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Reply #90 posted 04/12/12 7:50am



remko said:

dizzidecazz said:

that's true.

i don't really need a $400 table at a Prince concert though.

You might wanna ask yourself if you need any of these speacial packages.

I have seen a symbol stage show from the nosebleeds in the O2 and one a bit further down (first ring). both great experiences and i am confinced i saw a lot more than the folks on the floor at the tables.

I agree, I had VIP at London and they were by far the worst tickets I had for the 4 shows I went to.

As long as you're down wind of the symbol, all tickets will be great.

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Reply #91 posted 04/12/12 8:11am


2nd Sydney show added with poster announcing date:

Silence Speaks A Thousand Words.
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Reply #92 posted 04/12/12 8:12am



What about normal tickets? or am i missing something

3 VIP packages, what if you just wanna sit in a normal seat how much are they?

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Reply #93 posted 04/12/12 8:17am


jseven said:

2nd Sydney show added with poster announcing date:

Thx 4 posting...really cool that the 2nd shows r already announced even b4 regular tix r on sale april 16th! razz

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Reply #94 posted 04/12/12 8:17am



jasontate said:

As long as you're down wind of the symbol, all tickets will be great.

when you say downwind of the symbol which part do you mean, I was thinking the pointy end assuming this is where he would let loose on the guitar solos etc? Any advice would be most appreciated!!

In the distance a light shines and I know it is mine. Someday I will touch it because it calls me. It says cross the line, cross the line. I know everything is not always what it seems, so I pinch myself daily just in case it's a dream
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Reply #95 posted 04/12/12 8:31am



AAAAAHHHHH Im so excited!!!! Just saw ad for the concert on TV!!! smile smile biggrin
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Reply #96 posted 04/12/12 8:49am



2020 said:

Whats up with the promo video snippet about him marrying his back up singer? Thats an odd choice to add to the video.

Yeah, I thought that was a bit weird too, and we're not the only ones.

Looks like someone might have had a word with the promoters wink

Just saw this one:

Much prefer this longer one (though the sound cuts out 30secs in):

Lake Minnetonka Music:
Lake Minnetonka Press Kit:
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Reply #97 posted 04/12/12 8:55am



850 Australian dollars for a VIP-ticket???!!! That's insane!!! eek

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Reply #98 posted 04/12/12 9:19am


Welcome Serpan. Oddly enough you mention that, because the promoter is stating only ONE Sydney show right now. Sure they want the first show to sell out first. Obviously, this is an official poster. May 11th so there will be a May 12th. smile

serpan99 said:

jseven said:

2nd Sydney show added with poster announcing date:

Thx 4 posting...really cool that the 2nd shows r already announced even b4 regular tix r on sale april 16th! razz

Silence Speaks A Thousand Words.
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Reply #99 posted 04/12/12 9:29am


Here's the announcement on Sunrise tv earlier this morning Aussie time:



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Reply #100 posted 04/12/12 9:55am



hes only toured here twice so far in 30 years. his second tour actually ommitted most of hits to a bewildred audience of casuals

RIP 1958-2016 Prince broken RIP 1947-2016 David Bowie

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Reply #101 posted 04/12/12 9:56am



I'm going to the Brisbane show. Got the tickets this morning. razz
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Reply #102 posted 04/12/12 9:56am



Good question about the after shows...Homebush for example is a long way from the CBD!?
"I have a date with Lisa. Isn't that wonderful?"
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Reply #103 posted 04/12/12 10:04am




BartVanHemelen said:

funkylust said:

Its happening! A great time to be an Aussie and a great time to be a Prince fan.

Only if you like bland performances of played-out hits, coupled with tons of irrelevant cover versions by backup singers and lots of "put your hands up" yells.

And yet again here U are with the same old pish...get a fucking life or just listen 2 9 inch snails.

Don't feed the trolls
If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #104 posted 04/12/12 10:09am



xperience319 said:

BartVanHemelen said:

Only if you like bland performances of played-out hits, coupled with tons of irrelevant cover versions by backup singers and lots of "put your hands up" yells.

umm well since hes only toured here twice so far in 30 years, none of it is played-out to us at all. infact his second tour actually ommitted most of hits to a bewildred audience of casuals

so your statment may be true in europe/us but not here.

Pay no heed. We attended the W2A concerts and thoroughly enjoyed them. It was great seeing him perform with Sheila E. You're in for a real treat! biggrin

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #105 posted 04/12/12 10:15am



lust said:


And yet again here U are with the same old pish...get a fucking life or just listen 2 9 inch snails.

Don't feed the trolls

Bart is not clever enough to be a Troll, he had a tiff with the Purple One (cant remember now blah blah) and now takes any opportunity to piss on everyone elses parade (get it)...oh and he loves 9"(Nails).

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Reply #106 posted 04/12/12 10:37am


BartVanHemelen said:

funkylust said:

Its happening! A great time to be an Aussie and a great time to be a Prince fan.

Only if you like bland performances of played-out hits, coupled with tons of irrelevant cover versions by backup singers and lots of "put your hands up" yells.

Considering he's only been to Australia twice in his entire career: first in 1992 (when I was only 9 months old) and 2003, and the fact that this will be my first time seeing a Prince show, I'm quite looking forward to hearing these played-out hits biggrin

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Reply #107 posted 04/12/12 10:48am



67TBirdHeartAttack said:

jasontate said:

As long as you're down wind of the symbol, all tickets will be great.

when you say downwind of the symbol which part do you mean, I was thinking the pointy end assuming this is where he would let loose on the guitar solos etc? Any advice would be most appreciated!!

