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Reply #30 posted 10/16/02 4:39am



Mr7 said:

Perhaps if they actually went out they would realise how little $100 buys.

Sure more than 1 crappy CD, even more then 4.

1) You already have 'ONA'. NPGMC has provided product.

Yeah, 1 CD, way 2 go !(And IMHO it's CRAP !)

2) NPGMC does not take the money forcibly. People freely chose to join.

Sure, but I made that decision also by what the NPGMC has promised.

3) If you actually bother to e-mail NPGMC they will inform you that the 'ONA ... Live' box set is coming shortly.

In the meantime, shortly has already become a month.

4) If Prince tours in your locality, you recieve all the member tour perks. Just last week I saw 3 concerts in front-row seats, with full soundchecks and free access to all 3 after-parties. This could be considered as 'product'. Besides in my opinion the live experience I have gained was worth the $100 alone.

It is PART of the deal, and only applies when you're lucky a) that he playes somewhere nearby and b) to get tickets.
Besides that, the tickets don't come free, now do they ??
The man of science has learned to believe in justification, not by faith, but by verification - Thomas Henry Huxley
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Reply #31 posted 10/16/02 8:19am


Savannah said:

ZaZa said:

Savannah said:

I expect him 2 re-release one of the oldest songs "Just Another Sucker" in honor of .. deal THE CLUB omg

btw.. not only did Controversy fanzine put me in the best seats in the house for his shows, but they also had the most amazingly well organized conventions in Minneapolis. Its no wonder, Prince had nothing to do with putting it together.

Eileen Murton had the magic of affordable membership, reasonable offers, great monthly surprises as well as editing and filtering out all the religious fanatics.

Ahh the good ole days.
[This message was edited Sun Oct 13 16:29:12 PDT 2002 by Savannah]

Now see I got royally ripped off by Controversy to the tune of $100 & I didn't end up with crap to show for it. At least Prince took my $100 & gave me something in return.

Do U even know what your brainlessly babbling about anymore? lol lol lol

Uptown & Controversy were/are in business at least 9 years and won countless awards for excellence. There are dedication threads everywhere! Anyone who was a part of Controversy who read that fictitious fabrication u dreamed up in desperation is seeing how ridiculous u sound. $100? What did you order a dozen subscriptions sent to the north pole? nod

Rather than challenge u 2 make a bigger nitwit of yourself, i'll simply reiterate that my point was that a little English woman from Croydon could single handedly build and unite a whole world-wide community (for peanuts) that THECLUB could learn to model as an example to improve itself.

Smile. ...You'll love longer!

Well that lovely little english woman took a $100 deposit for Prince tickets & never delivered. Never refunded. Barely took the time to reply to my numerous letters. Just because she didn't rip you off does not make her a saint. Guess she thought I was a religous fanatic & that made it all right to STEAL from me.
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Reply #32 posted 10/16/02 11:26am



ZaZa said:

Well that lovely little english woman took a $100 deposit for Prince tickets & never delivered. Never refunded. Barely took the time to reply to my numerous letters. Just because she didn't rip you off does not make her a saint. Guess she thought I was a religous fanatic & that made it all right to STEAL from me.

The lovely little english woman had nothing to do with ticket sales or imaginary deposits you liar. She sent out in the mail a special "Controversy" Card that got you premium special reserved seats when you went to buy tickets at the venue.

Save it honey.
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Reply #33 posted 10/16/02 3:05pm


Now this type of shit is burning my ass. The idea that anyone would POSSIBLY have the audacity to suggest that NPGMC hold their word. Read my letter and tell me where I said any of this stuff.

Mr7 said:[quote]

MaryD said:

I dont understand that so many members can be so disgruntled
What did everyone expect? Freebies every month?

No. There's nothing free about it.

Isn't everyone happy with hearing the music and feeling the vibe?
Getting first refusal for good seats at concerts?

Actually, I'd love to hear some music. Cetainly more than the 5 or 7 songs I got last year and a live CD I can buy at Tower records.

I'm reasonably happy with my concert experience, in terms of price, but let's face it, that's a lot of cash. What we bought was the OPPORTUNITY to spend top dollar for top seats.

For me, I am happy with it, maybe I'm a lucky one who got what they ordered straight away.

But I gotta say 1 thing,

I hope you're not talking to me.

Agreed. Well said.

I've been a member since Year One and I'm quite satisfied.

I think some of these people either expected a personal visit from Prince or the option to control him like they had a personal joystick up his A**e.

I haven't read anything written by anybody remotely close to that - and neither have you. Your bias is showing. I am TRULY glad that you are happy and satisfied, but that doesn'tmake the rest of us brats - nor you suckers.

