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Reply #150 posted 04/13/12 6:27am



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Reply #151 posted 04/13/12 6:30am



I wonder if he calls the sword that?


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Reply #152 posted 04/13/12 6:40am



Last time he was rocking the baby fro was just prior the last Australian tour. Must be the humidity.
If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #153 posted 04/13/12 6:45am



serpan99 said:


eek eek eek Indeed! Where's this from?

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #154 posted 04/13/12 6:47am


jonylawson said:

callimnate said:

Those $850 tix are a complete joke.

  • PL1 Premium reserved table seating located on the floor adjacent to the stage
  • Early entry into the venue
  • Exclusive 1 hour pre show function where you will enjoy a selection of canapés plus unlimited beverages from your choice of wine, beer and soft drinks
  • Access to a private merchandise stand within the function
  • Souvenir VIP Laminate
  • On site VIP staff

None of those points excite me except for the obvious seat.

For a third of that, we got a SOUNDCHECK the last time!!

I guess if you can afford it, then great!

But that to me reeks of money hungry promoters.

Will wait and see what Ticketek has to offer and hope for the best!!


have to say for fourty quid back in 02 we got a 3 hour soundcheck

that as they say in the bizness is a con!

Not uncommon nowadays unfortunately. Lady Gaga, Madonna, they're all at it. Look at Madge's regular entry fee to the Birmingham NIA (UK), £175 plus £15 booking fee. Shocking. And then when you see them on eBay!!! Even comedians are charging upwards of £40 and they have nothing but a mic and a bare stage.

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Reply #155 posted 04/13/12 6:57am


"Show will include groundbreaking technology... " Any ideas what this could be??
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Reply #156 posted 04/13/12 7:04am




Rustyrek said:

Ticket pricing has been released.

Purple - $350

Gold - $180

Silver - $99

A big gap between purple and gold. I question extra value out of the difference.

I'm considering Gold, and if a second concert is named for Brisbane, then I'd get a Silver for that. Then again, a Silver in some spots looks just as good as a Gold.

Does anyone know from previous shows what difference is b/w $850 purple cirlce and $450 purple cirle table seats. Did I get ripped off, or will $850 tix secure a pozzie down wind of circle? hmmm...

i am watching you prince
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Reply #157 posted 04/13/12 7:06am



Lights. An elevating platform to take Prince up and down inside the stage. Video screens. Stage monitors with lyrics. A piano with a built in CD player loaded with Prince albums. A large flag.

Did i miss anything? lol

rap said:

"Show will include groundbreaking technology... " Any ideas what this could be??


The feeling you get when...

(you squeeze your balls?) no that's not it...
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Reply #158 posted 04/13/12 7:11am



rap said:

"Show will include groundbreaking technology... " Any ideas what this could be??

Hover-heels on Prince's shoes. With hoverboards due in 3 years, Prince's team has got a headstart with the technology.

"Don't abuse children, or else they'll turn out like me."
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Reply #159 posted 04/13/12 7:12am



scrubdadishes said:


Rustyrek said:

Ticket pricing has been released.

Purple - $350

Gold - $180

Silver - $99

A big gap between purple and gold. I question extra value out of the difference.

I'm considering Gold, and if a second concert is named for Brisbane, then I'd get a Silver for that. Then again, a Silver in some spots looks just as good as a Gold.

Does anyone know from previous shows what difference is b/w $850 purple cirlce and $450 purple cirle table seats. Did I get ripped off, or will $850 tix secure a pozzie down wind of circle? hmmm...

There is no difference, except your extra $400 has paid for a few extras in the "VIP Package". The seats are the same.

"Don't abuse children, or else they'll turn out like me."
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Reply #160 posted 04/13/12 7:25am



Rustyrek said:

scrubdadishes said:


Rustyrek said:

Ticket pricing has been released.

Purple - $350

Gold - $180

Silver - $99

A big gap between purple and gold. I question extra value out of the difference.

I'm considering Gold, and if a second concert is named for Brisbane, then I'd get a Silver for that. Then again, a Silver in some spots looks just as good as a Gold.

Does anyone know from previous shows what difference is b/w $850 purple cirlce and $450 purple cirle table seats. Did I get ripped off, or will $850 tix secure a pozzie down wind of circle? hmmm...

There is no difference, except your extra $400 has paid for a few extras in the "VIP Package". The seats are the same.

Although if they sell out too quickly you might end up having to pay a tout 800 sans VIP extras.
If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #161 posted 04/13/12 7:25am


purplethunder3121 said:

serpan99 said:


eek eek eek Indeed! Where's this from?

It's the latest promo picture 4 the Australian tour...his new look! fro

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Reply #162 posted 04/13/12 7:55am



serpan99 said:

purplethunder3121 said:

eek eek eek Indeed! Where's this from?

