Mimi1956, Your Daughter's chart info. Her South Node is in Aquarius. She has karma with you and other Aquarians. Maybe that is why you and she may not always get along? Her Rising sign is 24 Virgo, Taurus sub-influence. Moon 15 Pisces. Sun 19 Taurus, Virgo sub-influence. Mercury 3 Taurus. Venus 2 Cancer. Mars 28 Libra. The Taurus influences makes her stubborn. Her Mars is 2 deg away from being in Scorpio. Adds to her stubborn side and she is tempermental. Other than that, you and she should get allong from the water elements and earth elements. | |
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Mumio, Sun: personality. Sun 23 deg Sagittarius, 3rd Decanate: You are a Sagittarius with a sub-influence of Leo in your personality. Jupiter and the Sun rule your sign. You have a magnetic personality, charming and witty. You are social, gregarious and bright. You are gifted with intuition and insight. You have a deep capacity for learning and discovering deeper meanings. You enjoy travel amd meeting new people. Teaching and writing may interest you. You have a refined and elegant nature that responds to art and beauty. Continued... | |
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SomethingLikeamuse, Planets in the Signs: Sun 25 Aries, 3rd Decanate, Sagittarius sub-influence. Moon 24 Taurus. Mercury 13 Taurus. Venus 2 Gemini. Mars 7 Taurus. Jupiter in Sagittarius. Saturn in Scorpio. Uranus in Sagittarius. Neptune in Sagittarius. Pluto in Libra. North Node in Gemini. South Node in Sagittarius. Chiron in Taurus. 12th House,Cancer cusp. You were born on a Friday, your having a giving nature. Your marriage house is ruled by Leo. A leo is compatible for marriage. Their Moon should be in earth or water for added compatibility. Your Rising, Sun are in fire signs. Your Venus is in air. You are attracted to/attract, get along with the fire and air signs. Your Moon, Mercury and Mars are in Taurus. You are attracted to/attract, get along with the earth signs. You have karma with some Cancer and Sagittarius people. Gemins will help you. The Fire signs will bring you luck and you will attract extra luck when the Sun transits Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The month and week of your birthday is also lucky for you. Next, Sun sign info... | |
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Planets in the signs info. Cancer Rising 6 deg, 1st decanate. Sun 19 Cancer, 2nd decanate, Scorpio sub-influence. Moon 2 Libra. Mars 10 Libra. Venus 15 Leo. Mercury 5 Leo. Jupiter in Aquarius. Saturn in Aries. Uranus in Aquarius. Neptune in Capricorn. Pluto in Sagittarius. North Node 21 Virgo. South Node 21 Pisces. Chiron 25 Libra. 12th House cusp, Gemini. You were born on a Friday, your personality is free and giving. Capricorn rules your marriage house. A Capricorn is compatible for marriage. If his Moon is in an air sign, the compatibility will be stronger. You are compatible with the water and earth signs in love, friendship and business. You are also compatible with the air and water signs in love, friendship or business. Jupiter in Aquarius. The air signs will bring you luck. You will attract extra luck when the Sun transits Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. You have karma with some Gemini and Pisces individuals. Virgos will help you. Your Rising and Sun in Cancer gives you great intuition and psychic abilities. Pay attention to your dreams. You are also very creative and have artistic/musical talents. Next, Sun sign info... [Edited 7/2/16 19:08pm] | |
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SomethingLikeaMuse, Sun: personality. Sun 25 Aries. Cusp of Taurus: you are an Aries with Taurus tendencies. You are determined and can be stubborn. You finish what you start. You like to be in charge. You are irritated by disorder and sloppiness. Emotions are a dominant factor in your life. People know that they can always get an honest reaction from you. You have strong feelings, whether it be anger, joy or love. The 3rd decanate of Aries: You have a sub-influence of Sagittarius in your personality. Mars and Jupiter rule over your sign. Keyword: foresight. You are ambitious, fond of travel and have a broad outlook on life. You resent restriction of any kind and prize your personal freedom. Working in a creative field may interest you. You may prefer to be in charge of others. You enjoy learning about different subjects. The occult may also interest you. You are shrewd and clever in business matters. Your intuition is strong. You are warmhearted and genial. You make friends easily. Continued... | |
