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Thread started 08/23/11 5:39am



I cut my finger and it has been bleeding for an hour and a half....

I cut it on a tuna fish can and it looks to be a little deep. I have tried everything. Applying pressure with a wet dish rag first. Then a paper towel. Then a bandaid, except it was such a big ass bandaid, when I wrapped it around my finger, I couldn't bend it. I left that on for about 30 minutes and then took it off and the damn thing was still bleeding.

Then, I remembered two years ago when I had a tooth pulled, the dentist told me if all else failed stopping the bleeding, to apply pressure with a tea bag. Luckily, I had made tea this evening and the tea bag was still in the coffee maker. That seemed to do the trick and made it stop bleeding. Then, I went to the sink to run water on it and rinse it off so I could apply some triple antibiotic ointment to it. Well, that damn water stung like hell and made the damn thing start back bleeding. I ran and got the tea bag back out of the trash. It looks like it's about stopped but if I press it with my finger, it starts oozing. So I guess I'm not supposed to get it wet?

Any ideas?




[Edited 8/22/11 22:41pm]

Andy is a four letter word.
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Reply #1 posted 08/23/11 5:43am



Ahh suck it up and be a man biggrin Just kidding. Go get a old bandana and put alcohol on it, and wrap it around your finger.

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Reply #2 posted 08/23/11 5:48am



I certainly can't give you any medical advice beacause I'm not qualified in any way but if your blood isn't clotting properly or your cut is deeper than you know, please get someone to drive you to the ER if there's no Free Clinic nearby. If the cut is near a finger joint where it bends, that's a difficult place to keep still. Get it checked out ASAP.

Jeux Sans Frontiers
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Reply #3 posted 08/23/11 5:48am



It sounds like you might need stitches. You should go to the ER,and have it checked out.

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Berthold Auerbach
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Reply #4 posted 08/23/11 5:49am


did you try pouring a little bit of hydrogen peroxide on the cut? that always works for me. hug

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Reply #5 posted 08/23/11 5:50am


EmeraldSkies said:

It sounds like you might need stitches. You should go to the ER,and have it checked out.

or this might be a good idea if nothing seems to be working. hope you are all better soon!rose

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Reply #6 posted 08/23/11 5:50am


Are you anemic? It's unusual that you should be bleeding still.

I think black tea is by far the best tea. There's a type of acid in black tea that speeds up healing of cuts and scrapes.

White vinegar is supposed ot help stop bleeding without pain.

I'm also told the following work:

1. a little bit of sugar on the wound to slow the bleeding

2. a very cold bag of ice on the wound

3. and believe it or not, spider webs slow the bleeding.

But to heal the cut, use black tea.

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Reply #7 posted 08/23/11 5:56am


imago said:

Are you anemic? It's unusual that you should be bleeding still.

I think black tea is by far the best tea. There's a type of acid in black tea that speeds up healing of cuts and scrapes.

White vinegar is supposed ot help stop bleeding without pain.

I'm also told the following work:

1. a little bit of sugar on the wound to slow the bleeding

2. a very cold bag of ice on the wound

3. and believe it or not, spider webs slow the bleeding.

But to heal the cut, use black tea.

spider webs? eek

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Reply #8 posted 08/23/11 6:05am



Thanks y'all. The tea bag seemed to do the trick again for a second time. I know I'm not going to run water on it again though. I just dried it with a paper towel and put some ointment on it and have been trying to keep the cut closed. No, it's not near where my finger bends, it's on the side of my finger next to my fingernail. When I said I couldn't bend my finger, I was referring to the huge bandaid I had placed on it. It was a big bandaid I had left over from when I had scraped my elbow last year.

It serves me right though for being weak and going in there and trying to make a late night snack and cheat on my diet. The Lord works in mysterious ways. lol

Andy is a four letter word.
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Reply #9 posted 08/23/11 6:06am



I always knew one day it would be a fish that cut you deep.
surviving on the thought of loving you, it's just like the water
I ain't felt this way in years...
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Reply #10 posted 08/23/11 6:07am


kimrachell said:

imago said:

Are you anemic? It's unusual that you should be bleeding still.

I think black tea is by far the best tea. There's a type of acid in black tea that speeds up healing of cuts and scrapes.

White vinegar is supposed ot help stop bleeding without pain.

I'm also told the following work:

1. a little bit of sugar on the wound to slow the bleeding

2. a very cold bag of ice on the wound

3. and believe it or not, spider webs slow the bleeding.

