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Thread started 02/23/14 5:16pm


prince army? good thing or people just jumping on the bandwagon

Hi, dont want to be negative, but the experience i had with some of the so called prince army wasnt great. The guys right at the front of the paying queue, were loud and rude to people they thought were vips getting in before them, when they were the queue for disabled and the press i think. I got put in the queue by the steward after being there for hours myself because i was supposed to be picking my ticket up on the door

that ihad paid for online. (no printer) Anyhow they seem to think they had a dyvine right to comment as loud as they could at any given moment at things they had no idear about! One even wondered If Prince had ever supported Queen! To be honest I wanted to shout at some of them to shut up but tried to keep my dignity instead. My point is do you think this so called Army is a good thing! because hearing and seeing how they went off has put me off!

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Reply #1 posted 02/23/14 5:24pm



It's the public, no need to get your panties in a twist. Have you ever seen a football game? Those audiences have several fights and heated verbal exchanges.

Besides there is no Prince Army, there is a Kiss Army though.

I like the fact we don't have a official title other than the standard fan. Some people go by fams-but in my world that is short for hyper-fanaticism.

99.9% of everything I say is strictly for my own entertainment
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Reply #2 posted 02/23/14 5:32pm


hi not got my knickers in a twist because i dont where them! and yes , i have a season ticket for a football team . Go on twitter and type in princearmy is does exist

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Reply #3 posted 02/23/14 5:35pm



antonb said:

hi not got my knickers in a twist because i dont where them! and yes , i have a season ticket for a football team . Go on twitter and type in princearmy is does exist

I mean that Prince Army is not a standard fan name for the majority of fans in the world. Like Kiss Army or Fanilow has become.

99.9% of everything I say is strictly for my own entertainment
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Reply #4 posted 02/23/14 5:45pm


I know, if you read the post i never said it was standard, but there is a growing number of fans through social media that has started since these shows began like "prince watch"I mean hopefully it will turn into a very good thing with a lot of new fans turning into Princes music and talent.

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Reply #5 posted 02/23/14 5:48pm


Yeah, it's a twitter thing. It can only be a good thing really - it should introduce new people to Prince hopefully. There are always people who go to gigs who know very little about the people they are seeing.

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Reply #6 posted 02/23/14 5:56pm


yes your right, your always going to get some idiots when in a crowd i guess

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Reply #7 posted 02/23/14 6:36pm



good got prince playing on bbc6music for two hours!!!!!!!!!!! now on biggrin

Eye Was Born & Raised On The Same Plantation In The United States Of The Red, White And Blue Eye Never Knew That Eye Was Different Til Dr. King Was On The Balcony
Lying In A Bloody Pool......Call me a Dreamer 2 - R.I.P - James Brown and Michael Jackson
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Reply #8 posted 02/23/14 6:39pm


There were a few people on Twitter (1 in particular) that let the bit they played in spreading the news go to their head....asking Princes manager to follow them and Direct Message and also asking for permission to jump queues makes you appear like a knob no matter how good you are at hitting retweet.

Having said that, if the Prince Army hadn't existed the. Prince & 3rd eye girl would still be stood in the Camden Ballroom, looking at thier watches and waiting for people to show up...make no mistake, we did all of the work as fans
[Edited 2/23/14 10:48am]
P-p-e-n-g-u-i-n......the P is silent
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Reply #9 posted 02/23/14 6:40pm



Dreamer2 said:

good got prince playing on bbc6music for two hours!!!!!!!!!!! now on biggrin

Prince for two hours on a BBC station ? and associated artists! well worth #Princewatch cool

Eye Was Born & Raised On The Same Plantation In The United States Of The Red, White And Blue Eye Never Knew That Eye Was Different Til Dr. King Was On The Balcony
Lying In A Bloody Pool......Call me a Dreamer 2 - R.I.P - James Brown and Michael Jackson
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Reply #10 posted 02/23/14 6:54pm



Dreamer2 said:

Dreamer2 said:

good got prince playing on bbc6music for two hours!!!!!!!!!!! now on biggrin

Prince for two hours on a BBC station ? and associated artists! well worth #Princewatch cool

its getting Waterfall played W&L love u biggrin .... now thats a good thing !

