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Reply #30 posted 09/02/14 1:48pm


Beautifulstarr123 said:

To me, it's showing you what these women did or had to do to get to where they are.


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Reply #31 posted 09/02/14 5:35pm


Fck these actors they love the headlines, why do you think those photos exist anyway? .. If theyre not the flavor of the week heres a pic of mah tittays or a sex tape n now you get em talking.

Watch, a movie 'l come out soon on this..

[Edited 10/1/14 20:37pm]

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Reply #32 posted 09/02/14 7:04pm



One thing that has irked me though is the FBI are now getting involved. Any ordinary Joe gets their bank account or emails hacked and its tough sh*t....a celeb gets some nudey pics leaked and the FBI coming running to their aid. How is that fair? - The internet's best movie site!
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Reply #33 posted 09/02/14 7:21pm



DaveT said:

One thing that has irked me though is the FBI are now getting involved. Any ordinary Joe gets their bank account or emails hacked and its tough sh*t....a celeb gets some nudey pics leaked and the FBI coming running to their aid. How is that fair?

LOL good point. Maybe the FBI figures they'll need copies of the photos in question...for their investigation...yeah that's it...

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Reply #34 posted 09/02/14 7:40pm



You have to be pretty daft to think that this is actually a celeb problem.

Guess you are all fine with hackers also getting private pics of non-famous women and posting them on dating or mail bride or porn sites, or even worse, pics of children.

Not every picture that shows up on a porn site contains nudity and it's not only celebs that have their pictures stolen.

If you can't understand the seriousness of this and think it's funny, you're fucking sick.

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Reply #35 posted 09/02/14 7:51pm



People who don't take care to keep sensitive material in a secure location are fucking stupid. shrug

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #36 posted 09/02/14 8:16pm



NDRU said:

DaveT said:

One thing that has irked me though is the FBI are now getting involved. Any ordinary Joe gets their bank account or emails hacked and its tough sh*t....a celeb gets some nudey pics leaked and the FBI coming running to their aid. How is that fair?

LOL good point. Maybe the FBI figures they'll need copies of the photos in question...for their investigation...yeah that's it...

biggrin Yeah, you can just picture all the hands shooting up when they offered that case out...."ME ME ME ME ME ME" LoL lol - The internet's best movie site!
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Reply #37 posted 09/02/14 8:35pm


Genesia said:

People who don't take care to keep sensitive material in a secure location are fucking stupid. shrug

Thank you - how about folks exercising common sense and NOT taking nude photos of themselves with these iPhones? Guys do this crap too, with their stupid penis pics.

As another orger said, it has to be a generational thing. I guess every generation does its share of stupid shit, but this takes the cake.

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Reply #38 posted 09/02/14 8:45pm



Having a fappening at someone elseses expense is nothing new. Its just the method of access that changes.

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Reply #39 posted 09/02/14 8:57pm



Genesia said:

People who don't take care to keep sensitive material in a secure location are fucking stupid. shrug

I agree that keeping nude pics of myself in the cloud is not something I would do, but my guess is that whichever cloud their pictures were being stored claimed that it was secure.

I do online banking, and while I know there's some risk, I don't think it's my fault if some hacker steals my money from

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Reply #40 posted 09/02/14 9:14pm



confuse Ummm who exactly are the "A-listers"??? :

[Edited 9/2/14 14:15pm]

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Reply #41 posted 09/02/14 9:21pm



NDRU said:

Genesia said:

People who don't take care to keep sensitive material in a secure location are fucking stupid. shrug

I agree that keeping nude pics of myself in the cloud is not something I would do, but my guess is that whichever cloud their pictures were being stored claimed that it was secure.

I do online banking, and while I know there's some risk, I don't think it's my fault if some hacker steals my money from

Then they are idiots for believing that. The cloud is not secure, people. Don't store your nudie pics or anything else you care about there. That's what an auxiliary drive is for - just make sure you disconnect it when you're done ogling.

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #42 posted 09/02/14 9:27pm



Genesia said:

NDRU said:

I agree that keeping nude pics of myself in the cloud is not something I would do, but my guess is that whichever cloud their pictures were being stored claimed that it was secure.

I do online banking, and while I know there's some risk, I don't think it's my fault if some hacker steals my money from

Then they are idiots for believing that. The cloud is not secure, people. Don't store your nudie pics or anything else you care about there. That's what an auxiliary drive is for - just make sure you disconnect it when you're done ogling.

