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Thread started 12/17/13 12:11am


time to split

stay groovy y'all


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Reply #1 posted 12/17/13 12:43am


Are you splitting forever, or for the night?

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Reply #2 posted 12/17/13 1:57am



Send me your email addy.

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Reply #3 posted 12/17/13 2:22am



your funny! I will miss you... We arent close, but I enjoy your posts.... have a great life! hug

~~~~~ Oh that voice...incredible....there should be a musical instrument called George Michael... ~~~~~
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Reply #4 posted 12/17/13 4:27am





wow sad duck


Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #5 posted 12/17/13 5:23am




i am KING BAD!!!
you are NOT...
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Reply #6 posted 12/17/13 1:25pm



Another one is biting the org dust? sad Well it was nice having you here!

Dang folks are dropped like flies here this year. confused

I will forever love and miss sweet Prince.
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Reply #7 posted 12/17/13 5:42pm


Someone else tried that...and stayed online, maybe to see how many responses they would get. lol

anywho...good luck on your next adventure. cool

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Reply #8 posted 12/17/13 5:56pm



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Reply #9 posted 12/17/13 6:18pm



K bye! See you tomorrow! wave

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #10 posted 12/17/13 9:06pm




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Reply #11 posted 12/18/13 1:10am


see you lol
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Reply #12 posted 12/18/13 2:17am


You'll be back, right??

99% of my posts are ironic. Maybe this post sides with the other 1%.
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Reply #13 posted 12/18/13 8:18am


Is it because we messed up your 'not cute' thread? sad

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Reply #14 posted 12/21/13 2:55am



Well, damn!

RIP, mom. I will forever miss and love you.
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Reply #15 posted 12/21/13 5:52am



psychodelicide said:

Well, damn!

pscho... WHUTUPWITCHA???

i am KING BAD!!!
you are NOT...
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Reply #16 posted 12/21/13 4:00pm



KingBAD said:

psychodelicide said:

Well, damn!

pscho... WHUTUPWITCHA???

Not much, how about yourself? biggrin

RIP, mom. I will forever miss and love you.
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Reply #17 posted 12/21/13 7:02pm



psychodelicide said:

KingBAD said:

pscho... WHUTUPWITCHA???

Not much, how about yourself? biggrin

like fine wine, always chill

i am KING BAD!!!
you are NOT...
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Reply #18 posted 12/23/13 6:48pm


Can someone answer a question for me please? Maybe you guys don't know.


When you close your Org account, can you also ask to have all your posts deleted as well? I know what the details say in the "close your account" area but I'd just like to know if it's possible to be totally erased from the site?


Thanks for any info you can provide. smile

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Reply #19 posted 12/23/13 7:31pm


^^^^^ Anyone know?

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Reply #20 posted 12/23/13 7:31pm



Tempest said:

Can someone answer a question for me please? Maybe you guys don't know.


When you close your Org account, can you also ask to have all your posts deleted as well? I know what the details say in the "close your account" area but I'd just like to know if it's possible to be totally erased from the site?


Thanks for any info you can provide. smile

eek sad neutral

i am KING BAD!!!
you are NOT...
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Reply #21 posted 12/23/13 7:46pm


Nevermind. I'll maybe try & contact the site & ask after the holidays. Too busy to deal with it right now.


In the meantime, if someone knows the answer, please post what you know.


Thank you & Happy Holidays. wave

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Reply #22 posted 12/27/13 2:28pm



Tempest said:

Can someone answer a question for me please? Maybe you guys don't know.


When you close your Org account, can you also ask to have all your posts deleted as well? I know what the details say in the "close your account" area but I'd just like to know if it's possible to be totally erased from the site?


Thanks for any info you can provide. smile

I don't think all of your posts from every thread you've posted in will erase. I know that if you do a search for threads in the past, you'll still see the posts from orgers who have long left the org.

