My faves about the 80s:(and if I name more o well hehe)
1.SMURFS.. still love them today, yes i saw the movie( Im a geek)
2.boom boxes
3. when MTV had VIDEOS all day.. but i still remember they had shows like Remote Control & Beavis and Butthead
4.everything was yep CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP
5. taking a small cassette player listening to the radio all day for ur favorite song to come on then recording songs after that just to fill th e tape to have tunes cuase u didnt have the money to buy the actual cassette then.
6.Same with #5 only with videos and movies on VHS( copying 3 on one VHS tape)
7.Keds( never owned a pair but if u had these u was in the IN crowd at school)
8.jeans folded over and tightly rolled up to make them look like pleated thin jeans at school.
9.Atari games.. space invaders..pac man..etc.
10.Knight Rider( yep i said it... wanted the car K.I.T.T not the guy.. hey i was about 13)
11.friendship pins on ur shoes( u put beads on open part of safety pins and gave them to friends...more u had showed u had friends)
12.Showbiz Pizza Place... YEP BIG GEEK HERE hehe.. wen t with my dad every Fri night... fave character Mitzi still going trick or treating and getting by with it
14. USA SUNDAY CARTOON EXPRESS( each sunday on e channel would show cartoons like JabberJaw, SpeedGhost, Justice League, etc others i cant remember)
15. saturday morning cartoons... DAM STRAIGHT WOOT WOOT
16.Seeing PR
17. Remembering the first time i heard Lisa on 1999.. omfg that song played over and over as i was at my dads one weekend on radio... when i saw the video i knew girls ROCKED and i didn t focus my attention on Prince anymore.. if she wasnt in the video .. i hated it rofl.... * hides from ppl throwin g things now* hey i was young what u expect dammit
18.i will edit later when i think of more rofl( but the 80s was care free for me at that point)
Smurf theme song-seriously how many fucking "La Las" can u fit into a dam song ![]() Proud Wendy and Lisa Fancy Lesbian asskisser ![]() | |
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Things I miss about the early 1800s (For the one who challenged us to this quest)
1. Catching Napoleon and kicking his ass 2. Breeches 3. Haydn and Beethoven 4. Riding Crops 5. Landau rides through the estate 6. Having footmen 7. Not meeting my 5 greats grandparents, Henrey Essex (1809 -1871), James Whiting (1810 -1892), John Mintrum (1804 - 1856) or my Maori Ancestor Tapuhi Potaka (c1800 -c.1875) 8. Buying a daguerrotype 9. Discovering gold in California a year early 10. Talking the Maoris out of signing the Treaty of Waitangi 11. Freeing all the slaves to avoid the civil war 12. Holding guineas and half guineas 13. Having a gothick style house built by John Nash 14. Buying a powdered wigg 15. Writing everything with long s's like thif submifsion. 16. Catching cholera and living 17. Riding on the first steam packet in 1807 18. Riding on George Stephensons rocket in 1825 19. Catching syphilis or smallpox and surviving 20. Evangelising on a pacific island for the London Mifsionary Society 21. Buying a sheet of penny blacks and two penny blues in London on May 6th 1840 22. Wearing a crinoline in publick. 23. Meeting Alexander Pushkin 24. Observing the battle of Waterloo 25. Being at Queen Victoria's coronation 26. Getting one of my liveried servants to write the other 74 tasks.
