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Reply #300 posted 04/16/12 12:59am



So that's over whew

I really wish I'd had some proper on-the-field practice with first day major ticket releases before it was "the big one".

I didn't realise how incredibly fortunate I was last year in LA when getting floor seats was a breeze.


Lesson for the day:

If you're organising for a group, leave that for the second show. Trying to get 8 tickets for the first Melbourne show completely crippled me and almost left me with out a single ticket for myself.


After failing on the mobile site and the regular site, I bolted down to the Ticketek office down the street. Whilst standing in line we got word that they'd released tickets for the 2nd Melbourne show (augh!) so I'm very grateful I had Ticketek good to go on my phone and I managed to score 8 tickets in Section 22, Row R, before I got to the counter.

Once at the counter, I managed to get a single ticket for the first Melbourne show - they haven't printed the section on the ticket (WTF??), but it's Door 16 (!) Section LOWER Row U Seat 338. It was definitely in one of the side sections (6-8 or 18-20) because I remember recognising it straight away as a good section but have now completely forgotten where it was lol

Had no luck getting anything sensible for Sydney or Brisbane at Ticketek - the computers there even had a standard stage layout for Allphones (ie. not the symbol), so that was a serious screw up that I hope hasn't cost anyone any problems.

Got back, rang mum (for the second time this morning), spoke to her for about 5 mins before screaming "Second Sydney show's on sale! Bye!" and hung up on her wink So glad my mum at least partially understands razz

So I got Secion E, row 7 on the floor for the second Sydney show - YES! Best seats so far! While I was there, I somehow managed to score a half-decent seat to the first Sydney show too (Section 42, row C).

So now I have Melbourne and Sydney sorted out - still plotting about Brisbane.

Thinking someone might be up for selling a super-dooper floor/table seat at some point between now and the concerts and if that happens, I might swoop in and grab it.

But the important thing is that I have some tickets after a VERY scary 30mins or so - PHEW!

Well done to all who were successful and condolences to anyone who missed out. The way those puppies sold I would imagine that at the very least, a third Melbourne show is all but guaranteed.

Lake Minnetonka Music:
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Reply #301 posted 04/16/12 1:23am


Got tickets for Brisbane, Section 44 Row U.

I lost count the number of tickets I had but the site kept crashing as I was processing my payment. Section, 50, Section 4, Section 10, Section 19, etc...could've had them all but it crashed as I tried to go through to pay, even though I was logged on already.

Eventually tried on my mobile and got through after a few tries. managed to order tickets there.

Had a look a few mins ago, there seem to be plenty of tickets available for Gold reserve Section, I've been offered a few different ones.

I hope a second date gets added to Brisbane as well as Sydney and Melbourne. I'm coming back from a holiday early to be in Brisbane on the 18th may!

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Reply #302 posted 04/16/12 1:26am


Astasheiks said:

I wonder will Prince do a Variety of Songs or more of a Greatest Hits Concert? razz biggrin

Previous Welcome 2 Tours;

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Reply #303 posted 04/16/12 1:29am



Me and a friend of mine have excess tickets GREAT seats (Purple Reserve) for both nights in Sydney. Org note me if interested.

[Edited 4/15/12 18:38pm]


The feeling you get when...

(you squeeze your balls?) no that's not it...
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Reply #304 posted 04/16/12 1:33am



any idea if there'll be a second Brisbane show?
pray Peace in the House of Prince.
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Reply #305 posted 04/16/12 1:43am


FunkySideEffects said:

any idea if there'll be a second Brisbane show?

No idea, but fingers crossed!

Purple Circle and Silver are sold out. Purple Reserve was down to single seats only a few mins ago, but is back to being available, and Gold reserve are available.

I only wanted Gold anyway...I don't think you get a good view from the more expensive seats. I'd hate to have spent a fortune and be behind the band at the at the O end of the symbol. I was at the O2 and had a great view from the circle...that close to the stage you can't even see the big screens! Plus of course the fact I would never hear the end of it if I spent that amount of money on concert tickets.

Any idea who is supporting him? Or is there no suppoprt?

