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Thread started 10/31/12 6:31pm



bored, stir crazy, and sandy ruined my halloween: so i am watching and live-blogging the not so good STAR WARS prequels

because its fun to make fun of mediocre movies.
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #1 posted 10/31/12 6:34pm



i have only seen the prequels once or twice. too keep my mind off how bad the sandy thing is here in nyc, i started watching the first 3 Star Wars episodes.
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #2 posted 10/31/12 6:35pm



about 2 and a half hours ago in a different thread not far way:


Alright... started watching episode 1.

first thoughts:

the armies of robots look like dustbusters that grew legs. they are also the least efficiant shots in the galaxy and are extremely easy to defeat. why in the world would anyone rely on them as protection from anything??

good lord, the dialogue is terrible. half the time its the most relentlessly tedious fiscal conversation, the other half seem like bad attempts at jokes.

"you were right about one thing, master... the negotiations were short."
says ewan mcgregor, then gives a silly little half-smile to liam neeson


the colors are more vibrant than i remember, particularly on naboo. this film is really pretty, however insipid.

i still hate the shit out of jar jar binks. i had to turn the subtitles on to understand half of what he says and seeing his words in print only makes me hate him more. why did lucas think a character that essentially seems like a mentally challenged jamacian would be a good idea?

it's like they've brought along jamacian elmo, except elmo is no longer a 4 year old (except mentally), but is instead the product of a love affair between roger rabbit and a catfish with an IQ of about 68.

why in the world would any intelligent person take this buffoon with them on an important mission? what purpose could he possibly serve beyond navigating them through the water on naboo?

if i was obi-wan, i would wave my hand and do the whole "these are not the droids you are looking for" thing to jar-jar. wave of the hand, "you are going to shut the hell up because you have nothing to offer" and problem solved...

"count me outta dis one" says jar-jar. "better dead here than dead in da core"
and then a half second later with no prompting:
"yee gods! what mesa sayin?"
comedic music in score, little bit of vomit in my mouth.

"there's always a bigger fish" says liam neeson, and i wait for him to give a smug smile and raise an eyebrow to the camera like "ahhh! i made a funny?"
instead he looks right into the camera for a half-second and i feel his pain.

if this movie is made for kids then why the hell is there so much trade routes, taxation , senate, and other political conversation?!?!? most adults cant tolerate this stuff, let alone any single kid i have ever met.

wait... liam just said the force will guide their path underwater. so why the hell did they take jar-jar?? this movie makes no sense.
[Edited 10/31/12 18:35pm]
[Edited 11/1/12 17:10pm]
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #3 posted 10/31/12 6:36pm



why in the world is the royal guard around queen amandala not armed??? four dustbusters and two chinese fish people take them all?

the dustbusters are not only terribly ineffective, they are also idiots. two jedis, the queen, and then now armed (cause the jedis killed some armed dustbusters) guards walk thhe entire massive length of the airship hanger, walk right up to them, and say they represent the chinese fish people, THEN suddenly the dustbusters realize this doesnt compute and just stand there waiting to be lightsabered down?

the dustbusters are even stupider than jar jar.

yay r2-d2!! suddenly this movie seems slightly more tolerable almost a half hour into it. its sad that the non-speaking robot in his less than 3 minutes on screen than the entire 25 minutes of movie has had till now.

more politics about treaties and the senate... blah blah blah

qui-gon must be a really stupid jedi. why on earth would you take jar jar into tatooine? its the equivalent of taking a black jewish drag queen into the most redneck part of alabama... it isnt going to end well

cant believe i just saw jar jar step in shit on the street. this is the single lowest point and worst joke in the entire Star Wars movie series. just... dumb, pointless, and not funny. i had blissfully forgotten this moment till now.

i stand corrected...jar jar just blew a gungan raspberry at liam.

and corrected again... robot just kicked jar jar in his (presumed) balls.

the three lowest points of any of these movies all within 2 minutes. this is grating.

