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Reply #240 posted 04/15/12 11:51am



LOTS of advertising going around.

EVERY radio station has been playing ads, including NOVA which is interesting as its aimed at a teenage audience.

ANd I just saw an ad on the TV during the Logies.

The Ticketek Server better hold up tomorrow morning, cause its gonna be HECTIC!!!

Fingers crossed for everyone (inc myself).

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Reply #241 posted 04/15/12 11:57am



callimnate said:

LOTS of advertising going around.

EVERY radio station has been playing ads, including NOVA which is interesting as its aimed at a teenage audience.

ANd I just saw an ad on the TV during the Logies.

The Ticketek Server better hold up tomorrow morning, cause its gonna be HECTIC!!!

Fingers crossed for everyone (inc myself).

wow the 03' shows had like one newspaper ad from memory.

tomorrow is gonna be manic monday (lol couldnt resist)

a). great cuz high demmand = more shows and a better chance of a return tour eventually

b). bad cuz im selfish and want ticketeck to hold up for the hard cores, screw the casuals

RIP 1958-2016 Prince broken RIP 1947-2016 David Bowie

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Reply #242 posted 04/15/12 12:14pm



callimnate said:

LOTS of advertising going around.

EVERY radio station has been playing ads, including NOVA which is interesting as its aimed at a teenage audience.

ANd I just saw an ad on the TV during the Logies.

The Ticketek Server better hold up tomorrow morning, cause its gonna be HECTIC!!!

Fingers crossed for everyone (inc myself).

Only thing I've seen is Molly Meldrum holding a Lovesexy album.
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Reply #243 posted 04/15/12 12:56pm


With the Symbol Stage where is the best place to sit?

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Reply #244 posted 04/15/12 2:22pm


Vict0r said:

With the Symbol Stage where is the best place to sit?

If you have a chance, get around the main stage or down the arrow - it is better than behind the main stage.

But that is all relative. Everybody has a good view and it is a party atmosphere.

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Reply #245 posted 04/15/12 3:05pm



Vict0r said:

With the Symbol Stage where is the best place to sit?

On the wee mans lap!

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Reply #246 posted 04/15/12 6:58pm




xperience319 said:

the welcome 2 america promotionals are leagues ahead of the aussie ones.

so slick. aussie ones, as usual look kind shite. the US poster would do wonders to get all those fence sitters to buy tix im sure of it knowing the aussie market.

he looked the same on the 2003 tour, that mini fro.

has he ever had the straightened hair look when touring here?


Both the US and the Aus promotional look shite..its Prince we are talking about!!

That said, the Aussies love a different kind of artist, AC fuckin g DC, Cold Chissel and at the moment One Erection! I am amazed that the purple one has any fans here!

I assume you are referring to AC/DC, Cold Jam, and whose the One Erection band?lol

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Reply #247 posted 04/15/12 9:42pm


The wait is killing me, (also the getting up early, time difference between the west and the east does my head in). If i get tickets I will be popping my live Prince cherry and with Max playing Prince vertually around the clock all weekend its driving my batty! I would have bought through Showbiz just for peace of mind but having to fly over I just couldn't afford it.

Laptops logged in -Check!

Mobile phone on website and ready - Check!

Credit Card at my side - Check!

Good luck this morning all!

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Reply #248 posted 04/15/12 9:46pm


One question about tickets. Which seats would be better, facing the stage (sections 4-6) or at a diagonal (sections 7-8 & 2-3). I'm referring to Allphones Arena.
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Reply #249 posted 04/15/12 9:54pm



If it sells out quickly, when typically would the 2nd show ne announced and go on sale.

If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #250 posted 04/15/12 9:54pm



MissRuby said:

The wait is killing me, (also the getting up early, time difference between the west and the east does my head in). If i get tickets I will be popping my live Prince cherry and with Max playing Prince vertually around the clock all weekend its driving my batty! I would have bought through Showbiz just for peace of mind but having to fly over I just couldn't afford it.

Laptops logged in -Check!

Mobile phone on website and ready - Check!

Credit Card at my side - Check!

Good luck this morning all!

hahaha, I set up my ticket buying chair last night. got the money in the right account, got the credit card and sat it next to the chair, left the computer logged in and on the site all night just incase some sort of black magic stopped it from working when i put the screen down.

alarm for 7 am

no music, 'cause it'd just be too much. INSANE!

love it!

I can make you H.A.P.P.Y
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Reply #251 posted 04/15/12 9:59pm



ok! so the fuckers FINALLY got one up. it's as expected, but, which gold seats would you say are best...would the ones that back on the purple reserve be cool? because they were not highlighted in the earlier seating plan, which suprised me...any help in the next hour would be splendid!

