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Reply #90 posted 03/22/13 8:49pm



$275? Too rich for my blood. I'll have to catch him next time.

"The voter is less important than the man who provides money to the candidate," - Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens
Rudedog no no no!
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Reply #91 posted 03/22/13 9:09pm


Almost $500 for 2 people sigh no go for me
Rhythm floods my heart♥The melody it feeds my soul
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Reply #92 posted 03/22/13 9:22pm



veronikka said:

Almost $500 for 2 people sigh no go for me

I know, it cost me $550, $250 per ticket plus a $25 service fee per ticket.

Gosh, I remember when an actual ticket price for a concert was like $12.95

That was way back in the 70s and early 80's, now the service fee is twice as much as that.

Times have certainly changed, but Princes' music and showmanship and live performances are always inspiring to me, to say the least, and I always leave the show on a whirlwind of "that after the Prince concert high", it's almost addicting......and it's always over way too soon.

But the good news is he'll come around again and I'll be doing all of this again.

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Reply #93 posted 03/22/13 9:25pm



chriss said:

veronikka said:

Almost $500 for 2 people sigh no go for me

I know, it cost me $550, $250 per ticket plus a $25 service fee per ticket.

Gosh, I remember when an actual ticket price for a concert was like $12.95

That was way back in the 70s and early 80's, now the service fee is twice as much as that.

Times have certainly changed, but Princes' music and showmanship and live performances are always inspiring to me, to say the least, and I always leave the show on a whirlwind of "that after the Prince concert high", it's almost addicting......and it's always over way too soon.

But the good news is he'll come around again and I'll be doing all of this again.

Ouch...Yeah, if i were on the west coast, I would have to fly solo. I don't mind paying 200 or 250 per, but that don't sound like a date night!

Thanks for the laughs, arguments and overall enjoyment for the last umpteen years. It's time for me to retire from and engage in the real Above all, I appreciated the talent Prince. You were one of a kind.
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Reply #94 posted 03/22/13 9:36pm


chriss said:

veronikka said:

Almost $500 for 2 people sigh no go for me

I know, it cost me $550, $250 per ticket plus a $25 service fee per ticket.

Gosh, I remember when an actual ticket price for a concert was like $12.95

That was way back in the 70s and early 80's, now the service fee is twice as much as that.

Times have certainly changed, but Princes' music and showmanship and live performances are always inspiring to me, to say the least, and I always leave the show on a whirlwind of "that after the Prince concert high", it's almost addicting......and it's always over way too soon.

But the good news is he'll come around again and I'll be doing all of this again.


Prince is making a lot of money on this small venue tour. Eye don't blame him...Get ur money's worth. He is the best live per4mer ever..Its worth every penny....

[Edited 3/22/13 15:05pm]

eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #95 posted 03/22/13 9:50pm


rudedog said:

$275? Too rich for my blood. I'll have to catch him next time.

Me too sad . Maybe I'll just wait for the bootleg.

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Reply #96 posted 03/22/13 10:09pm



popgodazipa said:

Is there something about Tempe AZ that would make one want to fly out to see Prince there? I mean for 250 he could definitely stop in Dallas or at least Houston..H town has been good to Prince.

I know, right? There has to be a DFW or Houston visit in the works.

[Edited 3/22/13 15:10pm]

The Census Bureau estimates that there are 2,518 American Indians and Alaska Natives currently living in the city of Long Beach.
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Reply #97 posted 03/22/13 10:22pm



Vegas ticket prices seem to be a lot lower than the other shows...$55 to $95. I wonder why?

"I would say that Prince's top thirty percent is great. Of that thirty percent, I'll bet the public has heard twenty percent of it." - Susan Rogers, "Hunting for Prince's Vault", BBC, 2015
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Reply #98 posted 03/22/13 10:24pm



[Edited 3/23/13 7:40am]

eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #99 posted 03/22/13 10:44pm


Shorty said:

any prices been announced yet? Fans are bitchin' over on Cat's FB page about a 200 dollar price tag....I'm like where is this 200 stated?

