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Thread started 04/10/03 5:05pm




BiSexual & Happy...

i've heard that people that were BiSexual STRADDLE the Fence & r just confused. who agrees & disAgrees???
[This message was edited Thu Apr 10 11:40:28 PDT 2003 by PurpleLove7]
Peace ... & Stay Funky ...

~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~
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Reply #1 posted 04/10/03 5:09pm



I don't think that they are confused... I believe that everyone should do what is right for them. If a woman likes other women, great... if a guy likes other guys, great... if they like both, great... if they only like the opposite sex, great.

People are far too worried about who other people fuck.
A Lethal Dose of American Hatred
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Reply #2 posted 04/10/03 5:11pm


I had a thread about this already
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Reply #3 posted 04/10/03 5:12pm



DigitalLisa said:

I had a thread about this already

You have had a thread about everything already!

A Lethal Dose of American Hatred
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Reply #4 posted 04/10/03 5:13pm


IceNine said:

DigitalLisa said:

I had a thread about this already

You have had a thread about everything already!


lol Except for green reptiles
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Reply #5 posted 04/10/03 5:19pm



Oh shit, my hat done fell off
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Reply #6 posted 04/10/03 5:29pm



I've got no idea.

First, we should decide what makes a person a member of a certain sexual orientation -- the natural inclination or the sexual act. I had a relationship with a woman (which included sex) for 10 years, yet I considered myself a closeted homosexual throughout. Did that make me functionally "bi" or just a charading homosexual? Also, while I was born gay, I have heard lesbian friends say they chose to be that way because men had previously treated them poorly in relationships. Where would they fall?

My tendency is to not ascribe a person to any sexual category, but if I were forced, I'd do so along their natural inclination (assuming they report it truthfully), not necessarily their sexual history. From that standpoint, I've been told by some bi friends that they can be wholly fulfilled by romantic relationships with either sex. I can't, but if they say so, who am I to disagree?
Ὅσον ζῇς φαίνου
μηδὲν ὅλως σὺ λυποῦ
πρὸς ὀλίγον ἐστὶ τὸ ζῆν
τὸ τέλος ὁ χρόνος ἀπαιτεῖ.”
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Reply #7 posted 04/10/03 5:31pm



IceNine said:

I don't think that they are confused... I believe that everyone should do what is right for them. If a woman likes other women, great... if a guy likes other guys, great... if they like both, great... if they only like the opposite sex, great.

People are far too worried about who other people fuck.

Yes, indeedy. You hit it right on the nose.
Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, it means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections... unknown
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Reply #8 posted 04/10/03 5:33pm


sag10 said:

Yes, indeedy. You hit it right on the nose.

Sag is Tri-Sexual!
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Reply #9 posted 04/10/03 5:36pm


when I was a young queer, I was very anti-bi biggrin

I really thought these were people that just weren't able to admit to being queer

thank god I grew-up a bit, and became friends with some honestly bisexual people to realize that this is just as "legit" of a sexuality as any other...and it's REALLY none of my business what other people do with their sex life
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Reply #10 posted 04/10/03 5:51pm


Sr. Moderator


PurpleLove7 said:

i've heard that people that were BiSexual STRADDLE the Fence 7 r just confused. who agrees & disAgrees???

I disagree. I've known several openly bisexual people, and I don't think any of them are "confused." In fact, I think they tend to have very healthy and well thought-out attitudes toward sexuality.
Please note: effective March 21, 2010, I've stepped down from my Moderator position.
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Reply #11 posted 04/10/03 6:44pm




it's just a "Question Of U" so 2 speak. i'm OPEN about A LOT but @ the same time i was told this by some1 who was Gay & have been since b4 i was born. i had an old CoWOrker of mine who used 2 tell me that any1 who was BiSexual was "Confused" & he was a certified/had a degree Therapist" (of some sort)... smile
Peace ... & Stay Funky ...

~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~
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Reply #12 posted 04/10/03 6:59pm



S'pose one way to see it is they want the best of both worlds shrug lol

I don't fancy it myself ill
JaneyPoos used to be it... then they changed what it was. Now what I am isn't it and what is it is strange and frightening to me...

I survived the Org Depression Spring 2003
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Reply #13 posted 04/10/03 7:27pm



Lleena said:

sag10 said:

Yes, indeedy. You hit it right on the nose.

Sag is Tri-Sexual!

Yes I am... i tri-sex all the time.. smile
Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, it means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections... unknown
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Reply #14 posted 04/10/03 7:31pm





IceNine said:

I don't think that they are confused... I believe that everyone should do what is right for them. If a woman likes other women, great... if a guy likes other guys, great... if they like both, great... if they only like the opposite sex, great.

People are far too worried about who other people fuck.

nod idea2

Let's all grouphug and then 3way 69 and 3some

[June7, "ModGod"]
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Reply #15 posted 04/10/03 7:51pm


Being a bisexual woman, if I had to be totally honest about it: I prefer sex with a woman but have been unable to find the emotional, intellectual and spiritual connections that I find with my male counterparts. I guess I may be afraid to try to find that with a female.
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Reply #16 posted 04/10/03 7:57pm


No confusion here. I love sucking cock and eating pussy!!
Bisexual? Yep that's me! smile
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Reply #17 posted 04/10/03 9:21pm


Bisexuals usually decide to choose one gender over the other. Example: Elton John was bisexual for years, and even got married, but eventually decided to be gay. George Michael and Freddie Mercury also followed suit. David Bowie did the opposite. An ex of mine (a devout Bowie fan smile ) said that Bowie once described himself as a "closet heterosexual."

