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Thread started 03/08/16 2:22am



The 20 Best Cereals, In Order

The 20 Best Cereals, In Order


Breakfast cereal is one of those great equalizers in life, that can help you find something in common with just about anyone. Our team comes from totally opposite corners of the country, we're all a few years apart from each other in age and grew up in wildly different households. Guess what thing we all did? Ate cereal for breakfast.

We've already laid out the worst cereals of all time, and recommended that you not stuff any of that garbage in your face -- especially not first thing in the morning. Today, I'm tackling the best cereals, in order. Just to be clear: none of the cereals below are bad or "worst." They are all breakfasts I'd happily engage in on a regular basis. This list has absolutely nothing to do with health benefits -- there is a lot of sugar present.

Also, if you don't see a cereal on this list or on the worst list, that means that it is a middling, forgettable cereal, regardless of its marketing prowess or ubiquity -- I'm looking at you, Cheerios.

  • 20 Waffle Crisp
    Obviously I am aware of the fact that this is a disgusting choice. That is why they are the worst of the best. A bowl of these little fake maple bombs probably contains more sugar than a bowl of ice cream. But I ate the hell out of them when I was a teenager and I would probably still do it.
  • 19 Corn Flakes
    Not exciting, but sometimes really satisfying.
  • 18 Grape-Nuts
    Look, you can throw rocks at me about this if you want to, but I know there are other secret Grape-Nut lovers out there with me. United we stand, you guys.
  • 17 Frankenberry
    Definitely the best of the seasonal Halloween Monster cereals.
  • 16 Corn Pops
    These are the weirdest shape and harken back to a time where eating a bowl full of corn for breakfast seemed like a great idea.
  • 15 Raisin Bran
    When you want Raisin Bran, there is no other cereal that will satisfy you.
  • 14 Cinnamon Toast Crunch
    When I was a kid I used to think to myself, "When I'm a grown up, I'm going to eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch whenever I want to, since my mom won't let me eat it for breakfast." I don't, but I could.
  • 13 Cinnamon Chex
    As one of our editors put it, "so much cinnamon, you actually kind of choke on it."
  • 12 Life
    I will never understand what makes these weird little boxes of grains taste so delicious. There is something about the way the milk gets trapped inside each one that makes them stand out.
  • 11 Cinnamon Life
    Ditto that last thing, but plus cinnamon.
  • 10 Froot Loops
    Still the best cereal to make a necklace out of, ever.
  • 9 Apple Jacks
    Like Froot Loops, just better-tasting.
  • 8 Kix
    These somehow managed to be a perennial favorite in my house, despite the fact that they weren't loaded with sugar. Plus, they are basically the anti-Cocoa Puff, which earns them extra points in my book.
  • 7 Lucky Charms
    Lucky Charms is tricky because it's one half best cereal of all time, and one half worst. Those marshmallows are ethereal, but could they possibly find a way to make the wheat shapes less delicious?
  • 6 Golden Grahams
    These taste like eating a bowl of graham crackers in milk. You really can't go wrong. They are also one of the only foods on earth I would ever describe as "slimy in a good way."
  • 5 Crispix
    This is a total Chex rip-off, but somehow they did it better. Did anyone else eat these by trying to bite them rice half clean off the corn half?
  • 4 Honey Graham Oh's
    Questionable apostrophe usage aside, this is one of the most delicious cereals of all time. I have not eaten this cereal in probably a decade, which is going to change asap. How can they stuff so much magic inside those tiny Os?
  • 3 Quisp
    If you have never eaten Quisp, you need to get on it. It's basically a kinder, gentler Cap'n Crunch that doesn't cut the roof of your mouth to shreds. Plus that is the best mascot for any product I can think of.
  • 2 Honey Nut Clusters
    Rumor has it that the modern iteration of this cereal has removed actual nuts from the equation. That is not cool, guys. This almost holds the top spot in my heart for the way we used to be. Clusters: I am still carrying a torch for you, if you can get your act together.
  • 1 Frosted Flakes
    Around here, we like to say that classics are classics for a reason. When I think of breakfast cereal, this is what I think of.

