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Reply #120 posted 09/02/12 9:07pm




madison said:



do a new set list !!!






aint gonna happen.

And for the folks in Chicago, that's no problem, it is new to them.

Enjoy the shows folks!

[Edited 9/2/12 14:08pm]

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Reply #121 posted 09/02/12 9:27pm


oh gosh thats the day before my birthday....oh what to do???

Love is whatever u want it 2 b
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Reply #122 posted 09/02/12 9:55pm


Has anyone heard if and if so how many more shows he will do? We checked the United Center Web site and they just have scattered dates here and there. The Hocky Pre games are starting very close to that.. plus basketball pre games..???? Would he really do a few shows there.. pull the whole stage down for a night or so then have it re put back up at the same venue? That sounds like a ton of work for his crew (ok, not that HE would care... but still)

Also.. I am very confussed at the seating area.. on the Symbol does the band set up around the O park of the Symbol.. or back near the > part??? I have seen alot of shows. but never with that type stage..

prince which part is best to sit near???? thanks for the help???

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Reply #123 posted 09/02/12 10:24pm


Does anyone know if I can buy these with a normal debit card that is not a Citibank card?

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Reply #124 posted 09/02/12 10:30pm



pranayama said:

purplethunder3121 said:

That is true! The best seats, actually, from myW2A experiences are on the elevated sides of the symbol between the arrow point and the cross of the symbol... If you get the front rows in these sections, you have a great view. The floor, right in front of the arrow point, does not afford the best view.

[Edited 8/31/12 18:38pm]

I went to W2A and we were at the back of the symbol on the floor and our positioning was SWEET!!! I read so much negative stuff about these seats, but after going to a concert I realised this must have been written by people who want to sit in their seat all night. The concert we were at we could go anywhere on the floor, and Prince was right there, 2 metres away! Who wants to sit in their seat all night with Prince playing right there? We came to the conclusion that these seats were some of the best in the house, as the VIP section had tables in the way so dancing would have been constricting, (we were right next to them chatting to them all night by the way, for $100AU less, and more room) and the other floor seats were alot furthur away from the man, pretty sure the pointy end wouldn't have been that great, but at long as he's in the middle of the stage which he mostly his you can see him sweet, but when he comes around the back of the circle you could almost touch him, which you can't with the other floor seats cause the VIP tables are in the way. Also, he tends to face the circle ALOT of the time so he can communicate with his band, and like I said earlier you can move pretty much anywhere on the floor as well.

We almost swapped for the tiered seats but so glad we didn't - don't belive the negativity about these seats everyone!!!


That's in Australia though--I had floor seats in front of the arrow in New Jersey and everytime people tried to stand in the aisle for a better view or to dance security made us go back to our seats. razz Only at the end of the night during his encores would they let us go stand wherever we wanted in front of the stage...

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #125 posted 09/02/12 10:34pm



Orionforever said:

Has anyone heard if and if so how many more shows he will do? We checked the United Center Web site and they just have scattered dates here and there. The Hocky Pre games are starting very close to that.. plus basketball pre games..???? Would he really do a few shows there.. pull the whole stage down for a night or so then have it re put back up at the same venue? That sounds like a ton of work for his crew (ok, not that HE would care... but still)

I was thinking the exact same thing! Would love to fly out and see a show but also don't want to go solo. The only friend of mine who I THINK I can convince/coerce into coming with me would only be willing to go for a Friday or Saturday show, and there aren't too many open dates on the United Center calendar... Make it happen for me, Prince! lol

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Reply #126 posted 09/03/12 2:00am


oh stinkers man that sux!!! Prince's first song was DMSR and we were on the floor way before he said "everybody get on the floor what the hell u come here for!"

If you can't get out of your seat then not a good place to be I agree, best to check out with the event centre - I mean Prince wants u outta your seat!!!


purplethunder3121 said:

pranayama said:

I went to W2A and we were at the back of the symbol on the floor and our positioning was SWEET!!! I read so much negative stuff about these seats, but after going to a concert I realised this must have been written by people who want to sit in their seat all night. The concert we were at we could go anywhere on the floor, and Prince was right there, 2 metres away! Who wants to sit in their seat all night with Prince playing right there? We came to the conclusion that these seats were some of the best in the house, as the VIP section had tables in the way so dancing would have been constricting, (we were right next to them chatting to them all night by the way, for $100AU less, and more room) and the other floor seats were alot furthur away from the man, pretty sure the pointy end wouldn't have been that great, but at long as he's in the middle of the stage which he mostly his you can see him sweet, but when he comes around the back of the circle you could almost touch him, which you can't with the other floor seats cause the VIP tables are in the way. Also, he tends to face the circle ALOT of the time so he can communicate with his band, and like I said earlier you can move pretty much anywhere on the floor as well.