But to heal the cut, use black tea.

spider webs? eek

I know, I know. But considering the things Andy puts in his mouth, spider webs on a cut shouldn't be a big deal! razz

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Reply #11 posted 08/23/11 6:09am



KidaDynamite said:

I always knew one day it would be a fish that cut you deep.

spit falloff

Andy is a four letter word.
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Reply #12 posted 08/23/11 6:11am



imago said:

kimrachell said:

spider webs? eek

I know, I know. But considering the things Andy puts in his mouth, spider webs on a cut shouldn't be a big deal! razz


I still don't see how spider webs would stop bleeding though.

Andy is a four letter word.
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Reply #13 posted 08/23/11 6:13am


KidaDynamite said:

I always knew one day it would be a fish that cut you deep.







laughing! falloff

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Reply #14 posted 08/23/11 6:13am


-Get the needle and thread out.

-then put a bandaid


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Reply #15 posted 08/23/11 6:36am



TylerHippie said:

Ahh suck it up and be a man biggrin Just kidding. Go get a old bandana and put alcohol on it, and wrap it around your finger.

lol, WTF? What is this, 1945?

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Reply #16 posted 08/23/11 8:27am



vainandy said:

Thanks y'all. The tea bag seemed to do the trick again for a second time. I know I'm not going to run water on it again though. I just dried it with a paper towel and put some ointment on it and have been trying to keep the cut closed. No, it's not near where my finger bends, it's on the side of my finger next to my fingernail. When I said I couldn't bend my finger, I was referring to the huge bandaid I had placed on it. It was a big bandaid I had left over from when I had scraped my elbow last year.

It serves me right though for being weak and going in there and trying to make a late night snack and cheat on my diet. The Lord works in mysterious ways. lol

Fingertips are highly vascular, hence it's always disturbing to get cut in this area. I cut my finger once while doing DIY. I put a bandage and tied a tourniquet around my wrist to make it stop bleeding then waited for the morning after to take it off. Didn't even need stitches yet the cut was really deep.

Is there any place of refuge one can flee from this insanity
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Reply #17 posted 08/23/11 9:18am



Is he still alive? smile

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Reply #18 posted 08/23/11 9:37am




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Reply #19 posted 08/23/11 10:36am



MarySharon said:

vainandy said:

Thanks y'all. The tea bag seemed to do the trick again for a second time. I know I'm not going to run water on it again though. I just dried it with a paper towel and put some ointment on it and have been trying to keep the cut closed. No, it's not near where my finger bends, it's on the side of my finger next to my fingernail. When I said I couldn't bend my finger, I was referring to the huge bandaid I had placed on it. It was a big bandaid I had left over from when I had scraped my elbow last year.

It serves me right though for being weak and going in there and trying to make a late night snack and cheat on my diet. The Lord works in mysterious ways. lol

Fingertips are highly vascular, hence it's always disturbing to get cut in this area. I cut my finger once while doing DIY. I put a bandage and tied a tourniquet around my wrist to make it stop bleeding then waited for the morning after to take it off. Didn't even need stitches yet the cut was really deep.

You're lucky you still have your hand.

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #20 posted 08/23/11 10:45am



u may need a tetanus shot nod

and that HuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRttttttttttttttttttttttttttS!!!!!

otherwise im sure u will live!!

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
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Reply #21 posted 08/23/11 11:07am



Good to know that you still can type and report to us about your fishy incident.

99% of my posts are ironic. Maybe this post sides with the other 1%.
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Reply #22 posted 08/23/11 11:29am




next time hold your hand high over your head, it's harder to pump all that blood uphill and gravity helps. If the bleeding is REALLY bad apply solid pressure to the inside of you bicep by pinching your arm withyour thumb. You'll pinch the artery and the bleeding will stop.


go see a Doctor... nod

A working class Hero is something to be ~ Lennon
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Reply #23 posted 08/23/11 11:41am



Genesia said:

MarySharon said:

Fingertips are highly vascular, hence it's always disturbing to get cut in this area. I cut my finger once while doing DIY. I put a bandage and tied a tourniquet around my wrist to make it stop bleeding then waited for the morning after to take it off. Didn't even need stitches yet the cut was really deep.

You're lucky you still have your hand.

No I'm not lucky, I just tried to act with wisdom and not to panic in vain.

