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Reply #180 posted 04/13/12 4:14pm



It seems like no one complain about ticket price…

Does anyone know ticket difference between ticketek and showbiz?

I bought ticket thru showbiz already but… am I cheated?!

Did I pay extra money for just food & beverage or merchandise?!
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Reply #181 posted 04/13/12 5:11pm



I wonder will Prince do a Variety of Songs or more of a Greatest Hits Concert? razz biggrin

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Reply #182 posted 04/13/12 9:04pm



milesb said:

do we really think 179 bucks for gold reserve tickets?? Ouch. I emigrated from UK to Oz and was at the 02 shows. What happened to 31.21 pounds?? thats 50 bucks max by my maths!

Man this isn't Europe last time I looked, we pay absolutely more for EVERYTHING here, you should know that by now.

For here - that price is a bargain !

The same ticket cost $171 here in 2003, so an increase of only $8 in almost 10 years is pretty damn good in my eyes...

[Edited 4/13/12 14:05pm]

Hard to believe I've been on the org for over 25 years now!
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Reply #183 posted 04/13/12 9:29pm



lust said:

lust said:

I just bought these two. I only need one but don't really want to go seated alone so I'm hoping someone will take one off me, Orgnote me or reply here if anyone is keen. Needless to say I just want face value for it AUD$385. I'll cover the additional booking fee they charged.

I really hope this doesn't backfire.

Fri 11 May 2012 6:00pm - ALLPHONES ARENA, SYDNEYAllphones Arena Function RoomAllphones ArenaCorner Edwin Flack Avenue and Olympic BoulevardSydney Olympic Park NSW 2127 Category: Gold Reserved Seating T.C.ESection: GOLDRow: -Seat/s: - Tickets & instructions will be mailed 1-2 weeks prior to the concert date. 2 x Includes Ticket & Preshow Function $770.00

This is what's included.

Get out of the Queue and enjoy the Prince TOTAL Concert Experience!

  • Hosted by Richard Wilkins - Australia's pre-eminent entertainment reporter
  • Gold Reserved Seated Ticket
  • 2 hour pre show hospitality Function
  • Substantial Canapés & Premium Beverage selection served at pre Show
  • Resident Disc Jockey for Entertainment
  • Power Dance Performers
  • Souvenir lanyard for each guest
  • Fully Themed Function Room
  • 1 Hour Post Show Party with Cash Bar and complimentary dessert item
  • 1 guest will win a Lucky Door Prize#

# Must be in the room to win

This is confusing re the pricing but it seems to me that gold reserve is different to gold and it's not just the addition of the vip extras. The main and most important thing is the seats. Gold reserve is near the front but for $180 gold is pretty much the whole venue. So I still need to sell my spare ticket at face value for $385. See above for the inclusions and below for the comparison on seating. Not to mention who knows what the souvenir lanyard will get us into later in the eveing. cool

Org note me.

If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #184 posted 04/13/12 11:04pm



uga2 said:

It seems like no one complain about ticket price… Does anyone know ticket difference between ticketek and showbiz? I bought ticket thru showbiz already but… am I cheated?! Did I pay extra money for just food & beverage or merchandise?!

My Thoughts exactly!!!

i am watching you prince
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Reply #185 posted 04/13/12 11:04pm


The painting resembles the ones that folk do of Jesus.

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Reply #186 posted 04/13/12 11:45pm



2020 said:

Australia get ready to rock!!!!

Good to see he's back out on tour...

Whats up with the promo video snippet about him marrying his back up singer? Thats an odd choice to add to the video.

Cool drawing to accompany the tour although he kinda looks like he's got girls hair wink

mentioning the marriage between him and Mayte was strange.....

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Reply #187 posted 04/14/12 12:07am



uga2 said:

It seems like no one complain about ticket price…

Does anyone know ticket difference between ticketek and showbiz?

I bought ticket thru showbiz already but… am I cheated?!

Did I pay extra money for just food & beverage or merchandise?!

I mentioned this earlier, AND I don't want to ruin your experience, but that Showbiz package is a complete ripoff. BUT it is/was the only way of securing a table seat.

What I'm more concerned about is the Rod Laver seating plan. I can't believe there is only a minuscule section for $99 tickets and the rest gold tix!!
Solely based on that, I reckon they will struggle selling a second show, let alone a third.
Watch this space..... I can guarantee you that nearing the date there will be half priced tickets on offer, which will piss a lot of people off.

The Sydney show has got it right by having cheap seats all round.
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Reply #188 posted 04/14/12 12:12am



This is all way too unnecessarily confusing.