I will forever love and miss sweet Prince.
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Reply #23 posted 12/27/13 2:50pm



Tempest said:

Nevermind. I'll maybe try & contact the site & ask after the holidays. Too busy to deal with it right now.


In the meantime, if someone knows the answer, please post what you know.


Thank you & Happy Holidays. wave

Rule of thumb: NOTHING on the internet goes away PERMANENTLY. NOTHING.

By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #24 posted 12/27/13 3:17pm


PurpleJedi said:

Tempest said:

Nevermind. I'll maybe try & contact the site & ask after the holidays. Too busy to deal with it right now.


In the meantime, if someone knows the answer, please post what you know.


Thank you & Happy Holidays. wave

Rule of thumb: NOTHING on the internet goes away PERMANENTLY. NOTHING.


Yes, I know that. Thank you. I was asking about being deleted from the site. . . not the internet. I don't care if I'm cached on the net. That's no biggie. I'm only inquiring about being permanently deleted from the site.



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Reply #25 posted 12/27/13 7:02pm


Tempest said:

PurpleJedi said:

Rule of thumb: NOTHING on the internet goes away PERMANENTLY. NOTHING.


Yes, I know that. Thank you. I was asking about being deleted from the site. . . not the internet. I don't care if I'm cached on the net. That's no biggie. I'm only inquiring about being permanently deleted from the site.



The answer is a definite NO. Everything you've posted stays. The only posts you'll be able to delete are ones in threads that are still open (i.e. less than 30 days old), and you would have to revisit every thread you posted in and individually edit every post you've made and remove them. But why would you bother? As PurpleJedi said it won't go away anyway, so if you've posted something you'd rather not have posted and delete it from here, anyone interested enough will be able to find it on anyway.



As a rule of thumb I treat everything I say online exactly as if I had spoken it, and once you've said something, you can't unsay it, so the trick is to make damn sure you actually want to say it before you hit 'post response'. Once I say something it stays said. This is why I only ever edit my posts to correct spelling mistakes (well, with only one exception which was when I removed something harsh I regretted saying to a worthless prick who fortunately is no longer allowed on here; in retrospect when I edited I should have made it harsher, because that's what the prick deserved, but there you go. One edit in 10 years isn't bad).

Lemmy, Bowie, Prince, Leonard. RIP.
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Reply #26 posted 12/27/13 9:11pm


AsylumUtopia said:

Tempest said:


Yes, I know that. Thank you. I was asking about being deleted from the site. . . not the internet. I don't care if I'm cached on the net. That's no biggie. I'm only inquiring about being permanently deleted from the site.



The answer is a definite NO. Everything you've posted stays. The only posts you'll be able to delete are ones in threads that are still open (i.e. less than 30 days old), and you would have to revisit every thread you posted in and individually edit every post you've made and remove them. But why would you bother? As PurpleJedi said it won't go away anyway, so if you've posted something you'd rather not have posted and delete it from here, anyone interested enough will be able to find it on anyway.



As a rule of thumb I treat everything I say online exactly as if I had spoken it, and once you've said something, you can't unsay it, so the trick is to make damn sure you actually want to say it before you hit 'post response'. Once I say something it stays said. This is why I only ever edit my posts to correct spelling mistakes (well, with only one exception which was when I removed something harsh I regretted saying to a worthless prick who fortunately is no longer allowed on here; in retrospect when I edited I should have made it harsher, because that's what the prick deserved, but there you go. One edit in 10 years isn't bad).


You've totally got it all wrong (which is nothing new around here). neutral


I'm not concerned about the content of my posts. NOT IN THE LEAST! So, I have no idea where you're getting that impression. I speak from my heart & only speak the truth. I have absolutely nothing to hide nor am I ashamed of anything I have said (from day one). Therefore, that is NOT the reason for my desire to be totally removed from the site. People jump to a lot of conclusions around here.


I have my own personal reason for wanting to be erased / deleted and it has NOTHING to do with being ashamed of the content of my posts.

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Reply #27 posted 12/27/13 9:31pm



