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Reply #570 posted 07/05/06 6:17pm


I'm so confused about NPGMC has died, I tried and I tried and I tried 2 understand what happens 2 us. The lessons learned will last 4ever. Now comes a time of great reflection and restructuring. disbelief sigh

Anx said:[quote]via NPGMC's U TELL US forum:

[quote]Greetings Family,

The NPG Music Club has been in xistence 4 more than 5 years. In that time we've learned a great deal from each other and about this brave new online world we have all chosen 2 b part of. The members we have been 4tunate enough 2 have join r family have truly made this the best music club any artist could ever dream of. And all the things we have been a part of 2gether -- the concerts, the celebrations, the soundchecks, the discussions and the un4gettable music -- have shown us what a New Power Generation can truly b. We thank u from r hearts 4 sharing urselves and ur love of the music with all of us. It has been a blessing.

Once the NPG Music Club won the 2006 Webby Award, discussions within the NPG began 2 center on what was next. What’s the next step in this ever-changing xperiment? The achievements of the past cannot be questioned and we are truly grateful 4 everything that has been accomplished. But in its current 4m there is a feeling that the NPGMC gone as far as it can go. In a world without limitations and infinite possibilities, has the time come 2 once again make a leap of faith and begin anew? These r ?s we in the NPG need 2 answer. In doing so, we have decided 2 put the club on hiatus until further notice.

The NPG Music Club was a first step; the lessons learned will last 4ever. Now comes a time of great reflection and restructuring. The future holds nothing but endless opportunity and we plan on seizing it wholeheartedly. Don’t u want 2 come?

NPG Music Club 4ever disbelief
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Reply #571 posted 07/05/06 6:18pm


And you anti-bootlegers want to know why fans run out and get bootlegs concerts and outtakes. I have never been a member of the NPG club and this is one of the main reasons. First off, you only get to hear what Prince wants you to hear, it will never compare to the unofficial stuff and now out of the blue the NPG club wants to pull out after members have gotten used to a club they had to pay $25 for and 77 cents or more download a song and alot of of the videos you could download for free on HQ. I got the here 3121 for FREE on Another thing to add is on the ONA tour NPG members was to suppose to get perks like front row seats and stuff like that. On the Musicology tour, it seemed like it was first come, first serve NPG member or not. One guy sent an org note to a question I asked about "did anybody attend the aftershow in my town, " he said he didn't attend because he showed his NPG member card and he still had to pay wheras on the ONA aftershows you didn't have to pay. What was really the purpose of the NPG club?
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Reply #572 posted 07/05/06 6:32pm


WillyWonka said:

PurpleCharm said:

Prince has emancipated himself from his fans and I don't blame him one bit. Why should he provide a forum for negativity?

When it was first known that the club was not accepting new memberships, I posted that he was probably going to shut down the forums like George Michael did. Looks like I was right.

Oh well, I wish you the best Prince in your next endeavors.

If the forums' negativity was the reason (directly or indirectly) behind the shutting down of the entire website, why not only close the forums and chat? Isn't that a bit like throwing the baby out with the bathwater?

I personally don't believe the tone of the forums or the interaction of the fans therein to be the impetus behind the sudden closing of the Music Club. To assume such importance in the scheme of things or why this decision was made is actually rather presumptious and arrogant.

I have to agree.'s everybody doing? smile
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Reply #573 posted 07/05/06 6:33pm


WillyWonka said:

PurpleCharm said:

Prince has emancipated himself from his fans and I don't blame him one bit. Why should he provide a forum for negativity?

When it was first known that the club was not accepting new memberships, I posted that he was probably going to shut down the forums like George Michael did. Looks like I was right.

Oh well, I wish you the best Prince in your next endeavors.

If the forums' negativity was the reason (directly or indirectly) behind the shutting down of the entire website, why not only close the forums and chat? Isn't that a bit like throwing the baby out with the bathwater?

I personally don't believe the tone of the forums or the interaction of the fans therein to be the impetus behind the sudden closing of the Music Club. To assume such importance in the scheme of things or why this decision was made is actually rather presumptious and arrogant.

Ask me if I care what you personally believe. eek

I posted what I believe to be the reason for the site being shut down.

lmao @ To assume such importance in the scheme of things or why this decision was made is actually rather presumptious and arrogant

It's not even that serious. rolleyes
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Reply #574 posted 07/05/06 6:38pm


Alexandernvrmind said:

when I read that email on my blackberry yesterday I said to myself hmmmm...I knew somethign was up because it kept saying thanks for all the support...the second time I read it I actually said get to the point.