Exactly!!! Even I know this, and you could fit my knowledge of computers and tech on to the back of a postage stamp... - The internet's best movie site!
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Reply #43 posted 09/02/14 10:48pm



I never do on line banking for the security risk, so why would I trust the cloud?

99.9% of everything I say is strictly for my own entertainment
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Reply #44 posted 09/02/14 11:15pm



OnlyNDaUsa said:

people: do not take any photos that would be too upsetting if they were made public.

this is so obvious it doesn't need repeating but here goes anyway. ^that

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Reply #45 posted 09/02/14 11:22pm



Genesia said:

People who don't take care to keep sensitive material in a secure location are fucking stupid. shrug

It was secure, everything was in password protected iCloud accounts. However, from what I understand, Apple didn't have any wrong attempt lockouts on iCloud, so an unlimited password attempt loophole was exploited. This allowed hackers who actually know what they're doing to run advanced automated programs that kept trying until they found the correct passwords. Apple say that loophole has now been closed. Too little, too late, and I'd expect some lawsuits in relation to this issues.

For those who are going on about "stupid celebrities" and what have you, don't believe for one second that your very own private iCloud info wasn't accessed as well. It very likely was, but you aren't "famous", so nobody cares about your nude photos. Chew on that for a minute.

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Reply #46 posted 09/02/14 11:25pm



kewlschool said:

I never do on line banking for the security risk, so why would I trust the cloud?

Your bank information can be accessed electronically/online whether or not you actually do any "online banking". Regardless, online bank sites are some of the most secure on the planet. However, it's not an "online banking" site that will be hacked, but the banks main servers, and everyone's info is stored there. Banks do everything electronically now.

Edit: Because I can't seem to attach an r to you anymore.

[Edited 9/2/14 20:00pm]

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Reply #47 posted 09/02/14 11:28pm



jon1967 said:

fck these actors they love the headlines why do you think those photos exist anyway .. their not the flavor of the week heres a pic of mah tittays. Watch a movie 'l come out soon .. JL btw :faints: damn hot real hot, africa hot. Just plain whoa.

This is so incredibly wrongheaded on so many levels that I almost didn't even respond. Instead I'm just going to keep it simple; you're wrong.

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Reply #48 posted 09/03/14 2:20am



JustErin said:

You have to be pretty daft to think that this is actually a celeb problem.

Guess you are all fine with hackers also getting private pics of non-famous women and posting them on dating or mail bride or porn sites, or even worse, pics of children.

Not every picture that shows up on a porn site contains nudity and it's not only celebs that have their pictures stolen.

If you can't understand the seriousness of this and think it's funny, you're fucking sick.

It's not just a celeb problem; I believe it's generational. For whatever reason, you have a lot of young women who have no issues taking naked pictures of themselves and emailing them to friends and lovers or posting them on what is supposed to be their private Facebook accounts, not realizing that once this digital data leaves their clutches, it's out there for the whole world to see if they can find it, which sadly is far too easy for some people to find. In fact, if you google "nude selfie tumblr", you'll find numerous Tumblr sites with photos of nude selfies. Incredibly, these sites run the gamut from sexually curious blonde girl next door types, to black girls, to Asian girls, to punk girls with full body tattoos and piercings, to goth girls, to nerdy girls, and even fat girls. These young celebrities aren't any different from these other girls. The only thing linking them together is their relative age. You rarely see any nude selfies from people over 35 years old.

What bothers me...or I should say, I'm not a complete fuddy duddy about nudity, and I personally don't see any big deal with young ladies wanting to take naked pictures of themselves, but I know that a great deal of other people think differently. It seems that most of these naked photos are for the person's own personal consumption, or they were only meant to be shared with a lover or BFF, but what happens when other people not meant to see these photos get a hold of them? Do these other people start slut shaming or cyberbulling these people who made the naked selfies? What if the realtionship goes sour? Does the ex suddenly blackmail the person who made the naked selfie for them? Or what happens when a potential future employer does a background check on a prospective candidate and finds compromising photos of the candidate plastered all over the net? Does this candidate suddenly find their job offer withdrawn due to their "lack of character" or being "inappropriate for our company values or clientle"? I'm sure most of these young ladies haven't put much thought into how this could affect them for years to come.

Someone once said people need to use common sense when photographing or filming themselves and/or others. In other words, if you didn't want your parents to see the stuff you're doing, then why risk sending it out for the whole world to see?


