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Reply #180 posted 04/03/13 1:59am



A twitter poster mentioning only 3rd Eye Girl wouldn't sell many $250 tickets! lol

"I would say that Prince's top thirty percent is great. Of that thirty percent, I'll bet the public has heard twenty percent of it." - Susan Rogers, "Hunting for Prince's Vault", BBC, 2015
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Reply #181 posted 04/03/13 8:45am





"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #182 posted 04/03/13 10:21pm


I live in Phoenix- got tix to the April 30th 8pm Marquee show in Tempe, Az!

My little sis is coming out here from San Diego so we can see him together!

I have seen countless Prince concerts since back in 1986 Lovesexy Tour at Madison Square Garden (I am from NYC originally). Have NEVER seen a Prince show that didnt blow my mind.

These tix were $277 a piece, which let's be honest, even as a die-hard fan since 1981 (I was 11 years old), I feel that $277 for one ticket in a general admision/standing room only venue is ridiculous. There are countless bands/artists out there that refuse to charge their fans over a certain ticket price. I love Prince's music, always will, but I am pissed that this insane price was allowed.

Not cool.

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Reply #183 posted 04/04/13 2:10am



azviolet said:

I live in Phoenix- got tix to the April 30th 8pm Marquee show in Tempe, Az!

My little sis is coming out here from San Diego so we can see him together!

I have seen countless Prince concerts since back in 1986 Lovesexy Tour at Madison Square Garden (I am from NYC originally). Have NEVER seen a Prince show that didnt blow my mind.

These tix were $277 a piece, which let's be honest, even as a die-hard fan since 1981 (I was 11 years old), I feel that $277 for one ticket in a general admision/standing room only venue is ridiculous. There are countless bands/artists out there that refuse to charge their fans over a certain ticket price. I love Prince's music, always will, but I am pissed that this insane price was allowed.

Not cool.

If people keep buying tickets at those prices, he'll be able to keep charging those prices!

No way in hades I was paying $200+. Glad I am going to a relatively CHEAP Vegas show (and only driving a few hours to get there, and not paying for a hotel).

Hopefully it's a great show and we are all content afterward, whatever we paid.

Looks like people think even the Vegas prices are too much...there are still tickets available from TM for all four shows.

"I would say that Prince's top thirty percent is great. Of that thirty percent, I'll bet the public has heard twenty percent of it." - Susan Rogers, "Hunting for Prince's Vault", BBC, 2015
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Reply #184 posted 04/04/13 3:45am


CandaceS said:

azviolet said:

I live in Phoenix- got tix to the April 30th 8pm Marquee show in Tempe, Az!

My little sis is coming out here from San Diego so we can see him together!

I have seen countless Prince concerts since back in 1986 Lovesexy Tour at Madison Square Garden (I am from NYC originally). Have NEVER seen a Prince show that didnt blow my mind.

These tix were $277 a piece, which let's be honest, even as a die-hard fan since 1981 (I was 11 years old), I feel that $277 for one ticket in a general admision/standing room only venue is ridiculous. There are countless bands/artists out there that refuse to charge their fans over a certain ticket price. I love Prince's music, always will, but I am pissed that this insane price was allowed.

Not cool.

If people keep buying tickets at those prices, he'll be able to keep charging those prices!

No way in hades I was paying $200+. Glad I am going to a relatively CHEAP Vegas show (and only driving a few hours to get there, and not paying for a hotel).

Hopefully it's a great show and we are all content afterward, whatever we paid.

Looks like people think even the Vegas prices are too much...there are still tickets available from TM for all four shows.

There are a lot of people that are unaware that these shows are taking place. If they were, believe it, the shows would be sold out and then there would be complaints about not having a chance to purchase tickets because they were sold out too fast. At least this way, it gives a lot of hardcore fans time/opportunity to purchase them (if they desire) before others. I don't think they are over-priced, just unaffordable for some...and that's understandable and unfortunate for some this time around...Hopefully, there will be others shows and who knows what situation any of us will be in then...could be totally reversed....I know I haven't seen him nearly as many time as some...but cirsumstances are different for me now that allow me to more.

