There has been a fantastic disturbance in the force.

While currently busy on the "Fantastic Four" reboot, director Josh Trank has just been tapped to direct another "Star Wars" spin-off, it was announced on the official Star Wars site today.

While Disney is planning on releasing at least three spin-off films, the films' plots are being kept under wraps.

Just last week, it was announced that "Godzilla" helmer Gareth Edwards was signed to helm an unspecified spin-off film (Boba Fett? Young Han Solo? Max Rebo Band?) that is scheduled to hit theaters one year after J.J. Abrams' "Star Wars: Episode VII," which is currently shooting.

Trank, who made a name for himself with the low-budget superhero film "Chronicle," will likely start on the spin-off after completing "Fantastic Four" for 20th Century Fox.

"Fantastic Four" writer/producer Simon Kinberg is also reportedly working in the "Star Wars" galaxy, and may end up being involved in Trank's film.

"We're thrilled to welcome Josh into the family," said Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy in a press release. "He is such an incredible talent and has a great imagination and sense of innovation. That makes him perfectly suited to Star Wars, and for this new slate of movies that reach beyond the core characters and storylines of Episodes I through IX."

"The magic of the Star Wars Universe defined my entire childhood," added Trank. "The opportunity to expand on that experience for future generations is the most incredible dream of all time."

"Fantastic Four" will be released June 19, 2015, while "Episode VII" will hit screens December 18, 2015.