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Reply #49 posted 09/03/14 3:26am



Stop Calling the Theft of Celebrity Nude Pictures 'Leaks'

As private images ripped from the iCloud accounts of celebrities papered the internet last weekend, most people writing about the story called the release of the photos "leaks," even though they were nothing of the sort.

Early reports indicate that the photos were stolen, swapped, and disseminated by an “underground” ring of hackers who discussed the theft on message boards of sites like 4chan and AnonIB. It was a long-running, planned-out, targeted affair, but the end effect is the same as a “photo leak”: the images we see are candid shots of women obviously taken by or intended for a romantic partner.

The term “leak” is very broadly defined—it’s just the disclosure of information to the media from an unnamed source. But in calling these “leaks,” we’re taking things too far. Leaks to the media are almost always planned and approved, a way to disseminate sensitive information. But what’s happened here is much more black-and-white: the images were stolen and given not to any media source but just posted directly onto the internet.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead, one of the actresses targeted, made it very clear how personally invaded she felt by the theft, noting that the pictures of her that were posted were taken by her husband and deleted long ago.

That points to another argument we should be shutting down too, of course—the idea that celebrities, particularly women, shouldn’t be taking such pictures at all because, I guess, they’re famous and should know better. So many of these pictures were obviously taken by someone else in the room, and for all we know, almost instantly deleted thereafter. But more importantly, holding the women who have been the subject of theft responsible for whatever they do in the privacy of their lives is absurd. The use of the word “leak” reinforces that—it makes it sound like the release of these photos was a decision, on a par with taking them, and equating those two things is exactly the wrong way to think about this incident.

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Reply #50 posted 09/03/14 3:49am



yeah, suggesting that they should not do that seems a lot like telling women not to dress too provocatively to prevent attacks. Maybe women should not dress slutty (that's not for me to say), but it's a totally separate conversation from the fact that a crime was committed.

The fact that it's risky to post photos on the cloud makes no difference to me. It's easy to commit lots of crimes. It's easy to look in someone's windows while they get dressed or have sex, but it takes a peeping tom to do it. Knowing that naked women are behind the curtains shouldn't make you do those things. And deliberately stying to crack a password to steal nude photos is criminal, easy or not.

IMO the onus is on the theives and Apple (or whoever claimed these things are secure)

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Reply #51 posted 09/03/14 4:01am



Societal values and morals change. Always have, always will. What was once considered unthinkable often becomes commonplace as time goes by. Not just in regards to nudity/nude photos, but many different aspects of our daily lives, both private and public.


There have always been women willing to be photographed nude. This is not a new trend. Further, for as long as art has existed, women AND MEN have posed for nude paintings and sculptures.

Quite honestly, I'm shocked that so many people seem to be in disbelief that a woman with a camera phone would want to take nude photos of herself, or that she would want another man or woman to take pictures of her. The reasons why this would happen are many and varied, and don't need to be listed as they should be pretty damn obvious to anybody who has reached puberty. The point is that they're adults (in most cases) who have made a conscious decision to document themselves without clothes on and it's nobody's business but their own that they've done so.

It's weird to me is that so many women have done published nude photos, or done them in lingerie, a bikini, half-dressed, etc., and those women are not judged harshly. In fact, they're often praised for their beauty and sex appeal. But somehow these women, who took photos in private, never intending for the public to see them, are being labeled and judged as having done something wrong. It's just... odd. What's wrong is what has been done to them with the theft and distribution of said photographs.


I think I've got an interesting personal point of view on this. My girl at the moment is naked, like, a lot, lol and in a way that other people see. Not related to the former, she loves taking nude photos of herself/having them taken. There are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of nude pics of her in existence (and no I won't share any of them lol ), but none of them were ever taken with the intention to distribute them widely to the public. Have other people seen them? Yes, they have. Many of them, a majority even, were taken for other people. Still, they were taken and given with the understanding and trust that they would not be widely distributed to other people and/or websites. You'd be amazed how easy this is, because most people aren't complete assholes whose sole mission in life is to embarrass and degrade others. Is she aware that this might happen? Yes, she is, and it's a risk she's willing to take.

You see what I'm getting at? She knows that it might happen, she's cognizant of this reality and has taken that risk upon herself of her own free will. The women whose photos were stolen NEVER expected this to happen and the fact that it has is incredibly fucked up. But imo it's even more fucked up that there seems to be a groundswell of judgement against them for being normal, sexual human beings. How would any of us like to be judged for what we do in private, never intending others to see it? These women didn't do anything wrong.