We almost swapped for the tiered seats but so glad we didn't - don't belive the negativity about these seats everyone!!!


That's in Australia though--I had floor seats in front of the arrow in New Jersey and everytime people tried to stand in the aisle for a better view or to dance security made us go back to our seats. razz Only at the end of the night during his encores would they let us go stand wherever we wanted in front of the stage...

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Reply #127 posted 09/03/12 4:44am



I probably missed the announcement about how many shows his residency will be.
Does anyone have numbers?
Pills and thrills and daffodils will kill... If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.
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Reply #128 posted 09/03/12 5:05am



udo said:

I probably missed the announcement about how many shows his residency will be.
Does anyone have numbers?

Only one show announced so far. September 24th.

Side note: that empty first week of October on the United Center calendar is making me very happy. There's a good chance of a Wednesday or Thursday show considering the time frame. Road trip!!! cool

When eye go 2 a Prince concert or related event it's all heart up in the house but when eye log onto this site and the miasma of bitchiness is completely overwhelming!
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Reply #129 posted 09/03/12 7:02am



HonestMan13 said:

udo said:

I probably missed the announcement about how many shows his residency will be.
Does anyone have numbers?

Only one show announced so far. September 24th.

Side note: that empty first week of October on the United Center calendar is making me very happy. There's a good chance of a Wednesday or Thursday show considering the time frame. Road trip!!! cool

I'd expect about three showdays per week. (O2 experience from 2007)

Or what would you think?

Pills and thrills and daffodils will kill... If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.
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Reply #130 posted 09/03/12 1:45pm



udo said:

HonestMan13 said:

Only one show announced so far. September 24th.

Side note: that empty first week of October on the United Center calendar is making me very happy. There's a good chance of a Wednesday or Thursday show considering the time frame. Road trip!!! cool

I'd expect about three showdays per week. (O2 experience from 2007)

Or what would you think?

About that much soiunds right.

When eye go 2 a Prince concert or related event it's all heart up in the house but when eye log onto this site and the miasma of bitchiness is completely overwhelming!
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Reply #131 posted 09/03/12 2:48pm



LittleBear said:

Orionforever said:

Has anyone heard if and if so how many more shows he will do? We checked the United Center Web site and they just have scattered dates here and there. The Hocky Pre games are starting very close to that.. plus basketball pre games..???? Would he really do a few shows there.. pull the whole stage down for a night or so then have it re put back up at the same venue? That sounds like a ton of work for his crew (ok, not that HE would care... but still)

I was thinking the exact same thing! Would love to fly out and see a show but also don't want to go solo. The only friend of mine who I THINK I can convince/coerce into coming with me would only be willing to go for a Friday or Saturday show, and there aren't too many open dates on the United Center calendar... Make it happen for me, Prince! lol

In the O2 the same happened as well if i'm correct. the stage was taken down and light and sound was raised up to the roof a few times. Not such a big deal and it is not such an immense stage at all.

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Reply #132 posted 09/03/12 4:37pm


I really find it hard to beleive that Prince be able to sell out multiple nights at the United Center.

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Reply #133 posted 09/03/12 5:46pm


ufoclub said:

So from people who have seen a show... what's the best seat? For example front row for the Musicology Tour was horrible for sight and sound. But first row on the 2nd tier in the middle of a long side was PERFECT for Musicology.

[Edited 9/1/12 9:02am]

I would say best vantage point is 121-122 (by the curve of the horn, which is where his piano is) or 112-113 where the other side of the horn is--where he spent a good amount of time. From both sides you can see him when he's in the center by the mic.

As for floor seats, I would say FL4 and FL5, since he faces that side most of the time. (At Madison Sq Garden similar seats were on a tier/ramp so it was elevated somewhat). Kind of odd that they positioned the stage so most of the floor seats are behind the circle, where he only occasionally would walk around.

