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Reply #210 posted 04/14/12 10:36am


wow, that tourbook picture is really cheezy!!!

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Reply #211 posted 04/14/12 12:06pm



lust said:

mzsadii said:

Just a maybe rather dumb question from State Side (Michigan).....Why are the tickets for Aussie so much higher than the States? Better economy there?

Yep! The minimum wage in aus is usd$16 per hour. In the u.s it's usd$7.25. Ouch!

eek Wow! I wonder would people pay or have they paid to see Joel Osteen? smile

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Reply #212 posted 04/14/12 12:07pm



2 sleeps to go Purple Fam

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Reply #213 posted 04/14/12 12:13pm


serpan99 said:

Packages Available


Ultimate Purple Circle VIP Experience

  • PL1 Premium reserved table seating located on the floor adjacent to the stage

  • Early entry into the venue

  • Exclusive 1 hour pre show function where you will enjoy a selection of canapés plus unlimited beverages from your choice of wine, beer and soft drinks

  • Access to a private merchandise stand within the function

  • Souvenir VIP Laminate

  • On site VIP staff

$850 per person

Extremely limited numbers. Customers will be contacted with function details 1 week prior to the show. Please note that ticket packages are Box Office Collect on the night. Must be purchased in multiples of two.

VIP Fan Experience

  • PL2 Ticket on the arena floor

  • Redeemable beverage voucher from a choice of standard wine, beer or soft drink

  • Redeemable hot food item voucher

  • Redeemable $50.00 merchandise voucher

$550 per person

Within 14 days or less, customers will receive an email with information regarding your package. Please note that ticket packages are Box Office Collect on the night.

Premium Fan Experience

  • Ticket in the first 5 Rows of the PL3 Category

  • Redeemable beverage voucher from a choice of standard wine, beer or soft drink

  • Redeemable hot food item voucher

  • Redeemable $50.00 merchandise voucher

$450 per person

Within 14 days or less, customers will receive an email with information regarding your package. Please note that ticket packages are Box Office Collect on the night.


Ultimate Purple Circle VIP Experience

  • PL1 Premium reserved table seating located on the floor adjacent to the stage

  • Early entry into the venue

  • Exclusive 1 hour pre show function where you will enjoy a selection of canapés plus unlimited beverages from your choice of wine, beer and soft drinks

  • Access to a private merchandise stand within the function

  • Souvenir VIP Laminate

  • On site VIP staff

$850 per person

Extremely limited numbers. Customers will be contacted with function details 1 week prior to the show. Please note that ticket packages are Box Office Collect on the night. Must be purchased in multiples of two.

VIP Fan Experience

  • PL2 Ticket on the arena floor

  • Redeemable beverage voucher from a choice of standard wine, beer or soft drink

  • Redeemable hot food item voucher

  • Redeemable $50.00 merchandise voucher

$550 per person

Within 14 days or less, customers will receive an email with information regarding your package. Please note that ticket packages are Box Office Collect on the night.

Premium Fan Experience

  • Ticket in the first 5 Rows of the PL3 Category

  • Redeemable beverage voucher from a choice of standard wine, beer or soft drink

  • Redeemable hot food item voucher

  • Redeemable $50.00 merchandise voucher

$450 per person

Within 14 days or less, customers will receive an email with information regarding your package. Please note that ticket packages are Box Office Collect on the night.

If ypu aint hip to the rare housequake, shut up already,damn.................
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Reply #214 posted 04/14/12 4:54pm


Whoever is doing the Official Prince Tour Facebook page, could ya pretty please make it open to public viewing? Not on FB but still like to see what's up. biggrin
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Reply #215 posted 04/14/12 6:20pm



According to the W2 Aus Fbk page no tickets have gone on sale yet! I've got a screenshot of the post for those who don't have fb but have no idea of how to post it on here (darn being so new school.)

But yeah, thought I'd let y'all know since so many seem to have bought 'pre-sale' tix... It seems scalpers have already got to work!

Can someone post the related post on here or tell me how to?