annakin as pre-pubescent kid's first interactions with late teen amandala is... creepy... knowing she is going to be pregnant with his kids in the next movie. this romance is very disturbing.
maybe (since this movie is supposedly made for kids), its a way of telling the young boys in the audience that they can fuck their babysitters as soon as they get pubes.

the kid is wooden, but so is everyone else in this movie (aside from the actor playing jar jar who is so over-the-top). lucas really has no idea how to direct actors.

yay c-3po! again, the robot cameos are making everyone else seem boring as all hell. that really illustrates how badly written and directed this is.
[Edited 10/31/12 18:51pm]
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #4 posted 10/31/12 6:36pm



again, qui-gon is the dumbest jedi in history. i had forgotten that the entire story purpose for the ridiculously overlong pod race sequence that is coming is that qui-gon needs money for ship repairs.

so he bets on a pod race?? i am willing to accept that maybe he senses the boy is somehow force-propelled in his driving, but... this is a very silly plot point. it blows my mind that such a huge section of this movie is centered on this stupid podrace story point.

just when i thought jar jar could not be any more annoying they spend a few minutes doing schtick as he gets his face numbed by the laser... not stepping in shit/blowing raspberries/getting kicked in the balls bad, but... wow. just... wow. this script is so bad.

this movie seems more and more like filler to get to the exposition of episode 2 and the payout of episode 3. what little of episode 1 that makes any kind of difference to the story could easily have been shrunk down to about 15 minutes of good storytelling. the rest is just flashy filler to disguise how unimportant this movie is to the real story.

this movie is what would have happened if lucas had taken the first 15 minutes of episode 4 and filled it with nonsense to fill 2 hours. we would have gotten 20 minutes of him bullseyeing womp rats in his t-16.

speaking of long pointless sequences:

finally to the pod race.

very beginning of podrace sequence
long introductions of podracers, none of which matter. the only characters that matter are annikin and his nemesis.
pointless physical three stooges comedy between pitcrew robots.
fart joke with jar jar and some kind of hairless camel that is a strong contender for the earlier mentioned 3 low points of jar-jar. why is there even a camel on the podrace track??
full minute of shots of podracers starting their engines, mostly ancillary characters that dont matter... why?

light goes off, race finally starts.
pointless shot of vendor selling food to audience... why?
more robot pitcrew schtick... why?
shots of anikin's mother, quijon, amandala and co watching race on future ipad... wish my ipad had tusks on the side for holding.

anakin wins the race
podrace not as tediously long as i remember, but still too damn long at 15 minutes.

on anakin:
"why do i sense we've picked up another pathetic life-form?" obi-wan asks qui-gon.
"NOW YOU OBJECT???" i yell at the tv. the kid with the off the charts jedi blood sample you object to, but you were fine with bringing the pointless fish-rabbit who is so stupid he sticks his face in electrical currents?!?!?

anikins mother seems rather blase about her child being freed from slavery, no tears, not emotion save a very slight smile. i would be weeping with joy for my child. she seems like the announcement is keeping her from something more important.

anakin also seems rather uncaring about leaving his mother in slavery. no tears, no emotion, just stupid lines like "i dont want things to change" and "i cant do it, mom. i just cant do it."

first darth maul battle.... really short and kind of... pointless.
[Edited 10/31/12 18:56pm]
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #5 posted 10/31/12 6:37pm



oh crap!
i forgot terrence stamp is in these! amazingly, he also seems really wooden. why is it in lucas' future emotions are rarer than diamonds and everyone speaks monotonally?

more politics.

i dont understand why the queen keeps taking long expanses of time for costume changes. she says as padme that she is worried because her people are dying, and the treaty must be signed ASAP, yet she makes these huge costume, hair, and makeup changes everytime she changes locations. um... priorities if time is of the essence?

okay... to the jedi council.

YODA and SAMUEL MOTHERFUCKING JACKSON!!! sam livens this movie up as much as he can while still retaining that unemotional monotone that all people of the future are apparently legally required to adopt.

one of the council looks like a q-tip.