Eye Was Born & Raised On The Same Plantation In The United States Of The Red, White And Blue Eye Never Knew That Eye Was Different Til Dr. King Was On The Balcony
Lying In A Bloody Pool......Call me a Dreamer 2 - R.I.P - James Brown and Michael Jackson
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Reply #11 posted 02/23/14 6:56pm



antonb said:

Hi, dont want to be negative, but the experience i had with some of the so called prince army wasnt great. The guys right at the front of the paying queue, were loud and rude to people they thought were vips getting in before them, when they were the queue for disabled and the press i think. I got put in the queue by the steward after being there for hours myself because i was supposed to be picking my ticket up on the door

that ihad paid for online. (no printer) Anyhow they seem to think they had a dyvine right to comment as loud as they could at any given moment at things they had no idear about! One even wondered If Prince had ever supported Queen! To be honest I wanted to shout at some of them to shut up but tried to keep my dignity instead. My point is do you think this so called Army is a good thing! because hearing and seeing how they went off has put me off!

what night/venue/gig are you on about? there were few if any of the princearmy people at manchester, and at the line i was in there was no shouting to be heard from the front. if you mean the last 2 nights at manchester, and the shouting was in the ticketless line, well those people may not be part of the prince army or even serious fans, but could be anybody such as casual fans.

with any large fanbase you will find a diverse bunch of people, which will include people all all races and sexes and people with disabilities and others who will get rowdy and shout. that's just life. but it's simply down to certain individuals acting in that way for whatever reason. remember some people had been lining up for over 12 hours to get in some of those shows, waiting in the cold and the rain and even hailstones, so it's only natural that emotions will get high as time moves on, and if people are drinking then their reactions and emotions may be different from how they normally act. that's not to say any of this is right or wrong in any way, it's just life

but don't tar everyone with the same brush when it's just a tiny percentage of the overall attendees acting like that. where are your comments about everyone else? you've just posted the negative without the positive. to be more accurate you should have said there were x hundred/thousand fans and almost everyone was really nice and acted really great, as thats far closer to the truth, from every line at every show

to be fair, most of the problems were a result of a lack of information being passed around staff, who in turn had no information to pass to people waiting to get in, and every nights show from start to end was organised differently by the front line staff

now if you attended koko's you would have seen the most chilled out line of fans waiting all day and all night, with no trouble at all, everyone just getting on fine. food and drink being passed around, no pushing and shoving, no shouting, no hassle at all. i've never seen such a chilled out line in my entire life. and that's cuz of fans treating other fans well, with a line self managed by fans who never had to call official security for help

don't let one bad part spoil the much bigger picture of good parts

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Reply #12 posted 02/23/14 6:57pm



Dreamer2 said:

Dreamer2 said:

Prince for two hours on a BBC station ? and associated artists! well worth #Princewatch cool

its getting Waterfall played W&L love u biggrin .... now thats a good thing !

Shes always in my hair ...on the BBC eek

Eye Was Born & Raised On The Same Plantation In The United States Of The Red, White And Blue Eye Never Knew That Eye Was Different Til Dr. King Was On The Balcony
Lying In A Bloody Pool......Call me a Dreamer 2 - R.I.P - James Brown and Michael Jackson
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Reply #13 posted 02/23/14 7:09pm



Dreamer2 said:

Dreamer2 said:

its getting Waterfall played W&L love u biggrin .... now thats a good thing !

Shes always in my hair ...on the BBC eek

They are playing NC2U by The Family ....#Princewatch on the BBC ... eek

Eye Was Born & Raised On The Same Plantation In The United States Of The Red, White And Blue Eye Never Knew That Eye Was Different Til Dr. King Was On The Balcony
Lying In A Bloody Pool......Call me a Dreamer 2 - R.I.P - James Brown and Michael Jackson
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Reply #14 posted 02/23/14 7:22pm


unique said:

antonb said:

Hi, dont want to be negative, but the experience i had with some of the so called prince army wasnt great. The guys right at the front of the paying queue, were loud and rude to people they thought were vips getting in before them, when they were the queue for disabled and the press i think. I got put in the queue by the steward after being there for hours myself because i was supposed to be picking my ticket up on the door

that ihad paid for online. (no printer) Anyhow they seem to think they had a dyvine right to comment as loud as they could at any given moment at things they had no idear about! One even wondered If Prince had ever supported Queen! To be honest I wanted to shout at some of them to shut up but tried to keep my dignity instead. My point is do you think this so called Army is a good thing! because hearing and seeing how they went off has put me off!

what night/venue/gig are you on about? there were few if any of the princearmy people at manchester, and at the line i was in there was no shouting to be heard from the front. if you mean the last 2 nights at manchester, and the shouting was in the ticketless line, well those people may not be part of the prince army or even serious fans, but could be anybody such as casual fans.