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #1 posted 03/08/16 2:23am



[Edited 3/7/16 18:24pm]

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #2 posted 03/08/16 3:44am



1. Rice Chex

2. Special K

3. Grapenuts Flakes

4. Life

5. Capn' Crunch

6. Corn Pops

7. Apple Jacks

8. Apple Cinnamon Cheerios

9. Honeycombs

10. Kix

Fruit Loops, Frosted Flakes, and Cocoa Puffs are overrated.

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Reply #3 posted 03/08/16 4:10am




"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #4 posted 03/08/16 5:45am


Cocoa Krispies, Fruity Pebbles and Cap'n crunch Peanut butter crunch are my favorite cereals.
Love41Another 💜
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Reply #5 posted 03/08/16 8:26am


I hate those really sweet cereals. Its like eating a bowl of sugar. I don't know how anyone does it. Give me regular cornflakes any day.
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Reply #6 posted 03/08/16 12:01pm



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Reply #7 posted 03/08/16 12:02pm



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Reply #8 posted 03/08/16 12:35pm



my favorite breakfast cereal drool


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Reply #9 posted 03/08/16 12:36pm



lol lol lol was this a real thing?????


purplethunder3121 said:

[Edited 3/7/16 18:24pm]

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Reply #10 posted 03/08/16 1:45pm


kpowers said:

Best cereal box EVER
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Reply #11 posted 03/08/16 1:48pm



This is one of the tastiest and healthiest cereals you can find.

(I know this is not about health but about the taste but...they taste delicious, too).

These are also among my favorites but I rarely eat them due to the extremely high sugar content. Sugar Smacks (or Honey Smacks, or just Smacks). VERY yummy and they always take me back to my childhood. But the sugar in them is just too much so I only eat them every once in a blue moon.

" I´d rather be a stank ass hoe because I´m not stupid. Oh my goodness! I got more drugs! I´m always funny dude...I´m hilarious! Are we gonna smoke?"
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Reply #12 posted 03/08/16 1:55pm



And the most horrible cereals ever:

Such blandness. Just....boring!

" I´d rather be a stank ass hoe because I´m not stupid. Oh my goodness! I got more drugs! I´m always funny dude...I´m hilarious! Are we gonna smoke?"
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Reply #13 posted 03/08/16 1:59pm


KoolEaze said:

And the most horrible cereals ever:

Such blandness. Just....boring!

I didn't know the guy from Space Jam had his own cereal razz
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Reply #14 posted 03/08/16 3:58pm



XxAxX said:

lol lol lol was this a real thing?????


purplethunder3121 said:

[Edited 3/7/16 18:24pm]

Yup. lol My son wanted to try it out because of Urkel but the cereal tasted nasty. razz

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #15 posted 03/08/16 6:53pm



EmmaMcG said:

KoolEaze said:

And the most horrible cereals ever:

Such blandness. Just....boring!

I didn't know the guy from Space Jam had his own cereal razz

And I didn´t know that Larry Bird was in Space Jam. lol

But....Michael Jordan, another guy from Space Jam, also had his own Wheaties cereal box.

" I´d rather be a stank ass hoe because I´m not stupid. Oh my goodness! I got more drugs! I´m always funny dude...I´m hilarious! Are we gonna smoke?"
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Reply #16 posted 03/08/16 8:04pm



I'd put Robin Hood Large Flake Oatmeal at the top of my list. Since I swore off sugary cereals my cholesterol has been good.

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Reply #17 posted 03/08/16 8:38pm



7thday said:

I'd put Robin Hood Large Flake Oatmeal at the top of my list. Since I swore off sugary cereals my cholesterol has been good.