Jus' sayin..
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Reply #216 posted 04/14/12 6:32pm



Trashcat said:

Did anyone notice that the 3minute video from the site contains video footage (Joy In Repetition) from this bootleg omfg :

nod this made me chuckle..

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Reply #217 posted 04/14/12 6:37pm



serpan99 said:


v cool image... bang fking tidy!! LOOOOOOOOVE!

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Reply #218 posted 04/14/12 7:16pm



DorothyParker4 said:

According to the W2 Aus Fbk page no tickets have gone on sale yet! I've got a screenshot of the post for those who don't have fb but have no idea of how to post it on here (darn being so new school.)

But yeah, thought I'd let y'all know since so many seem to have bought 'pre-sale' tix... It seems scalpers have already got to work!

Can someone post the related post on here or tell me how to?

Not actually true. I bought mine from the ticketek premium site and have since phoned them with a question related to postage. Theynwere able to access by booking with the reference number. Showbiz are the scalpers.
If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #219 posted 04/14/12 7:33pm



W2Australia Fbk Post:

Guys a little heads up in regard to ticketing.

No tickets have been issued as yet. All tickets go on sale at 9am Monday where everyone will be able to access all ticket categories at the advertised prices. Any VIP packages do not reflect the retail price of tickets as VIP packages include other elements such as catering and merchandise. No tickets have been issued to any company selling VIP packages as these will be issued monday. You can access tickets in all categories from 9am.

In relation to ticket seating maps please refer only to the maps on ticketek or what we have posted here as these are the only official maps.


Have a very purple Saturday night smile

Lust: Ticketek seem to be legit, as this post wouldn't state their affiliation otherwise.. but you can't ignore what this is saying? My only other thoughts is that the dude in charge of this fbk site needs to further learn how to articulate the information he is trying to give.. cos clearly this doesn't fully make sense? Read through a couple replies and everyone seems just as confused (if not moreso) than I am.

One bird reckons tix haven't been 'issued' yet, but they have been 'purchased'. Guess she's tryna say that some tix have been allocated to the ticket sellers but they won't receive them til Mon. I don't know the source of her info. Seems to me that the tickets y'all have got are only valid should the related ticket sellers manage to grab the tix on Mon, as I just don't understand how 'All tickets go on sale at 9am Monday where everyone will be able to access all ticket categories at the advertised prices' yet some have been told they already have theirs, set in sand.

Regardless, I haven't personally bought tix and am just relaying this message for the benefit of those who have, I honestly hope that this is being run legitimately and companies aren't taking advantage of the demand.

Jus' sayin..
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Reply #220 posted 04/14/12 8:23pm



Skipper looking a little heavier than usual in that lighting. PLus, it looks a bit like a spoof Tarantino poster : ) I kindsa likes it though!

newpowersoul said:

Tour Book Cover

Tour Book

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Reply #221 posted 04/14/12 9:00pm


fml fml fml fml fml fml fml fml fml fml so effing hard. ill be weeping purple tears come 11 may as I could only imagine being able to afford to skip the ditch to see him. ;_; probably the only chance I would ever have to see him too.

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Reply #222 posted 04/14/12 10:11pm



funkylust said:

I wonder if he will ride his bicycle in Sydney through the crowd smile

That was one of the more bizarre sights from last year at the Forum shows smile


I was at the "bike" show - it was almost better than another hour encore, lol

"I'm not human I'm a dove, I'm ur conscience. I am love"
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Reply #223 posted 04/14/12 10:56pm


Swa said:

funkylust said:

I wonder if he will ride his bicycle in Sydney through the crowd smile

That was one of the more bizarre sights from last year at the Forum shows smile


I was at the "bike" show - it was almost better than another hour encore, lol

The whole place went crazy.He did it a few times more. But that was very dangerous he could have been seriously hurt..

