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Thread started 10/30/03 9:28am



My Xperience. Part 1.

Dear all.
1st of all eye just wanna say that right now, i feel 4 all u prince fans who were lucky enough 2 witness the greatest musician of all time do what he does best. Eye feel 4 u cause like u right now, we r going through a major depression!!! On monday when i realised it was all over, eye nearly started crying in my car. Eye have been thinking about these unbelievable moments non stop all week 2 the point where im not even concentrating on my job.(i nearly had a car accident as well cause of this!!!)Its just so sad that its all over.


Eye went 2 the 2 Sydney concerts and of course the afterparty and the unforgetable "wake me up im dreaming" aftershow!

Eye just wanna say hello 2 all the members eye met:
And last but not least, they r not orgers, but it was an absalute honour 2 meet the biggest Prince fans of all:
Lori and Rita from Italy.
When eye say biggest fans of all eye mean it. These 2 girls have been touring with Prince since 1987...
after this tour they have now seen 328 Prince concerts. Beat that!!! Unbelievable.
It was all a pleasure meeting u guys and im praying that we meet in this sort of fashion again very soon!!

I just want 2 mention my brother John in this post who some of u might remember, he is not an orger (doesnt have a pc) so eye would like 2 share some of his experiences as well.Eye have 2 believe that my bro went through a better time than any1 else cause if eye could tell u what he experienced u wouldnt believe me.
Eye will mention a few things that he experienced but cant go in2 2 much detail 4 private Prince related reasons.
Anyway here r the highlights from my brother John cause they sure shit on all of ours!!!

John went 2 every concert.
He went 2 the Metro aftershow, 2nd row.
On Friday 24th Sydney show Mani got him and his son Michael (my nephew) up on stage 2 dance.
On Saturday 25th John had an onstage ticket. When he met Prince he said that he talked 2 him more than any1 cause every1 else was 2 nervous 2 say anything!!!
John was right up the front (with me)4 the Basement aftershow. Prince recognised him and gave him the tamborine he was playing. (he later gave it 2 me).
when John got 2 Brisbane, they told him that 4 an extra $100, they could get onstage tickets but without the meet and greet. Of course he did!
When Prince was performing at the Brisbane show, he let alot of those onstage people sing including of course my brother. Prince handed him the mic 2 sing "ure sheer perfection in Take me With U!!!
He went 2 the Brisbane aftershow, front row again.
There is more bit ill finish it there.

Lets just say im very jelous!!.

Anyway my experience isnt as good as that of course but it was still unbelievable.
See part 2 of this post 2 read it.
If ure radio aint on the FUNK, then ure radio aint on!!!
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Forums > Concerts > My Xperience. Part 1.