Besides it's mostly illusion. There are a few disgruntled customers here, but as they post all day, every day and on multiple threads it appears as though there are hundreds of them.

No, it's reality, and there are many disgruntled members, most of whom are not whiners and babies. I myself hardly have time to post at all recently. Trust me, I would much rather come on here and say great things about the Club, or, barring that, resolve my issues personally with NPGMC's "customer service" department.

It's just the way they enjoy spending their time. Sometimes I actually feel sorry for them. Afterall it can't be easy being an unbalanced obsessive who expects the world for $100.

Actually, I don't really enjoy it much at all, any more than you enjoy coming on here and bashing us "brats". Is that a fair comparison? And please don't feel sorry for me. Who said I expected the world - or anyone else? WTF? I might very well have said that "it can't be easy being a blind, hopelessly loyal, dependent apologist who expects the world to think like they do", but I didn't.

Why the attack?

Perhaps if they actually went out they would realise how little $100 buys.

I don't have to. I already found out. I've gotten about 15 cd's this year of unrealeased Prince material from honest traders and haven't spent $100 yet. Plus, I could go to CD Wherehouse right now and come home with more music for $100 in one visit than I've gotten in 8 months. Is that really so hard to comprehend or to empathise with? If so, why? Believe me, Prince could add an entire wing to Paisley Park with the money he's gotten from me over the years. Without peopel like ME, there IS NO PAISLEY PARK - no 500 boots - no mansion in Toronto - no custom made symbol guitar and new baby, yes, I will speak.
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Reply #34 posted 10/16/02 3:12pm


MaryD said:

But I gotta say 1 thing,

u do realize that p himself has spoiled us, right? neutral
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Reply #35 posted 10/16/02 3:56pm


herbthe4 said:


Cheers in the background for herbthe4

I couldn't have said it better myself. (shoulder rub for herb)

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Reply #36 posted 10/16/02 4:03pm



Mr7 said:

XxAxX said:

mary, we expect courtesy and professionalism from a business which has taken our money yet provides no product, nor information on product release dates

1) You already have 'ONA'. NPGMC has provided product.

2) NPGMC does not take the money forcibly. People freely chose to join.

3) If you actually bother to e-mail NPGMC they will inform you that the 'ONA ... Live' box set is coming shortly.

4) If Prince tours in your locality, you recieve all the member tour perks. Just last week I saw 3 concerts in front-row seats, with full soundchecks and free access to all 3 after-parties. This could be considered as 'product'. Besides in my opinion the live experience I have gained was worth the $100 alone.

oh YES Mr7! thanks for pointing out for me the error of my ways!!

i'm GLAD i paid $25 for the first ONA, which included songs i'd already downloaded.

but i'm EVEN MORE glad about paying $75 for a collection of songs i already have, which is slated for release to the general public no doubt at a retail price of less than $75.

YES!!! NOW i'm really happy!!! THANKS NPGMC!
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Reply #37 posted 10/16/02 4:11pm



does anyone else wonder what screen names prince, mani, larry and tina use on here? you KNOW they, or someone from NPGMC come here, if only for the fact that the NPGMC responds with posts on topics which are active in these forums..

now, mani used to be an avid online fan before hooking directly into the park, and by all reports prince is 'addicted' to the web - who wants to make guesses on their screen names???

big grin
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Reply #38 posted 10/16/02 5:19pm


Savannah said:

ZaZa said:

Well that lovely little english woman took a $100 deposit for Prince tickets & never delivered. Never refunded. Barely took the time to reply to my numerous letters. Just because she didn't rip you off does not make her a saint. Guess she thought I was a religous fanatic & that made it all right to STEAL from me.

The lovely little english woman had nothing to do with ticket sales or imaginary deposits you liar. She sent out in the mail a special "Controversy" Card that got you premium special reserved seats when you went to buy tickets at the venue.

Save it honey.

No I'm not talking about any Controversy Card but then I don't expect you to know the facts since you are too dazzled by Eillen's lap dances to think.
Enjoy your stupidity.
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Reply #39 posted 10/17/02 1:59am



ZaZa said:

No I'm not talking about any Controversy Card but then I don't expect you to know the facts since you are too dazzled by Eillen's lap dances to think.
Enjoy your stupidity.

Hogwash... then why were u so stupid not to get your money back?

Bolderdash.. $100 for a ticket eh? oookayy... for what? To watch Eileen lap dance? eek

The topic of this thread is "What do U all Expect"

Expect concerned consumers to do what they have to do to get the value of the money spent. Nobody rips me off, but if there is any truth to you're $100 whopper.. then I guess you easily let others (including NPGMC) rip you off.