2nd hair/makeup/costume change for amandala. that's two since she arrived on this planet. seriously... i dont remember leah making tons of ornate 50 pound costume changes unnecessarily. its part of the reason i like her as a character. she was kind of an early feminist. amandala is like a monotone barbie

the senate scene... i am honestly too busy looking for the ET in the scene to pay attention to yet another long speech about space politics and protocol.

woo-hoo! found ET!

oh, also... more politics. apparently she's making a vote of no confidence against terrance stamp... who i am guessing is the unemotional and monotonal joe biden of this senate. if lucas is trying to make a movie about political intrigue, he's really botching it. i love movies about politics and the legal system, and this is the most boring one i have ever seen.


i have just stumbled on what would have made for an infinitely more interesting movie that lucas reduced to 4 lines that have nothing else to do with the plot of this movie and is never explained:

obi-wan: "Do not defy the council, Master. Not again"
qui-gon: "I shall do what I must, Obi-Wan."
obi-wan: "If you would just follow the code, you would be on the council."

FUCK YES! that would have been an interesting plot or sub-plot for this movie. why lucas has this as throwaway lines with no relation to the plot is... mind-blowing.

3rd costume and hair change for amandala in the 8 hours or so since they arrived on this planet. i think she is the most boring character in this, even as padme.

if lucas is trying to make a point that as the queen she must be formal, monotone, and have a lot of ridiculous outfits to make her point, but is a mellow and smart woman when she is just hanging out as padme, hes... not explaining it well. this just makes me long for leah's brand of kickass womanhood and feminism even more. leah didnt have to put on 3 foot wigs to be taken seriously in her political life.

i am loving the precious lack of jar jar in the second half of this movie though. while boring, it at least doesnt have a terrible scrappy doo like character distracting from the plot.

4th wardrobe and wig change for amandala since arriving.

unfortunately, like a bad case of herpes, jar jar has reappeared.

another 26 minutes to go. now i am over this movie and ready for 2.

amandala says she needs jar jar's help as part of their plan. my heart sinks knowing that means i have 26 more minutes of jar jar...

[Edited 10/31/12 19:00pm]
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #6 posted 10/31/12 6:38pm



they get back to naboo and amidala has changed again. none of the guys have changed from their outfits the entire movie. but at least this time she is wearing the more practical outfit as padme.

dont really understand why water dwelling fish-rabbits have above water place as their "sacred place" but... okay.

okay... naboo-nistas (lol) and fish-rabbits are joining forces to fight chinese fish-people and dustbuster army.


had kind of forgotten this entire ending happens.

crap: realized i misread the time left and have 25 minutes left... now.

battle scenes are long but often interesting. i think this is probably one of the few highs in the movie, but lord does it take forever and a day to get to the first interesting sequence.

joetyler, you were right. duel of the fates does rock. the jedi/sith fight in particular is pretty cool. maul is a badass, and the jedis are cool. qui-gon death should make me feel emotional if this movie were better, but rest of sequence with this battle is great. focus is strictly on the choreagraphy, and it works well. no terrible dialogue to screw it up.

jar jar is fucking up the movie again with a silly "droid torso stuck to my foot" bit. god, i hate this character. the whole dustbuster vs f-abbit thing is... meh. jar jar clumsily releases bombs and bumbles his way into victory for the f-abbits.
i roll the crap out of my eyes.


amidala at least now a bit more interesting as padme fighting. as much as i love natalie portman, she really seems like she was miscast. angelina jolie amidala woulda been a lot more kickass.

couldnt care less about anakin and r2 in the plane. not even sure what bearing it has on the plot.

2 hours and 10 minutes and i am finally done.