Tickets $250 San Diego, CA standing room only neutral
"Everybody wants to sell what's already been sold; everybody wants to tell what's already been told".
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Reply #100 posted 03/23/13 1:17am



Be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it! lol
When eye go 2 a Prince concert or related event it's all heart up in the house but when eye log onto this site and the miasma of bitchiness is completely overwhelming!
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Reply #101 posted 03/23/13 2:44am



xMikeBx said:

So, Prince fam of the .org, I'd like to discuss...early show vs. late show. With the late show he can likely go as long as he wants until venue curfew, but depending on what type of show a person is interested in, that doesn't inherently mean it will be the "better" show. For example, might the early shows be more focused on songs in his canon and new material, while the later ones lean toward covers, jams, etc.? Of course, every single date/show could be different as the one constant is Prince does what he wants to do. With that said, your thoughts on eary show vs. late? Thanks in advance for replies.

I bought two tickets to San Diego late show. I would buy one for the early show if I thought it guaranteed me same spot for second show. It looks like all tix are ga admission ..... Looking forward to reviews at different venues before I dip deeper into my savings
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Reply #102 posted 03/23/13 2:47am



Suncali said:

Shorty said:

any prices been announced yet? Fans are bitchin' over on Cat's FB page about a 200 dollar price tag....I'm like where is this 200 stated?

Tickets $250 San Diego, CA standing room only neutral

Tickets are cheap in Vegas !!!! My home town. Just so happens ill be on vacation the weekend he's here. What timing sad cool So I'm going to San Diego show
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Reply #103 posted 03/23/13 3:37am



I'm with a lot of you!! Ticket prices are ridiculous! Been a fan since 81' but sadly won't be catching him this tour!! Seen him 7in times guess that's enough for now....
"The little 1 will escort u 2 the places within ur mind"
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Reply #104 posted 03/23/13 4:22am



I am going to the seattle show thursday night (prob not both).

As for why Vegas was cheaper-I assume the hotel paid Prince a princely sum to perform at their casino. So, the ticket prices would pay for the venue and the other amenities. Prince was the draw to get people to come to their casino and spend money.

99.9% of everything I say is strictly for my own entertainment
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Reply #105 posted 03/23/13 5:29am


Yeah! I just bought my tickets for Tempe Arizona! May 1, the late show.

I heard a rumor he would be coming to AZ and I was hoping it would be after April 20th. I teach 6th grade and this concert came AFTER my kids finish their state testing. So I can go and take the next day off from work!

I have admired Prince since 1983 but have never had the opportunity to see him. I have no idea what to expect! My class knows I love Prince, they will be so excited for me!

Oh! ....and tomorrow is my birthday! Happy Birthday to ME!

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Reply #106 posted 03/23/13 5:41am


Identity said:

I can't imagine myself forking over $200 to see him at the Grove w/3rd Eye Girl. confused

I 2 tix for the first show on the first day, and 2 tix for the last show on the last day. I have no excuse...I live right next to the venue.
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Reply #107 posted 03/23/13 6:05am


Where that man gets the energy, I'll never know. I'm younger than he is, and I don't have half of the energy that Prince seems to have. God bless him.

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Reply #108 posted 03/23/13 6:45am



Might there be a live webcast of the first show? The DNA Loung website suggests that there will be: Let's hope so!
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Reply #109 posted 03/23/13 6:46am


Prince yeahthat bananadance prince excited

Hope he wears this outfit!!!!

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Reply #110 posted 03/23/13 6:58am



Identity said:

I can't imagine myself forking over $200 to see him at the Grove w/3rd Eye Girl. confused

I did! I went right out and got a payday advance and bought myself 1 ticket for each of the late nite shows! Now I'm wondering how I'll eat next week, and hope that my tax money comes soon so I can pay myself back! Such craziness! I would never put myself this much in debt for any other artist! Just when I was feeling really sick about it, I found out that the Vegas tickets were half the price of the Anaheim ones! I have no more money, or I may have been tempted to buy those too and take a road trip! Madness! smile

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Reply #111 posted 03/23/13 9:16am



samnl said:

Might there be a live webcast of the first show? The DNA Loung website suggests that there will be: Let's hope so!

Now that would be cool

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #112 posted 03/23/13 10:24am


purplethunder3121 said:

samnl said:

Might there be a live webcast of the first show? The DNA Loung website suggests that there will be: Let's hope so!