Something is up ya'll. This is a highly ilregular move. I mean that was just gone just like that. P take a break man...get somes rest...rejuvinate...take some time off. Be with you wife and enjoy your family. Prince has an ego ya'll ...we all do. BET Awards, American Idol, GMA, no radio airplay, the ignoring of Black Sweat which is vintage r&b/funk Prince a record that has sold less than 500K copies. I think hes very disapointed

We love you man...take as much time as you need

Very interesting.
I think going mainstream was a mistake. The masses always have their stars for the minute...heroes for a second; then they move on. To depend on them is always a mistake. Music lovers will follow the real music. When 3121 was released, I heard many saying they loved it; they felt like teenagers again. Everything on there reminded them of something Prince made years ago. I don't wanna feel like a teenager again. I want to continue going forward...growing. Real music for real music lovers. Yeah, that's what I want.'s everybody doing? smile
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Reply #575 posted 07/05/06 6:38pm



I don't care, I've still got my lifetime membership of the .org.
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Reply #576 posted 07/05/06 6:48pm


PurpleCharm said:

WillyWonka said:

If the forums' negativity was the reason (directly or indirectly) behind the shutting down of the entire website, why not only close the forums and chat? Isn't that a bit like throwing the baby out with the bathwater?

I personally don't believe the tone of the forums or the interaction of the fans therein to be the impetus behind the sudden closing of the Music Club. To assume such importance in the scheme of things or why this decision was made is actually rather presumptious and arrogant.

Ask me if I care what you personally believe. eek

I posted what I believe to be the reason for the site being shut down.

lmao @ To assume such importance in the scheme of things or why this decision was made is actually rather presumptious and arrogant

It's not even that serious. rolleyes

Well, you certainly are a pleasant person with whom to have a discussion. biggrin

I'm glad you got a laugh out of my previous comment. It's always nice to be able to return a favor.

I agree this situation isn't that serious - which is why I haven't felt any need to resort to being rude or combative towards other posters in response to their opinions on the subject.

[Edited 7/5/06 12:52pm]
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Reply #577 posted 07/05/06 6:50pm



SensualMelody said:

Alexandernvrmind said:

when I read that email on my blackberry yesterday I said to myself hmmmm...I knew somethign was up because it kept saying thanks for all the support...the second time I read it I actually said get to the point.

Something is up ya'll. This is a highly ilregular move. I mean that was just gone just like that. P take a break man...get somes rest...rejuvinate...take some time off. Be with you wife and enjoy your family. Prince has an ego ya'll ...we all do. BET Awards, American Idol, GMA, no radio airplay, the ignoring of Black Sweat which is vintage r&b/funk Prince a record that has sold less than 500K copies. I think hes very disapointed

We love you man...take as much time as you need

Very interesting.
I think going mainstream was a mistake. The masses always have their stars for the minute...heroes for a second; then they move on. To depend on them is always a mistake. Music lovers will follow the real music. When 3121 was released, I heard many saying they loved it; they felt like teenagers again. Everything on there reminded them of something Prince made years ago. I don't wanna feel like a teenager again. I want to continue going forward...growing. Real music for real music lovers. Yeah, that's what I want.

There's some real wisdom going on right there.


"He's a musician's musician..."
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Reply #578 posted 07/05/06 7:33pm



I have faith that it will comeback bigger and better than ever!!!
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Reply #579 posted 07/05/06 7:42pm


Alexandernvrmind said:

Something is up ya'll. This is a highly ilregular move.

not to me, it wasn't. if you've come to learn how prince operates, irregularity is as regular as you would be after eating ex-lax brownies for dessert every evening after dinner.

P take a break man...get somes rest...rejuvinate...take some time off.[...] We love you man...take as much time as you need

to be quite honest, i think that the brotha shoulda taken a breather a looooong time ago, and a really long one at that. there's times in any artist's life where you just can't keep going and going and going without taking at least a bit of rest or what-not before you totally burn out. ain't no use in doing what you do if you don't take a time-out every once in a while. no matter how prolific and "on" you are, there'll be times when something will tell you "hey, it's best you sit down..." trust me.

hanging back and recharging his batteries, regrouping,'d honestly do 'im a world of good. and for those of ya'll who would most likely go into "oh noez, i can't live without m'preeyooooonce! i will DIE if he don't put something out the day after tomorrow" ain't that crucial. you have his back catalogue. you got the opportunity to check out other artists that are out there. you got a big-assed world out there to go out and live in.



flip u prince just called to say "fuck you!" edit
[Edited 7/5/06 12:49pm]
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Reply #580 posted 07/05/06 8:07pm



lemoncrush1 said:

I have faith that it will comeback bigger and better than ever!!!