[Edited 4/3/13 20:51pm]

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Reply #185 posted 04/04/13 5:35am



Anyone else attending the May 4th Late Show in San Diego?

Next time you pull a card, it better be an ace, mothaf*cka, you could lay--face DOWN!
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Reply #186 posted 04/04/13 5:12pm


CandaceS said:

azviolet said:

I live in Phoenix- got tix to the April 30th 8pm Marquee show in Tempe, Az!

My little sis is coming out here from San Diego so we can see him together!

I have seen countless Prince concerts since back in 1986 Lovesexy Tour at Madison Square Garden (I am from NYC originally). Have NEVER seen a Prince show that didnt blow my mind.

These tix were $277 a piece, which let's be honest, even as a die-hard fan since 1981 (I was 11 years old), I feel that $277 for one ticket in a general admision/standing room only venue is ridiculous. There are countless bands/artists out there that refuse to charge their fans over a certain ticket price. I love Prince's music, always will, but I am pissed that this insane price was allowed.

Not cool.

If people keep buying tickets at those prices, he'll be able to keep charging those prices!

No way in hades I was paying $200+. Glad I am going to a relatively CHEAP Vegas show (and only driving a few hours to get there, and not paying for a hotel).

Hopefully it's a great show and we are all content afterward, whatever we paid.

Looks like people think even the Vegas prices are too much...there are still tickets available from TM for all four shows.

Candace- agreed. However, Prince as we all know has ALWAYS had his hand in his shows, including ticket prices and sales processes. It appears he may have what I call "Oprah syndrome". He has been in his own world for so long that he has apparently forgotten about "reality" and where he came from (where WE his fans all still are). No one in touch with economic reality would feel right about charging true fans almost $300 for one ticket, standing room only. Many famous bands/artists refuse to price gouge their fans.

Prince draws US, his long-time loyal fan base to his shows. His "newer" or recent fan base is VERY SMALL. I dont know ONE teenager who buys/listens to ANY of his newer material. IF they know him at all, it is through their cool-as-hell parents.

With all that in mind, I am pissed about the price. Of course I freaking paid it, like many of us have/will. But I am just thankful that I COULD spend the cash. There are many years where I would NOT have been able to afford it.

And, let's be real. He is turning 55 this year and has already had a hip replacement surgery. How many more times is he going to tour, even small venues?? Theya re few and far between as it is. His days of selling OUT large arenas are done, except perhaps in Europe. Thats reality, as much as we love his work/him and respect him. World-class Legend, yes. We have been here since the 70's when the critics HATED him and when he NEVER did interviews so we had to be content with following his ART. And i was. Always will be.

For us, it is an insult to be charged that much froma box office to see him. Bootlegged tickets, sure. But not first hand.

That is my two cents for what its worth!

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Reply #187 posted 04/04/13 5:59pm


azviolet said:

CandaceS said:

If people keep buying tickets at those prices, he'll be able to keep charging those prices!

No way in hades I was paying $200+. Glad I am going to a relatively CHEAP Vegas show (and only driving a few hours to get there, and not paying for a hotel).

Hopefully it's a great show and we are all content afterward, whatever we paid.

Looks like people think even the Vegas prices are too much...there are still tickets available from TM for all four shows.

Candace- agreed. However, Prince as we all know has ALWAYS had his hand in his shows, including ticket prices and sales processes. It appears he may have what I call "Oprah syndrome". He has been in his own world for so long that he has apparently forgotten about "reality" and where he came from (where WE his fans all still are). No one in touch with economic reality would feel right about charging true fans almost $300 for one ticket, standing room only. Many famous bands/artists refuse to price gouge their fans.

Prince draws US, his long-time loyal fan base to his shows. His "newer" or recent fan base is VERY SMALL. I dont know ONE teenager who buys/listens to ANY of his newer material. IF they know him at all, it is through their cool-as-hell parents.

