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Thread started 03/26/09 2:09am


Statement from LotusFlow3r designer to members (UPDATED 3/27)

This note just came our way:

We understand that several people have had issues with the site, and we're working diligently to address them all as quickly as possible. With the great amount of traffic that we've received there have been some issues getting the large amount of content in the site out to everyone simultaneously. We're currently doubling the size of our server farm in order to make sure that fans can get all of the albums and videos they desire. To accommodate our friends overseas we've relaxed some of the normal security checks put in place by American banks. Since the vault has 3D and video, which is pushing the boundary of the web and current technology, only newer machines can adequately handle it. If fans are experiencing choppy videos in the vault, they should click the fullscreen button on the video and it should improve their experience. Thanks to everyone for their patience while we scale up to accommodate the great response from Prince fans all over the world.

Thanks so much,

3/26/09 UPDATE: the MPSoUND zip was fixed last night, and they're working on optimizing video playback...


3/27/09 UPDATE: We've launched an optimized version of the site tonight that should address a good amount of the issues that people have been experiencing.

We've optimized the Flash throughout the site which should help improve the experience on all computers.

We've recompiled the zip files of all of the albums so if anyone has had issues with downloading any of the albums they should attempt to download them again. It's recommended that they only attempt to downloading one of the WAV zips at a time as they are each over 400MB.

The video playback should be improved somewhat, but we are working on making it flawless.

Thanks for your understanding.

Scott & the team
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Reply #1 posted 03/26/09 2:12am




Nice to see them address the concerns.

I think it's funny they pass the message along here and don't say that on their very own site, though.

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Reply #2 posted 03/26/09 2:17am


CarrieMpls said:

Nice to see them address the concerns.

I think it's funny they pass the message along here and don't say that on their very own site, though.


well ya know,

there are 3,000+ MFs on this site!!!! eyepop
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Reply #3 posted 03/26/09 2:17am


CarrieMpls said:

Nice to see them address the concerns.

I think it's funny they pass the message along here and don't say that on their very own site, though.


lol it is funny! hehe!
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Reply #4 posted 03/26/09 2:19am


I actually had better results when I switched from full-screen mode back to regular. I am using Safari on an iMac.
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Reply #5 posted 03/26/09 2:19am



Anxiety said:

This note just came our way:

We understand that several people have had issues with the site, and we're working diligently to address them all as quickly as possible. With the great amount of traffic that we've received there have been some issues getting the large amount of content in the site out to everyone simultaneously. We're currently doubling the size of our server farm in order to make sure that fans can get all of the albums and videos they desire. To accommodate our friends overseas we've relaxed some of the normal security checks put in place by American banks. Since the vault has 3D and video, which is pushing the boundary of the web and current technology, only newer machines can adequately handle it. If fans are experiencing choppy videos in the vault, they should click the fullscreen button on the video and it should improve their experience. Thanks to everyone for their patience while we scale up to accommodate the great response from Prince fans all over the world.

Thanks so much,

thanks cool
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Reply #6 posted 03/26/09 2:20am



CarrieMpls said:

Nice to see them address the concerns.

I think it's funny they pass the message along here and don't say that on their very own site, though.


Probably done to quell the highest Whine component. wink


peace Tribal Disorder
"Ya see, we're not interested in what you know...but what you are willing to learn. C'mon y'all."
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Reply #7 posted 03/26/09 2:25am




Anxiety said:

Since the vault has 3D and video, which is pushing the boundary of the web and current technology, only newer machines can adequately handle it. If fans are experiencing choppy videos in the vault, they should click the fullscreen button on the video and it should improve their experience.

This is my main concern as it seems most of the others have been fixed (or have for me anyway). But, as I said on another thread, my laptop exceeds their requirements and is only a year and a half old. I have hi-speed internet. I don't have a problem watching streaming video anywhere else on the net (netflix, hulu, nbc, etc.) and watch most of my tv shows that way these days and yet even the full-screen version of the vault videos are still choppy for me. It's very, very frustrating.