News: Prince pulls his head out his ass in the last moment.
Bad News: Prince wasted too much quality time doing so.
You have those internalized issues because you want to, you like to, stop.
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Reply #581 posted 07/05/06 8:27pm


iceblueangel2007 said:

apples1999 said:


ok now go ahead..make fun of me....put me down

smile Beautiful Apples1999. smile

Hi sweetie!! :)nice to see some friendly faces!!!
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Reply #582 posted 07/05/06 8:36pm



npgfreak said:

newpowergeneration said:

Nope. P is done with 3121. That we know for sure.

Done...what do you mean by done?

Well, he normally tires of albums before he's even released them. He lasted pretty long promoting 3121, but the club change tells me he's ready for a totally new direction now.

I'll follow.
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Reply #583 posted 07/05/06 9:22pm



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Reply #584 posted 07/05/06 9:28pm



Giovanni777 said:

SensualMelody said:

Very interesting.
I think going mainstream was a mistake. The masses always have their stars for the minute...heroes for a second; then they move on. To depend on them is always a mistake. Music lovers will follow the real music. When 3121 was released, I heard many saying they loved it; they felt like teenagers again. Everything on there reminded them of something Prince made years ago. I don't wanna feel like a teenager again. I want to continue going forward...growing. Real music for real music lovers. Yeah, that's what I want.

There's some real wisdom going on right there.



that doesn't sound like real wisdom at all, just regurgitation of someone else's words and thoughts. REAL MUSIC FOR REAL MUSIC LOVERS...MORE BRAINS!

hate to tell you, but it ain't that profound, simply a slogan Prince sold you on to jump on board. all that is is marketing, not some truth to live your life by.
this message brought to you by logic.
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Reply #585 posted 07/05/06 9:29pm



Hmmmm. Interesting. Well, the brotha will definitely be back, that's for sure.
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Reply #586 posted 07/05/06 9:46pm


VenusDeMilo9999 said:

Tha chat room was tha only place i had issues. Prince's concept and intenions, I felt them, but tha members was ignorant rude childish and stupid,Prince would post a topic up b4 entering tha chat room, giving people somethin 2 talk about. Do u think it was respected ? no. clean and unity, was a joke 2 them. Tha best thing Prince could have done,was kicked their azzez out, so he could get control of it, becoz i didnt c any respect, r anything that even reminded me of Prince in tha chat.It really was a spit in tha face and in tha face of any1 that join tha club becoz of their love and intrest in Prince and tha truth that he wanted to share with "tha family". Suppose he wanted 2 sit in on tha discussions Shit! unless he wanted to teach tha mentally handicaped, he would really feel out of place. Kick them azzez out ur house, and clean it up,my lord and if they dont pull off dem shoes b4 entering yo house let them azzez stand outside.Question is how do u get them 2 "pull off dem shoes"? Money improves tha quality of it's audience. I learned that if some1 isnt paying much 4 somethin, they dont give a shit about it.Make em pay enuff to really feel it belongs 2 them, and they will fight along side u 2 protect it.I appreciate tha 25.00 fee, and i got everthing i wanted including my "Prince sign tamborine" Got emails from tha 1 who knows tha truth about my questions.In that chatroom is where they lay around all night all day and apparently not paying rent , since they still cryin about not gettin finished downloading and corrupt everthing 4 everybody no wonder Prince kick dem freeloadin bastards out. I got one thing 2 say 2 tha onez that tryed 2 make it hard 4 family, "u got a foot print on ur pantz,and please get ur azz out my face".
[Edited 7/5/06 4:56am]

oh please rolleyes What you call "truth" I call "censorship" rolleyes
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Reply #587 posted 07/05/06 9:58pm



Well it's so sad but It will hopefully come back.
Prince probably found out that we were tired of the old samo stuff.
after about the first month in the club you've probably gone and dne everything there is to do. the only time i get on there now is to hear the new reflection songs and check out the forums. sad and whenever the tickets come out.
hav u had ur + sign 2 day.
eye wish u heaven
worship GOD
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Reply #588 posted 07/05/06 9:58pm



So, some people claim to have gotten "the email".

It would be hilarious if they announce that there was NO email after all. Then what will these idiots say?

Someone post a copy, please! lol
[Edited 7/5/06 14:59pm]
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Reply #589 posted 07/05/06 10:04pm


Mebeingme said:

So, some people claim to have gotten "the email".

It would be hilarious if they announce that there was NO email after all. Then what will these idiots say?

Someone post a copy, please! lol
[Edited 7/5/06 14:59pm]

"the e-mail" is merely the message at the very top of this thread. it was posted to the org and housequake before the e-mail was even initially sent out by NPGMC.
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Reply #590 posted 07/05/06 10:08pm



Anx said:

Mebeingme said:

So, some people claim to have gotten "the email".

It would be hilarious if they announce that there was NO email after all. Then what will these idiots say?