With all that in mind, I am pissed about the price. Of course I freaking paid it, like many of us have/will. But I am just thankful that I COULD spend the cash. There are many years where I would NOT have been able to afford it.

And, let's be real. He is turning 55 this year and has already had a hip replacement surgery. How many more times is he going to tour, even small venues?? Theya re few and far between as it is. His days of selling OUT large arenas are done, except perhaps in Europe. Thats reality, as much as we love his work/him and respect him. World-class Legend, yes. We have been here since the 70's when the critics HATED him and when he NEVER did interviews so we had to be content with following his ART. And i was. Always will be.

For us, it is an insult to be charged that much froma box office to see him. Bootlegged tickets, sure. But not first hand.

That is my two cents for what its worth!

Had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine who is a musician and will be going to one of the shows. In his opinion, the market is volatile right now unless you are are really huge with a big fan base. Gas is up, insurance is up, trucker unions pay is up, plus his Royal Badness has pissed off all the big promoters. Based on his caluculations, he will make damn near $10 mil in one month by skipping the big arenas and going this route. He's well known in the industry as being difficult and demanding. Makes perfect sense to do a smaller venue (absolute control) and charge enough to cover what he would have made in a larger arena.

I've seen him twice now in smaller venues and it's a completely different concert experience than in the larger arenas. My friends have been bagging on me all week, "If he's not playing '1999' or 'Purple Rain' then why even bother going?" I just shake my head. It's almost like he's a different person when he's on the smaller stage. His musicianship radiates!

I gotta agree with Candace and Azviolet. He's not getting any younger and his fan base is shrinking. I've accepted that if I have the money I'll cough it up for a ticket because he is the ONLY artist I will and have shelled out over $200 for and will keep doing it until he stops performing. After he's long gone, I want to be that old lady in the nursing home with the Prince tattoo telling my concert stories to the nursing home staff!

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Reply #188 posted 04/04/13 6:11pm


xhalation69 said:

azviolet said:

Candace- agreed. However, Prince as we all know has ALWAYS had his hand in his shows, including ticket prices and sales processes. It appears he may have what I call "Oprah syndrome". He has been in his own world for so long that he has apparently forgotten about "reality" and where he came from (where WE his fans all still are). No one in touch with economic reality would feel right about charging true fans almost $300 for one ticket, standing room only. Many famous bands/artists refuse to price gouge their fans.

Prince draws US, his long-time loyal fan base to his shows. His "newer" or recent fan base is VERY SMALL. I dont know ONE teenager who buys/listens to ANY of his newer material. IF they know him at all, it is through their cool-as-hell parents.

With all that in mind, I am pissed about the price. Of course I freaking paid it, like many of us have/will. But I am just thankful that I COULD spend the cash. There are many years where I would NOT have been able to afford it.

And, let's be real. He is turning 55 this year and has already had a hip replacement surgery. How many more times is he going to tour, even small venues?? Theya re few and far between as it is. His days of selling OUT large arenas are done, except perhaps in Europe. Thats reality, as much as we love his work/him and respect him. World-class Legend, yes. We have been here since the 70's when the critics HATED him and when he NEVER did interviews so we had to be content with following his ART. And i was. Always will be.

For us, it is an insult to be charged that much froma box office to see him. Bootlegged tickets, sure. But not first hand.

That is my two cents for what its worth!

Had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine who is a musician and will be going to one of the shows. In his opinion, the market is volatile right now unless you are are really huge with a big fan base. Gas is up, insurance is up, trucker unions pay is up, plus his Royal Badness has pissed off all the big promoters. Based on his caluculations, he will make damn near $10 mil in one month by skipping the big arenas and going this route. He's well known in the industry as being difficult and demanding. Makes perfect sense to do a smaller venue (absolute control) and charge enough to cover what he would have made in a larger arena.