5 stars out of 10 cause the decent 10 minutes of this do not support the 2 hours of tedious.

on to episode 2.
[Edited 10/31/12 19:02pm]
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #7 posted 10/31/12 6:43pm






[Edited 11/1/12 17:11pm]
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #8 posted 10/31/12 6:51pm


Cabin fever is getting the best of you. Lock this blasphemous thread now! chair

Prince, in you I found a kindred spirit...Rest In Paradise.
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Reply #9 posted 10/31/12 7:03pm



babynoz said:

Cabin fever is getting the best of you. Lock this blasphemous thread now! chair

Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #10 posted 11/01/12 1:25am


I like Episode I. It's almost as if it was written and directed by Prince. biggrin

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Reply #11 posted 11/01/12 1:27am


cborgman said:

annakin as pre-pubescent kid's first interactions with late teen amandala is... creepy... knowing she is going to be pregnant with his kids in the next movie. this romance is very disturbing.

Natalie Portman played a pre-pubescent girl that falls in love with a grown-up man in Ted Demme's "Beautiful Girls". It's like she was typecast for that type of roles even before she was 18.

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Reply #12 posted 11/01/12 1:33am



novabrkr said:

I like Episode I. It's almost as if it was written and directed by Prince. biggrin



Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #13 posted 11/01/12 3:05am



(deleted - wrong thread!)

[Edited 11/1/12 3:15am]

"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge"" ~ Isaac Asimov
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Reply #14 posted 11/01/12 3:22am



ok... finally on to part 2.

less than 90 seconds into the movie and already there's an explosion that kills one of amidala's decoys. already this movie is more gripping than episode 1.

sam jackson says it was the work of disgruntled spice miners. i try to resist the thought that amidala is the space version of margaret thatcher being attacked by kyle machlachlan's dune character who... just wants to dance. i pause the movie until my brain gets out of movie reference overload.

jimmy smits! had completely forgotten he is in this.

jar jar has somehow forrest gumped his way into becoming a representative to the senate?? this reeks of upcoming plot device.

anakin hasnt seen amidala in 10 years, but is still in love with her? having just watched episode 1 where he was like... 9 and she was about ... 19, this relationship is just creepy as hell.

"i've thought about her every day since we parted, and she's forgotten me completely" he whines.

dude, you were NINE the last time she saw you. and had she known that prepubescent boy would be stalker obsessed with her for 10 years, she probably wouldnt have agreed to be in the room with you just now.

"she covered the cameras. i dont think she liked me watching her [sleep]" anakin says in the next scene.

cant say as i blame her, ani, cause you are creeping even me the viewer out right now.

an assasin bot puts poison millipedes in amidala's room. the flesh colored millipedes look like penises. given the creepy-ass stalker vibe this movie has right now, it just makes me think of the subliminal rape factor. ick.

amidala wakes up to see anakin standing over her on the bed, having just lightsabered the multi-legged penises. granted, he saved her, but... wow. space restraining order would be good.

the flying car chase sequence through what looks like future tokyo reminds me of the fifth element. granted i know its a movie and the jedis are magic... but believing that anakin could free-fall about a half-mile through flying car traffic and then land on the assassins' car which is only about 12 feet long as it flies past is a serious leap of logic.

"why do i get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?" obi-wan asks future vader. cheese line...

"please dont look at me like that. it makes me feel uncomfortable" amidala to anikin as she is in a room alone with him. she walks away, he says " sorry milady" and then gives the creepiest smile that is unsettling. anikin isnt just whiny, he's a freaking CREEP.

space diner scene complete with sassy robot waitress and fat mustached alien fry cook. funny in a really weird way.

space library scene complere with smug old lady space librarian. same as above.

space cafeteria scene complete with surly robot lunch lady. same.

yoda teaching kindergarten jedi kids is kind of cute, but why are the kids using lightsabers?
also, kind of doesnt speak much in the way of obi-wan's intelligence that it takes a 6 year old jedi baby to point out that someone erased the files on the planet he cant find.

political scene in which someone adresses anikin as a jedi and amidala interrupts to point out he's just a trainee. kind of a dick move on her part.
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #15 posted 11/01/12 7:13am


watch these .. they are far more entertaining and artistic than the actual prequels

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Reply #16 posted 11/01/12 8:01am



cborgman said:

"why do i get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?" obi-wan asks future vader. cheese line...

