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Thread started 09/08/14 2:11am


Advice on Iris Murdoch??????

A little while ago I watched "Iris", she seemed like an interesting person or rather Judi Dench and Kate Winslet made her look interesting even though the movie wasn't about her as an author. I did become curious but not curious enough to commit to a book purchase so I downloaded a free sample of one of her books " The Book and The Brotherhood". I've finished the sample and I'm a bit disappointed nothing caught my attention or imagination. But maybe the sample wasn't a well placed one or maybe that wasn't one of her better books, even though what I've read recommends it. I'd really hate to invest in something that isn't for me or miss out on something I'd really enjoy, at the same time my book queue is filling up but my reading time is getting limited. So, I'm curious if anyone here has read her, even this particular book and knows if perhaps her style or this book have a slow start but gets meatier further in or is she an author either you're hooked at the beginning or not it at all?
[Edited 9/7/14 21:37pm]
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Reply #1 posted 09/08/14 10:53pm


I have never read any of her works but have seen it mentioned several times across my

own studies that she's one of the better writers in philosophy and literature.

I'm impressed with you, morningsong. But I cannot be of any help. You have inspired me

to head over to Amazon and do some snooping around, though!

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Forums > General Discussion > Advice on Iris Murdoch??????