Still, nice to see they're working on it.
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Reply #8 posted 03/26/09 2:25am



thank U
~honey is b-ing 1 with the 1~
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Reply #9 posted 03/26/09 2:27am



Definitely cool to see such a quick response from the designer. The fullscreen definitely helps. Watching Sacrifice of Victor right now. Love it! cool cool cool
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Reply #10 posted 03/26/09 2:31am



Jesus Christ. disbelief No fucking forethought, whatsoever.
If were to be made idiot proof, someone would just invent a better idiot.
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Reply #11 posted 03/26/09 2:33am


I have a quad core processor 600gb hard drive a top of the line video card and its all choppy for me. O yeah, I have 16meg internet service too. So I should have no problems at all but I do cuz all of the traffic. They should have listed system requirements before launch, so that those with an older cpu wouldn't have joined just yet.
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Reply #12 posted 03/26/09 2:38am


CerpinTaxt said:

Definitely cool to see such a quick response from the designer.

I agree. I am very pleased that he took the time and responsibility to shoot a message over our way.
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Reply #13 posted 03/26/09 2:43am



Tell Scott that they need to increase their customer service before upgrading the server farm! Ive sent numerous emails about a real serious problem and have recieved no response!

Very poor poor planning on many levels. Step up your game boyz!
[Edited 3/25/09 19:44pm]
The greatest live performer of our times was is and always will be Prince.

Remember there is only one destination and that place is U
All of it. Everything. Is U.
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Reply #14 posted 03/26/09 2:44am


I agree that at full screen the vids play a little better, but still a little bit of static and choppines. As far as the albums, nice to know it was included in the price of the membership. I'm enjoying the majority of the songs on all the albums so far. I was able to download all the albums to my mp3 player.

However, in the meantime, while they are still in the process of working on the site, here's a few tips:

1) The part where you go in to signup your name, address, username, credit card info should be brighter; a white/yellow background to make it easier to see if the info is going in right would help.

2) Also, for new fans signing up, they need to be able to go to directly to a sign-up page to register for sign up, instead of playing a quiz to get to the sign-in/registration page.

3) Again, the freezing/choppiness of some of the vids when playing, even at full screen. The vids in the archives, some don't have sound and freeze, so that needs to be checked as well. That's all I have for now.
[Edited 3/25/09 21:00pm]
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Reply #15 posted 03/26/09 2:44am


Anxiety said:

CarrieMpls said:

Nice to see them address the concerns.

I think it's funny they pass the message along here and don't say that on their very own site, though.


well ya know,

there are 3,000+ MFs on this site!!!! eyepop

Im a SMF
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Reply #16 posted 03/26/09 2:45am


Anxiety said:

CerpinTaxt said:

Definitely cool to see such a quick response from the designer.

I agree. I am very pleased that he took the time and responsibility to shoot a message over our way.

so do i get some of my 77 back since day one was a wash! I paid for 365 day membership.Not 364! it's a travesty!
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Reply #17 posted 03/26/09 2:46am


There's still no way to log in if you don't have anything called Province/State/Region in your home country address.
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Reply #18 posted 03/26/09 2:46am



whats the 3D part biggrin

To make a thief, make an owner; to create crime, create laws.
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Reply #19 posted 03/26/09 2:48am



Cuddles said:

whats the 3D part biggrin


Thats probably the part thats causing all the problems.

ditch the 3d yall! we dont need it.
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Reply #20 posted 03/26/09 2:51am



Not sure what I make of that statement, I have in the past subscribed to sites by U2 and Liverpool (football club) and never had any of the problems I see many encountering here. The 3D thing is also abit lame, as there are sites out there using this technology with up to 10,000 users at a time and most of them are not even spending a dime.

I personally would have loved a top notch official Prince site, where a premium is paid for more exclusive material and where general music enthusiasts can access to enjoy the legacy of the past.

So far, I am glad that the european CC didnt work last nite.
If it were not for insanity, I would be sane.