Do you think that eating less sugar has decreased your bad cholesterol levels?

This sounds interesting. I´ve read something similar last week in an article that mentioned a link between refined carbs and high cholesterol.

" I´d rather be a stank ass hoe because I´m not stupid. Oh my goodness! I got more drugs! I´m always funny dude...I´m hilarious! Are we gonna smoke?"
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Reply #18 posted 03/08/16 8:45pm



I'm sorry, but the best cereal ever is Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter. hmph!

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #19 posted 03/08/16 10:29pm


As for the basic cereals, I think Cheerios takes the crown, but I'd put Grape Nuts, Corn Flakes and Kix in the hunt. Also good are Raisin Bran and Product 19.

As for sugary cereals, I'd take Frosted Mini-Wheats, Cocoa Krispies, Sugar Corn Pops.

My favorite bad cereals when I was a kid included Frosted Flakes/Krispies, Apple Jacks, Boo Berry, Fruit Loops, and Captain Crunch, but the best ones also tore up the roof of my mouth.

Good night, sweet Prince | 7 June 1958 - 21 April 2016

Props will be withheld until the showing and proving has commenced. -- Aaron McGruder
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Reply #20 posted 03/09/16 4:41am



What ever happened to crispy critters? They were a good wholesome bucnch. It was a low sugar cereal with LOTS of ca-runch! I remember it being indubitably delicious.
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Reply #21 posted 03/09/16 10:10am



ain't no Cereal like Rice Krispies Treats cereal...Doesn't get soggy fast so there's no rush and you feel Sexy with every spoonful...

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Reply #22 posted 03/09/16 11:32am



namepeace said:

As for the basic cereals, I think Cheerios takes the crown, but I'd put Grape Nuts, Corn Flakes and Kix in the hunt. Also good are Raisin Bran and Product 19.

As for sugary cereals, I'd take Frosted Mini-Wheats, Cocoa Krispies, Sugar Corn Pops.

My favorite bad cereals when I was a kid included Frosted Flakes/Krispies, Apple Jacks, Boo Berry, Fruit Loops, and Captain Crunch, but the best ones also tore up the roof of my mouth.

product 19? sounds like a product of the space race.

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Reply #23 posted 03/09/16 6:43pm


BobGeorge909 said:

namepeace said:

As for the basic cereals, I think Cheerios takes the crown, but I'd put Grape Nuts, Corn Flakes and Kix in the hunt. Also good are Raisin Bran and Product 19.

As for sugary cereals, I'd take Frosted Mini-Wheats, Cocoa Krispies, Sugar Corn Pops.

My favorite bad cereals when I was a kid included Frosted Flakes/Krispies, Apple Jacks, Boo Berry, Fruit Loops, and Captain Crunch, but the best ones also tore up the roof of my mouth.

product 19? sounds like a product of the space race.

lol Kelloggs' version of Total. They still sell it and it kind of does remind you of prepackaged breakfast (goes perfectly with Orange Tang). I had family that worked in the Kelloggs plant so we ate a lot of cereal growing up.

I was also a fan of Corn Bran.

Good night, sweet Prince | 7 June 1958 - 21 April 2016

Props will be withheld until the showing and proving has commenced. -- Aaron McGruder
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Reply #24 posted 03/09/16 7:46pm



namepeace said:

BobGeorge909 said:

namepeace said:

As for the basic cereals, I think Cheerios takes the crown, but I'd put Grape Nuts, Corn Flakes and Kix in the hunt. Also good are Raisin Bran and Product 19.

As for sugary cereals, I'd take Frosted Mini-Wheats, Cocoa Krispies, Sugar Corn Pops.

My favorite bad cereals when I was a kid included Frosted Flakes/Krispies, Apple Jacks, Boo Berry, Fruit Loops, and Captain Crunch, but the best ones also tore up the roof of my mouth.

product 19? sounds like a product of the space race.

lol Kelloggs' version of Total. They still sell it and it kind of does remind you of prepackaged breakfast (goes perfectly with Orange Tang). I had family that worked in the Kelloggs plant so we ate a lot of cereal growing up.