Hmm, I realise I have actually seen this. I thought I'd sworn an oath to myself that I'd never be within 200 yards of one of these godforsaken prequels ever again, after sitting through the first one. Yes, that line should've been accompanied by a wink-to-camera and a trombone slide.

jar jar has somehow forrest gumped his way into becoming a representative to the senate?? this reeks of upcoming plot device.

Well, y'know, London elected bumbling idiot Boris Johnson as mayor. Twice!! Though, in his defence, he doesn't sound like Elmo during an embarrassing early-career stint with a traveling minstrel show. Small mercies.

"she covered the cameras. i dont think she liked me watching her [sleep]" anakin says in the next scene.

"I suspect she could probably deal with the thought of you watching her sleep, mate. It was more likely the thought of you furtively tugging yourself off 14 times an evening while doing so that put her off."

the flying car chase sequence through what looks like future tokyo reminds me of the fifth element. granted i know its a movie and the jedis are magic... but believing that anakin could free-fall about a half-mile through flying car traffic and then land on the assassins' car which is only about 12 feet long as it flies past is a serious leap of logic.

This is where I want a simple realism from sci-fi movies. Not that he would get killed or anything, but just like on the way down he gets clipped by a car, and for the rest of the movie he's got a bit of a dodgy knee. So, when he's sitting round the table with the rest of the Jedi Council or something, he has to keep excusing himself and getting up, just to straighten it for a bit. ("Sorry, it's really giving me gyp, and these bloody pain meds they gave me make me too drowsy to operate a lightsaber safely.")

"Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced." - James Baldwin
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Reply #17 posted 11/01/12 11:25am



cborgman said:

the flying car chase sequence through what looks like future tokyo reminds me of the fifth element. granted i know its a movie and the jedis are magic... but believing that anakin could free-fall about a half-mile through flying car traffic and then land on the assassins' car which is only about 12 feet long as it flies past is a serious leap of logic

Yeah it seems if he could locate her that accurately then no chase would be necessary. Just Jedi over to her and take her by surprise.

"Keep on shilling for Big Pharm!"
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Reply #18 posted 11/01/12 1:35pm



wait... sam jackson said the assasination was likely the work of disgruntled spice miners from naboo, so... they send amidala back to naboo because its safer there? um... no. if you are hiding from a group of people, you dont go hide out in their area. why is it the jedi in the prequels make terrible decisions?

the clone babies in tubes totally looks like the matrix. between the future tokyo thing earlier that is like fifth element or blade runner, and the baby matrix, and several other things, this movie seems to be "paying homage" to a LOT of other movies.

the space cows in the field look like giant ticks. him surfing on one is really lame.

if anakin is supposed to be protecting her from assassins why are they just out rolling around in fields and taking boat rides down public rivers? why is she wearing costumes that are really revealing? if you are trying to hide out, showing a lot of face and skin is not the answer. it makes it really easy for your killers to recognize you. maybe some headwear and sunglasses instead of a dress that barely covers the breasts?

okay... i kind of get that the jedis are forbidden from marrying or dating as that would be a big distraction from the work. kind of like monks. but why does amidala also seem to be saying that senators are forbidden from marrying? that makes no sense.

"i'm a senator" she says as reason they cant be together... what??

i will say one thing for this movie: it has a refreshing lack of jar jar.
but it does have entirely too much unbelievable love story and creepy anakin psycho-stalker moments.

"do you think theses clones are involved in the plot to assassinate senator amidala?" sam jackson asks the second he learns about the existence of the clone army.

sersiously... the jedis in the prequels are really dumb. why would spend someone spend years and years creating a clone army to kill one woman, especially since the jedi you sent to protect her is letting her go out in big public areas without even a disguise?

hayden christiansen has cute nipples. just sayin'
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #19 posted 11/01/12 1:36pm



TrevorAyer said:

watch these .. they are far more entertaining and artistic than the actual prequels

i will watch them after i finish the movies.

Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #20 posted 11/01/12 1:37pm



deebee said:

cborgman said:

"why do i get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?" obi-wan asks future vader. cheese line...