[Edited 4/14/12 16:18pm]

eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #224 posted 04/14/12 11:00pm




Swa said:

funkylust said:

I wonder if he will ride his bicycle in Sydney through the crowd smile

That was one of the more bizarre sights from last year at the Forum shows smile


I was at the "bike" show - it was almost better than another hour encore, lol

The whole place went crazy.He did it a few times more times. But that was very dangerous he could have been seriously hurt..

Why, no stabilizers? (training wheels)
If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #225 posted 04/14/12 11:19pm


Riding his bike out in front of thousands with no bodyguards at first.....

eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #226 posted 04/14/12 11:28pm




Riding his bike out in front of thousands with no bodyguards at first.....

Oh right. Thanks for helping me abandon my dream of moving into stand up comedy.
If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #227 posted 04/14/12 11:38pm



dnaplaya said:

Joshy said:

VictOr,Diva,althom..... HEYAA!!!!! been soooo sooo sooo long!
Looks like i am going 2 Sydney now instead of melboing,2 shows,just gotta book the tickets Monday & hope me & wifey get good seats

Awesome! Sounds like we're gonna have some Ol' skool company in Sydney biggrin

[Edited 4/14/12 16:40pm]
--»You're my favourite moment, you're my Saturday...
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Reply #228 posted 04/14/12 11:46pm



bkw said:

I'm in Thailand on holiday at the moment and only just read about this!

Thankfully I'm back in Melbourne on Monday for the main sale.

I plan on going to all Melb shows of course, but I'm baulking at he VIP prices since there is no soundcheck guarentee.

I'm so tempted to go to Sydney again though. Had the time of my life up there last time and that aftershow at the Basement will never be forgotten. So great to see my darling Diva post her attendance!!! biggrin

Boo Althom though! razz hehe!

bkw!!!!! :hug:

Didn't we have an amazing time?! I will never forget it. Truly one of the best experiences of my life too. Ian and I are tempted to go to the Melbourne show too but yeah, we may have to stick to the Sydney show/s Cannot wait!
--»You're my favourite moment, you're my Saturday...
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Reply #229 posted 04/14/12 11:50pm


DorothyParker4 said:

W2Australia Fbk Post:

Guys a little heads up in regard to ticketing.

No tickets have been issued as yet. All tickets go on sale at 9am Monday where everyone will be able to access all ticket categories at the advertised prices. Any VIP packages do not reflect the retail price of tickets as VIP packages include other elements such as catering and merchandise. No tickets have been issued to any company selling VIP packages as these will be issued monday. You can access tickets in all categories from 9am.

In relation to ticket seating maps please refer only to the maps on ticketek or what we have posted here as these are the only official maps.


Have a very purple Saturday night smile

Lust: Ticketek seem to be legit, as this post wouldn't state their affiliation otherwise.. but you can't ignore what this is saying? My only other thoughts is that the dude in charge of this fbk site needs to further learn how to articulate the information he is trying to give.. cos clearly this doesn't fully make sense? Read through a couple replies and everyone seems just as confused (if not moreso) than I am.

One bird reckons tix haven't been 'issued' yet, but they have been 'purchased'. Guess she's tryna say that some tix have been allocated to the ticket sellers but they won't receive them til Mon. I don't know the source of her info. Seems to me that the tickets y'all have got are only valid should the related ticket sellers manage to grab the tix on Mon, as I just don't understand how 'All tickets go on sale at 9am Monday where everyone will be able to access all ticket categories at the advertised prices' yet some have been told they already have theirs, set in sand.

Regardless, I haven't personally bought tix and am just relaying this message for the benefit of those who have, I honestly hope that this is being run legitimately and companies aren't taking advantage of the demand.

I bought U2 tickets from Showbiz when they toured here in 2010 (seems like yesterday).

From my experience then, Showbiz get allocated tickets from the promoter once they go on sale to the general public.

I would expect they know how many they will be allocated in each price catagory.

They along with other companies get these allocations, then resell them at a price they wish, with inclusions they wish (food, merchandise etc.)

With U2 the $600 VIP tickets had a room at Eitihad with food and drink supplied.