If you're seeing multiple shows, it's worth getting a seat higher up so you can take in the full view of the symbol. The lighting for W2A shows in New York was amazing, not only the synchronization with the LED lights framing the stage, but the color flushes as well from the spotlights.

I didn't see any value to those VIP tables. Unless you're trying to get pulled up on stage to dance.

"That...magic, the start of something revolutionary-the Minneapolis Sound, we should cherish it and not punish prince for not being able to replicate it."-Dreamshaman32
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Reply #134 posted 09/03/12 5:50pm


jimbobcoo34 said:

I really find it hard to beleive that Prince be able to sell out multiple nights at the United Center.

Time will tell, although I doubt he has to sell it out to be profitable.

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Reply #135 posted 09/03/12 5:56pm



Paris9748430 said:

alexnvrmnd777 said:

Here's some advice for you (and for ALL parents): Don't take the damn kids!!!!

Stop HELPING Prince turn his shit into Disney on Ice shows!! Leave the kids at home or on Sesame St.

Don't listen to him. Do whatever you wanna do with your own damn kids if it's not hurting anyone.


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Reply #136 posted 09/03/12 7:35pm



remko said:

In the O2 the same happened as well if i'm correct. the stage was taken down and light and sound was raised up to the roof a few times. Not such a big deal and it is not such an immense stage at all.

Ahhh... Cool! Thanks for the info. smile How long do these residencies usually last? About a month? Is there any chance that some shows could be at smaller venues? Not an aftershow, but the main show? I know this is all guesswork and I should just be patient and wait for the official word, but just putting it out there in case the universe is listening! lol

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Reply #137 posted 09/03/12 8:03pm



remko said:

LittleBear said:

I was thinking the exact same thing! Would love to fly out and see a show but also don't want to go solo. The only friend of mine who I THINK I can convince/coerce into coming with me would only be willing to go for a Friday or Saturday show, and there aren't too many open dates on the United Center calendar... Make it happen for me, Prince! lol

In the O2 the same happened as well if i'm correct. the stage was taken down and light and sound was raised up to the roof a few times. Not such a big deal and it is not such an immense stage at all.

Oh I hope so. I'm flying all the way to Chicago to see Neil Young (at the United Centre) on the 11th. It would be sweet if I could catch Prince while I'm there.

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Reply #138 posted 09/04/12 12:11am



udo said:

I probably missed the announcement about how many shows his residency will be.
Does anyone have numbers?

Of course he'll be able to sell few dates in Chicago. It's a big city, isn't it? lol

Prince I will always miss and love U.
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Reply #139 posted 09/04/12 12:12am



sibly74 said:

remko said:

In the O2 the same happened as well if i'm correct. the stage was taken down and light and sound was raised up to the roof a few times. Not such a big deal and it is not such an immense stage at all.

Oh I hope so. I'm flying all the way to Chicago to see Neil Young (at the United Centre) on the 11th. It would be sweet if I could catch Prince while I'm there.

You'll be more likely catching Andy Allo and Shelby 70% of the night, with the rest being Prince shouting "Real music by real musicians".

Get ready, and put your hands up! Have FUN! biggrin

Prince I will always miss and love U.
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Reply #140 posted 09/04/12 2:26am


Dauphin said:

If you have a Citicard, you qualify for the pre sale by virtue of the card. If you have a Live Nation account, you get a special pass and screen.

I read through the threads and didn't see anything... Can someone please clarify that there is no password or info needed from Citicard? Just want to be sure I'm not missing anything.

Also, does anyone know what's all included in the VIP Section, what the cost is and are those only availalble for the Live Nation people? Has any one sat in these sections? If so, would you recommend them? I was looking at the VIP section between the arrow and the front of the horn... Everyone's suggestions as to where to sit has gotten me confused. Stuck between the VIP section I just mentioned, Floor 5 (infront of the horn) or Section 112 or 113. I've always had up close and personal seats in the past, with the luck of Prince's club and purchased tickets through ticketbrokers. Never purchased through ticketmaster so I'm afraid I won't get what I'm looking for...


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Reply #141 posted 09/04/12 2:52am



rio85 said:

I read through the threads and didn't see anything... Can someone please clarify that there is no password or info needed from Citicard? Just want to be sure I'm not missing anything.

