passage peace
~PClinuxOS~ yes I've been here longer than I care to remember, ... I drop in from time to time, ... thumbs up!
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Reply #21 posted 10/07/04 6:57pm


FLUX said: [ The joyous mood is infectious and therefore brings success.
But joy must be based on steadfastness if it is to not degenerate into uncontrolled mirth.
Truth and strength must dwell in the heart, while gentleness reveals itself in social intercourse.In this way one assumes the right attitude toward god and man and achieves something.Under certain conditions, intimidation without gentleness may achieve something momentarily, but not for all time.When, on the other hand, the hearts of men are won by friendliness, they are led to take all hardships upon themselves willingly, and if need be will not shun death itself, so great is the power of joy over men.


Lakes resting one on another:
The image of THE JOYOUS.
Thus the superior man joins with his friends
For discussion and practice.

Thankyou as i know this isn't too clear, but at first reading, and now, i felt a need to post this passage peace[/quote]

That is beautiful .. thank you so much for sharing it !

It is " right on " topic from my perspective - as it does align with the theory that our " spiritual house " needs to be in order first if we are to become ' successful ' in this ' giving through music '..

I especially like the mention of GENTLENESS - how important that is yes?!

Much Love to you FLUX and thank you again.

" the embassy shut to keep the fools out " - as above, so below.
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