[Edited 9/2/14 21:02pm]

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Reply #52 posted 09/03/14 4:18am



Cerebus said:

kewlschool said:

I never do on line banking for the security risk, so why would I trust the cloud?

Your bank information can be accessed electronically/online whether or not you actually do any "online banking". Regardless, online bank sites are some of the most secure on the planet. However, it's not an "online banking" site that will be hacked, but the banks main servers, and everyone's info is stored there. Banks do everything electronically now.

Edit: Because I can't seem to attach an r to you anymore.

[Edited 9/2/14 20:00pm]

I know-but my personal computer or phone isn't as secured.

99.9% of everything I say is strictly for my own entertainment
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Reply #53 posted 09/03/14 8:09am



Cerebus said:

Societal values and morals change. Always have, always will. What was once considered unthinkable often becomes commonplace as time goes by. Not just in regards to nudity/nude photos, but many different aspects of our daily lives, both private and public.


There have always been women willing to be photographed nude. This is not a new trend. Further, for as long as art has existed, women AND MEN have posed for nude paintings and sculptures.

Quite honestly, I'm shocked that so many people seem to be in disbelief that a woman with a camera phone would want to take nude photos of herself, or that she would want another man or woman to take pictures of her. The reasons why this would happen are many and varied, and don't need to be listed as they should be pretty damn obvious to anybody who has reached puberty. The point is that they're adults (in most cases) who have made a conscious decision to document themselves without clothes on and it's nobody's business but their own that they've done so.

It's weird to me is that so many women have done published nude photos, or done them in lingerie, a bikini, half-dressed, etc., and those women are not judged harshly. In fact, they're often praised for their beauty and sex appeal. But somehow these women, who took photos in private, never intending for the public to see them, are being labeled and judged as having done something wrong. It's just... odd. What's wrong is what has been done to them with the theft and distribution of said photographs.


I think I've got an interesting personal point of view on this. My girl at the moment is naked, like, a lot, lol and in a way that other people see. Not related to the former, she loves taking nude photos of herself/having them taken. There are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of nude pics of her in existence (and no I won't share any of them lol ), but none of them were ever taken with the intention to distribute them widely to the public. Have other people seen them? Yes, they have. Many of them, a majority even, were taken for other people. Still, they were taken and given with the understanding and trust that they would not be widely distributed to other people and/or websites. You'd be amazed how easy this is, because most people aren't complete assholes whose sole mission in life is to embarrass and degrade others. Is she aware that this might happen? Yes, she is, and it's a risk she's willing to take.

You see what I'm getting at? She knows that it might happen, she's cognizant of this reality and has taken that risk upon herself of her own free will. The women whose photos were stolen NEVER expected this to happen and the fact that it has is incredibly fucked up. But imo it's even more fucked up that there seems to be a groundswell of judgement against them for being normal, sexual human beings. How would any of us like to be judged for what we do in private, never intending others to see it? These women didn't do anything wrong.

[Edited 9/2/14 21:02pm]

I don't think anyone is suggesting they've done anything wrong...what you do in the privacy of your own home is up to you, providing it doesn't harm anyone else. I think the celebs have been naive as to the security of the internet but that doesn't amount to having done anything wrong.

What I still don't understand though is the obsession with taking pics of yourself in the nude, or asking someone else to take nude pics of you. Sure, some folks might get a sexual thrill out of it, but as another poster pointed out this seems to be more than just a few folks these days, and particularly prevalent in the generation aged 16 to 30. Its the same generation that's obsessed with taking "selfies" at every given opportunity, so maybe its a vanity thing. Or maybe its just another part of the shift where young people are living their lives more online these days than they are offline. Personally, I'd rather be naked with my missus in person than take and share naked pics of myself with her...maybe that's just me.

The one thing that has p*ssed me off, and again this isn't the celebs fault, is how the Police and FBI have come running. Us ordinary folk are getting our stuff hacked all the time but we don't get this sort of special treatment, but how is the crime any different when its our privacy that's been violated and our stuff that's been stolen?

[Edited 9/3/14 1:10am] - The internet's best movie site!
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Reply #54 posted 09/03/14 12:41pm



728huey said:

JustErin said:

You have to be pretty daft to think that this is actually a celeb problem.

Guess you are all fine with hackers also getting private pics of non-famous women and posting them on dating or mail bride or porn sites, or even worse, pics of children.