The seat was a $250 seat and was OK but not great, the food was good and beer free biggrin

Funny thing was the function room and seat were on opposite sides of the arena.

Was it worth it....No

Would I buy from them again.... No - unless I really had to.

Have those who purchased been ripped off....... Well, only the purchaser can answer that.

I think that for the extra couple of hundred dollars you get to mingle with other fans in your own private space, have a merchandise stand available where you don't line up, and get food and drink before the show AND you already have a ticket even though it will not be allocated as yet - this could be regarded as value for money.

I think the promoters along with Showbiz and companies like them have figured out a way of getting more $$$ from the fans just like scalpers - In effect they are scalpers themselves.

I will hopefully get my tickets Monday morning, and hope to get them with out too much drama.

Saw the 5 Melbourne shows in '92 , missed 2003 (not a good year for me) and will be taking my eldest daughter this time - the youngest does not like Prince so misses out - her loss razz

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Reply #230 posted 04/15/12 12:11am



lust said:


Riding his bike out in front of thousands with no bodyguards at first.....

Oh right. Thanks for helping me abandon my dream of moving into stand up comedy.

eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #231 posted 04/15/12 1:18am



Swa said:

scrubdadishes said:

My Thoughts exactly!!!

Showbiz always charge extra as they are a reseller of tickets - so they put a premium on top of the ticket price.

Thanks for response toward my post! I didn’t know that showbiz is a ticket reseller…I should have researched.

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Reply #232 posted 04/15/12 4:37am



I woke up at 3am this morning in a cold sweat and feeling a sense of panic and couldn't work out why and then remembered I had had a dream about not getting my tickets - it was awful!!

In the distance a light shines and I know it is mine. Someday I will touch it because it calls me. It says cross the line, cross the line. I know everything is not always what it seems, so I pinch myself daily just in case it's a dream
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Reply #233 posted 04/15/12 5:02am



jasontate said:

Skipper looking a little heavier than usual in that lighting. PLus, it looks a bit like a spoof Tarantino poster : ) I kindsa likes it though!

newpowersoul said:

Tour Book Cover

Tour Book

Oh, dear. lol I gotta say I much prefer this image (hanging in my livingroom) lol :

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #234 posted 04/15/12 5:41am



Still no seating plan for Brisbane from ticketek. Poor!

"Don't abuse children, or else they'll turn out like me."
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Reply #235 posted 04/15/12 6:19am



mrfreeze said:

DorothyParker4 said:

W2Australia Fbk Post:

Guys a little heads up in regard to ticketing.

No tickets have been issued as yet. All tickets go on sale at 9am Monday where everyone will be able to access all ticket categories at the advertised prices. Any VIP packages do not reflect the retail price of tickets as VIP packages include other elements such as catering and merchandise. No tickets have been issued to any company selling VIP packages as these will be issued monday. You can access tickets in all categories from 9am.

In relation to ticket seating maps please refer only to the maps on ticketek or what we have posted here as these are the only official maps.


Have a very purple Saturday night smile

Lust: Ticketek seem to be legit, as this post wouldn't state their affiliation otherwise.. but you can't ignore what this is saying? My only other thoughts is that the dude in charge of this fbk site needs to further learn how to articulate the information he is trying to give.. cos clearly this doesn't fully make sense? Read through a couple replies and everyone seems just as confused (if not moreso) than I am.

One bird reckons tix haven't been 'issued' yet, but they have been 'purchased'. Guess she's tryna say that some tix have been allocated to the ticket sellers but they won't receive them til Mon. I don't know the source of her info. Seems to me that the tickets y'all have got are only valid should the related ticket sellers manage to grab the tix on Mon, as I just don't understand how 'All tickets go on sale at 9am Monday where everyone will be able to access all ticket categories at the advertised prices' yet some have been told they already have theirs, set in sand.

Regardless, I haven't personally bought tix and am just relaying this message for the benefit of those who have, I honestly hope that this is being run legitimately and companies aren't taking advantage of the demand.