Hmm, I realise I have actually seen this. I thought I'd sworn an oath to myself that I'd never be within 200 yards of one of these godforsaken prequels ever again, after sitting through the first one. Yes, that line should've been accompanied by a wink-to-camera and a trombone slide.

jar jar has somehow forrest gumped his way into becoming a representative to the senate?? this reeks of upcoming plot device.

Well, y'know, London elected bumbling idiot Boris Johnson as mayor. Twice!! Though, in his defence, he doesn't sound like Elmo during an embarrassing early-career stint with a traveling minstrel show. Small mercies.

"she covered the cameras. i dont think she liked me watching her [sleep]" anakin says in the next scene.

"I suspect she could probably deal with the thought of you watching her sleep, mate. It was more likely the thought of you furtively tugging yourself off 14 times an evening while doing so that put her off."

the flying car chase sequence through what looks like future tokyo reminds me of the fifth element. granted i know its a movie and the jedis are magic... but believing that anakin could free-fall about a half-mile through flying car traffic and then land on the assassins' car which is only about 12 feet long as it flies past is a serious leap of logic.

This is where I want a simple realism from sci-fi movies. Not that he would get killed or anything, but just like on the way down he gets clipped by a car, and for the rest of the movie he's got a bit of a dodgy knee. So, when he's sitting round the table with the rest of the Jedi Council or something, he has to keep excusing himself and getting up, just to straighten it for a bit. ("Sorry, it's really giving me gyp, and these bloody pain meds they gave me make me too drowsy to operate a lightsaber safely.")


especially the trombone slide moment. that was pure cheese
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #21 posted 11/01/12 1:38pm



OnlyNDaUsa said:

cborgman said:

the flying car chase sequence through what looks like future tokyo reminds me of the fifth element. granted i know its a movie and the jedis are magic... but believing that anakin could free-fall about a half-mile through flying car traffic and then land on the assassins' car which is only about 12 feet long as it flies past is a serious leap of logic

Yeah it seems if he could locate her that accurately then no chase would be necessary. Just Jedi over to her and take her by surprise.

yea, no kidding.
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #22 posted 11/01/12 2:22pm



young uncle owen is kinda cute. of course, that may be a product of my having been cooped up in my apartment with no humans for 4 days. even my cats are starting to get tired of me talking to them. i need a man.

christopher lee is pretty effective in his role as dooku. he has a magic actor ability to make these lines seem comprehensible.

anakin finds his mother tied to poles in a tusken raider camp. she is tied face down and in standing position, which kind of make me think the sand people have been raping her. how are these movies for kids again??

he unties her and she dies in his arms. he goes apeshit (understandably) and kills the entire camp. it strikes me as odd because in episode 1 he barely seemed to care that he was leaving his mother behind and in slavery. didnt even roll a tear. now he is cray-cray with vengeance. mm'kay.

amidala is now seeing anakin is kind of schizo as he tearfully yet proudly boasts that he killed not only the men tuskens but the women and children too.
oh, no... wait... she says to be angry is to be human. granted, i would be furious and vengeful too, but... killing the kids??

now i see why jar jar was made a representative. they need an idiot in the position to vote for palpatine to be named high leader so he can create an army. i dont really understand why anyone would leave jar jar in control of anything, but i see the need for the plot point.

i mean, not only is he responsible for the creation of the empire, he also is so stupid he starts his speech to do so with "dellow felagates". i guess since its jar jar's fault that palpatine rose to power and became the emperor they will banish jar jar or kill him... but i know since george lucas is a bad writer no one in the movie will ever point out the empire is jar jar's fault and i will have to endure more of him next movie.


anakin can sense the 2 millipedes earlier but cant sense the 100 or so human sized bugs following him and amidala??

this dustbuster factory scene plays like a video game.