Someone post a copy, please! lol
[Edited 7/5/06 14:59pm]

"the e-mail" is merely the message at the very top of this thread. it was posted to the org and housequake before the e-mail was even initially sent out by NPGMC.

i guess i'll get my "email" right about when i get my war cassette...

Space for sale...
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Reply #591 posted 07/05/06 10:10pm


Moonbeam said:

babynoz said:

I won't miss those forums because it was difficult for anyone not in the clique to participate anyway. Although I did meet a few really great people, there was always a handful of folks waiting to piss on your cheerios if you didn't belong to the "in crowd". So far, no such hierarchy exist here on the org and I hope it stays that way.

First of all, good to see you!

Second of all, that is the very reason I didn't like those forums.

Hey Sugar! wave

Good to see you too... Give a shout out to Gangsta and Romera for me.
Prince, in you I found a kindred spirit...Rest In Paradise.
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Reply #592 posted 07/05/06 10:10pm


i don't think i got the e-mail either and i was one of the first people to post this news the other night. lol
[Edited 7/5/06 15:10pm]
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Reply #593 posted 07/05/06 10:19pm



Handclapsfingasnapz said:[quote]
P take a break man...get somes rest...rejuvinate...take some time off

I dont think running a website it particularly tiresome, did Prince say "shit man finding three tracks to upload on it every weekend is really tiring me out, and moderating those forums is taking over my life". He took it down, made a lot of "fams" homeless which always brings a smile to my face. Probably got his renewal from his hosting company and thought "fuck that for a load of lifetime $25's."

A handful of TV appearances over 6 months does not make anyone tired. He did 96 live shows in 2004 and needs to do some more this year if he wants the $$$. A tour starts in August from those orgers "in the know" so taking down a website is the last of his problems, he needs to get out there, sell some tickets and get 3121 to go Gold, amazing really that it still hasnt, hardley a real return to the mainstream, even Rave Un2 sold more than that. - Prince discography, tour history, news and more.
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Reply #594 posted 07/05/06 10:25pm



dumbass said:

Giovanni777 said:

There's some real wisdom going on right there.



that doesn't sound like real wisdom at all, just regurgitation of someone else's words and thoughts. REAL MUSIC FOR REAL MUSIC LOVERS...MORE BRAINS!

hate to tell you, but it ain't that profound, simply a slogan Prince sold you on to jump on board. all that is is marketing, not some truth to live your life by.

Prince needs to take one told him to do 3121 to close the BET AWARDS....Did he get rid of Tamar too along with the club?
All Prince needs is JAM & Lewis to produce his next album and the masses will embrace it.....all his music lately sounds old and dated..... lol
Yoda is my Mentor!
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Reply #595 posted 07/05/06 10:29pm




you all had a ton to say about this, didn't cha? LOL

Let's just wait and see.

I really enjoyed the reflection room, 3121 room, and downloads. The website was beautiful. NO, I didn't visit every day like I did on the org but when I was there i made sure i kept my comments brief and unoffensive. It was fun to open a room and find a picture of Prince there. Like HE was in the room. LOL

I will miss it but i hope it is just down for "renovations".
1 Thessalonians 5:23
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Reply #596 posted 07/05/06 10:29pm



I am sitting here watching the NPGMC members rope off a section at the org (NPGMusicClub discussion) just for them. Funny how they tend to do that.
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Reply #597 posted 07/05/06 10:32pm


babynoz said:

Moonbeam said:

First of all, good to see you!

Second of all, that is the very reason I didn't like those forums.

Hey Sugar! wave

Good to see you too... Give a shout out to Gangsta and Romera for me.
Here I am. Shout out to me yourself. hug
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Reply #598 posted 07/05/06 10:32pm



txladykat said:

a previous npgmc moderator has stated in response to why some did not receive the emails:

eye can not answer that question. eye am sure this may come as a surprise 2 some, but Mods are not site admins as just moder8ing a large website with 1000s of members online at the same time is a full time job. Many people have not gotten emales so we are looking into that issue for the future.

I saw that too, but I don't think that post was from a "real" former PP moderator. If you look at the following posts on that site some of Mods state there are no PPs there. shrug Someone probably just signed up with that username as a joke & is recycling old PP responses from the actual NPGMC.

The check. The string he dropped. The Mona Lisa. The musical notes taken out of a hat. The glass. The toy shotgun painting. The things he found. Therefore, everything seen–every object, that is, plus the process of looking at it–is a Duchamp.
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Reply #599 posted 07/05/06 10:37pm


Romera said:

[...]Whatever the club comes back as, I hope your ass isn't let there either.

both you and i know that most likely she'll be the first muthafucka in line once it opens back up...and she'll be first in line because she cut. hug
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