Sorry but U fell into you're own trap. smile "Oh what a tangled web we weave..."
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Reply #40 posted 10/17/02 8:03am


MaryD said:

I dont understand that so many members can be so disgruntled
What did everyone expect? Freebies every month?
Isn't everyone happy with hearing the music and feeling the vibe?
Getting first refusal for good seats at concerts?

For me, I am happy with it, maybe I'm a lucky one who got what they ordered straight away.

But I gotta say 1 thing,

What exactly are you happy with? The cheap ONA CD they sent us in a carboard sleeve with only 50% new music on it? Im sorry but that kind of shit comes glued to a magazine for free. You dont pay $25 for it. Even NPGMC shyed away from calling it an actual album, they refered to it as a demo.

Customers who throw down $100 and are left waiting a year for products which may or may not come out as advertised, with little to no customer support in the meantime.

Sloppy ticket sales which negated one of the supposed perks of the club. I wasnt too thrilled to see about 7-10 rows of people in front of me who didnt waste the $100 on the club.

A web site with the same stagnant content from year 1 on it.

One page of "exclusive" merchandise which is absolutely worthless. (Gotta love those Rainbow Children Mousepads!).

Its about getting ripped off. When people get ripped off, they complain. Just because its Prince, doesnt mean we should look the other way and pretend we're not getting screwed for our money.

[This message was edited Thu Oct 17 8:04:37 PDT 2002 by Tom]
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Reply #41 posted 10/17/02 8:41am


Savannah said:

ZaZa said:

No I'm not talking about any Controversy Card but then I don't expect you to know the facts since you are too dazzled by Eillen's lap dances to think.
Enjoy your stupidity.

Hogwash... then why were u so stupid not to get your money back?
I live in the USA. Controversy ripped me off in UK. Should I hire a lawyer? Fly over to make my appeal in person? No I just let the bitch keep her stolen money.

Bolderdash.. $100 for a ticket eh? oookayy... for what? To watch Eileen lap dance? eek
I never said $100 for a ticket. The $100 was a deposit. Luckily I caught on before the Bitch took even more money from me.
The topic of this thread is "What do U all Expect"

Expect concerned consumers to do what they have to do to get the value of the money spent. Nobody rips me off, but if there is any truth to you're $100 whopper.. then I guess you easily let others (including NPGMC) rip you off.
What I learned is to be very careful doing business with people in other countries so I don't get ripped off again.
Sorry but U fell into you're own trap. smile "Oh what a tangled web we weave..."

No I fell into Controversy's trap. By the way I love your justification - if she ripped me off it's my fault.
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Reply #42 posted 10/17/02 3:50pm



actually, i don't care all that much about the $$$. i spend more on less worthy causes elsewhere . . .

but, receiving songs i already have is disappointing. i don't think i'll cancel my membership or ask for a refund, but i'm not smile
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Reply #43 posted 10/18/02 2:29pm


TOM hit the nail on the head - I too was well pissed off to see rows infront of me who hadnt paid $100 to join the club and,what made it worse was the fact that Prince had the nerve to start a chorus of "join the club" in our direction. Im sorry if it sounds pathetic but that ruined the last 30 mins of a brilliant show for me.

Its a two sided coin unfortunately - the NPGMC is teh only way to get music from Prince unfortunately they know that and exploit it to tehbest of their abilities.

Seriously tho - im all for collectors stuff and little bits and pieces but you have to remember that the club is Prince TOTAL output and not some little on the side perk. If you dont join it your stumped and you cant tell me that fans arent longing for a full on,kick ass quality album instead of these little bits and pieces of reluctant dribble that leak out some times.


$100 says that you dont get the CDs until rejoining time and then we get promised the CDs advertised in the Tour book...and round and round and round we go nuts

I would love to know if people think Im right
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Reply #44 posted 10/19/02 5:11pm



ZaZa said:

By the way I love your justification - if she ripped me off it's my fault.

Well kid, its your stupidity 2 not ask for whatever $100 deposit you supposedly made 2 be refunded.

And by the same token and also by your own justification its by your own stupidity that you would potentially do nothing and let Prince rip you off.

The cherry on top of this knee slapper is that dozens of concerned investors sharing info in a heated consumer debate (that seems to be spreading like wildfire) appears to frustrate you so much.

No matter how much you blindly worhsip him.. Prince is making some serious PROFIT off of these poorly treated customers who love him and just don't want to go down as suckers for a straight cd delivery membership.
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Reply #45 posted 10/20/02 10:40am


Savannah said:

ZaZa said:

By the way I love your justification - if she ripped me off it's my fault.

Well kid, its your stupidity 2 not ask for whatever $100 deposit you supposedly made 2 be refunded.

I said it before & I'll say it again - my requests for refunds were ignored.