with any large fanbase you will find a diverse bunch of people, which will include people all all races and sexes and people with disabilities and others who will get rowdy and shout. that's just life. but it's simply down to certain individuals acting in that way for whatever reason. remember some people had been lining up for over 12 hours to get in some of those shows, waiting in the cold and the rain and even hailstones, so it's only natural that emotions will get high as time moves on, and if people are drinking then their reactions and emotions may be different from how they normally act. that's not to say any of this is right or wrong in any way, it's just life

but don't tar everyone with the same brush when it's just a tiny percentage of the overall attendees acting like that. where are your comments about everyone else? you've just posted the negative without the positive. to be more accurate you should have said there were x hundred/thousand fans and almost everyone was really nice and acted really great, as thats far closer to the truth, from every line at every show

to be fair, most of the problems were a result of a lack of information being passed around staff, who in turn had no information to pass to people waiting to get in, and every nights show from start to end was organised differently by the front line staff

now if you attended koko's you would have seen the most chilled out line of fans waiting all day and all night, with no trouble at all, everyone just getting on fine. food and drink being passed around, no pushing and shoving, no shouting, no hassle at all. i've never seen such a chilled out line in my entire life. and that's cuz of fans treating other fans well, with a line self managed by fans who never had to call official security for help

don't let one bad part spoil the much bigger picture of good parts

wow what an answer! it was the friday night manchester gig, the fans right at the front who had been queueing for ages , since the night before i think, it was a bit mob rule thats all. Although it was funny when they thought they were getting in first, they had been told by a steward the first hundred was getting in early but he told the wrong side and they let in the onlline ticket people in first! Sorry my sense of humour!

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Reply #15 posted 02/23/14 7:35pm



Why Should I Love You by Kate Bush on 6music now. Whoever programmed these in knows their stuff or did their associated artists research! cool
Just somewhere in the middle,
Not too good and not too bad.
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Reply #16 posted 02/23/14 7:39pm


this is fine, but how about playing songs where he is singing too!

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Reply #17 posted 02/23/14 7:41pm


bloody hell! what they playing now!!

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Reply #18 posted 02/23/14 7:42pm


play something like Adore or something

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Reply #19 posted 02/23/14 7:58pm



Or ...Sometimes It Snows In April? wink
Just somewhere in the middle,
Not too good and not too bad.
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Reply #20 posted 02/23/14 8:01pm



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Reply #21 posted 02/23/14 8:12pm



antonb said:

unique said:

what night/venue/gig are you on about? there were few if any of the princearmy people at manchester, and at the line i was in there was no shouting to be heard from the front. if you mean the last 2 nights at manchester, and the shouting was in the ticketless line, well those people may not be part of the prince army or even serious fans, but could be anybody such as casual fans.

with any large fanbase you will find a diverse bunch of people, which will include people all all races and sexes and people with disabilities and others who will get rowdy and shout. that's just life. but it's simply down to certain individuals acting in that way for whatever reason. remember some people had been lining up for over 12 hours to get in some of those shows, waiting in the cold and the rain and even hailstones, so it's only natural that emotions will get high as time moves on, and if people are drinking then their reactions and emotions may be different from how they normally act. that's not to say any of this is right or wrong in any way, it's just life

but don't tar everyone with the same brush when it's just a tiny percentage of the overall attendees acting like that. where are your comments about everyone else? you've just posted the negative without the positive. to be more accurate you should have said there were x hundred/thousand fans and almost everyone was really nice and acted really great, as thats far closer to the truth, from every line at every show

to be fair, most of the problems were a result of a lack of information being passed around staff, who in turn had no information to pass to people waiting to get in, and every nights show from start to end was organised differently by the front line staff

now if you attended koko's you would have seen the most chilled out line of fans waiting all day and all night, with no trouble at all, everyone just getting on fine. food and drink being passed around, no pushing and shoving, no shouting, no hassle at all. i've never seen such a chilled out line in my entire life. and that's cuz of fans treating other fans well, with a line self managed by fans who never had to call official security for help

don't let one bad part spoil the much bigger picture of good parts

wow what an answer! it was the friday night manchester gig, the fans right at the front who had been queueing for ages , since the night before i think, it was a bit mob rule thats all. Although it was funny when they thought they were getting in first, they had been told by a steward the first hundred was getting in early but he told the wrong side and they let in the onlline ticket people in first! Sorry my sense of humour!

they let the line with tickets in first, and prince was still onstage soundchecking when people were let in, but there was no 100 ppl secret soundcheck. the line with tickets was chilled out and got on well. i didn't spend much time at the other side, but jay was at the front of the line and did the numbering, and he was also at the second show and was onstage with me. he's gonna join the org

now, out of the first 50-100 people there, i didn't recognise any of them from any previous shows on this or prevoius tours, so i have to say the people at the front of that line were not the real die hard fans, but more casual fans who wanted a ticket. there are many fans who won't travel for whatever reason, and it seemed most of those made up the unticketed line (they missed the tickets as again they weren't die hard enough to be online or have contacts to get the tickets when they went onsale - and whilst it was a surprise and PITA jsut after his appearance on the brits, the real die hards would have found out soon after watching and got them online)