Also, does anyone know what's all included in the VIP Section, what the cost is and are those only availalble for the Live Nation people? Has any one sat in these sections? If so, would you recommend them? I was looking at the VIP section between the arrow and the front of the horn... Everyone's suggestions as to where to sit has gotten me confused. Stuck between the VIP section I just mentioned, Floor 5 (infront of the horn) or Section 112 or 113. I've always had up close and personal seats in the past, with the luck of Prince's club and purchased tickets through ticketbrokers. Never purchased through ticketmaster so I'm afraid I won't get what I'm looking for...


Your best bet would be to contact Live Nation support. The last time I bought tickets through them via a Citicard presale it was The Wiggles about 5 years ago. Science marches on, so they may have a different way of doing this. I just remember that I had access to a screen where I put in my cc info and it knew right away that it was a Citicard.


Still it's nice to know, when our bodies wear out, we can get another

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Reply #142 posted 09/04/12 2:57am



I have a CITI card,

is there presale codes???


Everytime I comb my hair
Thoughts of you get in my eyes...

Vous etes tres belle...
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Reply #143 posted 09/04/12 3:01am



electricberet said:

thebeautifulones777 said:

Prince should do Welcome 2 Atlanta so i can see my first Prince concert ever

How about "Welcome 2 New Orleans" as a compromise between Atlanta and Dallas? That city could certainly use the money, and it's cheap to fly there (at least from Dallas).

I agree! I also thought about a "Welcome 2 Texas" Residency. Houston, DFW, Austin, San Antonio, and maybe some place toward the West would be cool.

U 'gon make me shake my doo loose!
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Reply #144 posted 09/04/12 3:01am



Check there.


[Edited 9/3/12 20:02pm]


Still it's nice to know, when our bodies wear out, we can get another

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Reply #145 posted 09/04/12 3:06am




Too bad The Oprah Winfrew Show in the Chi is not still on the air. Prince can make a surprise appearance on there like he did "The View' & get an instant sell out...


[Edited 9/1/12 13:36pm]

Maybe he could show up at the taping of one of her LifeClass shows and give away tix.

U 'gon make me shake my doo loose!
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Reply #146 posted 09/04/12 4:40am



Well I'll be there... No doubt about it I'm even ready to get my tickets through a third party if I have too.. I've never been lucky enough to see prince live.. I guess I'll be able to turn a notch on my bucket list.. I'm sooo excited I can't believe it's actually happening! To my fellow orgers I'm ready to party in the chi!
insatiable3: how can i cure my hangover?
whistle: getting drunk is for teenagers. shoot heroin like an adult.... falloff
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Reply #147 posted 09/04/12 5:01am


Dauphin said:

rio85 said:

I read through the threads and didn't see anything... Can someone please clarify that there is no password or info needed from Citicard? Just want to be sure I'm not missing anything.

Also, does anyone know what's all included in the VIP Section, what the cost is and are those only availalble for the Live Nation people? Has any one sat in these sections? If so, would you recommend them? I was looking at the VIP section between the arrow and the front of the horn... Everyone's suggestions as to where to sit has gotten me confused. Stuck between the VIP section I just mentioned, Floor 5 (infront of the horn) or Section 112 or 113. I've always had up close and personal seats in the past, with the luck of Prince's club and purchased tickets through ticketbrokers. Never purchased through ticketmaster so I'm afraid I won't get what I'm looking for...


Your best bet would be to contact Live Nation support. The last time I bought tickets through them via a Citicard presale it was The Wiggles about 5 years ago. Science marches on, so they may have a different way of doing this. I just remember that I had access to a screen where I put in my cc info and it knew right away that it was a Citicard.

The Wiggles - LOL that's funny lol Thanks for the input Dauphin, I will do that! By the way, when you used the presale for the Wiggles lol were you satisfied with your tickets?

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Reply #148 posted 09/04/12 5:04am


Dauphin said:

Check there.


[Edited 9/3/12 20:02pm]

Thanks Dauphin! You're the BEST!! cool I tried searching for the link via google, but couldn't find it.

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Reply #149 posted 09/04/12 5:26am



I have nothing but respect for this. The fact that he is teaming up with an initiative to help people who are up and coming in the world of entrepreneurship, or those who are less fortunate, is inspiring indeed. The jealous/banished ones who recently said Prince is an 'awful' businessman are probably thinking up their next jealous line


Keep up the Zenith-Level work Prince

No justice, No peace
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Forums > Concerts > Prince Announces “Welcome 2 Chicago” Residency