I can make you H.A.P.P.Y
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Reply #252 posted 04/15/12 10:04pm



I'm also wondering how elevated the purple reserve seats are. Clearly the Purple Circle tickets are on the floor.

"Don't abuse children, or else they'll turn out like me."
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Reply #253 posted 04/15/12 10:28pm



Vict0r said:

One question about tickets. Which seats would be better, facing the stage (sections 4-6) or at a diagonal (sections 7-8 & 2-3). I'm referring to Allphones Arena.

I flew from Sydney to LA to catch 2 shows last year - For those buying tickets here is my advice - take it as you will:

The prince stage is a raised stage so seats in the Puprle Circle (cocktail tables) have you sitting at eye level with the stage and you'll be constantly cranking your neck to see him. And if he wanders around the prince symbol as he is prone to do you might miss som view points.

The best seats IMHO will be Purple VIP on the side of the stage SEC 11/10/9 and 19/20/1 as this gives you total clearance of the stage to see the whole band, the twinz, and the man himself - not to mention the dazzling light show that takes place on the prince.

Next best would be Gold in first elevation.

This is just based on the kind of seats I had at the Forum Shows in LA which had the same stage set up, and based on my own preference to see the whole show including musicians, etc.

"I'm not human I'm a dove, I'm ur conscience. I am love"
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Reply #254 posted 04/15/12 10:28pm



Nervous as hell!

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Reply #255 posted 04/15/12 10:34pm


dimmy said:

Nervous as hell!

Ditto! Been like this all weekend in fact
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Reply #256 posted 04/15/12 10:34pm



Thanks Swa. I had just gone back and found your earlier post on it. Good info to have.

I've got three laptops going, so I'll try for purple reserve and gold at the same time and compare.

"Don't abuse children, or else they'll turn out like me."
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Reply #257 posted 04/15/12 10:39pm



Also you might want to research on youtube from forum shows - see where people were seated.

Like I said my preference is to see all the action and the side Purple Reserve do that best.

Good luck everyone.

"I'm not human I'm a dove, I'm ur conscience. I am love"
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Reply #258 posted 04/15/12 10:44pm


Thanks for the advice.

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Reply #259 posted 04/15/12 11:08pm


ACQUIRED!!!! Thank you mobile app. Paid for the tickets even before my browers even refreshed!

Mind you I'm in section 9 row L in Melb... on the wrong end of the stage but I don't care cause i'm gonna be there!!!

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Reply #260 posted 04/15/12 11:12pm



Arg!!! Was allocated my tickets, then Ticketek had a critical communication error upon payment.

I have NO idea whether my payment went through or not. Ticketek phone lines are engaged.

Life it ain't real funky unless you got that orgPop.
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Reply #261 posted 04/15/12 11:14pm



Mine froze on the payment page. Now I'm at the back of the queue and can't even get on. This sucks.

"Don't abuse children, or else they'll turn out like me."
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Reply #262 posted 04/15/12 11:15pm


sabaisabai said:

Arg!!! Was allocated my tickets, then Ticketek had a critical communication error upon payment.

I have NO idea whether my payment went through or not. Ticketek phone lines are engaged.

Oh that is BULL! I hope you get through, i'd be ripping them a new one.

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Reply #263 posted 04/15/12 11:15pm


Any Aussie fans who missed out on the newspaper ads: I have the following to giveaway - 2 fullpage tabloid ads (Herald Sun); 1 fullpage broadsheet (Age); 1 halfpage broadsheet (Age). Orgnote me.

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Reply #264 posted 04/15/12 11:16pm




Onto Plan B....

Lake Minnetonka Music:
Lake Minnetonka Press Kit:
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Reply #265 posted 04/15/12 11:17pm



[Edited 4/15/12 16:18pm]

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Reply #266 posted 04/15/12 11:18pm


After deliberating which seats would be the best, in the end, I'm just happy that I actually managed to get tickets!

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Reply #267 posted 04/15/12 11:19pm



Well done. I'm super worried now.

"Don't abuse children, or else they'll turn out like me."
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Reply #268 posted 04/15/12 11:27pm



No luck for me. Ticketek crashed and won't let me back in.
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.
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Reply #269 posted 04/15/12 11:27pm


Vict0r said:

After deliberating which seats would be the best, in the end, I'm just happy that I actually managed to get tickets!

Yeah i was going to be fussy but decided to take whatever I got. I missed out on the first U2 concert by doing that (thank god they did a second) and i sure as heck wasn't gonna let that happen again.

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