Smart man. Same here. My friend Dustin says I am "paranoid" when it comes to taking risks; as he is a huge risk taker.
I have dabbled in random drugs just to have the experiences though..not for any type of comfort of the drug in itself. To be able to tell a story and live a different way for a couple hours. Straight Jacket Funk Affair
Album plays and love for vinyl records. | |
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Sometimes you don't know what's in the chasm until you leap into it. My most fun and happy times have usually started by taking a risk. My most boring and stagnant times are what happens when I don't. may display symptoms of sarcasm | |
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I'm totally always in my safe zone, but I think looking back on my life I have engaged in some very risky behaviours. I've taken risks not calculated enough in hindsight, but I'm still OK I'm the mistake you wanna make | |
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Ex-Moderator | I don't think of myself as a risk taker but it's all relative.
I have an aunt who thinks I'm the most adventurous person she knows. She thought it was plain CRAZY that I traveled to Thailand by myself, that kinda thing. And showing up in a coutnry where I don't speak the language and only knew a few people was pretty far out of my comfort zone.
And yet my bf thinks I play everything completly safe. He wishes I'd move out of my comfort zone more often. I'm a planner and organizer by nature and if I don't quite know how something's going to work out, I'll usually avoid it. I guess that means I taek calculated risks. |
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Is there an AGE when you stop being adventurous and start playing it safe? By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory! | |
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Ex-Moderator |
I don't think age changes things on it's own, but responsibilities that generally come with getting older might. Getting married, having kids, a mortgage, aging parents, etc. all add to being responsible for more than just yourself, which tends to necessitate more responsible behavior.
But you can get older without all of those things. I've got a mortgage and a boyfriend now, but I'm still able to be as risky as I want, for the most part. And I'm 37. |
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I suppose so...
...BUT...say you marry and have kids by the age of 25. At that age, would you still be inherently more "adventurous" than - say - someone who just marries & starts a family at age 45?
IMO - it's probably a combination of genetics, upbringing, and status in life.
But, I would venture to say that the older you get, the wiser you become (hopefully), and the less likely you are to take needless risks. By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory! | |
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I'm a risk taker, but in a managed sort of way. Getting up on stage (or doing television) would be considered risky by (and scare the bejeebers out of) most people, I think. But I've done it pretty much my whole life, so it doesn't seem that risky, to me.
I am not the kind of person to jump out of a plane or off a bridge, though. We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves. | |
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Risk taker. No fear. No regrets. | |
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