Word to wise, never challenge a History Teacher on these matters. Got some kind of love for you, and I don't even know your name | |
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1.) watching music awards show and seeing top entertainers fill the seats and act like fans themselves, they would dance and clap and cheer on the ones performing 2.) skating rinks 3.) Saturday morning cartoons 4.) the youthful thrill of amusement parks especially when lit at night 5.) nastolgia of weekend 2 full week camping, being in the boyscouts 6.) How young my parents aunts & uncles were 7.) Prince culture 8.) dad taking us to the computer store to pick out the next family game for our Atari system 9.) arcades 10.) movies like the Breakfast Club, Terminator, | |
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what no hangings or beheadings now im disappointed Smurf theme song-seriously how many fucking "La Las" can u fit into a dam song ![]() Proud Wendy and Lisa Fancy Lesbian asskisser ![]() | |
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1. Atari - 2600, 5200, 7200
2. Saturday Morning Wrestling - AWA-9AM , UWF-10AM, WWF-11AM and NWA-12PM
3. Catch a girl freak a girl - yeah we were some fresh ass little kids in Philly, LOL!!!
4. The Golden Era Of Hip Hop
5. Block Parties that went on all day in the summer, normally around mid August in my neighborhood
6. Thursday Nights on NBC
7. Playing Piccinio for pennies with my grandmom, sister, and brother
8. Playing in the water plug in the summer
9. Slap Boxing tournaments with my friends, lol!!
10. The Music - OF COURSE!!! LOL! | |
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A.K.A. "HIDE & GO GITIT!!!" i bet that game been played since slave days i am KING BAD!!!
you are NOT... ![]() STOP ME IF YOU HEARD THIS BEFORE... | |
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LOL | |
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1. Prince everything about him, his looks, his music, his tours, the time, the girls, etc. 2. Tower Records, Theater, Books and Video- living in Sacramento Tower was my everything. I wanted to work there soooo bad. There were times when the only checks I wrote were for rent, utilities and Tower. 3. Going to the movies for free- I had 7 friends who worked at various theaters, I swear I didn't pay for a movie for 5 years LOL. I saw every foreign film that came to town and saw Rocky Horror every friday for a year and a half until they changed the midnight movie. LOL 4. Driving to the Bay Area to look for Prince stuff and sometimes look for him LOL. He spent a lot of time there and everyone knew when he was in town because the radio stations would announce when he was spotted at the airport. 5. Driving to LA to look for Prince stuff and sometimes him, and if I was lucky seeing that purple beemer parked in the parking lot at sunset sound. 6. My old friends 7. Wearing a size 7 8. my mama kitty 9. 80's British Pop, Wham, Duran Duran, Howard Jones, Tears for Fears, thank goodness for the 80's on 8 10. Being excited about Prince, I truly miss that. I have glimpsed it a few times in the last 15 years but it's nothing like the 80's. ![]() We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color. Maya Angelou | |
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1 -10. Extended versions! Shame that most of the current songs suck 2 hard 2 B extended. | |
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Aw, damn. I can remember playing Hide & Go Get It back in the late 70's. I was only like 10 years old.
It was fun playing that game in the projects(San Francisco's Western Addition)because there was a lot of places to hide. The hunt was almost as fun as whatever came afterwards.
You ain't lying about the longevity of H&GGI. Crazy [Edited 7/14/12 18:17pm] Rest in Peace Bettie Boo. See u soon. | |
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Ὅσον ζῇς φαίνου
μηδὲν ὅλως σὺ λυποῦ πρὸς ὀλίγον ἐστὶ τὸ ζῆν τὸ τέλος ὁ χρόνος ἀπαιτεῖ.” | |
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1. The fabulous sunsets from the deck of the old farm house.
2. Watching my kids grow and learn.
3. Riding my Harley everywhere.
4. Fresh eggs from the hen house.
5. Being able to party til dawn and then go to work.
6. Having to climb out on the roof to turn the antena to tune in one of three available tv stations.
7. My 1970 Chevy El Camino. Sweet ride.
8. My Dalmation 'Libby'.
9. My Fila Braselerio 'Killer'.
10. Beavis and Butthead. | |
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Hell, the standard four minutes is too long to listen to the current bullshit, let alone extended out to eight minutes. Andy is a four letter word. | |
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Can't think of 5 more things that I miss, so sue me [Edited 7/15/12 10:48am] Hey... | |
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I'll leave it alone babe...just be me | |
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