And by the same token and also by your own justification its by your own stupidity that you would potentially do nothing and let Prince rip you off. No matter how much you blindly worhsip him.. Prince is making some serious PROFIT off of these poorly treated customers...

Just pull subjects out of left field why don't you - I thought we were talking about Controversy. I agree Prince is treading a very thin line here with NPGMC. I'm waiting to see whats delivered before I complain to anyone but I've no problem with anyone else filing complaints.
You are the one so blindly worshiping Controversy that you can't stand any negative comments.
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Reply #46 posted 10/20/02 12:55pm


Well i expect that when somebody make promisses he will take care off them.yes we get the 1st seats but the tickets were also expencive .It was agreat experince .But what we all can do is mail the npgmusicclub and ask them were the exlusive cd are .We talk about trust and what i think Prince use that word allot .

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Reply #47 posted 10/20/02 4:34pm



ZaZa said:

...but I've no problem with anyone else filing complaints. [/b]

Oh REALLY?? You've got a pin headed counterpoint, ignorant brain fart or fumbling flame for most of the people who I read have sound justified complaints.

Zaza you're inexhaustible efforts in contradicting yourself just keep on rolling into fantasyland don't they? Your farce has no credibility and if you ever really knew Eileen, you'd know how ashamed of yourself you should be. no no no!

Prince the musical genius unfortunately has a consistent track record of burning most people that he does business with during his whole career.

But since U seem so insistant on bringing up Controversy.. we all know that on the Prince Family, Uptown or here for that matter NEVER has anyone had anything but praise for what that woman did for the Prince community.

Now out of nimble minded desperation you equate the NPGMC $100 mystery scam with a conveniently parallel $100 never before heard of Eileen Scam. rolleyes Hmm Zaza you've given so much childish static to other orgers in here who had serious complaints that I bet others in here are LAUGHING at the notion of you got ripped off.

What do U all expect?

Well come November.. if nothing changes. Follow our lead and we'll show u how to shake the tree when someone scams you out of a Benji. smile smile
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Reply #48 posted 10/20/02 5:40pm


Savannah said:
But since U seem so insistant on bringing up Controversy.. we all know that on the Prince Family, Uptown or here for that matter NEVER has anyone had anything but praise for what that woman did for the Prince community.

Well then this must be a first for you - that BITCH ripped me off & this is not the first time I have brought it up on & other people knew exactly what I was talking about. You are so far into denial its sad.

Now out of nimble minded desperation you equate the NPGMC $100 mystery scam with a conveniently parallel $100 never before heard of Eileen Scam.

I never called it Eileen Scam but thanks for the idea.

Hmm Zaza you've given so much childish static to other orgers in here who had serious complaints that I bet others in here are LAUGHING at the notion of you got ripped off.

I thought you said my being ripped off was all my imagination?

What do U all expect?

I expect when someone offers something & requires a deposit to treat me with respect & not give me the shaft simply because I live in another country.

Well come November.. if nothing changes. Follow our lead and we'll show u how to shake the tree when someone scams you out of a Benji.

I think I'll wait until the end of December instead of rushing ahead without waiting for results like you are so fond of doing.
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Reply #49 posted 10/20/02 6:05pm


Savannah said:

ZaZa said: Hmm Zaza you've given so much childish static to other orgers in here who had serious complaints that I bet others in here are LAUGHING at the notion of you got ripped of smile smile

Well I didn't know I was so hated.
Guess its time to close my account & open a new one under a different name.
Be seeing you.
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Reply #50 posted 10/20/02 10:02pm



I have read ur responses and I agree with all of u on some level. U have to realize that after last year (where we got something new every month), going to this one new cd in 8 months is very hard. Yes, the concert tix and the aftershows were great, but this year has been more about getting us to buy more on top of the membership fee.

They pushed the DOW singles, cloud guitars, candles, t-shirts, hats, tour books, posters, etc. at outrageous prices and we still haven't receivd any information about anymore cds.

It would be nice if they could work ahead, as a corporation should do. They should have had 2 cds prepared by the middle of the clubs year. He could have at least put together the best of prince and the One Nite Alone cds easily.
U 'gon make me shake my doo loose!
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Reply #51 posted 10/22/02 3:27pm


onenitealone1970 said:

Well i expect that when somebody make promisses he will take care off them.yes we get the 1st seats but the tickets were also expencive .It was agreat experince .But what we all can do is mail the npgmusicclub and ask them were the exlusive cd are .We talk about trust and what i think Prince use that word allot .


Tried that (and then some)...


Bet I'd get a QUICK response if I asked where I could send them a check or a money order...
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Reply #52 posted 10/22/02 4:37pm


ZaZa said:

Well I didn't know I was so hated.
Guess its time to close my account & open a new one under a different name.
Be seeing you.

wow..and she did it!! lol
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