I've seen him twice now in smaller venues and it's a completely different concert experience than in the larger arenas. My friends have been bagging on me all week, "If he's not playing '1999' or 'Purple Rain' then why even bother going?" I just shake my head. It's almost like he's a different person when he's on the smaller stage. His musicianship radiates!

I gotta agree with Candace and Azviolet. He's not getting any younger and his fan base is shrinking. I've accepted that if I have the money I'll cough it up for a ticket because he is the ONLY artist I will and have shelled out over $200 for and will keep doing it until he stops performing. After he's long gone, I want to be that old lady in the nursing home with the Prince tattoo telling my concert stories to the nursing home staff!

great last part of your message...can completely recognize myself in it...only problem is that last couple of years my back is hurting after standing in line all day for a good spot...

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Reply #189 posted 04/04/13 7:19pm


xhalation69 said:

I gotta agree with Candace and Azviolet. He's not getting any younger and his fan base is shrinking. I've accepted that if I have the money I'll cough it up for a ticket because he is the ONLY artist I will and have shelled out over $200 for and will keep doing it until he stops performing. After he's long gone, I want to be that old lady in the nursing home with the Prince tattoo telling my concert stories to the nursing home staff!

LOL! My sentiments exactly! I expect to see LOTS of prince/symbol tattoos while in line for the show. HA. Mine is on my upper left arm and in fact was the first tattoo I ever got (I was 27).

Of course I now have a half-sleeve on my right arm that draws all the attention, however I will prob wear a tank top to show off my TAFKAP tattoo on April 30. smile

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Reply #190 posted 04/04/13 7:23pm


azviolet said:

CandaceS said:

If people keep buying tickets at those prices, he'll be able to keep charging those prices!

No way in hades I was paying $200+. Glad I am going to a relatively CHEAP Vegas show (and only driving a few hours to get there, and not paying for a hotel).

Hopefully it's a great show and we are all content afterward, whatever we paid.

Looks like people think even the Vegas prices are too much...there are still tickets available from TM for all four shows.

Candace- agreed. However, Prince as we all know has ALWAYS had his hand in his shows, including ticket prices and sales processes. It appears he may have what I call "Oprah syndrome". He has been in his own world for so long that he has apparently forgotten about "reality" and where he came from (where WE his fans all still are). No one in touch with economic reality would feel right about charging true fans almost $300 for one ticket, standing room only. Many famous bands/artists refuse to price gouge their fans.

Prince draws US, his long-time loyal fan base to his shows. His "newer" or recent fan base is VERY SMALL. I dont know ONE teenager who buys/listens to ANY of his newer material. IF they know him at all, it is through their cool-as-hell parents.

With all that in mind, I am pissed about the price. Of course I freaking paid it, like many of us have/will. But I am just thankful that I COULD spend the cash. There are many years where I would NOT have been able to afford it.

And, let's be real. He is turning 55 this year and has already had a hip replacement surgery. How many more times is he going to tour, even small venues?? Theya re few and far between as it is. His days of selling OUT large arenas are done, except perhaps in Europe. Thats reality, as much as we love his work/him and respect him. World-class Legend, yes. We have been here since the 70's when the critics HATED him and when he NEVER did interviews so we had to be content with following his ART. And i was. Always will be.

For us, it is an insult to be charged that much froma box office to see him. Bootlegged tickets, sure. But not first hand.

That is my two cents for what its worth!

I do agree that he'll sell better in Europe or Australia but the lack of PROMOTION has a lot to do with the whole thing, more than the actual ticket price. And I'm sorry but if anyone complains about the ticket price for Vegas shows obviously they're too cheap, I don't mean that to offend anyone but it is what it is. $95 for general admission and I think initially it was $55 & $75 for rear balcony and that is expensive? I can tell you I paid way more than that for a freaking TRIBUTE Cirque Du Soleil's show (for a certain artist lo)l that's happening in Vegas in May and tickets for Beyonce's concert at MGM grand is triple that amount. And this is a chance to see PRince in a smaller venue and people still complain about the price? Unbelievable. Even the $250 for small venues are, ok, not exactly inexpensive but considering it's Prince he really should've been able to sell out all these shows even with that price. Again PROMOTION. Ticket sales began without any kind of proper promotion or announcement. This LOL "tour" is hardly lasting for like what, a month? in the US and apparently he's going to Europe in summer And there's a pretty good chance he may come back to the states later this year but he just can't make up his mind at the moment and he will never make any kind of long term commitments like that. That's what's annoying not the actual price...I think these fans who are frustrated with the ticket price would've really appreciated if he had let them know IN ADVANCE (like at least several months) when he was going to visit their city so they would've had enough time to save up money and plan trips...that's how other regular, well marketed artists get away with pricey tickets.