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Reply #306 posted 04/16/12 1:52am



FunkmasterF said:

FunkySideEffects said:

any idea if there'll be a second Brisbane show?

No idea, but fingers crossed!

Purple Circle and Silver are sold out. Purple Reserve was down to single seats only a few mins ago, but is back to being available, and Gold reserve are available.

I only wanted Gold anyway...I don't think you get a good view from the more expensive seats. I'd hate to have spent a fortune and be behind the band at the at the O end of the symbol. I was at the O2 and had a great view from the circle...that close to the stage you can't even see the big screens! Plus of course the fact I would never hear the end of it if I spent that amount of money on concert tickets.

Any idea who is supporting him? Or is there no suppoprt?

Well I'm just so annoyed at Ticketek - I logged on and managed to get good seats in the gold reserve, then it kicked me out. Finally managed to log back in only to get seats in the upper section s41, so i didn't stop to get different seats and just paid for it thinking i'll be happy with anything. but if the site weren't so fucked up i could have gotten what i first booked.

okay rant over - I really want to buy another gold reserve for a second show as well but doesn't seem to be another one.

Does he normally have supporting acts? and will Andy be there?

pray Peace in the House of Prince.
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Reply #307 posted 04/16/12 1:52am




tickets: http://premier.ticketek.c...h=PRINCE12

He's coming back to Melbourne after Brisbane! excited

Got Section E, row A - YAY!! cloud9

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Reply #308 posted 04/16/12 1:58am


FunkySideEffects said:

FunkmasterF said:

No idea, but fingers crossed!

Purple Circle and Silver are sold out. Purple Reserve was down to single seats only a few mins ago, but is back to being available, and Gold reserve are available.

I only wanted Gold anyway...I don't think you get a good view from the more expensive seats. I'd hate to have spent a fortune and be behind the band at the at the O end of the symbol. I was at the O2 and had a great view from the circle...that close to the stage you can't even see the big screens! Plus of course the fact I would never hear the end of it if I spent that amount of money on concert tickets.

Any idea who is supporting him? Or is there no suppoprt?

Well I'm just so annoyed at Ticketek - I logged on and managed to get good seats in the gold reserve, then it kicked me out. Finally managed to log back in only to get seats in the upper section s41, so i didn't stop to get different seats and just paid for it thinking i'll be happy with anything. but if the site weren't so fucked up i could have gotten what i first booked.

okay rant over - I really want to buy another gold reserve for a second show as well but doesn't seem to be another one.

Does he normally have supporting acts? and will Andy be there?

Exactly the same happened to me. I had tickets for other sections several tiems but got kicked out trying to pay. Upper tier section 41 is fine, he comes over to the sides regularly. I'm in 44. If I had my pick of seats I'd go for Sections 42/42A or 38. That side and down towards the pointy bit. the more expensive seats won't give much of a better view.

When I saw him at the O2 in London he was supproted by Mya one night and Mutya Buena another. They were both actually pretty good! that was af ew years back, but same stage.

Checked again...still no second night at Brisbane sad

[Edited 4/15/12 18:59pm]

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Reply #309 posted 04/16/12 2:02am



FunkmasterF said:

Checked again...still no second night at Brisbane sad

[Edited 4/15/12 18:59pm]

dang. I wish Melbourne wasn't too far away otherwise I'd go down there but too expensive to do that right now. Why do they get all the love sad

oh well, what I save on the second show I'll spend on merch

pray Peace in the House of Prince.
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Reply #310 posted 04/16/12 2:10am



Chiquetet said:


tickets: http://premier.ticketek.c...h=PRINCE12

He's coming back to Melbourne after Brisbane! excited

Got Section E, row A - YAY!! cloud9

Thanks for that tip Chiquetet. Got Block 20 Row H for $179 each. I'll probably be 1 row behind the Purple Reserve seats. biggrin And if it's anything like the O2 layout you don't want to be too low down anyway as the view/sound not as good.

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Reply #311 posted 04/16/12 2:21am


can't beleive there isn't a second show at Brisbane yet...come on folks, if you were thinkging of going, buy your tickets now so a secodn show can be added and I can book my seats for that one!