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AnonymousFan, Sun: personality. Sun 19 Cancer, 2nd Decanate: You are a Cancer with a sub-influence of Scorpio in your personality. The Moon and Pluto rule your sign. Keyword: intensity. You have a forceful yet thoughtful personality. You are mystical and interested in things unseen. People are drawn to your sensitivity, and they often tell you their secrets. You like to learn are curious and intuitive. In work you are disciplined and practical. In love matters, you are emotional, sentimental, loving, caring and loyal. You have a stubborn side. Next, sun in the 1st House... | |
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AnonymousFan, The 1st House: the self, health. Sun in the 1st House: the Sun here gives you strength, general good health and a radiant nature. You are strong willed and energetic. You are confident and make a good first impression on others. You are generally cheerful. You will receive respect from your peers. Success and prestige in your career is likely. Next, Cancer Rising... | |
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Mumio, The 6th House: work, health matters. Sagittarius, 6th House Cusp: you have a wiry yet healthy body. A serious depletion of health can occur if you become over-active, over-excited as a result of a period of mental-emotional strain. Take breaks between work for fun and physical/mental rest. Monitor your health and diet. In work, you hate monotony, and you need as much variety as possible. Otherwise you will get restless and unmotivated. Work that brings out your adventurous and curious side is ideal for you. Sun in the 6th House: you are a hard worker and like to do things well. You have high standards. Compatible co-workers and employess is important. You like to learn about different subjects. Teaching may interest you. You may work in two different jobs. Next, Uranus in the 1st House... | |
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If anyone wants me to interpret their chart, send me an orgnote with the City, time and birthdate info. | |
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Interesting, thanks so much Dalia11. Love hearing this info as I've never heard any of it before Welcome to "the org", Mumio…they can have you, but I'll have your love in the end | |
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Pandaleka, Planets in the signs info... You were born a Saturday. People born on Saturday's are known to be hard working. Rising sign, 2 deg Aquarius. Sun 3 Gemini, 1st decanate of Gemini. Moon 26 Sagittarius. Venus 16 Gemini. Mars 20 Virgo. Mercury 7 Taurus. Jupiter in Aquarius. Saturn in Aries. Uranus in Aquarius. Pluto in Sagittarius. North Node in Virgo. South Node in Pisces. Chiron in Libra. Your House of marriage and business partnerships is ruled by Leo. A Leo is compatible for marriage and business partnerships. If his Moon is in a fire or air sign, the compatibility will be stronger. Your Rising, Sun and Venus are in the air signs. You are attracted to, get along well, work well, have common interests with air sign people. Your Moon is in Sagittarius. You are attracted to, get along with fire signs. Your Mars and Mercury are in the eath signs. You are also attracted to, get along with the earth signs. Your Jupiter is in Aquarius. The air signs will bring you luck. You will attract luck when the Sun is transiting Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. You have karma to pay or receive from some Pisces and Capricorns. Virgos will help you. Next, info about your sun sign... | |
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Pandaleka, Sun: personality. Sun 3 Gemini. Cusp of Taurus: you are a Gemini with Taurus tendencies. You are inquisitive and changeable. You also have a stubborn streak and are not easily moved off your course. At times you can become irritable when others do not measure up to your expectations. Generally, you deal tactfully with others and you have many friends. You have artistic abilities. You make a marvelous first impression. First decanate of Gemini: Mercury is your ruler and subruler. Mercury is very strong in your chart. Keyword: Ingenuity. Your mind is sharp. You enjoy new ideas and look for chances to express yourself. You have a forceful personality because you are able to decide quickly and then act. Logic and rationality are two rules you live by. You try not to cloud issues by sentimentalizing them. This is not to say that you do not have warm feelings. You have a unique capacity for forming close relationships. When You love someone, you tend to involve yourself completely in that person's affairs. You may secretly worry and fret too much. Next, Sun in the 1st House... | |