It was 3am and my man was 800 kms away from me. By night our local 911 (15 in France) is so saturated that it would have taken like 3 hours to the doctor to come to my place and check me on the spot (imagine the blood loss meanwhile!). Anyway I disinfected my finger before putting the bandage so my hand couldn't have become gangrenous. The morning after I removed the touniquet, changed the bandage and bought adhesive sutures at the pharmacy. One just need to know first-aid steps. cool

[Edited 8/23/11 5:15am]

Is there any place of refuge one can flee from this insanity
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Reply #24 posted 08/23/11 11:42am


Spinlight said:

TylerHippie said:

Ahh suck it up and be a man biggrin Just kidding. Go get a old bandana and put alcohol on it, and wrap it around your finger.

lol, WTF? What is this, 1945?

Tyler Hippie MUST be a troll. He can't not be. Why does his profile have two different peoples photos?

[Edited 8/23/11 4:45am]

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Reply #25 posted 08/23/11 12:52pm



Do you know I got up this morning and the damn thing is oozing two tiny drops of blood from each end of it? I had it completely stopped last night. I don't know, maybe I slept on it wrong or something. I just simply pulled the tea bag back out of the trash and that stopped it again. If someone had recommended a tea bag years ago, I would have thought they were crazy. I've got that tea bag in one of my ashtrays in case I need it again since it seems to be the only thing that works. I just can't understand why it still wants to bleed even a little bit after all these hours. I must have cut it deep. I do take blood pressure and cholesterol medicine though. I wonder if that may have thinned my blood and makes it harder to clot.

Andy is a four letter word.
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Reply #26 posted 08/23/11 12:55pm



imago said:

Are you anemic? It's unusual that you should be bleeding still.

I think black tea is by far the best tea. There's a type of acid in black tea that speeds up healing of cuts and scrapes.

White vinegar is supposed ot help stop bleeding without pain.

I'm also told the following work:

1. a little bit of sugar on the wound to slow the bleeding

2. a very cold bag of ice on the wound

3. and believe it or not, spider webs slow the bleeding.

But to heal the cut, use black tea.

I thought this was just some hooey I read in a stephen King Novel..."Lisey's Story"

i guess not shrug

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Reply #27 posted 08/23/11 12:56pm



vainandy said:

Do you know I got up this morning and the damn thing is oozing two tiny drops of blood from each end of it? I had it completely stopped last night. I don't know, maybe I slept on it wrong or something. I just simply pulled the tea bag back out of the trash and that stopped it again. If someone had recommended a tea bag years ago, I would have thought they were crazy. I've got that tea bag in one of my ashtrays in case I need it again since it seems to be the only thing that works. I just can't understand why it still wants to bleed even a little bit after all these hours. I must have cut it deep. I do take blood pressure and cholesterol medicine though. I wonder if that may have thinned my blood and makes it harder to clot.

try gluing it shut with superglu. sounds wacky but they actually do make something called skin glue for just such occasions.

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Reply #28 posted 08/23/11 12:57pm



vainandy said:

Do you know I got up this morning and the damn thing is oozing two tiny drops of blood from each end of it? I had it completely stopped last night. I don't know, maybe I slept on it wrong or something. I just simply pulled the tea bag back out of the trash and that stopped it again. If someone had recommended a tea bag years ago, I would have thought they were crazy. I've got that tea bag in one of my ashtrays in case I need it again since it seems to be the only thing that works. I just can't understand why it still wants to bleed even a little bit after all these hours. I must have cut it deep. I do take blood pressure and cholesterol medicine though. I wonder if that may have thinned my blood and makes it harder to clot.

yeah. I think those have thinning agents. My dad would get a knick on his arm and it would bleed for days. abuot 3 mo's after he stopped taking them it went away.

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Reply #29 posted 08/23/11 12:57pm



XxAxX said:

vainandy said:

Do you know I got up this morning and the damn thing is oozing two tiny drops of blood from each end of it? I had it completely stopped last night. I don't know, maybe I slept on it wrong or something. I just simply pulled the tea bag back out of the trash and that stopped it again. If someone had recommended a tea bag years ago, I would have thought they were crazy. I've got that tea bag in one of my ashtrays in case I need it again since it seems to be the only thing that works. I just can't understand why it still wants to bleed even a little bit after all these hours. I must have cut it deep. I do take blood pressure and cholesterol medicine though. I wonder if that may have thinned my blood and makes it harder to clot.

try gluing it shut with superglu. sounds wacky but they actually do make something called skin glue for just such occasions.

nod by time the glue breaks away from the skin your cut'll be healed

[Edited 8/23/11 5:58am]

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