It's only really the corner sections of the Gold reserver at the back rows which are availablle still, in other words, the worst seats. Don't they realise that most fans have bought their tickets already and will buy them immediately for a second show too!

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Reply #312 posted 04/16/12 2:24am



Chiquetet said:


tickets: http://premier.ticketek.c...h=PRINCE12

He's coming back to Melbourne after Brisbane! excited

Got Section E, row A - YAY!! cloud9

Question now is...... what is he going to do for 2 weeks in between shows!!??

Adelaide, Perth and New Zealand.................. you better start praying, cause there's hope.

IMO. ; )

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Reply #313 posted 04/16/12 2:31am


Hopefully another night at Brisbane! Or recovering from the Brisbane aftershow wink

There are still plenty of the Brisbane Showplus Experience left...I was able to buy 8 a few mins ago (but didn't!) These are a lower Circle seat worth $179 with a Dj for 90 mins, some sandwiches and a cash bar for the extra $200. I wish they would free up these seats to non-hospitality folk.

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Reply #314 posted 04/16/12 2:32am



I ended up getting Purple Reserve tickets, when my initial intention was Gold. The Ticketek stuff was a farce, but it's like that for any concert where there is demand.

My seats at Brisbane are SS6, Row AA. I'd say they will be floor seats at the very front of Purple Reserve, but behind the Purple Circle. I am concerned that being higher up with Gold may have been the better way to go, but it seems I got lucky with a good seat for Purple Reserve. That's the advantage of only needing one ticket, I guess.

We got bugger all time to see a seating plan, then had to make decisions on the spot with the ticket availability, site errors and session time expiring. No regrets!!

More decisions to make if a second show is released though. confused

"Don't abuse children, or else they'll turn out like me."
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Reply #315 posted 04/16/12 2:43am



Just bought Silver tix to the third Melbourne show. I hadn't even realised it was a week after the first shows, which I reckon is great. More time to be hyped between shows wink

Edit - make that 2 weeks. I wonder what's going on with that strange schedule??

[Edited 4/15/12 19:44pm]

Life it ain't real funky unless you got that orgPop.
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Reply #316 posted 04/16/12 4:00am


sabaisabai said:

Just bought Silver tix to the third Melbourne show. I hadn't even realised it was a week after the first shows, which I reckon is great. More time to be hyped between shows wink

Edit - make that 2 weeks. I wonder what's going on with that strange schedule??

[Edited 4/15/12 19:44pm]

Hopefully the start of a mini "Welcome 2 New Zealand tour" with shows at Mt Smart and Vector, both walking distance from my home in Auckland. If it happened it would be his first ever trip here.

Got some kind of love for you, and I don't even know your name
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Reply #317 posted 04/16/12 4:00am



Persistence pays off - 5 hours of clicking on cancel these tickets and try again and then hitting next and FINALLY have the EXACT seats I wanted!! It shouldn't be this effing hard! My bum is numb my mouse hand hurts - But woooooooooooo hooooooooooo - his name is Prince and He is Funky!!

In the distance a light shines and I know it is mine. Someday I will touch it because it calls me. It says cross the line, cross the line. I know everything is not always what it seems, so I pinch myself daily just in case it's a dream
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Reply #318 posted 04/16/12 4:10am



67TBirdHeartAttack said:

Persistence pays off - 5 hours of clicking on cancel these tickets and try again and then hitting next and FINALLY have the EXACT seats I wanted!! It shouldn't be this effing hard! My bum is numb my mouse hand hurts - But woooooooooooo hooooooooooo - his name is Prince and He is Funky!!

Seriously impressed.

Well done biggrin

Lake Minnetonka Music:
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Reply #319 posted 04/16/12 4:13am



67TBirdHeartAttack said:

Persistence pays off - 5 hours of clicking on cancel these tickets and try again and then hitting next and FINALLY have the EXACT seats I wanted!! It shouldn't be this effing hard! My bum is numb my mouse hand hurts - But woooooooooooo hooooooooooo - his name is Prince and He is Funky!!

Which section and row did you get for which night?


The feeling you get when...