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Pandaleka, The 4th House: home life, a parent, the later years. Taurus, 23, 4th House Cusp: You are creative and artistic in your home. Beauty, luxury and comfort is important to you. You are protective towards your family. You will have a stable home life. Financial matters may play a prominent part in the trend of affairs in your home. You will likely travel quite a bit during your later years. And the conditions promise to be fortunate. You will maintain your vitality and energy in your later years. Sun in the 4th House: you take pride in your home and family. From the time you were young you had a deep need to establish roots. One or both of your parents were a dominant influence in your life. You may have had to struggle for independence. You will be frequently involved in important matters concerning your family. The Sun here will assist you in matters concerning Your property and it's welfare. The warmth and security of your home is very important to you. You need to know that you can depend on your family for comfort and protection. Your parents will always be important in your life. Their attitudes and ways of doing things will have a tremendous impact on you. You are generally quiet with strong feelings. You need time alone. No one can ever force you to do something that you don't want to do. You will be successful in your career. You have your own inner standards to live up to. You like to care for and protect people. Next, Aquarius Rising... | |
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Is "karma" a bad thing to have with people? | |
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It depends on the person and the past life/lives issue. With some people, there will be fighting or competition. And friendship, love, happiness with others. I collect tarot decks. I will be buying decks to interpret karma and past life events. | |
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Xarina, Planets in the signs. You were born on a Friday, you are kind and giving. Pisces Rising 1 deg. Sun 5 Pisces. Venus 13 Pisces. Mercury 3 Pisces. Moon 22 Virgo. Mars 22 Cancer. Jupiter 26 Gemini. Saturn in Leo. Uranus in Scorpio. Neptune in Sagittarius. Pluto in Libra. North Node in Libra. South Node in Aries. Chiron in Taurus. Capricorn 12th House. You have five major planets in water signs. You are very intuitive, psychic, creative and imaginative. You are sensitive to people and your surroundings. Stay away from negative people/situations. You need time alone to think and rest. You have karma with some Capricorn and Aries people. Libras will help you. The air signs will bring you luck. You will attract luck when the Sun transits Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Virgo is your marriage and business partnerships House. Virgo is compatible for marriage or business partnerships. If his Moon is in water or earth, the compatibility will be stronger. You are attracted to, get along with, work well with the water signs and the earth signs. Next, info about your Sun sign... | |
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BigTimeFan, Planets in the signs info. Sun 26 Taurus, 3rd Decanate, Capricorn sub-influence. Sun on the cusp of Gemini. Venus 24 Gemini. Mercury 17 Gemini. Moon 10 Scorpio. Mars 21 Aries. Jupiter 9 Pisces. Saturn 11 Aquarius. Uranus 26 Leo. Neptune 11 Scorpio. Pluto 7 Virgo. North Node 12 Leo. South Node 12 Aquarius. Chiron 10 Pisces. You were born on a Friday, you are free and giving. You are creative, innovative, imaginative, curious, versatile and fond of learning. Your Moon in Scorpio, Jupiter in Pisces, Chiron in Pisces, and Neptune in Scorpio gives you great intuition and psychic abilities. Pay attention to your dreams. You have karma with some Aquarians. Leos will help you. The water signs will bring you luck. You will attract luck when the Sun is transiting Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. You are attracted to, get along with the earth and water signs. You are also attracted to, get along with the air and fire signs. Your Sun is on the cusp of Gemini, have Venus and Mercury in Gemini. You have a strong Gemini influence in your personality. You have alot in common with Geminis. A Gemini with his Moon in water or earth would be very compatible with you. Next, Sun sign info... | |
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BigTimeFan, Sun: personality. Sun 26 Taurus, 3rd Decanate and Cusp of Gemini. Cusp of Gemini: you are a Taurus with Gemini tendencies. You are ambitious, have strong will power, imaginative and intellectual. You have an attractive personality and possess a special persuasive touch that works well with people. You like to deal in a straight-foward manner because you prefer to cut through deception or secretiveness and lay things out in the open. You dislike taking orders. Words come easily to you. The 3rd Decanate of Taurus, Capricorn sub-influence. Keyword: determination. Venus is your ruler and Saturn is your sub-ruler. You have some Capricorn traits to your personality. You have a strong and determined personality. You are stable, reliable, and not easily deterred one you are set on a goal. You have an active mind and are keenly observant. Usually you deal with problems by thoroughly analyzing them before you act. You are not wishy-washy about letting others know where you stand. You would rather confront a difficulty than evade and worry about it. You have strong and deep feelings. You are romantic, loyal and protective in relationships. Next, planets in the elements... | |
