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Thread started 01/28/25 1:18am



Three More To Go

I have three more chemotherapy treatments, the last being March 6. I really hope my subsequent scans show a clean bill of health.

Chemotherapy is no joke. It's rough as fuck. It zaps any strength, taste, energy, and any acuteness you had. It's a wave of decent days, then shit days just after the chemo. I've been given Lorazepam to use for nausea and anxiety; the latter of which is so bad I throw up from the anxiety, not the chemo itself. (They do give me anti-nausea pills - Aprepitant - to combat that.)

Despite how any of us have had words or attitude on here, I don't wish this on anyone here. It's horrible. But it's cureable. My lab work every time I go is excellent; kidney, liver, blood sugar, etc. Numbers are golden. My oncologist has told me, "you're doing great." I wish the rest of me knew that.

My doctor also told me, "you're not unique. People often adapt to the physical first, then the mental catches up with them," which is exactly what's been happening to me.

But I still go into it with a grateful attitude. I have a great team of woment taking care of me (from doctor, nurse, palliative nurse, psychologist, etc).

Chemo is such a huge trauma on the body, you can't estimate how much it's going to fuck with your mind and body like that.

So whatever you believe in, I just ask for continued good vibes and prayers in the last stretch of my final 3 treatments. I need all I can get.

Feb 6

Feb 20

Mar 6

Sorry, it's the Hodgkin's talking.
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Reply #1 posted 01/28/25 3:10am



Thank you for updating us!

You've got this!

Wishing you both, good vibes and Prayers!

I'm anxious to hear the good news you'll have when you get your scans!

Hang in there!

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Reply #2 posted 01/28/25 5:03am



My thoughts and prayers to you. Stay strong
Cant believe my purple psychedelic pimp slap pimp2

And I descend from grace, In arms of undertow
I will take my place, In the great below
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Reply #3 posted 01/28/25 9:18am


You've had a really rough time but from the sounds of it things are going well. Whatever they're doing seems to be working so just stick it out for another month or so and hopefully that will be that. March 6th isn't that far away so you're almost there. And when it's done you've got the summer to look forward to afterwards so start making plans now and really treat yourself. You deserve it after all the shit you've been through. So hang in there just a little longer and then it's party time!
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Reply #4 posted 01/28/25 7:39pm



I certainly add my prayers and best wishes to you for a full recovery. Hang in there!

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #5 posted 01/28/25 9:10pm



You got this, TP!
If i can survive a heart attack, then you can get through this!
i'll admit, overcoming a near-fatal event is a mind trap,
but finding the key to get out will bring you more clarity than you have ever known!!!

"Whatever skin we're in
we all need 2 b friends"
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Reply #6 posted 01/28/25 11:41pm



nayroo2002 said:

You got this, TP!
If i can survive a heart attack, then you can get through this!
i'll admit, overcoming a near-fatal event is a mind trap,
but finding the key to get out will bring you more clarity than you have ever known!!!

Wow, I didn't know that about you. Kudos on making to the other side.

Sorry, it's the Hodgkin's talking.
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Reply #7 posted 01/30/25 7:09am



It's amazing how much we think our bodies can handle as opposed to what they can really handle. It's hard to keep your head while your body is going through psychical trauma but you've got this.

Thanks for the update and I'll keep you in the positive/healing vibes.

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Reply #8 posted 01/30/25 11:54am



Sorry to read this, Ernest. Stay strong!

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Reply #9 posted 02/03/25 12:49am



Glad to hear the treatment is working! But sorry to hear it makes you feel so terrible.

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