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Reply #191 posted 04/04/13 7:25pm


xhalation69 said:

azviolet said:

Candace- agreed. However, Prince as we all know has ALWAYS had his hand in his shows, including ticket prices and sales processes. It appears he may have what I call "Oprah syndrome". He has been in his own world for so long that he has apparently forgotten about "reality" and where he came from (where WE his fans all still are). No one in touch with economic reality would feel right about charging true fans almost $300 for one ticket, standing room only. Many famous bands/artists refuse to price gouge their fans.

Prince draws US, his long-time loyal fan base to his shows. His "newer" or recent fan base is VERY SMALL. I dont know ONE teenager who buys/listens to ANY of his newer material. IF they know him at all, it is through their cool-as-hell parents.

With all that in mind, I am pissed about the price. Of course I freaking paid it, like many of us have/will. But I am just thankful that I COULD spend the cash. There are many years where I would NOT have been able to afford it.

And, let's be real. He is turning 55 this year and has already had a hip replacement surgery. How many more times is he going to tour, even small venues?? Theya re few and far between as it is. His days of selling OUT large arenas are done, except perhaps in Europe. Thats reality, as much as we love his work/him and respect him. World-class Legend, yes. We have been here since the 70's when the critics HATED him and when he NEVER did interviews so we had to be content with following his ART. And i was. Always will be.

For us, it is an insult to be charged that much froma box office to see him. Bootlegged tickets, sure. But not first hand.

That is my two cents for what its worth!

Had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine who is a musician and will be going to one of the shows. In his opinion, the market is volatile right now unless you are are really huge with a big fan base. Gas is up, insurance is up, trucker unions pay is up, plus his Royal Badness has pissed off all the big promoters. Based on his caluculations, he will make damn near $10 mil in one month by skipping the big arenas and going this route. He's well known in the industry as being difficult and demanding. Makes perfect sense to do a smaller venue (absolute control) and charge enough to cover what he would have made in a larger arena.

I've seen him twice now in smaller venues and it's a completely different concert experience than in the larger arenas. My friends have been bagging on me all week, "If he's not playing '1999' or 'Purple Rain' then why even bother going?" I just shake my head. It's almost like he's a different person when he's on the smaller stage. His musicianship radiates!

I gotta agree with Candace and Azviolet. He's not getting any younger and his fan base is shrinking. I've accepted that if I have the money I'll cough it up for a ticket because he is the ONLY artist I will and have shelled out over $200 for and will keep doing it until he stops performing. After he's long gone, I want to be that old lady in the nursing home with the Prince tattoo telling my concert stories to the nursing home staff!

great last part of your message...can completely recognize myself in it...only problem is that last couple of years my back is hurting after standing in line all day for a good spot...

hear about atlanta...anyone??

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Reply #192 posted 04/04/13 7:52pm


xhalation69 said:

azviolet said:

Candace- agreed. However, Prince as we all know has ALWAYS had his hand in his shows, including ticket prices and sales processes. It appears he may have what I call "Oprah syndrome". He has been in his own world for so long that he has apparently forgotten about "reality" and where he came from (where WE his fans all still are). No one in touch with economic reality would feel right about charging true fans almost $300 for one ticket, standing room only. Many famous bands/artists refuse to price gouge their fans.

