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Reply #120 posted 04/12/12 2:34pm



VictOr,Diva,althom..... HEYAA!!!!!! been soooo sooo sooo long!
Looks like i am going 2 Sydney now instead of melboing,2 shows,just gotta book the tickets Monday & hope me & wifey get good seats

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Prince,Flava Flav,Seal, 3 hour aftershow party,nuff said!" (13/5/12 - Sydney Austra
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Reply #121 posted 04/12/12 2:34pm


serpan99 said:

The design is really cool! I'm loving Prince's purple aura cool

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Reply #122 posted 04/12/12 3:11pm


SometimesIwonder said:

serpan99 said:

The design is really cool! I'm loving Prince's purple aura cool


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Reply #123 posted 04/12/12 3:59pm



SometimesIwonder said:

serpan99 said:


"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #124 posted 04/12/12 4:47pm



I'm in Thailand on holiday at the moment and only just read about this!

Thankfully I'm back in Melbourne on Monday for the main sale.

I plan on going to all Melb shows of course, but I'm baulking at he VIP prices since there is no soundcheck guarentee.

I'm so tempted to go to Sydney again though. Had the time of my life up there last time and that aftershow at the Basement will never be forgotten. So great to see my darling Diva post her attendance!!! biggrin

Boo Althom though! razz hehe!

When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.
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Reply #125 posted 04/12/12 5:18pm


purplethunder3121 said:

SometimesIwonder said:


Yoda.........all people getting tickets don't worry after nearly 10 years or more of not coming to Oz there will be more dates added 3 just isn't going to cover it not after you guys have waited so long.

Business Manager to Cat Glover.
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Reply #126 posted 04/12/12 5:19pm


serpan99 said:

SometimesIwonder said:

The design is really cool! I'm loving Prince's purple aura cool


love to know how you can get a job doing his artwork. Really would.

Business Manager to Cat Glover.
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Reply #127 posted 04/12/12 6:20pm



bkw said:

I'm in Thailand on holiday at the moment and only just read about this!

Thankfully I'm back in Melbourne on Monday for the main sale.

I plan on going to all Melb shows of course, but I'm baulking at he VIP prices since there is no soundcheck guarentee.

I'm so tempted to go to Sydney again though. Had the time of my life up there last time and that aftershow at the Basement will never be forgotten. So great to see my darling Diva post her attendance!!! biggrin

Boo Althom though! razz hehe!

Do it smile
If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #128 posted 04/12/12 6:21pm





althom said:

I'm going to the Brisbane show. Got the tickets this morning. razz

faint Where have you been??? Glad to see you back hug


Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #129 posted 04/12/12 6:28pm



I suspect Captain, Playa and MC are still in the state of shock or pissed that he aint playing with the Sydney orchestra. You guys knew he would go the safe, hits rought. Greenbacks, that's what Jehovah is all about. Art died years ago.

All you others say Hell Yea!! woot!
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Reply #130 posted 04/12/12 8:07pm



[Edited 4/12/12 13:11pm]

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Reply #131 posted 04/12/12 9:37pm



S810 said:

[Edited 4/12/12 13:11pm]

What the hell is that?! Is that what I think it might be?! lol

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #132 posted 04/12/12 11:50pm



Ticket pricing has been released.

Purple - $350

Gold - $180

Silver - $99

A big gap between purple and gold. I question extra value out of the difference.

I'm considering Gold, and if a second concert is named for Brisbane, then I'd get a Silver for that. Then again, a Silver in some spots looks just as good as a Gold.

"Don't abuse children, or else they'll turn out like me."
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Reply #133 posted 04/13/12 12:28am


Someone should set up a thread for AFTERSHOW details.

I know in 03 in melb he did Prince of Whales Hotel, Bennets Lane and Metro, and in Syd I also saw him at the Basement.

Lets keep a close watch out for rumours and make sure we get to the after after party!

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Reply #134 posted 04/13/12 12:54am


No word on a 2nd Melbourne show?

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Reply #135 posted 04/13/12 1:02am



I would bet my house on there being 2nd shows in all 3 cities.

Aftershow in Brissy was at Indie Temple last time but it has since closed down, no idea where he would go now, Temple was bloody awesome stage was at ankle height!!