Firstly, tix apparantly go on sale Monday 9am (and is that 9am GMT or what?), yet a couple of you have already managed to snatch up yours? How, and whats with the ranging prices: Purple Circle $850 on one site and $450 on another, I don't know what to believe!

I am totally hyped over this new development, it'd pop my Prince live cherry love

But I'm broke, first and foremost, and am trying to gather the funds, but also I'm from London, and am tryna figure whether or not he may pop over this year. The Olympics are really putting us on the map so I figured it'd be the best time to get down here! And since hes rumoured to be performing in Poland June 29th.. I sortta kinda thought we may stand to gain a possible European tour opporutunity?

It's like, 2012 Prince. Make the most. And btw your irresistibly fit. Just, putting it out there.

I know the hype is in Australia right now, but for the old timers, I'm sure you've seen this Princely Process before.. could Oz open the door to a full blown continental tour? Does 2012 hold any significant importance to P, (seeing as society's events never seem to be his thing: bdays, xmas etc) that'd make him wanna go hard this year? Whats the deal? Plausible? Possible? Or fantasy stoned.

Am I better off emptying my savings and grabbing this opportunity at all costs: or will 'good things come to those who wait'...

Jus' sayin..
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Reply #189 posted 04/14/12 1:02am



Just a maybe rather dumb question from State Side (Michigan).....Why are the tickets for Aussie so much higher than the States? Better economy there?

Prince's Sarah
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Reply #190 posted 04/14/12 1:07am


funkylust said:

Lights. An elevating platform to take Prince up and down inside the stage. Video screens. Stage monitors with lyrics. A piano with a built in CD player loaded with Prince albums. A large flag.

Did i miss anything? lol

rap said:

"Show will include groundbreaking technology... " Any ideas what this could be??

Thought maybe something new was/is in the works. Guess you have to see a U2 concert for that...
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Reply #191 posted 04/14/12 1:14am



mzsadii said:

Just a maybe rather dumb question from State Side (Michigan).....Why are the tickets for Aussie so much higher than the States? Better economy there?

Yep! The minimum wage in aus is usd$16 per hour. In the u.s it's usd$7.25. Ouch!
If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #192 posted 04/14/12 1:36am



mzsadii said:

Just a maybe rather dumb question from State Side (Michigan).....Why are the tickets for Aussie so much higher than the States? Better economy there?

Supposedly we have one of the better functioning economies in the Western World at the moment, so things are much more expensive. People on average earn more, therefore they're more willing to pay the $$ for such concerts. But it all evens out - Retail here is struggling because it's so much cheaper to buy stuff from overseas now on ebay etc., but the 'service' industry (which includes concerts I suppose) is thriving.


[Edited 4/13/12 18:38pm]

Toejam @ Peach & Black Podcast:
Toejam's band "Cheap Fakes":,
Toejam the solo artist:
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Reply #193 posted 04/14/12 1:58am


So r u going Toejam? U & Ur co stars? eye know Prince is a big fan of ur show....

eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #194 posted 04/14/12 2:23am




So r u going Toejam? U & Ur co stars? eye know Prince is a big fan of ur show....

Of course we're going!

Toejam @ Peach & Black Podcast:
Toejam's band "Cheap Fakes":,
Toejam the solo artist:
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Reply #195 posted 04/14/12 2:25am


eye am excited 4 all of U eye am a fan of Ur show also........

eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #196 posted 04/14/12 2:40am


I have bought 5 gold experience for Sydney and 2 purple experience for Brisbane from Showbiz.
Just called Showbiz and the numbers on the receipts for the tickets mean nothing about specific seats. They are admin numbers.
You get to know your specific seats about 1 week before the show, based on the order of booking reference number.
This is pretty much what it says in the small print too
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Reply #197 posted 04/14/12 4:28am



scrubdadishes said:

uga2 said:

It seems like no one complain about ticket price… Does anyone know ticket difference between ticketek and showbiz? I bought ticket thru showbiz already but… am I cheated?! Did I pay extra money for just food & beverage or merchandise?!

My Thoughts exactly!!!

Showbiz always charge extra as they are a reseller of tickets - so they put a premium on top of the ticket price.

"I'm not human I'm a dove, I'm ur conscience. I am love"
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Reply #198 posted 04/14/12 4:35am



I flew from Sydney to LA to catch 2 shows last year - and now 2 weeks after I am due to MOVE to LA, Prince decides to play Sydney - he's just messing with me, lol.

It will be a great show and I'm bummed I won't get to see him in my hometown.

For those buying tickets here is my advice - take it as you will:

The prince stage is a raised stage so seat in the Puprle Circle - have you sitting at eye level with the stage and you'll be constantly cranking your neck to see him.