Prince draws US, his long-time loyal fan base to his shows. His "newer" or recent fan base is VERY SMALL. I dont know ONE teenager who buys/listens to ANY of his newer material. IF they know him at all, it is through their cool-as-hell parents.

With all that in mind, I am pissed about the price. Of course I freaking paid it, like many of us have/will. But I am just thankful that I COULD spend the cash. There are many years where I would NOT have been able to afford it.

And, let's be real. He is turning 55 this year and has already had a hip replacement surgery. How many more times is he going to tour, even small venues?? Theya re few and far between as it is. His days of selling OUT large arenas are done, except perhaps in Europe. Thats reality, as much as we love his work/him and respect him. World-class Legend, yes. We have been here since the 70's when the critics HATED him and when he NEVER did interviews so we had to be content with following his ART. And i was. Always will be.

For us, it is an insult to be charged that much froma box office to see him. Bootlegged tickets, sure. But not first hand.

That is my two cents for what its worth!

Had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine who is a musician and will be going to one of the shows. In his opinion, the market is volatile right now unless you are are really huge with a big fan base. Gas is up, insurance is up, trucker unions pay is up, plus his Royal Badness has pissed off all the big promoters. Based on his caluculations, he will make damn near $10 mil in one month by skipping the big arenas and going this route. He's well known in the industry as being difficult and demanding. Makes perfect sense to do a smaller venue (absolute control) and charge enough to cover what he would have made in a larger arena.

I've seen him twice now in smaller venues and it's a completely different concert experience than in the larger arenas. My friends have been bagging on me all week, "If he's not playing '1999' or 'Purple Rain' then why even bother going?" I just shake my head. It's almost like he's a different person when he's on the smaller stage. His musicianship radiates!

I gotta agree with Candace and Azviolet. He's not getting any younger and his fan base is shrinking. I've accepted that if I have the money I'll cough it up for a ticket because he is the ONLY artist I will and have shelled out over $200 for and will keep doing it until he stops performing. After he's long gone, I want to be that old lady in the nursing home with the Prince tattoo telling my concert stories to the nursing home staff!

Question for you, what evidence do you have that you present that backs up your claim that "he has pissdd off all the big promoters"; Any at all or are you just want to sound as if you know what are talking about?. He has toured constantly for the last 3 years in large and small venues...

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Reply #193 posted 04/04/13 9:00pm


I am glad the shows aren't propebly promoted, otherwise they would be filled with wannabe's and other selfish people talking to their cellphones.
For the first time I feel fans in US have to chance to get to see him closer than ever.

And I am happy that Live Nation or AEG isn't taking piece from this pie.

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Reply #194 posted 04/05/13 12:29am


funk4finns said:

I am glad the shows aren't propebly promoted, otherwise they would be filled with wannabe's and other selfish people talking to their cellphones.
For the first time I feel fans in US have to chance to get to see him closer than ever.

And I am happy that Live Nation or AEG isn't taking piece from this pie.

Eye hate when peeps think they know everything. Prince does this 4 a reason. He knows when & how to promote a major big venue tour(Welcome 2 America/Musicology) & when & how to promote a low key small venue tour that only his die hards know about(3rd eye Girl/Onenitealone). 35 years in the business creates a wise man not a stupid one..He wants his diehards at this one. Not the casual ones...

eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #195 posted 04/05/13 12:45am



funk4finns said:

I am glad the shows aren't propebly promoted, otherwise they would be filled with wannabe's and other selfish people talking to their cellphones.
For the first time I feel fans in US have to chance to get to see him closer than ever.

And I am happy that Live Nation or AEG isn't taking piece from this pie.

Eye hate when peeps think they know everything. Prince does this 4 a reason. He knows when & how to promote a major big venue tour(Welcome 2 America/Musicology) & when & how to promote a low key small venue tour that only his die hards know about(3rd eye Girl/Onenitealone). 35 years in the business creates a wise man not a stupid one..He wants his diehards at this one. Not the casual ones...

