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Reply #120 posted 03/23/13 3:59pm


Hmmm... Some prizes... Why pay 200 bucks for a Prince show? If he ever decides to come to Holland I'd definetly won't go... For that money I can go visit my girlfriend in Italy smile
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Reply #121 posted 03/23/13 4:38pm


oh yeah Vegas and a Prince show ..

rather pay 55 than 2oo+..




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Reply #122 posted 03/23/13 4:46pm



I am on for Denver, 1st night, 2nd show. Wish i could afford all 4 shows but my bank account has been cursing me out all night for the one ticket! I saw him in a venue smaller than this for the Emancipation tour in Birmingham Alabama. I was right up front and we were all squished in. I have a favorite standing spot at this place and hope i can get there in time to nab it. At least with Musicology i could afford both nights. Maybe this is a warm up for a larger, hopefully more affordable tour.

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Reply #123 posted 03/23/13 5:09pm



Got my ticket for the 2nd show in Portland Or. Super excited!! This will be my 4th time seeing him. Most lilkely the smallest venue though!! I can't wait!!!!! smile

When I'm alone in my Room
I can't stop Dreamin' about U
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Reply #124 posted 03/23/13 5:58pm


got my tickets for Vegas smile Going to the 8pm show Friday and the 11:30 one on Sat. In retrospect should have switched it since my flight home is in the morning on Sunday.

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Reply #125 posted 03/24/13 6:20am



The first of Denver's four shows is sold out cool

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Reply #126 posted 03/24/13 8:00am


purplekat said:

Identity said:

I can't imagine myself forking over $200 to see him at the Grove w/3rd Eye Girl. confused

I did! I went right out and got a payday advance and bought myself 1 ticket for each of the late nite shows! Now I'm wondering how I'll eat next week, and hope that my tax money comes soon so I can pay myself back! Such craziness! I would never put myself this much in debt for any other artist! Just when I was feeling really sick about it, I found out that the Vegas tickets were half the price of the Anaheim ones! I have no more money, or I may have been tempted to buy those too and take a road trip! Madness! smile

Well you are officially a loser (although I'm guessing you have firmly entrenched in that camp for a long while) and you are everything that is wrong with people. Pathetic. The fact that you are in your 30's and don't even any money in savings is very telling. The fact that you are bragging about being a loser and going to a payday advance in a public forum is also very telling. Please get your shit together.

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Reply #127 posted 03/24/13 8:01am


udo said:

purplekat said:

I did! I went right out and got a payday advance and bought myself 1 ticket for each of the late nite shows!

You're still living with your mom?

If not: think again.

If you need an advance to buy a concert ticket it means you have no cash at all and are living from paycheck to paycheck. (so that's not a myth; also we don't use checks but that is another matter)

Just one advice for ya: S A V E some cash.


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Reply #128 posted 03/24/13 11:40am



Going to early show at DNA Lounge 4/23

"Paisley Park is in your Heart"
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Reply #129 posted 03/24/13 11:58am


fielder said:

purplekat said:

I did! I went right out and got a payday advance and bought myself 1 ticket for each of the late nite shows! Now I'm wondering how I'll eat next week, and hope that my tax money comes soon so I can pay myself back! Such craziness! I would never put myself this much in debt for any other artist! Just when I was feeling really sick about it, I found out that the Vegas tickets were half the price of the Anaheim ones! I have no more money, or I may have been tempted to buy those too and take a road trip! Madness! smile

Well you are officially a loser (although I'm guessing you have firmly entrenched in that camp for a long while) and you are everything that is wrong with people. Pathetic. The fact that you are in your 30's and don't even any money in savings is very telling. The fact that you are bragging about being a loser and going to a payday advance in a public forum is also very telling. Please get your shit together.

U have no right criticizing anybody on what or how they plan on getting Prince tickets. Its really not for U to say or any of ur business. U are just added to the top of list of the most evilest peeps on here & there are many..

[Edited 3/24/13 7:49am]

eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #130 posted 03/24/13 1:23pm



Wow, sure are a lot of people on here who are convinced this will be an epic Prince show! lol

P.S. Yes, getting a payday advance to buy a concert ticket IS pathetic, IMHO.

"I would say that Prince's top thirty percent is great. Of that thirty percent, I'll bet the public has heard twenty percent of it." - Susan Rogers, "Hunting for Prince's Vault", BBC, 2015
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Reply #131 posted 03/24/13 2:51pm



eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #132 posted 03/24/13 3:44pm


jaynoonan said:Going to early show at DNA Lounge 4/23 can't wait for the review
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Reply #133 posted 03/24/13 5:46pm


mattydork said:

I am on for Denver, 1st night, 2nd show. Wish i could afford all 4 shows but my bank account has been cursing me out all night for the one ticket! I saw him in a venue smaller than this for the Emancipation tour in Birmingham Alabama. I was right up front and we were all squished in. I have a favorite standing spot at this place and hope i can get there in time to nab it. At least with Musicology i could afford both nights. Maybe this is a warm up for a larger, hopefully more affordable tour.

Hey , maybe you can help me. I'm from Texas , and I'm driving 10 hours to the show. Do u think both shows are gonna the same set list, and If u go to both shows , do u think everybody must exit in between shows. I have tickets for the late show on the 12th, thinking of buying the first show, but man! That's another $550. Plz let me know....
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Reply #134 posted 03/24/13 5:53pm


never think anythings epic .. just glad we got something to do in april ..

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Reply #135 posted 03/24/13 6:43pm


Seems like a lot of people are traveling from Texas. My girlfriend and I are going to all of the Vegas shows, was going to fly, but its $300 pp and driving would only cost about $400 in gas RT. I have an Honda SUV with room for 2-3 more if anyone is interested in carpooling. It's a long drive (19 hours), but it'll be a fun one. If money/time allows, we might even try to hit one of the Phoenix shows on the way back.