There are TRUE bisexuals, but these individuals seem to be rather rare.
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Reply #18 posted 04/10/03 9:48pm


sag10 said:

Lleena said:

sag10 said:

Yes, indeedy. You hit it right on the nose.

Sag is Tri-Sexual!

Yes I am... i tri-sex all the time.. smile

LMAO! lol
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Reply #19 posted 04/10/03 10:34pm


sag10 said:

Lleena said:

sag10 said:

Yes, indeedy. You hit it right on the nose.

Sag is Tri-Sexual!

Yes I am... i tri-sex all the time.. smile

I'm a TRY-sexual and proud of it, man...Whoo-boy...
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Reply #20 posted 04/11/03 2:02am


XXX said:

No confusion here. I love sucking cock and eating pussy!!
Bisexual? Yep that's me! smile

fit...eye knew u were cheating on me...cry

...TEN points from Team Pink...
rainbow Proud Member of the Gay Org Mafia
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Reply #21 posted 04/11/03 2:06am


My personal experience with Bi-Sexuals has been somewhat shakey. I had a male friend n highschool who claimed to b bi-sexual, yet could not get physically aroused by a female. But yet he said that the guys he was around couldn't provide the level of maturity that he looked for in his "dating". As I have grown a lil older I have be-freinded a lot of ppl...some bi/str8/gay/whateverwilllaydownlongenuf2bustanut. It has been my experience that a lot of these "bi" ppl are infact just what they say - "bi". I have a hard time understanding the whole "bi" topic. I have been gay since i can remember, and just can't picture how someone could b both physically & mentally attracted 2 both sexes?...and how could u b more 2 one than the other?...what kind of life would u live?...U would have sex with someone who could meet ur physical needs yet b left emotionally void?...just my could b wrong hmm

...TEN points from Team Pink...
rainbow Proud Member of the Gay Org Mafia
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Reply #22 posted 04/11/03 2:29am


Bisexuality does not equate Monogamy. If you choose to cheat on someone Female or Male, then you cheat. And I am not cheating on you Alex!!! But, I have had a few offers..heheheh kisseslick3some
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Reply #23 posted 04/11/03 2:36am


XXX said:

Bisexuality does not equate Monogamy. If you choose to cheat on someone Female or Male, then you cheat. And I am not cheating on you Alex!!! But, I have had a few offers..heheheh kisseslick3some

well...i will send yo 19 chil'rens 2 live wit u then...nod...johnwoo...I been tryin 2 raise these mofo's on yo foodstamp card and all u do is leave me for some sushi...omfg...I can't believe it...cry...& i thought u heart me...cry

...TEN points from Team Pink...
rainbow Proud Member of the Gay Org Mafia
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Reply #24 posted 04/11/03 2:44am


alexnevermind319 said:

XXX said:

Bisexuality does not equate Monogamy. If you choose to cheat on someone Female or Male, then you cheat. And I am not cheating on you Alex!!! But, I have had a few offers..heheheh kisseslick3some

well...i will send yo 19 chil'rens 2 live wit u then...nod...johnwoo...I been tryin 2 raise these mofo's on yo foodstamp card and all u do is leave me for some sushi...omfg...I can't believe it...cry...& i thought u heart me...cry

but hey...If u cheatin on me wit JD then bring him on home honey...we take care of dat 2getha...oral...3some...dancing jig...heart ya _XXX_

...TEN points from Team Pink...
rainbow Proud Member of the Gay Org Mafia
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Reply #25 posted 04/11/03 3:22am


I guess I could be considered bi, though I have pretty much given up on putting myself in a box that way. I am attracted to people, not genders. I have had physically intimate relationships with both men and women. I think I tend to have more chemistry, emotional and physical, with men, but there are exceptions. I'm open to any positive relationship. What does that make me? Damned if I know. But I don't think "confused" would be the right word.
[This message was edited Thu Apr 10 20:23:12 PDT 2003 by tackam]
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Reply #26 posted 04/11/03 6:53am


I think this is just another example of segregation. Everyone wants to classify someone as something and put them into some status or class or group. How about you be honest to yourself and I'll be honest to myself and we will meet somewhere in the middle with a smile?

IceNine said:

People are far too worried about who other people fuck.

Man, that is so true. Just keep it clean and keep it respectful, the rest is your own business!
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Reply #27 posted 04/11/03 6:55am



tackam said:

I guess I could be considered bi, though I have pretty much given up on putting myself in a box that way. I am attracted to people, not genders. I have had physically intimate relationships with both men and women. I think I tend to have more chemistry, emotional and physical, with men, but there are exceptions. I'm open to any positive relationship. What does that make me? Damned if I know. But I don't think "confused" would be the right word.
[This message was edited Thu Apr 10 20:23:12 PDT 2003 by tackam]

Hey tackam, ever do the dreads?
I mean, like, where is the sun?
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Reply #28 posted 04/11/03 8:28am


I have friends who are bi...they are some of the most open-minded, coolest people I know smile
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Reply #29 posted 04/11/03 8:35am


SonnySixkiller said:

Bisexuals usually decide to choose one gender over the other. Example: Elton John was bisexual for years, and even got married, but eventually decided to be gay. George Michael and Freddie Mercury also followed suit. David Bowie did the opposite. An ex of mine (a devout Bowie fan smile ) said that Bowie once described himself as a "closet heterosexual."

There are TRUE bisexuals, but these individuals seem to be rather rare.

Wasn't it David Bowie who once said that he was "trisexual...I would try anything"? smile
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