Thank you . after 35 years in the biz, folks act like he is gonna drop off the planet. the only ones who knows about his antics are the folks on the org.. If the folks on the org think he is his sole fan base are mistken... they are living their lives and could care nary a fuck if he sues or asks a site to take down material,, the org is nit his panacea for success.. misguided and misjudged..

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Reply #196 posted 04/05/13 5:25am




funk4finns said:

I am glad the shows aren't propebly promoted, otherwise they would be filled with wannabe's and other selfish people talking to their cellphones.
For the first time I feel fans in US have to chance to get to see him closer than ever.

And I am happy that Live Nation or AEG isn't taking piece from this pie.

Eye hate when peeps think they know everything. Prince does this 4 a reason. He knows when & how to promote a major big venue tour(Welcome 2 America/Musicology) & when & how to promote a low key small venue tour that only his die hards know about(3rd eye Girl/Onenitealone). 35 years in the business creates a wise man not a stupid one..He wants his diehards at this one. Not the casual ones...

nod Or at least open minded ones.

I'm going and I'm going to have fun.

99.9% of everything I say is strictly for my own entertainment
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Reply #197 posted 04/05/13 6:43pm


GoldiesParade said:

Se7en said:

Is it confirmed that Prince himself will actually be performing at these dates?

I'm seriously considering one of the Anaheim shows, but for that kind of money I'd hate to show up to see just the 3 girls perform.

Is that not his name on the Twitter poster? It kinda would imply...

To be fair, I've been to aftershows billed as an Official Prince Aftershow...paid 150 for the tickets...and watched HIS BAND perform covers while he played keyboard or or stood to the side of the stage. It wouldn't surprise me if this was that. My having been burnt in the past and now distrust of Prince is why I haven't bought tickets. He's just not reliable.

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Reply #198 posted 04/05/13 7:00pm


California45 said:

GoldiesParade said:

Is that not his name on the Twitter poster? It kinda would imply...

To be fair, I've been to aftershows billed as an Official Prince Aftershow...paid 150 for the tickets...and watched HIS BAND perform covers while he played keyboard or or stood to the side of the stage. It wouldn't surprise me if this was that. My having been burnt in the past and now distrust of Prince is why I haven't bought tickets. He's just not reliable.

If you think this is an aftershow then stay at home...Aftershow is no guarantee of anything...I know that , everyone knows that

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Reply #199 posted 04/05/13 7:04pm


lwr001 said:

California45 said:

To be fair, I've been to aftershows billed as an Official Prince Aftershow...paid 150 for the tickets...and watched HIS BAND perform covers while he played keyboard or or stood to the side of the stage. It wouldn't surprise me if this was that. My having been burnt in the past and now distrust of Prince is why I haven't bought tickets. He's just not reliable.

If you think this is an aftershow then stay at home...Aftershow is no guarantee of anything...I know that , everyone knows that

Leave it to Prince fams to throw the shade and toss in the snark...

1) i never said I thought it was an aftershow, I said he has had aftershows billed as the official prince aftershow - where everyone in the audience (not just me) excpected prince to perform front and center. He didn't and the venue gave refunds.

2) it's prince, there's no guarantee of anything. ever. at any kind of show.

3) because of 2, i am staying home. which I also said in my initial comment. so no need to tell me to stay at home.

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Reply #200 posted 04/05/13 8:16pm


California45 said:

lwr001 said:

If you think this is an aftershow then stay at home...Aftershow is no guarantee of anything...I know that , everyone knows that

Leave it to Prince fams to throw the shade and toss in the snark...

1) i never said I thought it was an aftershow, I said he has had aftershows billed as the official prince aftershow - where everyone in the audience (not just me) excpected prince to perform front and center. He didn't and the venue gave refunds.

2) it's prince, there's no guarantee of anything. ever. at any kind of show.

3) because of 2, i am staying home. which I also said in my initial comment. so no need to tell me to stay at home.