In the distance a light shines and I know it is mine. Someday I will touch it because it calls me. It says cross the line, cross the line. I know everything is not always what it seems, so I pinch myself daily just in case it's a dream
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Reply #136 posted 04/13/12 1:05am


[Edited 4/13/12 7:51am]

eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #137 posted 04/13/12 1:08am



67TBirdHeartAttack said:

I would bet my house on there being 2nd shows in all 3 cities.

Were there two in Brisbane last time? From memory, there wasn't a big crowd for the Brisbane concert I went to.

I don't think he is that popular here, so I have my doubts that there will be a second concert.

"Don't abuse children, or else they'll turn out like me."
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Reply #138 posted 04/13/12 2:05am



Joshy said:

VictOr,Diva,althom..... HEYAA!!!!!! been soooo sooo sooo long!
Looks like i am going 2 Sydney now instead of melboing,2 shows,just gotta book the tickets Monday & hope me & wifey get good seats

Awesome! Sounds like we're gonna have some Ol' skool company in Sydney biggrin

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Reply #139 posted 04/13/12 2:13am



Totally confused on the pricing.. Now they are saying the tickets are only gold and silver on the Prince W 2 Australia Facebook page. Why is it so hard to get accuate information about tickets!?

Rustyrek said:

Ticket pricing has been released.

Purple - $350

Gold - $180

Silver - $99

A big gap between purple and gold. I question extra value out of the difference.

I'm considering Gold, and if a second concert is named for Brisbane, then I'd get a Silver for that. Then again, a Silver in some spots looks just as good as a Gold.


The feeling you get when...

(you squeeze your balls?) no that's not it...
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Reply #140 posted 04/13/12 2:51am



I got two gold tickets for Sydney on the Friday.biggrin

I am so excited, have been a fan since ...........well.............. a long time (30 Years) and now I am actually going to see him - I just can't believe it. I am now taking applications from family and friends for the extra ticket. razz

Purchased then off the premier ticketek site with the gig hosted by Richard Wilkins and a few extras thrown in. I didn't want to wait until Monday and miss out.-

So, so excited and will be trying for more tickets if another concert is released for the Saturday.

Now to organise parking.......mmmmmm

See you all lucky are we all here in Oz????lol Bloody beauty!!

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.
'Helen Keller'
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Reply #141 posted 04/13/12 3:09am



purplethunder3121 said:

S810 said:

[Edited 4/12/12 13:11pm]

What the hell is that?! Is that what I think it might be?! lol

those are douche nozzles wink

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Reply #142 posted 04/13/12 3:49am



whats the revelance of the douche picture?

Its this a thread about the Prince Australian Tour 2012?

I don't get it. eek


The feeling you get when...

(you squeeze your balls?) no that's not it...
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Reply #143 posted 04/13/12 3:54am



Where's everyone getting their tickets from??

Every link I follow seems to just take u Thru to Ticketek where it says TIX ON SALE MONDAY 16TH APRIL
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Reply #144 posted 04/13/12 3:55am



Yeah Australians! I'm happy for y'all, including the guys from Peach and Black Podcast.
"Love & honesty, peace & harmony"
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Reply #145 posted 04/13/12 4:00am



sfinky1 said:

Where's everyone getting their tickets from?? Every link I follow seems to just take u Thru to Ticketek where it says TIX ON SALE MONDAY 16TH APRIL sad

It seems they have stopped the presale. I got mine from Ticketek yesterday afternoon and the link was gone by last night.

If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #146 posted 04/13/12 4:16am



If any of you nice Sydneysiders feel inclined to put up a broke arse kiwi who has spend all his money on flights and vip tickets on 11-13 May please orgnote me. smile
If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #147 posted 04/13/12 4:28am



sfinky1 said:

Where's everyone getting their tickets from?? Every link I follow seems to just take u Thru to Ticketek where it says TIX ON SALE MONDAY 16TH APRIL sad

There's a few sites selling packages, so you'll be buying alot more along with your ticket and paying much more...



may display symptoms of sarcasm
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Reply #148 posted 04/13/12 6:13am


Exclusive: Prince Promoters: 'There's No Law To Stop Scalpers'

13 April, 2012

With tickets to Prince's much-hyped Welcome 2 Australia tour on sale 9am Monday, potential punters will be srambling to secure theirs and hoping that the ticket website holds under the weight of what is sure to be considerable demand.

