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Burly Gym Teacher beaten up by 6-y.o. Queens teacher suing city...rst-grader‘Tiny terror,’ 6, unleashes wrath at schoolA hulking Queens gym teacher and former college football player claims a pupil fractured his ankle, injured his knee and forced him to go to a shrink for stress — even though the kid was only 50 pounds and in first grade.
Burly, 220-pound PS 330 teacher John Webster, 27, said a 4-foot-2 Rodrigo Carpio, 6, also kicked and pinched the Elmhurst school’s principal, a security officer and another teacher during a rampage in April.
“It’s sort of like an angel-devil sort of thing,” said the 5-foot-10 Webster, who recently filed a notice of his intent to sue the city and says he must now wear braces on his right ankle and knee.
[edited for compliance]
Webster was accompanying Rodrigo and other students to the cafeteria for lunch when the boy started horseplaying, the teacher told The Post.
Webster said that he chided Rodrigo, but that the kid started kicking him. “I tried to hold his wrists, and he began biting me,’’ Webster said. “I took him to the principal’s office, and he kicked me in the ankle, and one kick landed right on my knee. I felt a pop.’’ Rodrigo then kicked and pinched the acting principal and school safety officer, the occurrence report states.
NYPD responded but took no action. The boy’s parents refused to allow him to be taken to a hospital for observation.
Webster, who played tailback for upstate Morrisville State College, said his doctor told him he had to stay away from work for several months because of his physical and emotional state. But a Department of Education doctor told him to go back last month, so “I’m in limbo,’’ Webster said. Meanwhile, Rodrigo is back at the school.
Webster’s lawyer, Andrew Siben of Bay Shore, LI, said school officials were repeatedly warned about Rodrigo but did not protect his client.
“This kid is clearly a tiny terror,” he said. “It’s sad that teachers like Mr. Webster are not offered protection from someone who can endanger other teachers and students.”
Rodrigo’s mom said her son is now on medication so he can focus.
“He is getting help, and he is much better now,” she said.
Both the school principal and the DOE declined to comment. By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory! | |
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Full Story at NY POST By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory! | |
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I believe that teacher...
that kid has zero business thinking he can hit/bite/yell at any teacher or adult. No home training, parents should be ashamed of themselves.
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Bet ya if the teacher had a chancla in his hand none of this wouldda happened. | |
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It's a DAMN shame what happens in schools nowadays.
That dude should've knocked that little brat into next week. But of course he'd get fired and jailed. Instead he has to go and sue the taxpayers.
Damn shame. By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory! | |
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This generation of parents are stupid. That little boy doesn't need medication, he needs his butt whooped. | |
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By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory! | |
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Yeah, that's no surprise.
I can pretty much guarantee that all that violence is directly taught by the parents and they beat the shit out of him themselves.
Very sad. | |
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I am afraid for my kids, honestly.
They are surrounded by these foul-mouthed hooligans who think NOTHING of actin' a FOOL because there are NO REPERCUSSIONS!!!!!
Nowadays many schools won't even SUSPEND kids because they want to keep them "off the streets".
By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory! | |
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damn. poorly raised child. | |
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Leave it to the media and probably his parents to show a pic of the brat in a fighter's stance. As if his behaviour is tolerated and accepted. | |
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Seriously, way to reward a kid for this shit! My Legacy | |
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Is it wrong i wanna kick this kid in the face when I see his pic?
I can't even deal with people who think medication is the answer for behavioral and emotional problems. I'm so against that -- having seen hundreds of kids drugged up myself.
I know it seems silly for this big teacher to report he was attacked by this little boy, but can you imagine if he had put hands on this boy? He did the right thing. I used to teach and definitely didn't like becoming physical with students. I mean it happens, but it is not good judgement. | |
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Jesus Christ...
No further comment. | |
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Come to Chicago the kids are already afraid.
When the Chicago Teachers went on strike the politicians weren't worried about the kids missing school, as much as they were afraid it would increase the level of violence that's at epidemic levels. It's the reason why the school day was increased by an hour to have teachers babysit.
It doesn't make any difference white, black, brown, rich or poor, these kids are off the chain. I call this generation of parents, "The Deer In Headlights Generation". It's a combination of adults being clueless and not wanting to be bothered. It begs to ask, then why did you have them?
[Edited 10/3/12 17:43pm] | |
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I'm concerned with what's going on in both Chicago and Detroit... but Chicago has been ridiculous with that stupid strike... | |
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The kid's probably going to end up getting a reality TV show. Rest in Peace Bettie Boo. See u soon. | |
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End. of.