"True to his status as the last enigma in music, Prince crashed into London this week in a ball of confusion" The Times 2014
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Reply #21 posted 03/26/09 3:00am



i want my money BACK

cuz i am still not a member..

even though i got charged... mad
Sometimes It Snows in April...
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Reply #22 posted 03/26/09 3:04am


kick @$$ job Scott, the site rocks!!!!!
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Reply #23 posted 03/26/09 3:09am


[b]I knew this shit would be suspect but I fell for it anyways!!! I can only hear one cd and can't hardly watch any of the footage!!! This shit better tighten up!! and why da hell don't they have a 3x in the t shirt??? Big men listen to Prince too!!! lol
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Reply #24 posted 03/26/09 3:12am



I trust that they are ironing out the glitches etc. I never doubted that.

It's just a shame that the statement contained nothing to alleviate the concerns of those of us who have been severely overcharged! Or they could just reply to our emails.
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Reply #25 posted 03/26/09 3:14am


Im glad to c this statement. Im sure there is more to come. I think its great for people like me way over here in NC becaues we or I cant come to LA. (Im saving tho. lol) I really like the site and have enjoyed the excitement. When I view the videos in full screen they work great. I keep looking around and cant wait to c whats to come. Peace and Love whom it may concern... be nice, the only love there is, is the love u make!
Love is whatever u want it 2 b
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Reply #26 posted 03/26/09 3:21am



Scott said:

We understand that several people have had issues with the site, and we're working diligently to address them all as quickly as possible. With the great amount of traffic that we've received there have been some issues getting the large amount of content in the site out to everyone simultaneously.

No, the main issue is that it's a pathetic interface. Until you address that, there's nothing you can do that would solve anything. Make this a BASIC website, easy to navigate.

Make sure usernames and CERTAINLY passwords can contain more than 10 characters and also characters other than letters and numbers. That is a BASIC SECURITY requirement. Oh, and don't send passwords in plain text via mail. Implement a system where users can RESET their passwords.

Scott said:

To accommodate our friends overseas we've relaxed some of the normal security checks put in place by American banks.

Bullcrap. I've NEVER seen any site with so many CC issues. Blaming YOUR INCOMPETENCE on someone else is beyond pathetic.

Scott said:

Since the vault has 3D and video, which is pushing the boundary of the web and current technology, only newer machines can adequately handle it.

Bullcrap; You've made a bloated Flash-site, that's what the problem is. Nobody forced you to make it this way, and if somebody did you should have refused to. This is NOT cutting edge at all, I've seen similar pretentious navigation years ago on sites designed by people who want to show off their Flash skills.

Scott said:

If fans are experiencing choppy videos in the vault, they should click the fullscreen button on the video and it should improve their experience.

Oh for crying out loud. It's choppy because a) you don't have the bandwidth and b) EVERYTHING is filtered through ONE PHP script.
© Bart Van Hemelen
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.
It is not authorized by Prince or the NPG Music Club. You assume all risk for
your use. All rights reserved.
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Reply #27 posted 03/26/09 3:22am


Thanks for the heads up, guys. I guess I will hold off on my purchase for awhile.
“When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a Communist.” Brazilian bishop Dom Hélder Câmara
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Reply #28 posted 03/26/09 3:23am



2020 said:

Tell Scott that they need to increase their customer service before upgrading the server farm! Ive sent numerous emails about a real serious problem and have recieved no response!

Very poor poor planning on many levels. Step up your game boyz!

Indeed. Basic customer support: have a SYSTEM in place that automatically assigns tickets. Have an online interface so people can log into the system and check the status of their ticket.

The simple fact that SCOTT HIMSELF was seen to be answering SUPPORT emails at the start: baffling.
© Bart Van Hemelen
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.
It is not authorized by Prince or the NPG Music Club. You assume all risk for
your use. All rights reserved.
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Reply #29 posted 03/26/09 3:24am



i think WE ALL should consider this VERY SIGNIFICANT that a comment like that was sent 2 THIS WEBSITE!!!

HIGH FIVE!! TO THE .ORG & all it's members!!!!!

"Now U can ALL take a bite of my purple rok!"
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Forums > Past, Present, Future sites > Statement from LotusFlow3r designer to members (UPDATED 3/27)