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Xarina, Sun: personality. Sun 5 Pisces, 1st Decanate. Neptune is your ruler and sub-ruler. Keyword: Imagination. You have creative and artistic skills. You have a talent for expressing your inner thoughts. You are particularly sensitive to the people with whom you share your life. Discord is unbearable to you, and you will do your best to shield yourself from unpleasantness. Your keen mind is open to ideas and personal achievement is important to you. Often you must struggle to accentuate positiveness instead of letting negative feelings overwhelm you. Next, Pisces Rising... | |
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StrangeButTrue, Planets in the signs info. Scorpio Rising 19 deg, 2nd Decanate, Pisces sub-influence. Sun 8 Capricorn, 1st Decanate. Mercury 19 Capricorn. Moon 22 Aquarius. Venus 8 Aquarius. Mars 6 Libra. Jupiter in Scorpio. Saturn in Libra. Uranus in Sagittarius. Neptune in Sagittarius. Pluto in Libra. North Node in Cancer. South Node in Capricorn. Libra 12th House. Chiron in Taurus. You have karma with some Capricorn and Libras. Cancer people will help you. The water signs will bring you luck. You will attract extra luck when the Sun is transiting the water signs. Taurus rules your marriage and business partnerships House. A Taurus is compatible for marriage or business. If she has her Moon in an air sign, the compatibility will be stronger. You are attracted to, get along with the earth and water signs. You are also attracted to, get along with the air signs. You were born on a Wednesday, you are merry and glad. Next, Sun in Capricorn... | |
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StrangeButTrue, Sun: personality. Sun 8 Capricorn, 1st Decanate: Saturn is your ruler and sub-ruler. You are responsible, precise, orderly and complete tasks well. Once you have set your mind on a goal, you are relentless and determined. There is a quiet force to your personality and people are always aware of your presence. You are both subtle and aggressive. Ambition motivates you. Love will bring out your affectionate, passionate and demonstrative nature. Next, Sun in the 3rd House... | |
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StrangeButTrue, The 2nd House: finances, resources of the self. Sagittarius, 19 deg, 2nd House Cusp: Money matters will be reasonably progressive and you will be subject to good luck and good fortune. Your income can be derived from a variety of sources. You may work in two or more different jobs. You are expansive, cooperative and generous. Be cautious to not lose a substantial amount of money as a result of being too generous. Sun in the 2nd House: you will have relative success in financial endeavors. You are generous. Benefit or recognition of effort and ability will come from people in authoritative and influential positions. Money will be gained through proper assertion of authority and the holding of important positions. People will respect you and your prestige will be enhanced. You like to own things and may collect items. Next, Scorpio Rising... | |
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StrangeButTrue, Rising sign: outer personality, appearance, how others see you. Scorpio Rising 19, 2nd Decanate, Pisces sub-influence. Pluto and Neptune rule your Rising sign and will have a strong influence in your chart. You are intuitive, psychic, creative and imaginative. You are mysterious, slow-moving, evolutionary and determined. You are strong willed, consistent and persistent. You are gregarious, outgoing and friendly. There are things about your life that you like to keep private. You are introspective, analytical and perceptive. You have strong emotions. You are able to compromise and work well with others. You may have an affinity for water, like to swim, etc. The Neptune influence adds to your attractive appearance. Your height may be average. Your eyes are magnetic, round and shine brilliantly. Your voice has a deep strong tone. Your nose may be aquiline or concave. You like quality clothes and care about your appearance. Your walk seems to have a bounce or swing to it. Next, Moon in Aquarius... | |