Not every picture that shows up on a porn site contains nudity and it's not only celebs that have their pictures stolen.

If you can't understand the seriousness of this and think it's funny, you're fucking sick.

It's not just a celeb problem; I believe it's generational. For whatever reason, you have a lot of young women who have no issues taking naked pictures of themselves and emailing them to friends and lovers or posting them on what is supposed to be their private Facebook accounts, not realizing that once this digital data leaves their clutches, it's out there for the whole world to see if they can find it, which sadly is far too easy for some people to find. In fact, if you google "nude selfie tumblr", you'll find numerous Tumblr sites with photos of nude selfies. Incredibly, these sites run the gamut from sexually curious blonde girl next door types, to black girls, to Asian girls, to punk girls with full body tattoos and piercings, to goth girls, to nerdy girls, and even fat girls. These young celebrities aren't any different from these other girls. The only thing linking them together is their relative age. You rarely see any nude selfies from people over 35 years old.

What bothers me...or I should say, I'm not a complete fuddy duddy about nudity, and I personally don't see any big deal with young ladies wanting to take naked pictures of themselves, but I know that a great deal of other people think differently. It seems that most of these naked photos are for the person's own personal consumption, or they were only meant to be shared with a lover or BFF, but what happens when other people not meant to see these photos get a hold of them? Do these other people start slut shaming or cyberbulling these people who made the naked selfies? What if the realtionship goes sour? Does the ex suddenly blackmail the person who made the naked selfie for them? Or what happens when a potential future employer does a background check on a prospective candidate and finds compromising photos of the candidate plastered all over the net? Does this candidate suddenly find their job offer withdrawn due to their "lack of character" or being "inappropriate for our company values or clientle"? I'm sure most of these young ladies haven't put much thought into how this could affect them for years to come.

Someone once said people need to use common sense when photographing or filming themselves and/or others. In other words, if you didn't want your parents to see the stuff you're doing, then why risk sending it out for the whole world to see?


This is neither generational or gender specific.

People have been exchanging private moments for a very long time. Before phone pics and videos it was VHS tapes and Polaroids.

Also, I will tell you straight up that men are sending private pics to women just as much. I'm willing to say that dick pics are even more common. I can't tell you how many unsolicited dick pics have been sent my way - which never impresses me anyway.

This is not comparable to women posting risque selfies on tumblr. In most cases it's moments being shared between married couples, partners or lovers...and in the case of many high profile people in the entertainment business who spend a lot of time apart from their partner, this type of thing is even more understandable.

Women have been the victims of male predatory behavior since the beginning of time...and I don't care how much anyone wants to try and victim blame or shame's the men doing this type of shit that are really the problem.

The only things that have changed are technology and the vulnerabilities that come with it, and more and more people's complete lack of empathy.

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Reply #55 posted 09/03/14 5:55pm



JustErin said:
Women have been the victims of male predatory behavior since the beginning of time...and I don't care how much anyone wants to try and victim blame or shame's the men doing this type of shit that are really the problem.

This is what it boils down to for me. People want to caution women about doing risky things, but we're not talking about Russian roulette or unsafe sex. This is about someone deliberately breaking into private files.

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Reply #56 posted 09/03/14 6:21pm



NDRU said:

JustErin said:
Women have been the victims of male predatory behavior since the beginning of time...and I don't care how much anyone wants to try and victim blame or shame's the men doing this type of shit that are really the problem.

This is what it boils down to for me. People want to caution women about doing risky things, but we're not talking about Russian roulette or unsafe sex. This is about someone deliberately breaking into private files.

Theft is theft, no matter what it is.

Someone breaking into your house and stealing sensitive documents or even, say, breaking into a storage unit to steal your private stuff is no different than storing pictures on a secure server and someone "breaking in" to it and stealing content.

It's totally ridiculous to state, "You're stupid enough to do it, you have no one else to blame." because you can literally say that about EVERYTHING one does. I mean, come on, everyone has sensitive electronic files of some sort on some company's server, somewhere that can be targeted and stolen.

But because it has to do with sex and sexuality people are completely unsympathetic to what was stolen. Add to the mix famous women that are the victims and shit, no one gives a fuck. Stupid whores. Fuck those attention seeking sluts. Let's go exploit them further by checking out those pics! Hilarious!

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Reply #57 posted 09/04/14 11:10pm



NDRU said:

JustErin said:
Women have been the victims of male predatory behavior since the beginning of time...and I don't care how much anyone wants to try and victim blame or shame's the men doing this type of shit that are really the problem.

