Tempest said:
dJJ said:
I'm not sure if it's me being funny about the ring.
To me, it's the other way around. It's the ring obsession that I find funny and weird.
I studied one year in New York.
one of the things that shocked me, was the obsession of American girls with marriage and rings.
I remember that I got asked when I would get married.
And I was sooooo flabbergasted.
It never came to my mind that I would marry one day, so I never thought about it.
American girl: "but you've been together with him for 1.5 years, so you know if you will marry him, right?"
To me, that was so strange. Marriage was not on my priority list.
I could not relate to American girls. They always had make-up on, were obsessed with their looks. They always talked about marriage, the ring, the dress and hockey players. They lacked any good sarcastic, ironic dark sense of humour. However, they dramatized every little futile thing. I got so homesick, because I missed my girls back in Holland. I did adapt though. So, every time a girl got ecstatic over a ring, I learned to jump up and down, say "Ooooh" and "Aaaah", and tell her how great it was that she had gotten that ring.
Why they always had a kitch ring, I still don't understand. They know that these diamonds were dugged out of mines by poor and abused children. So, how can you be excited about that?
I loved the American guys. They were polite, gentle and apreciative. They would pay for your drinks and/or diner! Open a door for you and be concerned about how you are feeling. They were interested, asked questions and did not make derogatory jokes. I had great discussions with them. They were not rude or pushy. They had style and were aware of the consequences of their words. I think my fetish for English speaking gents started.
Admittedly, it's me who never cared for marriage that much.
But, it's also a weird American culture to get obsessed over a ring.
DJJ, I can promise you that I'm in no way, shape or form obsessed with marriage and rings and I'm an American. FAR FROM IT! I have my own online jewelry business (not fine jewelry) and also have a graphic design background so that's why I look at the design of rings and other things (graphics, art, jewelry, etc.). Not because I really care or am in the least bit obsessed. I'm just a design oriented person. That's all. 
So, the reason I commented on the ring was the design (not for the ring's sake or for marriage's sake or obsession's sake). Much like a musician might comment on a particular song or arrangement or a painter regarding a painting etc. 
I have a nice diamond ring and I never wear it. I've probably worn it less than 20 times since it was purchased 22 years ago. I only wear it on very special occasions. In fact, I'm considering selling it because it never gets worn. I love to wear plain bands w/o stones because they don't get in my way when I'm working in the house, in the yard, making jewelry, on my computer, gardening, etc. My plain bands (in copper and one in sterling) cost me less than $20.00 a piece. This is my preference to wear them because they're simple & they don't get in the way or damaged. I don't need diamonds or fancy rings, lots of makeup and fancy clothes. Definitely not my thing. I'm about as plain Jane and practical as they come. 
The magic isn't in a ring anyhow. Never has been. The magic is in the relationship. 
So, just so you know, there are American ladies out there who aren't obsessed with marriage, clothes, makeup, primping and rings. You're chatting with one. 
[Edited 9/9/13 10:50am]