Now that would be cool

yeahthat but I bet Prince will have those cameras blocked during the concerts.

Unless he works out a deal with the venue...would b a nice gesture 2 the many fans who can't attend the concerts 4 whatever reason twocents

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Reply #113 posted 03/23/13 11:45am


purplekat said:

Identity said:

I can't imagine myself forking over $200 to see him at the Grove w/3rd Eye Girl. confused

I did! I went right out and got a payday advance and bought myself 1 ticket for each of the late nite shows! Now I'm wondering how I'll eat next week, and hope that my tax money comes soon so I can pay myself back! Such craziness! I would never put myself this much in debt for any other artist! Just when I was feeling really sick about it, I found out that the Vegas tickets were half the price of the Anaheim ones! I have no more money, or I may have been tempted to buy those too and take a road trip! Madness! smile

Did that for Welcome 2 America Tacoma and Seattle after jam. No regrets! He's the only artist I've ever done that for and will do it again.

BTW: I just posted a perfectly good kidney for sale on EBay.
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Reply #114 posted 03/23/13 11:50am


xhalation69 said:

purplekat said:

I did! I went right out and got a payday advance and bought myself 1 ticket for each of the late nite shows! Now I'm wondering how I'll eat next week, and hope that my tax money comes soon so I can pay myself back! Such craziness! I would never put myself this much in debt for any other artist! Just when I was feeling really sick about it, I found out that the Vegas tickets were half the price of the Anaheim ones! I have no more money, or I may have been tempted to buy those too and take a road trip! Madness! smile

Did that for Welcome 2 America Tacoma and Seattle after jam. No regrets! He's the only artist I've ever done that for and will do it again. BTW: I just posted a perfectly good kidney for sale on EBay.

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Reply #115 posted 03/23/13 2:26pm


xhalation69 said:

purplekat said:

I did! I went right out and got a payday advance and bought myself 1 ticket for each of the late nite shows! Now I'm wondering how I'll eat next week, and hope that my tax money comes soon so I can pay myself back! Such craziness! I would never put myself this much in debt for any other artist! Just when I was feeling really sick about it, I found out that the Vegas tickets were half the price of the Anaheim ones! I have no more money, or I may have been tempted to buy those too and take a road trip! Madness! smile

Did that for Welcome 2 America Tacoma and Seattle after jam. No regrets! He's the only artist I've ever done that for and will do it again. BTW: I just posted a perfectly good kidney for sale on EBay.

razz razz razz !!!

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Reply #116 posted 03/23/13 3:17pm



HonestMan13 said:

Be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it! lol

You are sure right about that!!!Prince having a concert on my birthday was a wish!
Pray Daily!!!!! RIP AMY WINEHOUSE Keep Calm, Carry on
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Reply #117 posted 03/23/13 3:35pm


electricberet said:

popgodazipa said:

Is there something about Tempe AZ that would make one want to fly out to see Prince there? I mean for 250 he could definitely stop in Dallas or at least Houston..H town has been good to Prince.

I know, right? There has to be a DFW or Houston visit in the works.

[Edited 3/22/13 15:10pm]

I'm hoping he does stop in Texas, I went ahead and bought 2 tikx to Denver, it's a freaking 10 hour drive for me. Comon prince bring yo ass to Texas plz !!!!
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Reply #118 posted 03/23/13 3:53pm



purplekat said:

I did! I went right out and got a payday advance and bought myself 1 ticket for each of the late nite shows!

You're still living with your mom?

If not: think again.

If you need an advance to buy a concert ticket it means you have no cash at all and are living from paycheck to paycheck. (so that's not a myth; also we don't use checks but that is another matter)

Just one advice for ya: S A V E some cash.

Pills and thrills and daffodils will kill... If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.
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Reply #119 posted 03/23/13 3:54pm



runphilrun said:

rudedog said:

$275? Too rich for my blood. I'll have to catch him next time.

Me too sad . Maybe I'll just wait for the bootleg.


100 euros in 20ten for an aftershow was OK. Berlin tickets were more expensive.

But ~ 200 euros converted from dollah is a bit too much.

Pills and thrills and daffodils will kill... If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.
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