This is what it boils down to for me. People want to caution women about doing risky things, but we're not talking about Russian roulette or unsafe sex. This is about someone deliberately breaking into private files.

exactly. when someone breaks into your home it's them that's wrong, not you. period.

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Reply #58 posted 09/04/14 11:10pm



double post. here is a dancing emoticon so it won't waste your time dancing jig

[Edited 9/4/14 16:10pm]

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Reply #59 posted 09/05/14 1:28am



JustErin said:

728huey said:

It's not just a celeb problem; I believe it's generational. For whatever reason, you have a lot of young women who have no issues taking naked pictures of themselves and emailing them to friends and lovers or posting them on what is supposed to be their private Facebook accounts, not realizing that once this digital data leaves their clutches, it's out there for the whole world to see if they can find it, which sadly is far too easy for some people to find. In fact, if you google "nude selfie tumblr", you'll find numerous Tumblr sites with photos of nude selfies. Incredibly, these sites run the gamut from sexually curious blonde girl next door types, to black girls, to Asian girls, to punk girls with full body tattoos and piercings, to goth girls, to nerdy girls, and even fat girls. These young celebrities aren't any different from these other girls. The only thing linking them together is their relative age. You rarely see any nude selfies from people over 35 years old.

What bothers me...or I should say, I'm not a complete fuddy duddy about nudity, and I personally don't see any big deal with young ladies wanting to take naked pictures of themselves, but I know that a great deal of other people think differently. It seems that most of these naked photos are for the person's own personal consumption, or they were only meant to be shared with a lover or BFF, but what happens when other people not meant to see these photos get a hold of them? Do these other people start slut shaming or cyberbulling these people who made the naked selfies? What if the realtionship goes sour? Does the ex suddenly blackmail the person who made the naked selfie for them? Or what happens when a potential future employer does a background check on a prospective candidate and finds compromising photos of the candidate plastered all over the net? Does this candidate suddenly find their job offer withdrawn due to their "lack of character" or being "inappropriate for our company values or clientle"? I'm sure most of these young ladies haven't put much thought into how this could affect them for years to come.

Someone once said people need to use common sense when photographing or filming themselves and/or others. In other words, if you didn't want your parents to see the stuff you're doing, then why risk sending it out for the whole world to see?


This is neither generational or gender specific.

People have been exchanging private moments for a very long time. Before phone pics and videos it was VHS tapes and Polaroids.

Also, I will tell you straight up that men are sending private pics to women just as much. I'm willing to say that dick pics are even more common. I can't tell you how many unsolicited dick pics have been sent my way - which never impresses me anyway.

This is not comparable to women posting risque selfies on tumblr. In most cases it's moments being shared between married couples, partners or lovers...and in the case of many high profile people in the entertainment business who spend a lot of time apart from their partner, this type of thing is even more understandable.

Women have been the victims of male predatory behavior since the beginning of time...and I don't care how much anyone wants to try and victim blame or shame's the men doing this type of shit that are really the problem.

The only things that have changed are technology and the vulnerabilities that come with it, and more and more people's complete lack of empathy.

Actually, I would say this is generational. Sure, the Millennial generation isn't the first generation to photograph themselves naked, but they are the first to seemingly post their entire lives online. I'm not saying its a good or bad thing; that's just how they live their lives today. If I came off as being judgmental, it may be because I think so many people are naive about how technology can work for or against them. If they want to take naked pictures of themselves and their private parts, then so be it. Just be careful how you handle them.

But the real issue (besides the lascivious hackers who violated these people's privacy) is the so-called security of "the cloud." Apple was probably aware of their security vulnerabilities long before this incident took place, and they were lax in correcting them. Naked pictures and/or personal sex photos are actually the least of the big issues; the bigger issue is the app information that was backed up into the cloud that contained people's personal data like their social security numbers, bank accounts, health information, etc. A hacker could have stolen this information and done serious damage to these people's finances by allowing their bank accounts to be wiped out, their SSN to be used for identity theft or worse, and their health information being used to blackmail the patient. If this was a two-bit technology company, then someone would say they lacked resources, but this is Apple, one of the biggest tech companies on the planet. People should have a reasonable expectation by a company that sized and with that mcuh expertise to have their data be secure. You know Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and other tech companies should be securing private data, and I'm sure this incident has put these companies on notice.


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Forums > General Discussion > Hacker leaks nude photos Actress and 'dozens of A-listers'