You are right, he has been doing inconsistent shows for the better part of 35 years now, always either high, drunk or both when he hits the stage

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Reply #201 posted 04/05/13 8:23pm



Hunh?! confuse

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #202 posted 04/05/13 8:27pm


purplethunder3121 said:

Hunh?! confuse

That was my attempt at sarcasm...

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Reply #203 posted 04/05/13 8:31pm



Ya'll trippin. When have you ever been to a Prince show and walked away dissatisfied? These shows are gonna be great, especially given the small venues. That's the ultimate way to see Prince. If the funky jams on the 3rdeyegirl youtube channel are anything to go by, this is gonna be the good stuff. cool

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Reply #204 posted 04/05/13 8:33pm


Cyra said:

Ya'll trippin. When have you ever been to a Prince show and walked away dissatisfied? These shows are gonna be great, especially given the small venues. That's the ultimate way to see Prince. If the funky jams on the 3rdeyegirl youtube channel are anything to go by, this is gonna be the good stuff. cool

Trippin is exactly what they are doing.. I say, good, stay home..they probably are as exciting as a plain peace of toast in person anyway (debbie downers)..

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Reply #205 posted 04/06/13 12:16am


Well....I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything about these shows. I wouldn't care if no one shows up but Prince, the band, and myself.....very selfish and mean spirited of me..but true!!!

[Edited 4/5/13 17:28pm]

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Reply #206 posted 04/06/13 6:03am



rgsince81 said:

serpan99 said:

Pretty cool the dates have been announced officially now. Tix won't come cheap but it'll b worth it 2 see them play great venues like this! cool

It's already a cool list and perhaps other cities get added as Portland still isn't officially confirmed

04/15 – Vancouver, BC @ The Vogue (Early Show)
04/15 – Vancouver, BC @ The Vogue (Late Show)
04/16 – Vancouver, BC @ The Vogue (Early Show)
04/16 – Vancouver, BC @ The Vogue (Late Show)

04/18 – Seattle, WA @ Showbox (Early Show)
04/18 – Seattle, WA @ Showbox (Late Show)
04/19 – Seattle, WA @ Showbox (Early Show)
04/19 – Seattle, WA @ Showbox (Late Show)

04/23 – San Francisco, DNA Lounge (Early Show)
04/23 – San Francisco, DNA Lounge (Late Show)
04/24 – San Francisco, DNA Lounge (Early Show)
04/24 – San Francisco, DNA Lounge (Late Show)

04/26 – Las Vegas, NV @ The Joint (Early Show)
04/26 – Las Vegas, NV @ The Joint (Late Show)
04/27 – Las Vegas, NV @ The Joint (Early Show)
04/27 – Las Vegas, NV @ The Joint (Late Show)

04/30 – Tempe, AZ @ The Marquee (Early Show)
04/30 – Tempe, AZ @ The Marquee (Late Show)
05/01 – Tempe, AZ @ The Marquee (Early Show)
05/01 – Tempe, AZ @ The Marquee (Late Show)

05/03 – San Diego, CA @ Hard Rock Hotel (Early Show)
05/03 – San Diego, CA @ Hard Rock Hotel (Late Show)
05/04 – San Diego, CA @ Hard Rock Hotel (Early Show)
05/04 – San Diego, CA @ Hard Rock Hotel (Late Show)

05/07 – Anaheim, CA @ The Grove (Early Show)
05/07 – Anaheim, CA @ The Grove (Late Show)
05/08 – Anaheim, CA @ The Grove (Early Show)
05/08 – Anaheim, CA @ The Grove (Late Show)

[Edited 3/21/13 7:20am]

Best Birthday Ever! April 27! Thank You Prince!

He's making that money!

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Reply #207 posted 04/06/13 3:16pm


My wife and I are going on the two shows on Saturday 27th in Vegas .... still considering to do the two shows on Friday too.

Anyone else going?


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Reply #208 posted 04/06/13 3:43pm



[Edited 4/6/13 8:43am]

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Reply #209 posted 04/06/13 3:43pm



I'm going to the two late shows in Vegas.
I'm firmly planted in denial
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