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Reply #136 posted 03/24/13 6:58pm



blimey!!! 4 days since shows were announced, 2 days on sale and this thread and forum page is like tumbleweed city...maybe Prince finally priced himself out of the fans pockets or everyone just finally lost interest sad

Homer Simpson: "I call the big one Bitey"!!
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Reply #137 posted 03/24/13 7:18pm



Ended up going the Vegas route. Got in to both of the Saturday shows for less than what I would've paid to see even one in SF, that whole series of shows got bombed by ticket scalpers, what a mess.. Never been to Vegas before. Excited!

[Edited 3/24/13 12:19pm]

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Reply #138 posted 03/24/13 7:32pm



Allowing 1 hour to clear the people out after the 1st show and the staff cleaning up the place a bit in preparation for the 2nd show, also bearing in mind doors open @ 10:30 pm for show number two, I cant see the 1st show lasting much longer than 90 mins max

Homer Simpson: "I call the big one Bitey"!!
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Reply #139 posted 03/24/13 8:10pm



electricberet said:

I bought a ticket for the first Denver show on the 13th. Interestingly, the last time I saw Prince was also in Denver, on the Lovesexy tour. What goes around comes around I guess. I do hope he stops in Dallas at some point.

I wonder if there will be exclusive merchandise for sale at these shows?

i know!

"Keep on shilling for Big Pharm!"
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Reply #140 posted 03/24/13 8:32pm



CandaceS said:

Wow, sure are a lot of people on here who are convinced this will be an epic Prince show! lol

P.S. Yes, getting a payday advance to buy a concert ticket IS pathetic, IMHO.

As someone who once did it - I agree. Im not proud of it. :smh:

"Do you really know what love is?"
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Reply #141 posted 03/24/13 9:47pm


CandaceS said:

Vegas ticket prices seem to be a lot lower than the other shows...$55 to $95. I wonder why?

He's at a Casino Hotel, so I'm assuming they are probably paying him to perform so that's offsetting the cost. And it is a Vegas club/lounge so one can assume the hotel will make a lot of money off the overpriced drinks and people gambling. But the Table Seats still cost me $195 - which actually is fairly "cheap" to see him in such a small, setting.

When I lived in LA I actually paid $321 for the 3121 show because it was around the corner from my house. That show was INSANE, so many celebrities and Hollywood people there, I got to sit next to Shiela E and Cat on the hotel couch during the After Party and Chris Rock was standing right next to me. The Ultimate Hollywood experience! Although I will say the After Show was really disappointing. But it lasted until 5am.

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Reply #142 posted 03/25/13 2:47pm



sophist29 said:

mattydork said:

I am on for Denver, 1st night, 2nd show. Wish i could afford all 4 shows but my bank account has been cursing me out all night for the one ticket! I saw him in a venue smaller than this for the Emancipation tour in Birmingham Alabama. I was right up front and we were all squished in. I have a favorite standing spot at this place and hope i can get there in time to nab it. At least with Musicology i could afford both nights. Maybe this is a warm up for a larger, hopefully more affordable tour.

Hey , maybe you can help me. I'm from Texas , and I'm driving 10 hours to the show. Do u think both shows are gonna the same set list, and If u go to both shows , do u think everybody must exit in between shows. I have tickets for the late show on the 12th, thinking of buying the first show, but man! That's another $550. Plz let me know....

Nobody knows what the setlist will be like yet or if the shows will be different...wait for some reviews..and knowing P, anything can happen.

Stand Up! Everybody, this is your life! follow me on twitter @thepope2the9s
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Reply #143 posted 03/25/13 4:20pm



onecrush said:

blimey!!! 4 days since shows were announced, 2 days on sale and this thread and forum page is like tumbleweed city...maybe Prince finally priced himself out of the fans pockets or everyone just finally lost interest sad

I think the GA turned a lot of peeps off, kids would go for that but then wouldn't b able to afford the high price tag.. It is rather strange, even Vegas still has tix left... neutral

On another note I'm flying there for All Vegas shows cool biggrin

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Reply #144 posted 03/25/13 4:35pm


I don't know about all the places, but charging 200$ in Orange County (???) for shows that are midweek is just a bad idea. OC is not LA and nobody from LA is paying 200$ to drive an hour to Anaheim and then stand for untold amounts of time.

$200 is for diehards...and even I haven't bought tix. He would have done better coming to LA I think.

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Reply #145 posted 03/25/13 5:01pm



Speak 4 urself........

eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #146 posted 03/25/13 6:19pm


California45 said:

I don't know about all the places, but charging 200$ in Orange County (???) for shows that are midweek is just a bad idea. OC is not LA and nobody from LA is paying 200$ to drive an hour to Anaheim and then stand for untold amounts of time.

$200 is for diehards...and even I haven't bought tix. He would have done better coming to LA I think.

I'm not driving to the OC ($200 per ticket midweek, no less) for a gig. I ain't got that much love for P and 3rd Eye Chick.

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Reply #147 posted 03/25/13 8:06pm


The Grove is just a LITTLE too big to justify a $200 price tag.

If it was $100 I'd have bought one. As it is I'll see if my PR contacts can help me again.

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Reply #148 posted 03/25/13 8:11pm


If he can play for 25 a ticket im not gonna pay anything above 100 ever again . .. its cheap or nothing.

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Reply #149 posted 03/25/13 8:51pm


bobzilla77 said:

The Grove is just a LITTLE too big to justify a $200 price tag.

If it was $100 I'd have bought one. As it is I'll see if my PR contacts can help me again.

same here!

Rhythm floods my heart♥The melody it feeds my soul
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