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Thread started 07/29/11 9:46pm


In need of Advice

Hi org,I need some advice.I'm 21 years old and live at home with my dad and stepmom.I get disability for depression.I help them out with bills but lately things havent been going to good.My stepmom and dad are both pills poppers.My stepmom has sicle cell and is addicted to pills.She goes to the hospital a lot,so far shes been 45 times this year.Me and her dont get along.Shes told me the only reason I'm living with them is cuz nobodyelse wants me.But my cousin says I can go live with her.My dad is addicted to sleeping pills,he will get up in the middle of the night and do stuff that he doesnt remember doing the next day.Anyways 2nite I came home and he was trying to take The TV apart and called me a stupid boy 4 giving a 3 day old plate of food to the dog cuz my dad claimed he wanted it and he saw me give it to the dog earlier today.I'm just very stressed.I get $670 but only get to keep $100 to myself and give them the rest for bills.When Im at home I stay in my room cuz we have 6 cats living in our small trailer and they all belong to my stepmom.

[Edited 7/29/11 21:51pm]

  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #1 posted 07/29/11 9:59pm



wow....that's a tuff situation. U need to move out...legitimtely, but can't afford to. I don' tknow what to tell ya. I'm just fortunate my disability check(crohn's disease) has more wiggle room. That amount is TOUGH!

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Reply #2 posted 07/29/11 9:59pm


Whats worst is that a few of them piss on things.They piss on the dvds in the living room and piss on the kitchen counter.They even leave manuer on the carpet.I think 6 cats is a bit 2 much.I cant go out of my room without fear of getting peed on.Nobody should live like that.I'm hardly ever home.During the day,I spend my time taking care of my grandparents who are in their 80s and can barely do anything for theirselves.Tonight I came home and my bedroom door was opened with cats in it.My dad says he didnt open it but he was doped up.So i just dont know how much i can take with the cats pissing everywhere,not getting along with my stepmom,and my dad being messed up on pills and falling everywhere throughout the house.Also,I pay my dads child support out of my check cuz hes unemployed.I would feel kinda gulity leaving him like that.But my stepmom gets $600 a month.If i were to go stay with my cousin i would have more money to myself.

[Edited 7/29/11 22:07pm]

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Reply #3 posted 07/29/11 10:11pm



I would look for a small room to rent on craigslist maybe. I was in a similar situation before. that's what I did. helpd temporarily...but I did end up moving again.

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Reply #4 posted 07/29/11 10:24pm


BobGeorge909 said:

I would look for a small room to rent on craigslist maybe. I was in a similar situation before. that's what I did. helpd temporarily...but I did end up moving again.

thanks for ur advice but i wouldnt mind living with my cousin.
  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #5 posted 07/30/11 1:26am



Move in with your cousin as soon as possible ( YESTERDAY!), and don't look back. Your Dad & step-Mom are taking advantage of you! My guess is they're also playing on your emotions. GET OUT OF THERE! You're being used ( wonder you're depressed).

"There's Nothing That The Proper Attitude Won't Render Funkable!"

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Reply #6 posted 07/30/11 1:36am



dance4me3121 said:

Also,I pay my dads child support out of my check cuz hes unemployed.I would feel kinda gulity leaving him like that.

Stop that right now! Your Dad's child support is not your responsibility. And feeling guilty is what he WANTS you to feel. Again, you're being used. Big time. You're also enabling your Dad to sit around all drugged out. Okay, I'm done. Good Luck.

"There's Nothing That The Proper Attitude Won't Render Funkable!"

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Reply #7 posted 07/30/11 1:46am




PDogz nailed it 100%...

get out and live YOUR life!! It might help with your depression.

Start small, find a room to rent in a house. Don't look for an apartment, they're expensive. Learn to cook on a hot plate in one pot. Even better if you find a shared kitchen.

Good luck!

A working class Hero is something to be ~ Lennon
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Reply #8 posted 07/30/11 6:41am


Is this real??

If it is, get out.

  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #9 posted 07/30/11 8:14am



Lisa10 said:

Is this real??

That was my same thought. The situation is soooooo OUTRAGEOUS, that I considered that it might have been a joke, or troll bait, lol. Respectfully, the OP is living with a bunch of losers, and they'll pull him down as well. He's got to get out of there, far away. The people he's living with don't give a damn about him. They're only using him for his check.

Paying Dad's child support so he can lay around and pop pills?!? disbelief Cats pissing and shitting all over the place?!? disbelief On top of everything else, that place is a bio-hazard! Again, no wonder the OP is depressed. I'd be depressed too!

"There's Nothing That The Proper Attitude Won't Render Funkable!"

  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #10 posted 07/30/11 8:38am


I agree with Pdogz, move in with you cousin if it means better living arrangements and don't look back.

The current situation sounds dysfunctional and if the parents don't behave responsibility it isn't your problem 3121. You have every right to do what's best for yourself.

Prince, in you I found a kindred spirit...Rest In Paradise.
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Reply #11 posted 07/30/11 8:43am


Lisa10 said:

Is this real??

If it is, get out.

yes its real
  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #12 posted 07/30/11 11:20am


PDogz said:

Lisa10 said:

Is this real??

That was my same thought. The situation is soooooo OUTRAGEOUS, that I considered that it might have been a joke, or troll bait, lol. Respectfully, the OP is living with a bunch of losers, and they'll pull him down as well. He's got to get out of there, far away. The people he's living with don't give a damn about him. They're only using him for his check.