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Reply #22 posted 02/23/14 8:29pm


yea, i just dont think it was cool to berate people they know nothing about! there situation and all. Like i said some were in front cos of there physical condition. And lovely there were, prince fans for 30 years! From Newcastle

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Reply #23 posted 02/23/14 9:06pm



antonb said:

yea, i just dont think it was cool to berate people they know nothing about! there situation and all. Like i said some were in front cos of there physical condition. And lovely there were, prince fans for 30 years! From Newcastle

no, it's not cool. but it's nothing to do with prince or his fans, it's just an individual thing. the planning and execution of entry and exit could have been better though, but i've seen a lot worse. remember those security guys are just doing the job they are asked to do. most aren't paid well and are on zero hour contracts, standing in the cold and rain and stuff

were you in the little balcony area upstairs? did you get a good view?

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Reply #24 posted 02/23/14 9:33pm


no i had my own little nightmare, had to go right to the back of the ticket queue after tying to find ask stewards where to pick up my ticket that was soposed to be left at the door on the night. Problem was no one seem to know which door my ticket was on !! Sent in different directions by different staff. Finally after argueing with one member of staff someone pointed me to the right person and she even knew my name! And give me my ticket! I was very relieved to say the least! Staff should at least be briefed where to tell punters where they can picked up there ticket! Not rocket science is it, no matter how much they are on, if we all worried about that we would all be wrapped up in cotton wool .In a nut house!

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Reply #25 posted 02/23/14 10:07pm


KOKO organisation wasn't much better. One security guy told another to pause the line from entering whilst the woman with the cash box took the money of the people already I front of her....then a 3rd security guard started shouting me "hurry up, hurry up -you're only getting an hour tonight". He wasn't far wrong it turns out but that's a different matter
[Edited 2/23/14 15:11pm]
P-p-e-n-g-u-i-n......the P is silent
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Reply #26 posted 02/23/14 10:34pm


if i had not finally stood my ground I would have been walking about outside missing the concert i had been there all day for! Still thinking about complaining to ticket line and the academy, It was very stressful as no one seemed to be actually be able to help me!

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Reply #27 posted 02/24/14 12:42am


Listening to the radio show made me realise how much I wish Prince would do a straight funk album. Something really murky and dark like Sly and the Family Stone's There's A Riot Going On. Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad Prince is doing rock right now - and I hope that continues for an album or two or however many - but maybe for his next venture. Either that or another piano or acoustic album.

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Reply #28 posted 02/24/14 6:17am


Always find it strange comparing fans based on when they start queuing.
For sure there are a few who will put in the hours for each gig but many more
are not that committed to getting
a spot on the rail or maybe have done
it once or twice or are doing it as part
of a special trip away from home.
I've been in some all day queues before
and it is true some people do get ratty after
a long day waiting.
My worst experience was a queue for U2
in Dublin - herded around like cattle
made to stand between barriers for several
hours only before a run across the length
of a stadium to get a good spot.
There were a lot of tired and cranky people that day.
Think you are expecting too much
for all people to stay civilised in a
Prince army is a strange concept - prince fans
are a really diverse bunch. You would
meet other fans in a queue regardless
of twitter.
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Reply #29 posted 02/24/14 8:37am


antonb said:

Hi, dont want to be negative, but the experience i had with some of the so called prince army wasnt great. The guys right at the front of the paying queue, were loud and rude to people they thought were vips getting in before them, when they were the queue for disabled and the press i think. I got put in the queue by the steward after being there for hours myself because i was supposed to be picking my ticket up on the door

that ihad paid for online. (no printer) Anyhow they seem to think they had a dyvine right to comment as loud as they could at any given moment at things they had no idear about! One even wondered If Prince had ever supported Queen! To be honest I wanted to shout at some of them to shut up but tried to keep my dignity instead. My point is do you think this so called Army is a good thing! because hearing and seeing how they went off has put me off!

For what its worth I would like to say that 95% of the people I queued with were nothing but wonderful people. In fact it has sort of restored some faith I have that generally people are good, a faith which takes a lot of knocking by the media demonising everyone.

I only made 3 gigs and saw Unique at two of those and on the night lots of us queued at EB after Kirans "who would pay 70 quid" tweet. At that queue a guy had bought a pack of beer and was sharing with others and complete strangers went to the pub together.

If these people call themselves soldiers of the Prince Army I am in in favour of it.

One things for sure. I will miss the queuing experience as well as the gigs. Its rare for strangers to socialise like this with our busy lives.

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