The best seats will be Purple VIP on the side of the stage SEC 11/10/9 and 19/20/1 as this gives you total clearance of the stage to see the whole band, the twinz, and the man himself - not to mention the dazzling light show that takes place on the prince.

Next best would be Gold in first elevation.

This is just based on the kind of seats I had at the Forum Shows in LA which had the same stage set up, and based on my own preference to see the whole show including musicians, etc.

"I'm not human I'm a dove, I'm ur conscience. I am love"
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Reply #199 posted 04/14/12 4:40am



I wonder if he will ride his bicycle in Sydney through the crowd smile

That was one of the more bizarre sights from last year at the Forum shows smile



The feeling you get when...

(you squeeze your balls?) no that's not it...
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Reply #200 posted 04/14/12 6:37am


OMGosh...did u notice they got the date wrong 4 the Melbourne concert in the official commercial? It says may 12th instead of may 14th?! LOL razz


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Reply #201 posted 04/14/12 7:23am


serpan99 said:

OMGosh...did u notice they got the date wrong 4 the Melbourne concert in the official commercial? It says may 12th instead of may 14th?! LOL razz


To throw off the scalpers ?? eek

Wonder how many will see the incorrect date and make plans around it not relising it is incorrect.

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Reply #202 posted 04/14/12 7:38am



Has the second Sydney show been officially announced yet? I know it was mentioned for May 12but I haven't seen any more.
"I have a date with Lisa. Isn't that wonderful?"
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Reply #203 posted 04/14/12 7:40am


mrfreeze said:

serpan99 said:

OMGosh...did u notice they got the date wrong 4 the Melbourne concert in the official commercial? It says may 12th instead of may 14th?! LOL razz


To throw off the scalpers ?? eek

Wonder how many will see the incorrect date and make plans around it not relising it is incorrect.

Exactly...people may make plans 4 a wrong date this way, and this is the 2nd version of the commercial. So 2 make this mistake is...pretty stupid! confused

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Reply #204 posted 04/14/12 7:42am



Has the second Sydney show been officially announced yet? I know it was mentioned for May 12but I haven't seen any more.

Nope...wasn't ever announced officially, only on a poster pic that was sent 2 DrFunkenberry as posted some pages back. It may b the reserve date in case tix sell fast monday. Then they may announce this 2nd date on the 12th 4 Sydney...

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Reply #205 posted 04/14/12 7:44am



callimnate said:

uga2 said:
It seems like no one complain about ticket price… Does anyone know ticket difference between ticketek and showbiz? I bought ticket thru showbiz already but… am I cheated?! Did I pay extra money for just food & beverage or merchandise?!
I mentioned this earlier, AND I don't want to ruin your experience, but that Showbiz package is a complete ripoff. BUT it is/was the only way of securing a table seat. What I'm more concerned about is the Rod Laver seating plan. I can't believe there is only a minuscule section for $99 tickets and the rest gold tix!! Solely based on that, I reckon they will struggle selling a second show, let alone a third. Watch this space..... I can guarantee you that nearing the date there will be half priced tickets on offer, which will piss a lot of people off. The Sydney show has got it right by having cheap seats all round.

I have 2 of the Ultimate Purple Circle VIP Experience tickets for the Brisbane show from the showbiz site. Did I pay too much at $850 each? Maybe. Are showbiz cashing in at the fans expense? YES! But the important thing is that I have the tickets that I wanted!

As an NPGMC member in 2003 I got the $400 VIP tickets and had a great time but wished I had the $$$ to get the $1000 meet and greet tickets. I always said that next time Prince tours I would have the $$$ and get the best tickets that I could and luckly that is what I have done.

It was very painful as I was typing my credit card numbers to fork out over $1700 sad but I kept in mind the experience from 2003. To date 2003 was the best concert experience of my life but I have that constant thought of it could have been that little bit better if only I had the $$$.


Not this time biggrin

P.S. I am looking forward to sleeping in on Monday morning whan the remainder of the tickets go on sale. Best of luck to everyone.

The years have been kind to's the weekends that have done the damage!
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Reply #206 posted 04/14/12 7:50am


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Reply #207 posted 04/14/12 8:03am


Seat map here for Melbourne showing number of seats in each area.

If someone wants they can work out how many tickets in total will be available.

Rod Laver

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Reply #208 posted 04/14/12 8:52am



Tour Book Cover

Tour Book

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Reply #209 posted 04/14/12 10:09am



wow this is great! I think I know of 4 guys in Australia that must be very excited indeed!

Have fun Australia!! headbang guitar

"Hyperactive when I was small, Hyperactive now I'm grown, Hyperactive 'till I'm dead and gone"
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___

"Midnight is where the day begins"
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