Paying Dad's child support so he can lay around and pop pills?!? disbelief Cats pissing and shitting all over the place?!? disbelief On top of everything else, that place is a bio-hazard! Again, no wonder the OP is depressed. I'd be depressed too!


  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #13 posted 07/30/11 11:31am



sad it's so very sad that your family treat you this way.

You need to leave, you need to get your own life nod

i hope you do it... i pray you find happiness pray

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #14 posted 07/30/11 11:50am


Bad things might happen if you leave. You look at your family and realize that they are not being so functional. you know that they depend on you but rather than giving you credit for generosity, they want you to feel as though it isn't much. They are trying to make you feel bad to keep you down on their level. If you were doing something verywrong and inconsiderate, it might be different for them to feel compelled to hold some remorse or aggravation towards you, but at this point there doesn't seem to be an indication of that. If there is nothing you've left out.... that might explain why it sounds like they have given up making this a *good* situation where you are concerned rather than just a way to get by... then you shouldn't feel guilty for leaving... because once you do, they will be looking around at each other and the conveniences that they now DON'T have since you are gone and they will have to confront their issues, or a least some of them. That might do them some good. that might actually just help them face what is going wrong in their own lives because it sounds to me that they are not really living- just passing the time. the situation, for whatever reason... has become stalemate. If you want to help them, you'd quietly leave without incident and then listen and observe to what they say after the fact. Don't bother condemning or blaming or explaining why you had to leave if you can not do this with your family sitting down like adults. Just let it be your choice wich you are certainly entitled to.... and just observe. I say just observe that way in case the shit hits the fan over there at your folks place, mabe you can keep one of them out of jail or something if it makes you feel better about leaving. what I'm saying is you obviously don't want to burn the bridge... so don't. Don't condemn, just leave and let them live their crazy lives and if they need help and you can help without hurting yourself, maybe you can turn around somehow and help these dysfunctional people.

...a but you know that even a choice that you are entitled to make is something that might give them resentment for leaving them. That's an illusion and you know better. They might not even really believe this but are generating this illusion and trying to make you believe it because that is how deception and manipulation works. on't try to sort out their lie... they will notcome off of it ESPECIALLY if they know better... so wy open the arguement? Don't try to explain to them what they did wrong. just leave and when they say WHY!???

uh... because you wanted to?... and smile. You did nothing wrong. It's your life. If they don't react that way, look at them like they have lost their minds and slowly back away. Don't respond to manipulation like that. It's not normal. Don't let people feed you bullshit and try to argue with them about it with a mouth full of filth. just sowly, calmly back away.

people have a way of biting their own self in the ass if you let them and when they do... is it your fault?

No, it isn't. ...and the more you DON'T try to explain or argue the less angry words will get said, the less you will have to think about later (in this case... in some cases I will argue till I'm blue in the face)

If you've done nothing wrong, walk right out the dor as if you have done nothing wrong and don't worry about trying to convince anyone otherwise. If you can't say you know that for sure... you might have some other things to consider first in the process of leaving but without knowing what that could be...

  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #15 posted 07/30/11 12:29pm



Wishing you the best.


[Edited 8/7/11 8:28am]

"There's Nothing That The Proper Attitude Won't Render Funkable!"

  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #16 posted 07/30/11 2:44pm


You're propping up your family. You know this and are reluctant to leave. But the dysfunction of it is oppressing you. Because you need your own healthy support system.

1) Moving out doesn't mean you leave your family to collapse.

2) You also can contact whatever social services/human services in your city or state that could aid with your elder relatives' care.

3) Your father's child support issue is a court matter.

4) The earlier poster who said things could turn bad (at least in the short term) was right. But there are agencies that can help whatever transitions follow your departure.

5) But your primary concern needs to be your own immediate holistic health.

  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #17 posted 07/30/11 3:00pm



ThreadBare said:

You're propping up your family. You know this and are reluctant to leave. But the dysfunction of it is oppressing you. Because you need your own healthy support system.

1) Moving out doesn't mean you leave your family to collapse.

2) You also can contact whatever social services/human services in your city or state that could aid with your elder relatives' care.

3) Your father's child support issue is a court matter.

4) The earlier poster who said things could turn bad (at least in the short term) was right. But there are agencies that can help whatever transitions follow your departure.

5) But your primary concern needs to be your own immediate holistic health.


"There's Nothing That The Proper Attitude Won't Render Funkable!"

  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #18 posted 07/31/11 8:51pm



dance4me3121 said:

Hi org,I need some advice.I'm 21 years old and live at home with my dad and stepmom.I get disability for depression.I help them out with bills but lately things havent been going to good.My stepmom and dad are both pills poppers.My stepmom has sicle cell and is addicted to pills.She goes to the hospital a lot,so far shes been 45 times this year.Me and her dont get along.Shes told me the only reason I'm living with them is cuz nobodyelse wants me.But my cousin says I can go live with her.My dad is addicted to sleeping pills,he will get up in the middle of the night and do stuff that he doesnt remember doing the next day.Anyways 2nite I came home and he was trying to take The TV apart and called me a stupid boy 4 giving a 3 day old plate of food to the dog cuz my dad claimed he wanted it and he saw me give it to the dog earlier today.I'm just very stressed.I get $670 but only get to keep $100 to myself and give them the rest for bills.When Im at home I stay in my room cuz we have 6 cats living in our small trailer and they all belong to my stepmom.

[Edited 7/29/11 21:51pm]

Move out on your own if at all possible.

If you just can't; well, you just said your cousin said you can stay with them right? So get the hell out while the getting is good.

"I don't think you'd do well in captivity." - random person's comment to me the other day
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