(you squeeze your balls?) no that's not it...
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Reply #320 posted 04/16/12 4:19am



I went to see Prince in LA at the Forum maybe 4-5 times last year and in NYC and SF and I paid $25 for many of these seats (INCLUDING ALL TAXES and FEES)..

I can't believe they made almost the entire concert GOLD for $179 and only the back few rows $99.

Its just price gouging and RUDE.

Fair enough if people want to pay insane prices (me included) for floor or very close to the stage but the 3rd elevatin in the back for $179!? What a rip off the Aussies get. 02 in UK was 31.21 GBP and America had $25 seats. The first night I saw him at the Forum on opening night we were front row above the floor in front of the stage for $25.

Unfair... That is all.


The feeling you get when...

(you squeeze your balls?) no that's not it...
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Reply #321 posted 04/16/12 4:25am



Brisbane section 13 front - right where I wanted to be close for the piano piece.

I will be 31 weeks pregnant so needed a seat that I could sit down in betwen bursts of crazy dancing and still see something other than the person in fronts arse!!

I am Delirious!!!

In the distance a light shines and I know it is mine. Someday I will touch it because it calls me. It says cross the line, cross the line. I know everything is not always what it seems, so I pinch myself daily just in case it's a dream
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Reply #322 posted 04/16/12 4:28am



Actually funkylast I have to disagree with you - if they sold the shows for $25 a head here they tour would not be financially viable and therefore would not comer. Do you have any idea how much it costs to ship all that equipment here to Australia! Agreed there is probably a little more wriggle room in that few more silver seats could have been released cutting down the promoters profits a smidge but to expect a tour at $25 to be viable here is unrealistic.

$150-200 is standard price these days pretty much for any major artist here in Aus

In the distance a light shines and I know it is mine. Someday I will touch it because it calls me. It says cross the line, cross the line. I know everything is not always what it seems, so I pinch myself daily just in case it's a dream
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Reply #323 posted 04/16/12 4:30am



67TBirdHeartAttack said:

Persistence pays off - 5 hours of clicking on cancel these tickets and try again and then hitting next and FINALLY have the EXACT seats I wanted!! It shouldn't be this effing hard! My bum is numb my mouse hand hurts - But wooooo hooooo - his name is Prince and He is Funky!!

You must be the coolest mofo I've ever known. I too played concert ticket roulette but after 5 goes I started bricking it and bought the ticket. Still that got me from purple res floor behind the circle to pr floor f just to the right of the arrow head so it paid off. I wanted elevation but didn't want to push it. Im going alone though which is a bit of a pain.
If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #324 posted 04/16/12 4:45am



Lust I am lucky I am only 26 weeks pregnant at the moment or this baby would have been born this morning! I WAS still bricking it, but I just knew how things worked and this shit always happens. I have been buying tickets for almost 30 years (my first gig was Parade in '86).

And you will not be alone, just say hi to the prince family member sitting next to you and make a friend for life!

In the distance a light shines and I know it is mine. Someday I will touch it because it calls me. It says cross the line, cross the line. I know everything is not always what it seems, so I pinch myself daily just in case it's a dream
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Reply #325 posted 04/16/12 4:54am



Why isnt anyone here excited, or at least curious as to what he's gonna do for 2 weeks in between shows!!??

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Reply #326 posted 04/16/12 5:07am



Rustyrek said:

Still no seating plan for Brisbane from ticketek. Poor!

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Reply #327 posted 04/16/12 5:10am


callimnate said:

Why isnt anyone here excited, or at least curious as to what he's gonna do for 2 weeks in between shows!!??

Something has to be planned, a run of aftershows/smaller club gigs. Or maybe he's going to chill out up North before flying down for the 30th.

When I first saw the Wednesday 30th May I thought it must have been a mistake and should have been Wednesday 16th May.

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Reply #328 posted 04/16/12 5:10am


Wow....congrats 2 all of u who already got tix, the extra shows were added pretty fast!! The website looks much better this way... razz

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Reply #329 posted 04/16/12 5:13am



bkw said:

No luck for me. Ticketek crashed and won't let me back in.

bkw .. is that you Brett ?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Prince,Flava Flav,Seal, 3 hour aftershow party,nuff said!" (13/5/12 - Sydney Austra
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