It's the latest promo picture 4 the Australian tour...his new look! fro

More Star Wars... lol

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #163 posted 04/13/12 8:08am



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Reply #164 posted 04/13/12 8:12am



Rosebud said:

:help:can anyone tell me if the 2nd sydney show is on sale monday

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Reply #165 posted 04/13/12 9:55am



Someone should set up a thread for AFTERSHOW details.

I know in 03 in melb he did Prince of Whales Hotel, Bennets Lane and Metro, and in Syd I also saw him at the Basement.

Lets keep a close watch out for rumours and make sure we get to the after after party!

Agreed. We need a thread for this so we can discuss possible plans of attack to get word on whereabouts of the secret gigs. THATS the cherry on top. A friend of mine who was at 21nights London had VIP tix and paid standard entry for tix to the aftershow (I think they were bout 75 pounds). If they take this same approach then you purple circle puppies would be paying bout 100 bucks a ticket Id assume and youd probably have better knowledge of where it gon' be at. Unfortunately my meagre financials wont allow me to be a part of your circle but would super appreciate any inner-circle knowledge you may get privy to. Anyone of you handsome purple-circalians wanna be friends..? wink

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Reply #166 posted 04/13/12 10:34am


I'm looking 4 a copy of this cool Herald Sun newspaper ad...anybody here with an xtra copy? razz

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Reply #167 posted 04/13/12 11:02am



toejam said:

althom said:

I'm going to the Brisbane show. Got the tickets this morning. razz

Cool man! I'll be there too. Circle, Reserve of Gold tix? I have Reserve. Would be great to say G'day!

Yeah! We should catch up for a beer. wink
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Reply #168 posted 04/13/12 11:03am



Diva said:

althom said:

I'm going to the Brisbane show. Got the tickets this morning. razz

I've got tickets to the Sydney show!!! Hi stranger! wink

Hello you
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Reply #169 posted 04/13/12 11:13am



bkw said:

I'm in Thailand doing naughty stuff at the moment and only just read about this!

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Reply #170 posted 04/13/12 11:15am



luv4u said:

althom said:

I'm going to the Brisbane show. Got the tickets this morning. razz

faint Where have you been??? Glad to see you back hug

Good to see you too razz
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Reply #171 posted 04/13/12 11:19am



toejam said:

althom said:

I'm going to the Brisbane show. Got the tickets this morning. razz

Cool man! I'll be there too. Circle, Reserve of Gold tix? I have Reserve.

Got the purple seating cool
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Reply #172 posted 04/13/12 11:24am



rap said:

"Show will include groundbreaking technology... " Any ideas what this could be??

Sneak peak of the tech razz

Life it ain't real funky unless you got that orgPop.
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Reply #173 posted 04/13/12 11:34am



althom said:

toejam said:

Cool man! I'll be there too. Circle, Reserve of Gold tix? I have Reserve.

Got the purple seating cool

Me too! Ultimate Purple Circle VIP Experience.

I will be traveling to Brisbane for the show. Any suggestions of where to stay? Close to the venue or close to possible after show venue???????

The years have been kind to's the weekends that have done the damage!
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Reply #174 posted 04/13/12 11:37am




[Edited 4/13/12 11:43am]

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Reply #175 posted 04/13/12 11:51am


do we really think 179 bucks for gold reserve tickets?? Ouch. I emigrated from UK to Oz and was at the 02 shows. What happened to 31.21 pounds?? thats 50 bucks max by my maths!

My password is what
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Reply #176 posted 04/13/12 12:04pm



Serpan, which of the two sets of floorplans do you think is more accurate? Your earlier one showed the vast majority of seats as being silver, whereas your latest show the vast majority as gold.

Life it ain't real funky unless you got that orgPop.
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Reply #177 posted 04/13/12 12:12pm


sabaisabai said:

Serpan, which of the two sets of floorplans do you think is more accurate? Your earlier one showed the vast majority of seats as being silver, whereas your latest show the vast majority as gold.

The last set is more accurate as far as I can tell as they come from Ticketek...

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Reply #178 posted 04/13/12 12:14pm



Thanks .. do you know the direct links to these? I can't find them anywhere on ticketek.

serpan99 said:

sabaisabai said:

Serpan, which of the two sets of floorplans do you think is more accurate? Your earlier one showed the vast majority of seats as being silver, whereas your latest show the vast majority as gold.

The last set is more accurate as far as I can tell as they come from Ticketek...

Life it ain't real funky unless you got that orgPop.
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Reply #179 posted 04/13/12 12:34pm


sabaisabai said:

Thanks .. do you know the direct links to these? I can't find them anywhere on ticketek.

serpan99 said:

The last set is more accurate as far as I can tell as they come from Ticketek...

arrow http://premier.ticketek.c...4gc4NWKnYQ

When u go there and select the venue u get a button that shows the venue map, somehow Melbourne isn't showing anymore now but Sydney is rolleyes

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Forums > Concerts > Prince Welcome2Australia Tour 2012