PurpleJedi said:
HotGritz said:
Hi PJ 
I think we have had enough pyschologist, therapists, mental health expersts etc who have shown us that on average, teenagers are just not that mature - and that's just here in the States, the rest of the world have their own milestones for maturity. As for size, that's probably irrelevant. You are whatever size depending on your parents e.g. if your parents and grandparents are short then you will most likely be short. If your parents were bigfoots like Shaq O'Neal well.....you won't be short. Incidentally his 10 year old looks 14 but whatevs, she acts like she's 8.
Psychological makeup is definitely key and its the reason why we don't allow teens to vote until they're 18 or drink until they're 21 or join the military and kill at 18. There is good reason why teenage male drivers have higher auto insurance rates than their older male counterparts or even females the same age.
Now don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying this kid was traumatized and has had his life ruined. My focus is on this grown woman who should know better than to bed her own student who is a minor. I can't imagine why any adult, male or female, would want to risk their career and reputation and freedom all for some teen ass when there is plenty of adult ass to go around AND when all you have to do is wait until that teen gets OF AGE to where society can't do anything to you.
For me personally, age is more than a number. I aint Anna Nicole Smith and I aint Mary Kay Letourneau. Jus sayin' some things aren't worth the price attached.
Hey HotThang 
I hear what you're saying...but you realize that you used the term TEENAGER, right?
At 16, he's a teen. Teenagers have sex. Lots of it sometimes.
SO...the question here is...did this exceptionally hot cheerleader ten years his senior cause him harm? THAT should be the basis on whether or not she should wind up in the slammer. We're talking about TEN YEARS for giving this kid a good time.
Ethically speaking, yeah she was wrong. Not as wrong as an adult that uses his/her power & authority to coerce a minor into a sexual relationship, especially against their will or better judgement, or when that act traumatizes the child in question.
I did state that we need to determine exactly what type of 16-year old we're delaing with here, which is why I made all those comparisons. A bearded 18 year old with mild retardation could be traumatized more than a babyfaced 14 year old who's been hustling on the streets since he was 12.
So, maybe SOMETIMES age is more than a number, and somtimes it ain't. 
I think that ethics is what it boils down too. When dealing with teachers and students, adults and minors, society has to weigh the benefits of protecting all children against the select few who may be able to and even willing to engage in such relations with their older and hot teachers. In this case, the boy may have been a willing participant and granted the girl is hot but should we let her slide just because she's hot? There was a topic on here a few weeks ago about a California teacher in his mid to late 40s who left his wife/children/job to be with his 18 year old student. Well, he is now behind bars for having relations with a 16 year old some 15 years ago. His 18 year old girlfriend has now left him and said he "needs help". How do we know the boy in this case, although supportive of Sarah today, will not come back 5-10 years from now and say he was taken advantage of? Bottom line is adults need to steer clear of kids and save themselves some legal drama and societal judgement. The dick/pussy aint going NOWHERE! You can wait till they turn 18.