c-3po having his head put on a dustbuster body and a dustbuster head put on his body is the lamest part of this entire movie. the fact that schtick goes on for most of the rest of the movie makes it especially awful.
[Edited 11/1/12 14:22pm]
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #23 posted 11/01/12 2:41pm



the villains in this movie suffer from the same stupidity most bond villains do. dont put your nemesis in a unnecessarily slow moving death device like a gladiator style fight to the death with monsters, just freaking shoot them dead. same goes for the dumb assassination attempt on amidala earlier. instead of hiring a sub-contracted second assassin to send a robot with poison millipedes to cut a hole into the window and let the millipedes in... JUST FREAKING SHOOT HER!!! the window was easy to break through. obi-wan jumped through the damn thing. how hard would it be to fire two shots in and kill her??

big fight between tons of cannon fodder. scores of nameless jedis versus dustbusters and termite people. so many lightsabers and explosions and rifle shots its very hard to even know what is going on.

c-3po/dustbuster combos are really annoying and are the jar jar bumble in the fight moment of this episode. "did jedi dogs! what did i say?" dumb dumb dumb.

mace windu as played by sam jackson is surprisingly NOT a bad ass.

c-3po as r2 drags his head behind him: "oh this is such a drag"
god damn it george... hire real writers.

yoda suddenly commands the clone army of storm troopers?? how the hell did that happen? i thought palpatine and django fett and the close encounters aliens were in control of them?

"the jedi control a huge army" says one of the chinese fish-people.
"that doesnt seem possible" says dooku.
"exactly" says i.

obi-wan uses the term "federation starship" and in my head i start singing
"we built this Death Star! we built this Death Star on ROCK AND ROOOOOLL!"
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #24 posted 11/01/12 2:50pm



cborgman said:

yoda suddenly commands the clone army of storm troopers?? how the hell did that happen? i thought palpatine and django fett and the close encounters aliens were in control of them?

Actually that was part of Palppy's plan. He was controlling both sides of the war. I think Palppy send Sifo-Dyas to order the clones in the first place and then had him killed I assume by the Count. But what better was is there to get power by starting a war form both sides?

[Edited 11/1/12 14:51pm]

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Reply #25 posted 11/01/12 4:03pm



OnlyNDaUsa said:

cborgman said:

yoda suddenly commands the clone army of storm troopers?? how the hell did that happen? i thought palpatine and django fett and the close encounters aliens were in control of them?

Actually that was part of Palppy's plan. He was controlling both sides of the war. I think Palppy send Sifo-Dyas to order the clones in the first place and then had him killed I assume by the Count. But what better was is there to get power by starting a war form both sides?

[Edited 11/1/12 14:51pm]

that i get, i just dont get how it happened so damn fast. they only found out about the clone army like... a DAY or two before yoda suddenly commands them in war.

obi-wan holograms the message in about the existence of the clone army, which yoda and mace didnt know about. he goes after django, then gets caught in the dustbuster factory. based on anakin learning about his mother and the tuscan massacre, that within a 24 hour span. then amidala and anakin go after obi-wan and also get caught at the factory next day they are all in the gladiator ring, which is when yoda and the clone army come in... like maybe 72 hours after they found out the clone army exists.

how the hell did they pull that off in 3 days?


i rewound. yoda and mace were in the office with jar jar and palpatine when palpy talks jar jar into nominating him emergency leader. i guess it just isnt shown, but palpy must have turned over control then.

which leads me to a recurring question: why are the jedi so god damn stupid in the prequels??? how the hell can yoda been in the same room as palpatine and not sense his darkness? and if he cant sense it, how is he so stupid that he doesnt see through the idiotic plot to get jar jar to nominate palpy to emergency leader??

the jedis are so smart in the original trilogy and so freaking dumb in the prequels.
[Edited 11/1/12 16:11pm]
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #26 posted 11/01/12 4:08pm



cborgman said:

OnlyNDaUsa said:

Actually that was part of Palppy's plan. He was controlling both sides of the war. I think Palppy send Sifo-Dyas to order the clones in the first place and then had him killed I assume by the Count. But what better was is there to get power by starting a war form both sides?