Ticketek will handle ticket sales for the east coast shows in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne and the ticketing giant have assured promoter Gary Van Egmond (the tour is co-promoted by Van Egmond Group and Chugg Entertainment) that they are up to the job.

"We’re only opening three cities at one time, so they believe they have the capacity to handle what we’re looking at," Van Egmond told today. "It’s not like a big outdoor concert where you’re opening three cities at the same time and the capacity’s between 60,000 and 75,000. This is a smaller request event and Ticketek have assured us they can handle it."

To ticket hopefuls he offered, "Just be patient. That’s really all I can advise. The capacity is much larger than it normally is, for example in Sydney because we’re doing it in the round [stage format] we’re up to a capacity of 16,000 and it’s larger capacities in all three venues than normal."

One aspect of the ticketing that they won't be able to control is the issue of scalpers, who often by bulk tickets to in-demand events and then sell them for a profit.

"Any [scalped tickets] we see on Facebook, we pull down straight away," Van Egmond confirms. "But really, there’s no law – that’s what the problem is. If there was a law [against scalping], that’d be great. Naturally we try and stop it if we can but it’s not that easy, [as] what Michael [Chugg] went through with Radiohead for instance."

In that instance in late February this year, Radiohead's arena shows sold out in minutes and scalped tickets appeared on online auciton websites for inflated prices shortly after.

TIcket prices for the shows range from the lowest Silver grade seats for $99 up to Purple Reserve grade seats for $350. Gold are $179.90.

Chugg told's daily newsletter Your Daily SPA then that, "The response to these Radiohead shows is a perfect example of the ongoing issues with ticket scalping and Chugg Entertainment hopes that the voices of impassioned Radiohead fans will be heard,” he said, adding that he “implores the forum to continue so that both the federal government and state governments will pay attention and introduce enforceable anti-scalping legislation throughout Australia.

“On a higher level, concert promoters across the country, along with LPA [Live Performance Australia] need to be involved in driving a change.”

The LPA have repeatedly rejected calls from promoters including Chugg and Michael Gudinksi for federal anti-scalping legislation to Most recently, following the Radiohead incident Suzanne Daley, LPA’s Director Policy & Programs told said, "We are not convinced that legislation is the answer to this problem, and continue to focus on consumer education.

“Consumers don’t always understand that if they buy a ticket from a scalper they risk the tickets not arriving, having their tickets cancelled at the venue, or not getting the seats they ordered.”

The Prince tour dates leave breaks in between cities but Van Egmond did not confirm or deny that they were plotting more shows should the first ones sell out. He said it was unlikely they'll be taking the tour beyond the east coast though.

"I don’t think so. I would like to, but it’s such a huge production and the cost of going across is just too expensive," he said.

"We’ve got five 40 foot containers with equipment on the water at the moment and we’ve got air freight, because he’s rehearsing with his band at the moment, so they’re going to fly the backline out. We’ll have about 18 trucks moving it around."

The promoting partnership between Van Egmond and Chugg also toured Dolly Parton recently, and after Prince approached Van Egmond for this Australian tour the Melbourne-based promoter brought Sydney-based Chugg in again.

"He [Prince] approached me [to ask] if I wanted to do the tour,"Van Egmond said. "I’m sort of known to perhaps not do as many concerts as other promoters do, but I do large ones like AC/DC and Bette Midler... Chugg and I have been doing some joint ventures together, we just did Dolly Parton together. I quite enjoy working with Michael.

"For instance what happens with this tour is we manage the tour, and in the case of Dolly Parton Michael managed the tour… we work very well together, I like him very much and it works. Never knock success, as they say."

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Reply #149 posted 04/13/12 6:13am


biggrin I am sooooooo happy.......

It's about time that Prince came back to Australia, it's been too many years inbetween visits

I am desperate for tickets , cant get pre sale yet.

Thanks Prince I love you !!!!

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