I kind of wish that when people close their accounts, that when you click on their usernames that it would still display when they joined and when they closed down.

Wasn't MoBetter here for a long time?

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Reply #28 posted 12/27/13 11:19pm


Tempest said:

AsylumUtopia said:

The answer is a definite NO. Everything you've posted stays. The only posts you'll be able to delete are ones in threads that are still open (i.e. less than 30 days old), and you would have to revisit every thread you posted in and individually edit every post you've made and remove them. But why would you bother? As PurpleJedi said it won't go away anyway, so if you've posted something you'd rather not have posted and delete it from here, anyone interested enough will be able to find it on anyway.



As a rule of thumb I treat everything I say online exactly as if I had spoken it, and once you've said something, you can't unsay it, so the trick is to make damn sure you actually want to say it before you hit 'post response'. Once I say something it stays said. This is why I only ever edit my posts to correct spelling mistakes (well, with only one exception which was when I removed something harsh I regretted saying to a worthless prick who fortunately is no longer allowed on here; in retrospect when I edited I should have made it harsher, because that's what the prick deserved, but there you go. One edit in 10 years isn't bad).


You've totally got it all wrong (which is nothing new around here). neutral


I'm not concerned about the content of my posts. NOT IN THE LEAST! So, I have no idea where you're getting that impression. I speak from my heart & only speak the truth. I have absolutely nothing to hide nor am I ashamed of anything I have said (from day one). Therefore, that is NOT the reason for my desire to be totally removed from the site. People jump to a lot of conclusions around here.


I have my own personal reason for wanting to be erased / deleted and it has NOTHING to do with being ashamed of the content of my posts.

Yes, people do jump to conclusions, and concluding that I suggested you might be ashamed of the content of your posts is a prime example. Why not read what I wrote again. The only conclusion I came to was that if you have reason to want your posts deleted then, ultimately, logically you do not want them to be read any longer, which while not exactly the same as rathering not having posted is in fact rathering that they no longer be posted, which pretty much amounts to the same thing and given your question* is the only sane conclusion I could reach.

* Which I answered for you and which you (presumably caught up in your indignation at your erroneous impression of what I was saying) neglected to thank me for.

You're welcome.

Lemmy, Bowie, Prince, Leonard. RIP.
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Reply #29 posted 12/28/13 12:12am


AsylumUtopia said:

Tempest said:


You've totally got it all wrong (which is nothing new around here). neutral


I'm not concerned about the content of my posts. NOT IN THE LEAST! So, I have no idea where you're getting that impression. I speak from my heart & only speak the truth. I have absolutely nothing to hide nor am I ashamed of anything I have said (from day one). Therefore, that is NOT the reason for my desire to be totally removed from the site. People jump to a lot of conclusions around here.


I have my own personal reason for wanting to be erased / deleted and it has NOTHING to do with being ashamed of the content of my posts.

Yes, people do jump to conclusions, and concluding that I suggested you might be ashamed of the content of your posts is a prime example. Why not read what I wrote again. The only conclusion I came to was that if you have reason to want your posts deleted then, ultimately, logically you do not want them to be read any longer, which while not exactly the same as rathering not having posted is in fact rathering that they no longer be posted, which pretty much amounts to the same thing and given your question* is the only sane conclusion I could reach.

* Which I answered for you and which you (presumably caught up in your indignation at your erroneous impression of what I was saying) neglected to thank me for.

You're welcome.


Well, it seems your "sane conclusion" wasn't so sane after all. Instead of going off on a tangent regarding post content, it may have been preferable to ask me WHY I wanted my posts removed rather than jumping off a cliff. No? falloff


Also, reading indignation into my post was a wild stretch of your imagination as well. rolleyes


Just because someone wants to be removed from a site does not mean it has anything to do with the content of their posts.


Btw, no, I didn't thank you in my last post so you're welcome wasn't necessary. Whatevs. neutral

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