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bring back corporal punishment! this sort of thing never happened when i was at school, we got caned for looking at a teacher weird let alone beating one up!! there was only one incident i can remember when a pupil was violent towards a teacher. it was the 80's, the boy wore a skirt & makeup. the teacher took the piss, the boy threw a chair at teacher & there was a major punch up. the kid was given a black eye, caned & then expelled. they didn't fuck about back then | |
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Damn he was the one who wore the skirt and makeup and he was the instigator of the fight? Wow... no surprise he got beaten up for it... | |
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I agree with the bolded part, but that kid like that is absolutely NOT beaten. Beaten children who get the shit knocked outta them dare not to test adults out of fear.
When those beaten kids become teens, then they repeat the violence and get into fights because they are used to taking hits.
My mother beat me and I would not dare raise my hand to any adult as a kid for fear of retaliation by someone way bigger than me.
This kid is just a typical brat who's parents allow him to jump around and do as he pleases in the house with zero discipline. I see kids like this ALL the time and the mother almost always looks tore down like a muthafukka. No control, screaming and frustrated at her kid calling him every name in the book and inconsistent letting her kid do ANYTHING. Parents of those type kids just cave to those kids every whim and kids like that see every kind of violent movie, video game, music etc. with no filters or parental supervision in place because those type parents do not ever say "NO" to a child like that.... simply put, the kid's a spoiled brat.
He has no authority figure at home, at home he's running thangs. | |
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Totally disagree. Might be the case sometimes, but I know of children that were beaten that would ballistic at school with out of control rage. They were afraid of their parents, not adults. Their rage was released out of the home environment.
I do not agree that this automatically means the kid is a brat with no discipline at home at all. Maybe, maybe not.
But one thing is certain, violent children learn violence at home.
Huge parenting fail. | |
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i feel really sorry for teachers these days. can't imagine how it would feel to go into a class to try to connect with these young people, only to be attacked and injured. dang | |
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You're absolutely right, but I'm curious to know why this is? What makes parents today so stupid? Why do they raise such uninspired, stupid kids too? Is it the media's fault? | |
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this generation of kids is STUPID because their parents were STUPID as well. Period. No offense.
[Edited 10/4/12 10:23am] | |
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Because the parents who had them grew up not liking the discipline, if well intended, that they gave them and their strict parenting made them go "one day when I have a baby, I ain't gonna be so conservative or moderate with my child, I'm gonna be liberal, I'm gonna be my child's 'best friend'. And if he or she happens to see violence or sex, I'm just gonna say 'it's a way of life'." Forgetting how easily impressionable a child would be once they see it often that they repeat their actions. It's easy to understand this, Bill Cosby once did a skit in the late '60s when his wife told him to one day teach his children about sex when they were older and his kids caught him in the bathroom taking a piss and they were screaming about him having a "wally wally" then they REPEATED his actions in the bed and after trying to get his kids to stop, his wife yells "what are you teaching the children?!" It was a funny story but in essence it's a true one in the way that kids are definitely influenced by their parents. This may be the case here. Why wouldn't they not get their kid help if they didn't see nothing wrong with what he was doing? | |
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these erased responses are my sign to check back in tomorrow , but um....yeah....and no..I've had experiences with the type of kids you both described, each with different root issues; sometimes learned violence is the cause, and other other times lack of boundaries, or trauma from the absence of a parental figure can come into any event, we can agree that it's a huge parenting fail...
[Edited 10/4/12 13:52pm] | |
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Huge parenting fail. | |
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When I was in school in the 60's many of my classmates parents could neither read or write. So, mom and dad couldn't help their kids with any-type of school work; those parents were totally dependent on their children teachers. Act a fool? Please. All teachers had to say, "I don't think Timmy's living up to his potential." That was your ASS. Your mother or father did not wait to get you home, they did not take you to the bathroom... they whooped your ass right then on the spot. The operative word here... parents.
The disintegration of the family has hurt this country and ultimately will destroy it, I know because it has damn near destroyed the African-American Community. These kids aren't coming out of homes anymore, they are coming out of houses. Children are basically raising themselves, many are angry, and they know when push comes to shove they can't depend on mom or dad to step up to plate to do much of anything. When then Senator Obama spoke 4 years ago at the Apostolic Church of God on 63rd/Stoney he said, any fool can make a baby. Bingo, hammer on nail.
When you think about all you have to do to prepare a child to be a productive self-sustaining adult, it's a daunting task. That's why this silly ass chick went to the doctor for a pill instead of taking the time to create boundaries and establishing consequences, as Ottie said. Rearing children takes a lot of time and takes a lot of energy; these parents don't want to be bothered and they aren't.
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I know many kids that live like characters in that book "Lord of the Flies"... kids just raising themselves. So stories like this do not surprise me, many parents have just checked out because they can not spank/beat kids and so they yell and then let the kid have his way.
The parent thinks its cute until that same parent has to call the cops on their own child when that child grows up to be dangerous and a real threat in his own home.
damn shame. | |
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