All from the circle part down towards the point and all facing the point will be great.
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Reply #108 posted 04/12/12 11:39am



Thanks for the tips on seating. Of course, the useless ticket sites don't let you choose where you want to sit, except the classification of ticket.

It will be an interesting scenario if the first tickets I am offered are close, but on the wrong side.

BTW that's my first post even though I joined about 8 years ago, when he was here last time.

[Edited 4/12/12 4:41am]

"Don't abuse children, or else they'll turn out like me."
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Reply #109 posted 04/12/12 11:50am


How many Kiwis are going and where. I am told if I can get a ticket, my partner will do the rest.

Got some kind of love for you, and I don't even know your name
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Reply #110 posted 04/12/12 11:56am


serpan99 said:

Here's the announcement on Sunrise tv earlier this morning Aussie time:



And here's more short announcement vidz:



[Edited 4/12/12 6:20am]

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Reply #111 posted 04/12/12 12:00pm



Sooo excited!!! biggrin
--»You're my favourite moment, you're my Saturday...
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Reply #112 posted 04/12/12 12:03pm



althom said:

I'm going to the Brisbane show. Got the tickets this morning. razz

I've got tickets to the Sydney show!!! Hi stranger! wink
--»You're my favourite moment, you're my Saturday...
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Reply #113 posted 04/12/12 12:31pm


Hey hey Purple Lovers. I haven't visited this site for 6 years. This is my 1st post since then. I even made quote of the week once lol. I asked if Prince was coming back to OZ. I missed the 2003 Tour by a year. I was so guttered. But look, he's finally back. 9 years later and still going hard. I've been listening to Prince properly, since I was around 12 years old. 1999 was the first song I remember, when I was 5. Wow.

2012........Year of the Dragon baby...........

Kia Ora Iadore Cream.

HOT THANG..........


If ypu aint hip to the rare housequake, shut up already,damn.................
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Reply #114 posted 04/12/12 1:19pm



althom said:

I'm going to the Brisbane show. Got the tickets this morning. razz

Cool man! I'll be there too. Circle, Reserve of Gold tix? I have Reserve. Would be great to say G'day!

Toejam @ Peach & Black Podcast:
Toejam's band "Cheap Fakes":,
Toejam the solo artist:
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Reply #115 posted 04/12/12 1:23pm



I went to 5 shows in 1992 including front row... Great memories. The Sydney cricket ground show was unplanned but the demand was intense.

I missed the 2003 shows in Australia, and was pretty jealous when I saw the write ups and set lists for the sound checks and main shows.

I shouldn't complain though, since I saw him in London in 2002 including sound checks and an aftershow in a club), I also saw him in 2010 in NYC and last year in LA, and San Fran and I went to see him last year at the House of Blues (I saw 3 performances in 3 different rooms in one night until 5am).

So here I am 20 years later and about to see him again back where it all started. So for me, it will be a great time and I don't give a shit if he plays the piano sampler set, Cool/Dont Stop with crappy Aussie celebrities on stage and Purple Rain with waving flags... It's Prince and no matter how many times you see him or how rehearsed or scripted it seems, he's always electric.

I predict the first show in Sydney he will blow everyone away and play as long as the curfew allows. It's great for WOM publicity if at the start of the tour, people are raving. And they will. He did that at the first of the shows at the Forum in LA and he played to 1:30 am with 6 encores including a very moving acoustic Sometime it Snows in April which I will never forget. There's no doubt he will play all the hits, it's part of his obligation to give the fans what they want and most of them want the big hits and to dance and groove. Then there's us, the 'real' fans and we want some obscure tracks and jams, I predict we will get some of that too since he is in Australia, he may figure he can go a little outside the box. I certainly hope so but I am cool with whatever. I love it personally when he does a piano solo, How Come U Don't Call Me, Anymore, Condition Of The Heart etc.

So like I said, this year marks 20 years since I saw him the first time and I couldn't be more delighted to see his return to Australia. Let's give it up and shout and scream and let him know he has fans here who appreciate what he brings to the music world. Australia, it's time to get funky...

The feeling you get when...

(you squeeze your balls?) no that's not it...
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Reply #116 posted 04/12/12 1:24pm



67TBirdHeartAttack said:

jasontate said:

when you say downwind of the symbol which part do you mean, I was thinking the pointy end assuming this is where he would let loose on the guitar solos etc? Any advice would be most appreciated!!

Absolutely. In my experience during most of the show he will be facing the bottom (pointy end) of the symbol. He also ventures out to the sides quite a bit, but only a couple of times around the circle part of the symbol. I would avoid behind the circle at all costs. A seat quite a way back, but facing the right way is still a much much better seat.

My opinion is that ground level seats directly behind the symbol (circle) will be the worst view.

Have fun!!

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Reply #117 posted 04/12/12 1:26pm



It will be bloody brilliant!!!!

Have a great time

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Reply #118 posted 04/12/12 2:03pm



My Prince history to date

Sydney entertainment centre 1992

Sydney entertainment centre VIP tickets 2003 (VIP tags signed by John Blackwell in my hand now)

My Prince future

Now Brisbane Ultimate Purple Circle VIP Experience 2012.....can't wait!

The years have been kind to's the weekends that have done the damage!
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Reply #119 posted 04/12/12 2:17pm


I hope ZombieKitten is rocking out!

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