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Thanks so much Dalia11 for all your work and knowledge on this. . Mine was eerily accurate, and it's made me question my previous perceptions. . My question is: do you think one's personality, outlook, etc. are formed via their family, dna, culture, environment, etc. or is it predisposed because of their birth-date, sign, etc? . Thanks in advance. Eventually every cloud runs out of rain. | |
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A person's personality is influenced by his/her natal chart. And family, environment can also have influence on a person's personality. | |
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StrangeButTrue, Moon: love, emotions, mother. Moon 22 Aquarius: you are idealistic, creative, tolerant, a humanitarian and have a progressive outlook. You are fond of travel, projects and meeting people. You are independent, charming and future oriented. You are rational, intuitive and imaginative. Your senses are well balanced and accurate. You are a visionary. You have a wonderful gift for expression. You are a witty conversationalist and a delightful companion. You are people-oriented, sociable, outgoing, and interested in people's problems. You like mental stimulation, learning, ideas and philosophy. Art, music and literature are appealing to you. You are well rounded intellectually. You have a wide range of interests in many different fields and associate with a large number of varied people. Aquarius is the sign of future knowledge and with your Moon here, you are interested in the unknown and what lies ahead. Your intuition is strong. In love, you are romantic. You need independence, friendship and mental rapport to be happy in a relationship. You are clever, an individual, innovative. This is an excellent placement for performing artists. Next, Moon in the 3rd House... | |
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StrangeButTrue, The 3rd House: communication, learning, writing, siblings, short distance travel, neighbors. Capricorn 25 deg, 3rd House Cusp: You plan ahead and pursue your ideas with determination. You are very studious. Whatever subject you want to learn, you will study it until you are proficient in it. You are ambitious. You have a strong memory and a great capacity for memorizing important facts. You are generally cautious and conservative when communicating. Moon in the 3rd House: the Moon here indicates a considerable amount of travel. The travel will be mostly for work. You are imaginative and learn fast. You like to talk about your feelings and you do not hide how you feel. When you feel sad, you let others know. If you have siblings, you should have a close bond with them. Next, Uranus in the 1st House... | |
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StrangeButTrue, The 1st House: the self. Uranus: the unexpected, innovation. Uranus in the 1st House: you are independent, creative and original. You are bright and clever. You are able to make quick decisions and then take action. You will experience sudden changes in life and some of the changes may not be pleasant. If you are able to accept the changes, you will get through any difficulties that may occur. You have innovative ideas. You tend to get restless and like your freedom. You like to do things your own way and can be unconventional. You will rebel if you do not agree with something. Spiritual and occult subjects interest you. Next, Uranus in Sagittarius... | |
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StrangeButTrue, Uranus 2 Sagittarius: you are pioneering, adventurous and independent. Again, you will rebel if something is not right to you. You are restless, proud and courageous. You tend to have an unconventional point of view. When you travel, unexpected events or new people will bring opportunity to you. Uranus here gives you great intuition and prophetic vision. You are imaginative and inventive. You are interested in new ideas. You are idealistic. You are fond of new philosophies and will question all accepted traditions and ideals. | |
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Mumio, Moon: emotions. Moon 29 Taurus: you are artistic, determined, trustworthy and industrious. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, a positive aspect. You have good powers of concentration, are generally reflective and quiet. You think things through before you act. You are resourceful and good at budgeting money. You are practical, positive, methodical, patient and responsible. You are romantic, sensual, elegant and have a distinctive style of dressing. You like luxury and serenity. You are loyal and are happiest in a close, committed union. You want your mate to be loyal in return. Love and security is important to you. Next, Moon in the 11th House... | |
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