I bought U2 tickets from Showbiz when they toured here in 2010 (seems like yesterday).

From my experience then, Showbiz get allocated tickets from the promoter once they go on sale to the general public.

I would expect they know how many they will be allocated in each price catagory.

They along with other companies get these allocations, then resell them at a price they wish, with inclusions they wish (food, merchandise etc.)

With U2 the $600 VIP tickets had a room at Eitihad with food and drink supplied.

The seat was a $250 seat and was OK but not great, the food was good and beer free biggrin

Funny thing was the function room and seat were on opposite sides of the arena.

Was it worth it....No

Would I buy from them again.... No - unless I really had to.

Have those who purchased been ripped off....... Well, only the purchaser can answer that.

I think that for the extra couple of hundred dollars you get to mingle with other fans in your own private space, have a merchandise stand available where you don't line up, and get food and drink before the show AND you already have a ticket even though it will not be allocated as yet - this could be regarded as value for money.

I think the promoters along with Showbiz and companies like them have figured out a way of getting more $$$ from the fans just like scalpers - In effect they are scalpers themselves.

I will hopefully get my tickets Monday morning, and hope to get them with out too much drama.

Saw the 5 Melbourne shows in '92 , missed 2003 (not a good year for me) and will be taking my eldest daughter this time - the youngest does not like Prince so misses out - her loss razz

What was more sad about U2.. on the day of show, they sold tickets via ticketek everywhere for $40. I bought one, but felt so bad for the people next to me who paid $150 each. WRONG TOWN, but I guess they needed to fill up the spaces... BUT at the same time. They should upgrade those people that has paid top $$ to sit closer AND fill up the top level with $40 nosebleeds. I bumped into a friend at the show, she was SITTING behind me..

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Reply #236 posted 04/15/12 7:08am



Must be nice for P to be banking again with this tour! cool

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Reply #237 posted 04/15/12 10:29am



the welcome 2 america promotionals are leagues ahead of the aussie ones.

so slick. aussie ones, as usual look kind shite. the US poster would do wonders to get all those fence sitters to buy tix im sure of it knowing the aussie market.

he looked the same on the 2003 tour, that mini fro.

has he ever had the straightened hair look when touring here?


RIP 1958-2016 Prince broken RIP 1947-2016 David Bowie

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Reply #238 posted 04/15/12 10:48am



xperience319 said:

the welcome 2 america promotionals are leagues ahead of the aussie ones.

so slick. aussie ones, as usual look kind shite. the US poster would do wonders to get all those fence sitters to buy tix im sure of it knowing the aussie market.

he looked the same on the 2003 tour, that mini fro.

has he ever had the straightened hair look when touring here?


Both the US and the Aus promotional look shite..its Prince we are talking about!!

That said, the Aussies love a different kind of artist, AC fuckin g DC, Cold Chissel and at the moment One Erection! I am amazed that the purple one has any fans here!

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Reply #239 posted 04/15/12 11:22am




xperience319 said:

the welcome 2 america promotionals are leagues ahead of the aussie ones.

so slick. aussie ones, as usual look kind shite. the US poster would do wonders to get all those fence sitters to buy tix im sure of it knowing the aussie market.

he looked the same on the 2003 tour, that mini fro.

has he ever had the straightened hair look when touring here?


Both the US and the Aus promotional look shite..its Prince we are talking about!!

That said, the Aussies love a different kind of artist, AC fuckin g DC, Cold Chissel and at the moment One Erection! I am amazed that the purple one has any fans here!

Now it might be that all my firends and work colleagues know i am a massive fan - but everyone i have spoken to in the last week has mentioned the concerts and are excited to grab tickets.

It's bittersweet for me as I won't be here to see him in my home town - but I know he will do great shows.

I think like 2003 many people will want to go once the reviews for the first show kicks off. But thankfully more people know about this tour than 2003.

"I'm not human I'm a dove, I'm ur conscience. I am love"
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Forums > Concerts > Prince Welcome2Australia Tour 2012