OK, in my neck of the woods we had typhoon / hurricane weather.... No, I don't leave on the either coast, I'm talking about freakin' Lake Michigan.
This mess happens every #@$@@@!!!! year. Halloween should be have a back up day, if the first day sucks, the kids should come out the next day. The little little kids started ringing my bell at 3:00pm maybe about an hour later... trees and such were flying past the houses and the sand from the beach was smaking folks in the face. WTF!
A lot of my kids did come out tonight and I was able to dump two garagbe cans worth of candy into their bags.
If have time, I'll post what it was like yesterday.... crazy.
Prince, in you I found a kindred spirit...Rest In Paradise.
OK, in my neck of the woods we had typhoon / hurricane weather.... No, I don't leave on the either coast, I'm talking about freakin' Lake Michigan.
This mess happens every #@$@@@!!!! year. Halloween should have a back up day; if the first day sucks, the kids should come out the next day. The little little kids started ringing my bell at 3:00pm maybe about an hour later... trees and such were flying past the houses and the sand from the beach was smaking folks in the face. WTF!
A lot of our area kids did come out tonight and I was able to dump two garbage cans worth of candy into their bags.
If have time, I'll post what it was like yesterday.... crazy.
Yea, that's my hand in the way because I almost fell... that's about as much as I could take. My husband back was at my back to keep me upright. It took forever it seems to walk across the street back to the house. You see those two Dodos who went out on the beach? The fire department had to be called to get them back to their car. We told them, "don't go out there"! Oh, and the damn light went out. WTF
Yea, that's my hand in the way because I almost fell... that's about as much as I could take. My husband back was at my back to keep me upright. It took forever it seems to walk across the street back to the house. You see those two Dodos who went out on the beach? The fire department had to be called to get them back to their car. We told them, "don't go out there"! Oh, and the damn light went out. WTF
[Edited 11/2/14 1:12am]
Yikes! And you say this is inland?
Prince, in you I found a kindred spirit...Rest In Paradise.
Sorry, I somehow missed a bunch of other posts about his costume.
The dogs actually didn't even pay attention to it, they just always photobomb everytime I try to take a pic. Kinda annoying.
It was kinda difficult to walk in, therefore he didn't get to many houses, but people were stopping to take pictures of him and even the police pulled over to check him out, it was cute.
I have video but for some reason it uploads on Photobucket but when I link it says it's been deleted.