[Edited 11/1/12 14:51pm]

that i get, i just dont get how it happened so damn fast. they only found out about the clone army like... a DAY or two before yoda suddenly commands them in war. obi-wan holograms the message in about the existence of the clone army, which yoda and mace didnt know about. he goes after django, then gets caught in the dustbuster factory. based on anakin learning about his mother and the tuscan massacre, that within a 24 hour span. then amidala and anakin go after obi-wan and also get caught at the factory next day they are all in the gladiator ring, which is when yoda and the clone army come in... like maybe 72 hours after they found out the clone army exists. how the hell did they pull that off in 3 days?

I see, well they did say that they were ready to go and there was a shot of them loading up into ships. The real thing I did not like was how much faster hyperspace seemed to be. In ANH it took several hours (and an alluded to stop and unshown encounter) to go from Tat to alderan. But in the new ones seems much faster.

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Reply #27 posted 11/01/12 4:12pm



OnlyNDaUsa said:

cborgman said:

OnlyNDaUsa said:

Actually that was part of Palppy's plan. He was controlling both sides of the war. I think Palppy send Sifo-Dyas to order the clones in the first place and then had him killed I assume by the Count. But what better was is there to get power by starting a war form both sides?

[Edited 11/1/12 14:51pm]

that i get, i just dont get how it happened so damn fast. they only found out about the clone army like... a DAY or two before yoda suddenly commands them in war. obi-wan holograms the message in about the existence of the clone army, which yoda and mace didnt know about. he goes after django, then gets caught in the dustbuster factory. based on anakin learning about his mother and the tuscan massacre, that within a 24 hour span. then amidala and anakin go after obi-wan and also get caught at the factory next day they are all in the gladiator ring, which is when yoda and the clone army come in... like maybe 72 hours after they found out the clone army exists. how the hell did they pull that off in 3 days?

I see, well they did say that they were ready to go and there was a shot of them loading up into ships. The real thing I did not like was how much faster hyperspace seemed to be. In ANH it took several hours (and an alluded to stop and unshown encounter) to go from Tat to alderan. But in the new ones seems much faster.

i rewound and watched more carefully. see edit above
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Reply #28 posted 11/01/12 4:23pm



Yeah Mace says something like "we may need to inform the Senate that our ability to use the Force has been diminished"

pretty weak but it explans it.

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Reply #29 posted 11/01/12 4:39pm



the dooku vs anakin and obi-wan fight is okay. anakin really is a bitch. obi-wan tries to form a smart plan of attack and anakin doesnt even let him finish the sentence before he just runs screaming straight at dooku with his lightsaber over his head. if i were obi-wan i would seriously stop training this idiot. if after 10 years he is that bad, whats the point of continuing with him. the freaking 6 year olds earlier were better trained than anakin.

the yoda vs dooku part is just... absurd. yoda clearly has a limp and has been walking with a cane for some time now. when he's not limping with a cane, hes in a floating chair.

but suddenly he throws down the cane and can do these amazing flips and spins and bounce off walls and gymnastics that would make olympic gold medalists look like rank amateurs. hes bouncing and flipping and spinning so fast its hard to even keep track of. it makes absolutely no sense.

the magic part of it is okay, but come the hell on...
then 10 seconds later he's back on the cane limping slowly towards obi-wan and anakin.

it reminds me of the part in "scrooged" where the idiot producer hires mary lou rettin to portray tiny tim in "a christmas carol." tiny time suddenly throws down the crutches and does a series of backflips. why? to excite the audience even though it makes no damn sense.

"begun the clone war has" yoda says sadly. um... didnt you freaking intitiate said clone war? and how do you know its going to be war?

anakin and amidala get married. predictable and really dumb. if they are going to keep their relationship a secret so he doesnt get de-jedi-ed (which he should for a variety of reasons), maybe making a public record of marriage isnt the smart way to go about keeping it a secret??

well, it was better than episode 1, i will give it that. but not that much better. 6 stars out of 10

on to episode 3
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
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Forums > General Discussion > bored, stir crazy, and sandy ruined my halloween: so i am watching and live-blogging the not so good STAR WARS prequels