I was also a fan of Corn Bran.

Yeah...tbh...I vaguely remembered it.
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Reply #25 posted 03/09/16 8:00pm



namepeace said:

BobGeorge909 said:

product 19? sounds like a product of the space race.

lol Kelloggs' version of Total. They still sell it and it kind of does remind you of prepackaged breakfast (goes perfectly with Orange Tang). I had family that worked in the Kelloggs plant so we ate a lot of cereal growing up.

I was also a fan of Corn Bran.

In Battle Creek, Michigan?

There´s a Kellogg´s plant over here, too. Very close to where I live. wink

How come nobody´s mentioned Smacks besides me?

Do you like Smacks? Are they still called Sugar Smacks over there, or Honey Smacks, or just Smacks?

They´re the best but I don´t eat them anymore.....too much sugar.

" I´d rather be a stank ass hoe because I´m not stupid. Oh my goodness! I got more drugs! I´m always funny dude...I´m hilarious! Are we gonna smoke?"
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Reply #26 posted 03/09/16 8:24pm



Chancellor said:

ain't no Cereal like Rice Krispies Treats cereal...Doesn't get soggy fast so there's no rush and you feel Sexy with every spoonful...

You're not telling me they still make that! I haven't seen a box in 20 years.

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Reply #27 posted 03/09/16 10:50pm


KoolEaze said:

namepeace said:

lol Kelloggs' version of Total. They still sell it and it kind of does remind you of prepackaged breakfast (goes perfectly with Orange Tang). I had family that worked in the Kelloggs plant so we ate a lot of cereal growing up.

I was also a fan of Corn Bran.

In Battle Creek, Michigan?

There´s a Kellogg´s plant over here, too. Very close to where I live. wink

How come nobody´s mentioned Smacks besides me?

Do you like Smacks? Are they still called Sugar Smacks over there, or Honey Smacks, or just Smacks?

They´re the best but I don´t eat them anymore.....too much sugar.

My family worked in the plant in Memphis

Sugar Smacks were good, I liked eating them dry, but you're right, they got too sugary and gooey in milk.

Good night, sweet Prince | 7 June 1958 - 21 April 2016

Props will be withheld until the showing and proving has commenced. -- Aaron McGruder
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Reply #28 posted 03/10/16 4:26am


Chancellor said:

ain't no Cereal like Rice Krispies Treats cereal...Doesn't get soggy fast so there's no rush and you feel Sexy with every spoonful...

You crazy as hell..... lol

Prince, in you I found a kindred spirit...Rest In Paradise.
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Reply #29 posted 03/10/16 4:30am


KoolEaze said:

namepeace said:

lol Kelloggs' version of Total. They still sell it and it kind of does remind you of prepackaged breakfast (goes perfectly with Orange Tang). I had family that worked in the Kelloggs plant so we ate a lot of cereal growing up.

I was also a fan of Corn Bran.

In Battle Creek, Michigan?

There´s a Kellogg´s plant over here, too. Very close to where I live. wink

How come nobody´s mentioned Smacks besides me?

Do you like Smacks? Are they still called Sugar Smacks over there, or Honey Smacks, or just Smacks?

They´re the best but I don´t eat them anymore.....too much sugar.

I loved Honey Smacks. They were called Sugar Smacks back in the day before sugar became a bad word. lol We also had Super sugar crisps with Sugar Bear.

But my all time fave is Alpha-Bits. I could spell words on my spoon and eat them....big fun, biggrin

I think the all time most popular cereal might be Corn Flakes though....somebody should investigate.

Prince, in you I found a kindred spirit...Rest In Paradise.
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Forums > General Discussion > The 20 Best Cereals, In Order