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WOW.......So sorry.... Dave Is Nuttier Than A Can Of Planters Peanuts...(Ottensen) | |
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I have no words, I am so sorry | |
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I wish we had a hug smiley that didn't smile for moments like this, like for condolences. The way they smile in the smiley makes light of things too much I would like to use one that's serious and didn't seem so flippant. | |
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send me your mother in law!!! | |
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one day of work and you are punching everyone in your path! My Legacy
http://prince.org/msg/8/192731 | |
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Oh, actually as far as pushing a button I meant to say picking up the phone and asking my wife to pick it up at the wet market (that's a minute's walk from our apartment), but that works in a similar way too. Yesterday Mae made me khao phad with veggies, a huge mountain of it, and it was delicious!
My thing right now though is yam het, a spicy and sour cold salad with mushrooms. MY COUSIN WORKS IN A PHARMACY AND SHE SAID THEY ENEMA'D PRANCE INTO OBLIVION WITH FENTONILS!! | |
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naaah it's the pain killers that make me aggro
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SO Austra'ian.
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I'm doing my best!
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I wish I was little bit taller, | |
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Thank you everyone, didnt mean to be so down, but it was the first time I actually felt like speaking about it. I am an orger from way back in the day and only lurk now. That's the reason I've been gone. Again thanks for the kind thoughts
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you know we are here to listen if you feel like pouring it all out, you can practise on us if it might make things easier to speak to your friends and family because you can't keep it all inside of you | |
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"...and If all of this Love Talk ends with Prince getting married to someone other than me, all I would like to do is give Prince a life size Purple Fabric Cloud Guitar that I made from a vintage bedspread that I used as a Christmas Tree Skirt." Tame, Feb | |
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is that Pixie? | |
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Yup, Pixieanne Wheately. "...and If all of this Love Talk ends with Prince getting married to someone other than me, all I would like to do is give Prince a life size Purple Fabric Cloud Guitar that I made from a vintage bedspread that I used as a Christmas Tree Skirt." Tame, Feb | |
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i wish i could be more aggressive i wish i was a better writer i wish my dog could live longer [Edited 7/25/11 19:24pm] | |
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I can not even imagine ~
I am a orgnote away anytime you feel like venting ~
I know with the death of my Mom 4 months ago ~ sometimes I wish there was a nutural person to vent talk/with ...
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FuzzyWitch Ok my last wish is to meet Prince and have a jam session with him on BASS!! I wanna be your lover! | |
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Aggressive....?......why Pickles...in what respect??? Dave Is Nuttier Than A Can Of Planters Peanuts...(Ottensen) | |
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I feel like people like to try to push my buttons because im timid.
I feel like i need to stand up for my self but i just cant seem to do it. Its very hard for me. | |
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that's one reason to talk if you feel like it. I'm sure she thinks about the good times so much... and she should never have to feel like she can't talk about that person so special to her because of bringing anyone down. I'd like for her to think she could tell us what a great guy she had... if she wants to... and we would try to help honor any memory she would like to share. | |
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exactly! | |
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If its not in ur nature 2b that way dont b......ur beautiful the way u r Pickles..... Dave Is Nuttier Than A Can Of Planters Peanuts...(Ottensen) | |
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I met my husband 6 years ago, spring of '05. We started dating Sept 22. 6 months later we found out that he had stage 4 cancer. He fought hard. He loved his mother and his kids. He married me on 8/28/10. He was so strong. Then he got sick when it got cold. I saw him every day and did not see he was dying. He had his up and downs but always bounced back. This time was different. April 7 we got the new that the cancer had spread to his liver and bones (spine mostly) I was fired from my job on the 13th. That was God letting be with him for the last two weeks of his life. He thought he had time. I convinced him to let his mom come from out of state, but really she should have come earlier. From Christmas to April he had lost 45 lbs, he didn't want her to see him like that. But I convinced him to come after Easter and stay for mothers day, she would help me nurse him back, put on weight and make him strong. But I waited too long. By the time she got here he was keep in the hospital after a routine weekly doctor visit. Mom flew in early but after one day he had stopped talking. I should have seen him getting weaker and got his family there, but the doctor said, " sure a visit would be nice But he's not that bad"
Now he had 3 children, 2 came for the first time to visit the week before he died and his oldest that he hadnt seen in years got here 1-2 before he died, on her 18th birthday. By then he was at home with hospice care. He was not speaking when he came home from the hospital. We were not prepared for his downward sprial. We didnt think to have something like a good bye letter for the children. For that my heart breaks for them, they loved their dad. He did his best to take care of them. He visited them, sent them presents, played with them and loved them. He was not a dead beat dad.
My husband became my world. I see him in all the things we did. I believed he would beat the cancer. But because of that I robbed His Mother and Children of important time they could have spent with their Father. I know it wasn't my fault, I truly believe he would not lose the battle, but he did. My husband was a proud man, a Navy man,just like my dad. He just didnt want them to see him so sick, and I went along with it.
you were right, saying these thing outloud, facing the misplaced guilt does help, THANK YOU | |
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Thanks dave
But i still think i need to become alittle more for my own safety..yah know so people wont take advantage. | |
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((((((((((((((((((((hug))))))))))))))))))) 2 u from me. may the spirit of a be with you daily. “Transracial is a term that has long since been defined as the adoption of a child that is of a different race than the adoptive parents,” : https://thinkprogress.org...fb6e18544a | |
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