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Reply #30 posted 07/29/11 8:03am


Like everyone has said, I think you've reached the point where it's enough right now lol I had a similar experience with one person and it just keeps going. He's messing with you because he knows you'll just take him back. If I were you, I'd cut of contact with him and move on. You deserve better nod

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Reply #31 posted 07/29/11 8:20am


becareful not to let strong physical attraction rule the mind or forget the heart. horizontal compatibility does not supercede the vertical time spent together. if love making is mostly for forgiving and mending the relationship then go figure, you should have the answer yourself.

(respectfully) my twocents worth

“Transracial is a term that has long since been defined as the adoption of a child that is of a different race than the adoptive parents,” :
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Reply #32 posted 07/29/11 9:32am



PunkMistress said:

SaraWright10 said:

First of all thank you to EVERYONE for your input. Really, it helps so much and I'm such a sucker when it comes to this stuff.

Secondly, Jers, he's actually 29 (10 years older than I) so I have no idea WHY he hasn't grown up yet? shrug I just don't understand WHAT the deal is honestly..

Even worse. disbelief

Please stop trying to figure him out. It doesn't matter why he's an immature douche, only that you deserve better.

I have a strong feeling he dates younger girls because women his age have stopped putting up with his shit.



I'm firmly planted in denial
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Reply #33 posted 07/29/11 9:33am



PunkMistress said:

Ace said:

Send him this:


co- worship

I'm firmly planted in denial
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Reply #34 posted 07/29/11 9:39am



You don't even have to tell him that you are going to be dumping him, just do it, next time he calls don't answer the phone, as for you, delete his number. Trust me, drama feeding little boys always go home crying when they don't get their way. After the first few calls that you ignore (because after the first call you ignore he just isn't going to believe that you are putting him on ignore...all drama queens do that mess) he'll get the hint and eventually stop calling. Move on. Thank goodness its only been 4 months and not 4 years wasted.

I will forever love and miss sweet Prince.
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Reply #35 posted 07/29/11 1:43pm


JerseyKRS said:

Sara, check this out.

Dump dude and never talk to him again. He isn't your soulmate. He probably isn't what you'll want a year from now.

Say peace and be on the lookout for someone better.

Easy peasy.

Listen to this wiseman - out of his mouth he speaks the truth and his fingers type it!

FFS dump his ass - and get on with your life!

"I may not agree with what you say but I'll fight for your right to say it"
Be proud of who you are not what they want you to be...
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Reply #36 posted 07/29/11 1:47pm


Dump him.

Not only do have no interest in my ex, but if he keeps his stupid mouth running like he has the last year, he's going to be extremly sorry he did.

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Reply #37 posted 07/31/11 1:25pm



imago said:

Dump him.

Not only do have no interest in my ex, but if he keeps his stupid mouth running like he has the last year, he's going to be extremly sorry he did.

I will fucking destroy him.


It's what you make it.
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Reply #38 posted 07/31/11 4:45pm


This thread makes me wonder why romantic relationships are always much more dramatic than one's relationship with friends? Do people expect more from their lovers than they do from their friends? Is it sex that complicate things?







How very Carrie Bradshaw of me lol

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Reply #39 posted 07/31/11 9:23pm



LightOfArt said:

This thread makes me wonder why romantic relationships are always much more dramatic than one's relationship with friends? Do people expect more from their lovers than they do from their friends? Is it sex that complicate things?







How very Carrie Bradshaw of me lol

I'm unsure about that one..

Sex is not the complication in my case as I have never had sex with him, ever lol.

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Reply #40 posted 07/31/11 9:31pm




Then give him a tonk and see how u feel.....if it was good, then give it another couple of weeks......if its bad then tell him to download "Irreplaceable" by Beyonce, listen to it and never talk to u again....


"...because no-one gets there alone." - "...I like the floor. It's the only thing that seems real."
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Reply #41 posted 07/31/11 9:35pm



SexLovely said:


Then give him a tonk and see how u feel.....if it was good, then give it another couple of weeks......if its bad then tell him to download "Irreplaceable" by Beyonce, listen to it and never talk to u again....


falloff falloff falloff

hahahahahahahahahahahahah. this is the best one so far. dying hahahahhaa.

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Reply #42 posted 07/31/11 10:53pm



SaraWright10 said:

SexLovely said:


Then give him a tonk and see how u feel.....if it was good, then give it another couple of weeks......if its bad then tell him to download "Irreplaceable" by Beyonce, listen to it and never talk to u again....


falloff falloff falloff

hahahahahahahahahahahahah. this is the best one so far. dying hahahahhaa.


yeeeeeeeeaaaahhhh! Get stuck in, have some fun, then comeback and let us know how it went (explicitly), then if it goes to shit then, you'll definitely have the upper hand because ladies control the confusing world of relationships, basically because you have vaginas and men want to be in 1 all the then you can basically choose where or when you want him.

"...because no-one gets there alone." - "...I like the floor. It's the only thing that seems real."
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Reply #43 posted 07/31/11 11:19pm


Tell that fool to hit the road, and don't come back!

or....try sexlovely's thang lol

Music, sweet music, I wish I could caress and...kiss, kiss...
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Reply #44 posted 07/31/11 11:43pm


Sounds like y'all are just bored. I'm a firm believer of there being no room for doubt when you find what you are looking for. How could there be a love of your life that would be so questionable?

Love of our life?.... nah.

Something you are just doing?.... yes!.... keep doing it if you want. Maybe it would help to cut through the tape and just not pretend that you two are something you are not and that is deeply in love. Deeply in love doesn't do that, does it?

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Forums > General Discussion > How many times until "enough is enough?"